lessons 8, 9, 10, entering 32-bit mode

Carlos Fenollosa 10 years ago
parent adc8463383
commit b9999306a5

@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ but it's good enough to boot, we'll fix this later with a higher language.
As a curiosity, the first GDT entry must be `0x00` to make sure that the
programmer didn't make any mistakes managing addresses.
Furthermore, since the CPU needs to know how long the GDT is, we'll use
Furthermore, the CPU can't directly load the GDT address, but it requires
a meta structure called the "GDT descriptor" with the size (16b) and address
(32b) of our actual GDT.
(32b) of our actual GDT. It is loaded with the `lgdt` operation.
Let's directly jump to the GDT code in assembly. Again, to understand
all the segment flags, refer to the os-dev.pdf document. The theory for
