mirror of https://github.com/falk-werner/webfuse synced 2024-10-27 20:34:10 +00:00
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Falk Werner 07e32757f8
chore(webfuse) Increase test coverage (#34)
* removes unnecessary code

* adds test of wf_status

* adds tests of wf_message

* adds tests of wf_message_queue

* changed branch of coverage badge to display correct results

* moves core tests into separate subdirectory

* increases coverage of timer test

* moves adapter specific tests into separate directory

* moves provider specific tests into separate directory

* adds tests of jsonrpc utilities

* adds tests of jsonrpc request

* adds test of jsonrpc response

* adds tests of jsonrpc server

* adds tests of jsonrpc proxy

* adds integration test (found some issues)

* disables problematic tests

* fixes resource leak: pending timer after cleanup proxy

* fixes order of cleanup to prevent processing pending requests after filesystem shut down

* fixes some memcheck and helgrind errors: initialization of lws_log; setup of client and server

* disabled a test

* fixes error in msleep utility

* fixes deadlock at IntegrationTest using valgrind

* removes unit test code from coverage report

* adds some integration tests

* makes badge show coverage of master

* fixes some coding style issues

* fixes eary trigger of is_connected (provider)

* fixes read error in 32 bit environments\n\ninode is always 64 bit, but variadic wf_impl_jsonrpc_proxy_invoke expects int
2019-05-19 14:33:42 +02:00
.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE fixed some style issues 2019-02-15 00:00:44 +01:00
.settings chore(webfuse): add debugging configurations and launch support (#21) 2019-04-02 22:21:02 +02:00
build feat(webfuse): provide code coverage (#32) 2019-04-27 09:49:43 +02:00
doc feat(webfuse): add multiclient support (#23) 2019-04-17 22:51:16 +02:00
example updates version to 0.2.0 (#33) 2019-04-27 12:34:45 +02:00
include removes shutdown method (#27) 2019-04-26 20:51:24 +02:00
lib/webfuse chore(webfuse) Increase test coverage (#34) 2019-05-19 14:33:42 +02:00
test chore(webfuse) Increase test coverage (#34) 2019-05-19 14:33:42 +02:00
.cproject refactor(mkdockerbuild): extracts common parts (#24) 2019-04-17 17:25:56 +02:00
.gitignore refactor(mkdockerbuild): extracts common parts (#24) 2019-04-17 17:25:56 +02:00
.project feat(webfuse): eclipse cdt project (#17) 2019-03-28 07:43:21 +01:00
.travis.yml feat(webfuse): provide code coverage (#32) 2019-04-27 09:49:43 +02:00
AUTHORS renamed to webfuse 2019-03-26 23:04:53 +01:00
CMakeLists.txt chore(webfuse) Increase test coverage (#34) 2019-05-19 14:33:42 +02:00
install_deps.sh disabled shellcheck warning about unsued variables 2019-02-15 00:07:24 +01:00
Makefile refactor(mkdockerbuild): extracts common parts (#24) 2019-04-17 17:25:56 +02:00
README.md feat(webfuse): provide code coverage (#32) 2019-04-27 09:49:43 +02:00
run-clang-tidy.sh use $\(\) instead of `` 2019-02-22 22:59:10 +01:00
VERSION updates version to 0.2.0 (#33) 2019-04-27 12:34:45 +02:00

Build Status Codacy Badge codecov


webfuse combines libwebsockets and libfuse. It allows ot attach a remote filesystem via websockets.



Many embedded devices, such as smart home or IoT devices are very limited regarding to their (non-volatile) memory resources. Such devices are typically comprised of an embedded linux and a small web server, providing an interface for maintenance purposes.

Some use cases, such as firmware update, require to transfer (larger) files to the device. The firmware file is often stored multiple times on the device:

  1. cached by the web server, e.g. lighttpd
  2. copied to locally, e.g. /tmp
  3. uncompressed, also to /tmp

Techniques like SquashFS help to avoid the third step, since the upgrade file can be mounted directly. RAUC shows the use of SquashFS within an update facility.
However at least one (unecessary) copy of the upload file is needed on the device.

To avoid Steps 1 and 2, it would be great to keep the update file entirely in web server, just like NFS or WebDAV. Unfortunately, NFS is not based on any protocol, natively usable by a web application. WebDAV is based on HTTP, but it needs a server providing the update file.

webfuse solves this problem by using the WebSocket protocol. The emdedded device runs a service, known as webfuse adapter, awaiting incoming connections, e.g. from a web browser. The browser acts as a file system provider, providing the update file to the device.



With webfuse it is possible to implement remote filesystems based on websockets. A reference implementation of such a daemon is provided within the examples. The picture above describes the workflow:

  • The websocket filesystem daemon (webfuse daemon) waits for incoming connections.

  • A remote filesystem provider connects to webfuse daemon via websocket protocol and adds one or more filesystems.
    Note: the examples include such a provider implemented in HTML and JavaScript.

