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#include <cinttypes>
namespace webfuse
class status
static constexpr int32_t const good = 0;
static constexpr int32_t const bad_e2big = -7; // -E2BIG
static constexpr int32_t const bad_eacces = -13; // -EACCES
static constexpr int32_t const bad_eagain = -11; // -EAGAIN
static constexpr int32_t const bad_ebadf = -9; // -EBADF
static constexpr int32_t const bad_ebusy = -16; // -EBUSY
static constexpr int32_t const bad_edestaddrreq = -89; // -EDESTADDRREQ
static constexpr int32_t const bad_edquot = -122; // -EDQUOT
static constexpr int32_t const bad_eexist = -17; // -EEXIST
static constexpr int32_t const bad_efault = -14; // -EFAULT
static constexpr int32_t const bad_efbig = -27; // -EFBIG
static constexpr int32_t const bad_eintr = -4; // -EINTR
static constexpr int32_t const bad_einval = -22; // -EINVAL
static constexpr int32_t const bad_eio = -5; // -EIO
static constexpr int32_t const bad_eisdir = -21; // -EISDIR
static constexpr int32_t const bad_eloop = -40; // -ELOOP
static constexpr int32_t const bad_emfile = -24; // -EMFILE
static constexpr int32_t const bad_emlink = -31; // -EMLINK
static constexpr int32_t const bad_enametoolong = -36; // -ENAMETOOLONG
static constexpr int32_t const bad_enfile = -23; // -ENFILE
static constexpr int32_t const bad_enodata = -61; // -ENODATA
static constexpr int32_t const bad_enodev = -19; // -ENODEV
static constexpr int32_t const bad_enoent = -2; // -ENOENT
static constexpr int32_t const bad_enomem = -12; // -ENOMEM
static constexpr int32_t const bad_enospc = -28; // -ENOSPC
static constexpr int32_t const bad_enosys = -38; // -ENOSYS
static constexpr int32_t const bad_enotdir = -20; // -ENOTDIR
static constexpr int32_t const bad_enotempty = -39; // -ENOTEMPTY
static constexpr int32_t const bad_enotsup = -95; // -ENOTSUP
static constexpr int32_t const bad_enxio = -6; // -ENXIO
static constexpr int32_t const bad_eoverflow = -75; // -EOVERFLOW
static constexpr int32_t const bad_eperm = -1; // -EPERM
static constexpr int32_t const bad_epipe = -32; // -EPIPE
static constexpr int32_t const bad_erange = -34; // -ERANGE
static constexpr int32_t const bad_erofs = -30; // -EROFS
static constexpr int32_t const bad_etxtbsy = -26; // -ETXTBSY
static constexpr int32_t const bad_exdev = -18; // -EXDEV
static constexpr int32_t const bad_ewouldblock = -11; // -EWOULDBLOCK
status(int32_t value = status::good);
operator int32_t() const;
static status from_fusestatus(int value);
int to_fusestatus() const;
bool is_good() const;
int32_t value_;