You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

27 lines
707 B

// Import Pieces
@import "single/default";
@function breakpoint-parse-single($feature, $empty-media, $first) {
$parsed: '';
$leader: '';
// If we're forcing
@if not ($empty-media) or not ($first) {
$leader: 'and ';
// If it's a single feature that can stand alone, we let it
@if (breakpoint-single-string($feature)) {
$parsed: $feature;
// Set Context
$context-setter: private-breakpoint-set-context($feature, $feature);
// If it's not a stand alone feature, we pass it off to the default handler.
@else {
$parsed: breakpoint-parse-default($feature);
@return $leader + '(' + $parsed + ')';