  • Whenever the user makes filesystem requests, such as ls, the request is redirected via webfuse daemon to the connected filesystem provider

Currently all requests are initiated by webfuse daemon and responded by filesystem provider. This may change in future, e.g. when authentication is supported.

Filesystem represenation


To handle multiple filesystems, that are registered by one or more providers, webfuse daemon maintains a directory structure as shown above.

  • mount_point is the entry point of the drectory structure

  • fwupdate is a name defined by the provider when filesystem was registered
    Note: the picture above shows two providers, where both registered a filesystem named "fwupdate"

  • <uuid> is the filesystem id choosen by webfuse daemon to distinguish different filesystems

  • default is a symbolic link maintained by webfuse daemon to identify the default filesystem

This directoy structure allows to handle multiple filesystems registered by multiple providers. It can be used as a kind of service registry, where each filesystem represents a service. The named subdirectores distinguish differend service types. The symbolic link default can be used to identify the default service and the listing of a named subdirectory can be used to list available services of a particular type.

Similar Projects


davfs2 is a Linux file system driver that allows to mount a WebDAV resource. WebDAV is an extension to HTTP/1.1 that allows remote collaborative authoring of Web resources.

Unlike webfuse, davfs2 mounts a remote filesystem locally, that is provided by a WebDAV server. In contrast, webfuse starts a server awaiting client connections to attach the remote file system.


Requests, responses and notifications

There are three types of messages, used for communication between webfuse daemon and filesystem provider. All message types are encoded in JSON and strongly inspired by JSON-RPC.


A request is used by a sender to invoke a method on the receiver. The sender awaits a response from the receiver. Since requests and responses can be sendet or answered in any order, an id is provided in each request to identify it.

  "method": <method_name>,
  "params": <params>,
  "id"    : <id>
Item Data type Description
method_name string name of the method to invoke
params array method specific parameters
id integer id, which is repeated in response


A response is used to answer a prior request. There are two kinds of responses:

Successful Results
   "result": <result>,
   "id": <id>
Item Data type Description
result any request specific result
id integer id, same as request
Error notifications
   "error": {
     "code": <code>
   "id": <id>
Item Data type Description
code integer error code
id integer id, same as request
Error codes
Symbolic name Code Description
GOOD 0 no error
BAD 1 generic error
BAD_NOTIMPLEMENTED 2 method not implemented
BAD_TIMEOUT 3 timeout occured
BAD_BUSY 4 resource busy
BAD_FORMAT 5 invalid formt
BAD_NOENTRY 101 invalid entry
BAD_ACCESS_DENIED 102 access not allowed


Notfications are used to inform a receiver about something. Unlike requests, notifications are not answered. Therefore, an id is not supplied.

  "method": <method_name>,
  "params": <params>
Item Data type Description
method_name string name of the method to invoke
params array method specific parameters

Requests (Adapter -> Provider)


Retrieve information about a filesystem entry by name.

webfuse daemon: {"method": "lookup", "params": [<filesystem>, <parent>, <name>], "id": <id>}
fs provider: {"result": {
    "inode": <inode>,
    "mode" : <mode>,
    "type" : <type>,
    "size" : <size>,
    "atime": <atime>,
    "mtime": <mtime>,
    "ctime": <ctime>
    }, "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
filesystem string name of the filesystem
parent integer inode of parent directory (1 = root)
name string name of the filesystem object to look up
inode integer inode of the filesystem object
mode integer unix file mode
type "file" or "dir" type of filesystem object
size integer required for files; file size in bytes
atime integer optional; unix time of last access
mtime integer optional; unix time of last modification
ctime intefer optional; unix time of last metadata change


Get file attributes.

webfuse daemon: {"method": "getattr", "params": [<filesystem>, <inode>], "id": <id>}
fs provider: {"result": {
    "mode" : <mode>,
    "type" : <type>,
    "size" : <size>,
    "atime": <atime>,
    "mtime": <mtime>,
    "ctime": <ctime>
    }, "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
filesystem string name of the filesystem
inode integer inode of the filesystem object
mode integer unix file mode
type "file" or "dir" type of filesystem object
size integer required for files; file size in bytes
atime integer optional; unix time of last access
mtime integer optional; unix time of last modification
ctime intefer optional; unix time of last metadata change


Read directory contents.
Result is an array of name-inode pairs for each entry. The generic entries "." and ".." should also be provided.

webfuse daemon: {"method": "readdir", "params": [<filesystem>, <dir_inode>], "id": <id>}
fs provider: {"result": [
    {"name": <name>, "inode": <inode>},
    ], "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
filesystem string name of the filesystem
dir_inode integer inode of the directory to read
name integer name of the entry
inode integer inode of the entry


Open a file.

webfuse daemon: {"method": "readdir", "params": [<filesystem>, <inode>, <flags>], "id": <id>}
fs provider: {"result": {"handle": <handle>}, "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
filesystem string name of the filesystem
inode integer inode of the file
flags integer access mode flags (see below)
handle integer handle of the file
Symbolic name Code Description
O_ACCMODE 0x003 access mode mask
O_RDONLY 0x000 open for reading only
O_WRONLY 0x001 open for writing only
O_RDWR 0x002 open for reading an writing
O_CREAT 0x040 create (a new) file
O_EXCL 0x080 open file exclusivly
O_TRUNC 0x200 open file to truncate
O_APPEND 0x400 open file to append


