You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

128 lines
2.4 KiB

#ifdef _WIN32
#define _tprintf printf
#define _ftprintf fprintf
#define _tcscmp strcmp
#define _ttoi atoi
#define _tcstoui64 strtoull
#define _T(x) x
using namespace LineCount;
#if defined(WIN32) && defined(_UNICODE)
int wmain(int argc, TCHAR **argv)
int main(int argc, char **argv)
// Parse parameters
int arg = 1;
int posparam = 0;
CLineCount::PARAMETERS params;
params.windowsize = -1;
params.workercount = -1;
TCHAR *filename = NULL;
while (arg < argc)
if (_tcscmp(argv[arg], _T("--windowsize")) == 0)
if (arg == argc)
_ftprintf(stderr, _T("missing argument to --windowsize"));
return 1;
_TCHAR *wsstr = argv[arg];
// Check for size multipliers
size_t multiplier = 1;
_TCHAR *lastchar = wsstr + (_tcslen(wsstr) - 1);
if (*lastchar == _T('k') || *lastchar == _T('K'))
multiplier = 1024;
lastchar = 0;
else if (*lastchar == _T('m') || *lastchar == _T('M'))
multiplier = 1024 * 1024;
lastchar = 0;
else if (*lastchar == _T('g') || *lastchar == _T('G'))
multiplier = 1024 * 1024 * 1024;
lastchar = 0;
_TCHAR *endptr;
params.windowsize = ((size_t)_tcstoui64(argv[arg], &endptr, 10)) * multiplier;
else if (_tcscmp(argv[arg], _T("--workercount")) == 0)
if (arg == argc)
_ftprintf(stderr, _T("missing argument to --workercount"));
return 1;
params.workercount = _ttoi(argv[arg]);
if (posparam == 0)
filename = argv[arg];
_ftprintf(stderr, _T("too many arguments"));
return 1;
if (posparam != 1)
_ftprintf(stderr, _T("missing required argument"));
return 1;
// Create line count class
CLineCount lc(&params);
if (!
LCERROR err = lc.lastError();
LCSTRING errstr = lc.lastErrorString();
_ftprintf(stderr, _T("error (%d): %s\n"), err, errstr.c_str());
return err;
// Count lines
if (!lc.countLines(count))
LCERROR err = lc.lastError();
LCSTRING errstr = lc.lastErrorString();
_ftprintf(stderr, _T("error (%d): %s\n"), err, errstr.c_str());
return err;
// Display output
_tprintf(_T(LCLINECOUNTFMT _T("\n")), count);
return 0;