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# webfuse_provider command line options
Inject a remote filesystem via webfuse.
## Usage
webfuse_provider -u <url> [-p <path>] [-a <cert_path>]
## Options
| Short Option | Long Option | Argument | Description |
| ------------ | ----------- | -------- | ----------- |
| -h | --help | - | print usage and exit |
| -v | --version | - | print version an exit |
| -p | --path | path | path of local filesystem to inject (default: .) |
| -u | --url | url | url of webfuse server |
| -a | --ca-path | path | path of ca file |
## Examples
- inject current directory:
`webfuse_provider -u ws://localhost/`
- inject a given directory:
`webfuse_provider -u ws://localhost/ -p /path/to/directory`
- inject current directory to port 8080:
`webfuse_provider -u ws://localhost:8080/`
- inject current directory via TLS:
`webfuse_provider -u wss://localhost/`
- inject current diectory via TLS using a specific ca:
`webfuse_provider -u wss://localhost/ -a /path/to/server-cert.pem`