Informs filesystem provider, that a file is closed.
Since close is a notification, it cannot fail.

webfuse daemon: {"method": "close", "params": [<filesystem>, <inode>, <handle>, <flags>], "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
filesystem string name of the filesystem
inode integer inode of the file
handle integer handle of the file
flags integer access mode flags (see open)


Read from an open file.

webfuse daemon: {"method": "close", "params": [<filesystem>, <inode>, <handle>, <offset>, <length>], "id": <id>}
fs provider: {"result": {
    "data": <data>,
    "format": <format>,
    "count": <count>
    }, "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
filesystem string name of the filesystem
inode integer inode of the file
handle integer handle of the file
offset integer Offet to start read operation
length integer Max. number of bytes to read
data integer handle of the file
format string Encoding of data (see below)
count integer Actual number of bytes read
Format Description
"identiy" Use data as is; note that JSON strings are UTF-8 encoded
"base64" data is base64 encoded

Requests (Provider -> Adapter)


Adds a filesystem.

fs provider: {"method": "add_filesytem", "params": [<name>], "id": <id>}
webfuse daemon: {"result": {"id": <name>}, "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
name string name and id of filesystem


Authenticate the provider.
If authentication is enabled, a provider must be authenticated by the adapter before filesystems can be added.

fs provider: {"method": "authenticate", "params": [<type>, <credentials>], "id": <id>}
webfuse daemon: {"result": {}, "id": <id>}
Item Data type Description
type string authentication type (see below)
credentials object credentials to authenticate
authentication types
  • username: authenticate via username and password
    {"username": <username>, "password": <password>}


By default, webfuse daemon will redirect each filesystem call to the first connected provider without any authentication. This might be good for testing purposes or when an external authentication mechanism is used. In some use cases, explicit authentication is needed. Therefore, authentication can be enabled within webfuse daemon.

When authentication is enabled, filesystem calls are only redirected to a connected provider, after authenticate has succeeded.


Enable authentication

Authentication is enabled, if one or more authenticators are registered via wf_server_config.

static bool authenticate(struct wf_credentials * creds, void * user_data)
    char const * username = wf_credentials_get(creds, "username");
    char const * password = wf_credentials_get(creds, "password");

   return ((NULL != username) && (0 == strcmp(username, "bob")) &&
           (NULL != password) && (0 == strcmp(password, "???")));

wf_server_config * config = wf_server_config_create();
wf_server_config_add_authenticator(config, "username", &authenticate, NULL);

wf_server * server = wf_server_create(config);

Authenticator types and credentidals

Each authenticator is identified by a user defined string, called type. The type is provided by the authenticate request, so you can define different authenticators for different authentication types, e.g. username, certificate, token.

Actually, only one type is used: username
It is strongly recommended to prefix custom authenticator types with an underscore (_) to avoid name clashes.

The wf_credentialsstruct represents a map to access credentials as key-value pairs, where both, key and value, are of type string.


The authenticator type username is used to authenticate via username and password. Valid credentials should contain two keys.

  • username refers to the name of the user
  • password refers to the password of the user

Note that no further encryption is done, so this authenticator type should not be used over unencrypted websocket connections.

Build and run

To install dependencies, see below.

cd webfuse
mkdir .build
cd .build
cmake ..
mkdir test
./webfused -m test --document_root=../exmaple/daemon/www --port=4711

Build options

By default, unit tests and example application are enabled. You can disable them using the following cmake options:

  • WITHOUT_TESTS: disable tests
    cmake -DWITHOUT_TESTS=ON ..

  • WITHOUT_EXAMPLE: disable example


Installation from source


wget -O fuse-3.1.1.tar.gz https://github.com/libfuse/libfuse/archive/fuse-3.1.1.tar.gz
tar -xf fuse-3.1.1.tar.gz
cd libfuse-fuse-3.1.1
sudo make install


wget -O libwebsockets-3.1.0.tar.gz https://github.com/warmcat/libwebsockets/archive/v3.1.0.tar.gz
tar -xf libwebsockets-3.1.0.tar.gz
cd libwebsockets-3.1.0
mkdir .build
cd .build
cmake ..
sudo make install


wget -O libjansson-2.12.tar.gz https://github.com/akheron/jansson/archive/v2.12.tar.gz
tar -xf libjansson-2.12.tar.gz
cd jansson-2.12
mkdir .build
cd .build
cmake ..
sudo make install


Installation of GoogleTest is optional webfuse library, but required to compile tests.

wget -O gtest-1.8.1.tar.gz https://github.com/google/googletest/archive/release-1.8.1.tar.gz
tar -xf gtest-1.8.1.tar.gz
cd googletest-release-1.8.1
mkdir .build
cd .build
cmake ..
sudo make install