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synced 2024-10-27 20:34:27 +00:00
OBS *among others* need to copy files from the build folder to the package folder. With the old version, that wasn't possible, as it would try to install the software in the worker folder, of course something denied on public instances. Adding $(DESTDIR) before all paths ensure that you can install to another folder
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215 lines
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PYTESTS = $(wildcard test/test_*.py)
IMAGE = yadm/testbed:2020-12-29
.PHONY: all
@$(MAKE) usage | less
# Display usage for all make targets
.PHONY: usage
@echo 'make TARGET [option=value, ...]'
@echo 'TESTING'
@echo ' make test [testargs=ARGS]'
@echo ' - Run all tests. "testargs" can specify a single string of arguments'
@echo ' for py.test.'
@echo ' make <testfile>.py [testargs=ARGS]'
@echo ' - Run tests from a specific test file. "testargs" can specify a'
@echo ' single string of arguments for py.test.'
@echo ' make testhost [version=VERSION]'
@echo ' - Create an ephemeral container for doing adhoc yadm testing. The'
@echo ' working copy version of yadm will be used unless "version" is'
@echo ' specified. "version" can be set to any commit, branch, tag, etc.'
@echo ' The targeted "version" will be retrieved from the repo, and'
@echo ' linked into the container as a local volume.'
@echo ' make scripthost [version=VERSION]'
@echo ' - Create an ephemeral container for demonstrating a bug. After'
@echo ' exiting the shell, a log of the commands used to illustrate the'
@echo ' problem will be written to the file "script.txt". This file can'
@echo ' be useful to developers to make a repeatable test for the'
@echo ' problem. The version parameter works as for "testhost" above.'
@echo 'LINTING'
@echo ' make testenv'
@echo ' - Create a python virtual environment with the same dependencies'
@echo " used by yadm's testbed environment. Creating and activating"
@echo ' this environment might be useful if your editor does real time'
@echo ' linting of python files. After creating the virtual environment,'
@echo ' you can activate it by typing:'
@echo ' source testenv/bin/activate'
@echo 'MANPAGES'
@echo ' make man'
@echo ' - View yadm.1 as a standard man page.'
@echo ' make man-wide'
@echo ' - View yadm.1 as a man page, using all columns of your display.'
@echo ' make man-ps'
@echo ' - Create a postscript version of the man page.'
@echo ' make yadm.md'
@echo ' - Generate the markdown version of the man page (for viewing on'
@echo ' the web).'
@echo ' make contrib'
@echo ' - Generate the CONTRIBUTORS file, from the repo history.'
@echo ' make install PREFIX=<prefix>'
@echo ' - Install yadm, manpage, etc. to <prefix>'
@echo ' make sync-clock'
@echo ' - Reset the hardware clock for the docker hypervisor host. This'
@echo ' can be useful for docker engine hosts which are not'
@echo ' Linux-based.'
# Make it possible to run make specifying a py.test test file
@$(MAKE) test testargs="$@ $(testargs)"
@$(MAKE) test testargs="-k $@ $(testargs)"
# Run all tests with additional testargs
.PHONY: test
@if [ -f /.yadmtestbed ]; then \
cd /yadm && \
py.test -v $(testargs); \
else \
$(MAKE) -s require-docker && \
docker run \
--rm -t$(shell test -t 0 && echo i) \
-v "$(CURDIR):/yadm:ro" \
$(IMAGE) \
make test testargs="$(testargs)"; \
.PHONY: .testyadm
.testyadm: version ?= local
@rm -f $@
@if [ "$(version)" = "local" ]; then \
ln -sf yadm $@; \
echo "Using local yadm ($$(git describe --tags --dirty))"; \
else \
git show $(version):yadm > $@; \
echo "Using yadm version $$(git describe --tags $(version))"; \
@chmod a+x $@
.PHONY: testhost
testhost: require-docker .testyadm
@echo "Starting testhost"
@docker run \
-w /root \
--hostname testhost \
--rm -it \
-v "$(CURDIR)/.testyadm:/bin/yadm:ro" \
$(IMAGE) \
bash -l
.PHONY: scripthost
scripthost: require-docker .testyadm
@echo "Starting scripthost \(recording script\)"
@printf '' > script.gz
@docker run \
-w /root \
--hostname scripthost \
--rm -it \
-v "$(CURDIR)/script.gz:/script.gz:rw" \
-v "$(CURDIR)/.testyadm:/bin/yadm:ro" \
$(IMAGE) \
bash -c "script /tmp/script -q -c 'bash -l'; gzip < /tmp/script > /script.gz"
@echo "Script saved to $(CURDIR)/script.gz"
.PHONY: testenv
@echo 'Creating a local virtual environment in "testenv/"'
@rm -rf testenv
python3 -m venv --clear testenv
testenv/bin/pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools
testenv/bin/pip3 install --upgrade -r test/requirements.txt;
@for v in $$(sed -En -e 's:.*/yadm-([0-9.]+)$$:\1:p' test/Dockerfile); do \
git show $$v:yadm > testenv/bin/yadm-$$v; \
chmod +x testenv/bin/yadm-$$v; \
@echo 'To activate this test environment type:'
@echo ' source testenv/bin/activate'
.PHONY: image
@docker build -f test/Dockerfile . -t "$(IMAGE)"
.PHONY: man
@groff -man -Tascii ./yadm.1 | less
.PHONY: man-wide
@man ./yadm.1
.PHONY: man-ps
@groff -man -Tps ./yadm.1 > yadm.ps
yadm.md: yadm.1
@groff -man -Tascii ./yadm.1 | col -bx | sed 's/^[A-Z]/## &/g' | sed '/yadm(1)/d' > yadm.md
.PHONY: contrib
contrib: SHELL = /bin/bash
@IFS=$$'\n'; for author in $$(git shortlog -ns master gh-pages develop dev-pages | cut -f2); do \
git log master gh-pages develop dev-pages \
--author="$$author" --format=tformat: --numstat | \
awk "{sum += \$$1 + \$$2} END {print sum \"\t\" \"$$author\"}"; \
done | sort -nr | cut -f2 >> CONTRIBUTORS
.PHONY: install
@[ -n "$(PREFIX)" ] || { echo "PREFIX is not set"; exit 1; }
set -e ;\
bin="$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/bin" ;\
doc="$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/doc/yadm" ;\
man="$(DESTDIR)$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1" ;\
install -d "$$bin" "$$doc" "$$man" ;\
install -m 0755 yadm "$$bin" ;\
install -m 0644 yadm.1 "$$man" ;\
install -m 0644 CHANGES CONTRIBUTORS LICENSE "$$doc" ;\
cp -r contrib "$$doc" ;\
.PHONY: sync-clock
docker run --rm --privileged alpine hwclock -s
.PHONY: require-docker
@if ! command -v "docker" > /dev/null 2>&1; then \
echo "Sorry, this make target requires docker to be installed."; \
false; \