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The new test system is written with py.test. These tests are more comprehensive, run faster by an order of magnitude, and are far more maintainable. The tests themselves conform to PEP8.
275 lines
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275 lines
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"""Test clone"""
import os
import re
import pytest
BOOTSTRAP_MSG = 'Bootstrap successful'
'good_remote, repo_exists, force, conflicts', [
(False, False, False, False),
(True, False, False, False),
(True, True, False, False),
(True, True, True, False),
(True, False, False, True),
], ids=[
'bad remote',
'existing repo',
def test_clone(
runner, paths, yadm_y, repo_config, ds1,
good_remote, repo_exists, force, conflicts):
"""Test basic clone operation"""
# determine remote url
remote_url = f'file://{paths.remote}'
if not good_remote:
remote_url = 'file://bad_remote'
old_repo = None
if repo_exists:
# put a repo in the way
old_repo = paths.repo.join('old_repo')
if conflicts:
assert ds1.tracked[0].relative.exists()
# run the clone command
args = ['clone', '-w', paths.work]
if force:
args += ['-f']
args += [remote_url]
run = runner(command=yadm_y(*args))
if not good_remote:
# clone should fail
assert run.failure
assert run.err != ''
assert 'Unable to fetch origin' in run.out
assert not paths.repo.exists()
elif repo_exists and not force:
# can't overwrite data
assert run.failure
assert run.err == ''
assert 'Git repo already exists' in run.out
# clone should succeed, and repo should be configured properly
assert successful_clone(run, paths, repo_config)
# ensure conflicts are handled properly
if conflicts:
assert 'NOTE' in run.out
assert 'Merging origin/master failed' in run.out
assert 'Conflicts preserved' in run.out
# confirm correct Git origin
run = runner(
command=('git', 'remote', '-v', 'show'),
env={'GIT_DIR': paths.repo})
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert f'origin\t{remote_url}' in run.out
# ensure conflicts are really preserved
if conflicts:
# test to see if the work tree is actually "clean"
run = runner(
command=yadm_y('status', '-uno', '--porcelain'),
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out == '', 'worktree has unexpected changes'
# test to see if the conflicts are stashed
run = runner(command=yadm_y('stash', 'list'), cwd=paths.work)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'Conflicts preserved' in run.out, 'conflicts not stashed'
# verify content of the stashed conflicts
run = runner(command=yadm_y('stash', 'show', '-p'), cwd=paths.work)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert '\n+conflict' in run.out, 'conflicts not stashed'
# another force-related assertion
if old_repo:
if force:
assert not old_repo.exists()
assert old_repo.exists()
'bs_exists, bs_param, answer', [
(False, '--bootstrap', None),
(True, '--bootstrap', None),
(True, '--no-bootstrap', None),
(True, None, 'n'),
(True, None, 'y'),
], ids=[
'force, missing',
'force, existing',
'existing, answer n',
'existing, answer y',
def test_clone_bootstrap(
runner, paths, yadm_y, repo_config, bs_exists, bs_param, answer):
"""Test bootstrap clone features"""
# establish a bootstrap
create_bootstrap(paths, bs_exists)
# run the clone command
args = ['clone', '-w', paths.work]
if bs_param:
args += [bs_param]
args += [f'file://{paths.remote}']
expect = []
if answer:
expect.append(('Would you like to execute it now', answer))
run = runner(command=yadm_y(*args), expect=expect)
if answer:
assert 'Would you like to execute it now' in run.out
expected_code = 0
if bs_exists and bs_param != '--no-bootstrap':
expected_code = BOOTSTRAP_CODE
if answer == 'y':
expected_code = BOOTSTRAP_CODE
assert BOOTSTRAP_MSG in run.out
elif answer == 'n':
expected_code = 0
assert BOOTSTRAP_MSG not in run.out
assert successful_clone(run, paths, repo_config, expected_code)
if not bs_exists:
assert BOOTSTRAP_MSG not in run.out
def create_bootstrap(paths, exists):
"""Create bootstrap file for test"""
if exists:
f'echo {BOOTSTRAP_MSG}\n'
f'exit {BOOTSTRAP_CODE}\n')
assert paths.bootstrap.exists()
assert not paths.bootstrap.exists()
'private_type, in_repo, in_work', [
('ssh', False, True),
('gnupg', False, True),
('ssh', True, True),
('gnupg', True, True),
('ssh', True, False),
('gnupg', True, False),
], ids=[
'open ssh, not tracked',
'open gnupg, not tracked',
'open ssh, tracked',
'open gnupg, tracked',
'missing ssh, tracked',
'missing gnupg, tracked',
def test_clone_perms(
runner, yadm_y, paths, repo_config,
private_type, in_repo, in_work):
"""Test clone permission-related functions"""
# update remote repo to include private data
if in_repo:
rpath = paths.work.mkdir(f'.{private_type}').join('related')
os.system(f'GIT_DIR="{paths.remote}" git add {rpath}')
os.system(f'GIT_DIR="{paths.remote}" git commit -m "{rpath}"')
# ensure local private data is insecure at the start
if in_work:
pdir = paths.work.join(f'.{private_type}')
if not pdir.exists():
pfile = pdir.join('existing')
run = runner(
yadm_y('clone', '-d', '-w', paths.work, f'file://{paths.remote}'))
assert successful_clone(run, paths, repo_config)
if in_work:
# private directories which already exist, should be left as they are,
# which in this test is "insecure".
assert re.search(
f'initial private dir perms drwxrwxrwx.+.{private_type}',
assert re.search(
f'pre-merge private dir perms drwxrwxrwx.+.{private_type}',
assert re.search(
f'post-merge private dir perms drwxrwxrwx.+.{private_type}',
# private directories which are created, should be done prior to
# merging, and with secure permissions.
assert 'initial private dir perms' not in run.out
assert re.search(
f'pre-merge private dir perms drwx------.+.{private_type}',
assert re.search(
f'post-merge private dir perms drwx------.+.{private_type}',
# standard perms still apply afterwards unless disabled with auto.perms
assert oct(
paths.work.join(f'.{private_type}').stat().mode).endswith('00'), (
f'.{private_type} has not been secured by auto.perms')
def successful_clone(run, paths, repo_config, expected_code=0):
"""Assert clone is successful"""
assert run.code == expected_code
assert 'Initialized' in run.out
assert oct(paths.repo.stat().mode).endswith('00'), 'Repo is not secured'
assert repo_config('core.bare') == 'false'
assert repo_config('status.showUntrackedFiles') == 'no'
assert repo_config('yadm.managed') == 'true'
return True
def remote(paths, ds1_repo_copy):
"""Function scoped remote (based on ds1)"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# This is ignored because
# @pytest.mark.usefixtures('ds1_remote_copy')
# cannot be applied to another fixture.
return None