You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

92 lines
2.7 KiB

import {Component} from '../../lib/vuetranslit.js'
import {GameState, instructions} from '../util/util.js'
import app from '../application.js'
const template = `
<div class='top-level-container'>
<div v-if="current_state === GameState.SizeSelect">
<hr class='separator--line'/>
<h1 class='header_title' id="test">Snake</h1>
<hr class='separator--dot' />
<div id="diminput">
<span class="instructions" v-if='instructions'>{{instructions}}</span><br />
<input type="number" v-model="rowinput"/>
<input type="number" v-model="colinput"/>
<button id='ai-btn' v-bind:class="{ hasai: has_ai, noai: !has_ai }" @click='set_has_ai()'>AI?</button>
<button id='start-btn' v-if="accept_bounds" @click='set_game_state(GameState.Gameplay)'>Start</button>
<div v-if="current_state === GameState.Gameplay">
<board-comp ref="board" v-bind:rows="rowinput" v-bind:cols="colinput" v-bind:cellsize="celldim"></board-comp>
<ai v-if="has_ai"></ai>
<div v-if="current_state === GameState.Fin">
<span class="instructions" id="endcredits" v-if='instructions'>{{instructions.replace('{end}', victory)}}</span>
class TopComponent extends Component {
GameState = GameState
static get tag() { return 'top-comp'; }
static get template() { return template; }
static get props() { return {}; }
current_state = GameState.SizeSelect;
rowinput = 6;
colinput = 6;
has_ai = app.hasAI;
instructions = instructions[this.current_state];
victory = "";
watch_rowinput() {
this.rowinput = parseInt(this.rowinput);
app.rowCount = this.rowinput;
watch_colinput() {
this.colinput = parseInt(this.colinput);
app.colCount = this.colinput;
watch_current_state() {
this.instructions = instructions[this.current_state];
compute_celldim() {
let height = parseInt((window.screen.height - 150) / this.rowinput);
let width = parseInt(window.screen.width / this.colinput);
return Math.min(width, height);
compute_accept_bounds() {
return this.rowinput > 5 && this.colinput > 5 && (!(this.rowinput % 2) || !(this.colinput % 2));
set_game_state(state) {
this.current_state = state;
app.current_state = state;
set_has_ai() {
app.hasAI = !app.hasAI;
this.has_ai = app.hasAI;
on_create() {
app.rowCount = this.rowinput;
app.colCount = this.colinput;
this.current_state = app.get_current_state();
app.tester(async (state,victory) => {
this.current_state = state;
this.instructions = instructions[this.current_state];
if (victory) this.victory = 'win';
else this.victory = 'lose';
export default TopComponent;