mirror of https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm synced 2024-10-27 20:34:27 +00:00

Rewrite default template to handle nested ifs, != and env vars in if

The awk script now performs all processing in the BEGIN block using an
implementation that is capable of handling if statements which contain nested
if statments (fixes #436). To make nested ifs look better, if, else and endif
lines can now have optional whitespace before {%.

Includes are now handled in the same way as the main file which means that
included files can both include other files and have if statements in addition
to variables (fixes #406). Include lines can now also have optional whitespace
before {%.

All variables are handled in the same way now so it's now possible to use env
variables in if statements (fixes #488).

Also add support for != in addition to == (fixes #358). Thus it's now
e.g. possible to check if a variable is set (#477) by doing:

{% if yadm.class != ""%}
Class is set to {{ yadm.class }}
{% endif %}

Possible breaking change: An error will be issued if a non-existent yadm or env
variable is referenced in an if statement or in a variable substitution.
This commit is contained in:
Erik Flodin 2024-10-27 13:38:12 +01:00
parent 76ce3defea
commit d2cd138f32
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 420A7C865EE3F85F
2 changed files with 169 additions and 76 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
"""Unit tests: template_default"""
import os
FILE_MODE = 0o754
@ -12,6 +13,7 @@ LOCAL_HOST = "default_Test+@-!^Host"
LOCAL_USER = "default_Test+@-!^User"
LOCAL_DISTRO = "default_Test+@-!^Distro"
LOCAL_DISTRO_FAMILY = "default_Test+@-!^Family"
ENV_VAR = "default_Test+@-!^Env"
start of template
default class = >{{{{yadm.class}}}}<
@ -30,6 +32,9 @@ Included section from else
{{% if yadm.class == "wrongclass1" %}}
wrong class 1
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.class != "wronglcass" %}}
Included section from !=
{{% endif\t\t %}}
{{% if yadm.class == "{LOCAL_CLASS}" %}}
Included section for class = {{{{yadm.class}}}} ({{{{yadm.class}}}} repeated)
Multiple lines
@ -97,6 +102,12 @@ Included section for distro_family = \
{{% if yadm.distro_family == "wrongfamily2" %}}
wrong family 2
{{% endif %}}
{{% if env.VAR == "{ENV_VAR}" %}}
Included section for env.VAR = {{{{env.VAR}}}} ({{{{env.VAR}}}} again)
{{% endif %}}
{{% if env.VAR == "wrongenvvar" %}}
wrong env.VAR
{{% endif %}}
end of template
@ -111,6 +122,7 @@ default distro_family = >{LOCAL_DISTRO_FAMILY}<
classes = >{LOCAL_CLASS2}
Included section from else
Included section from !=
Included section for class = {LOCAL_CLASS} ({LOCAL_CLASS} repeated)
Multiple lines
Included section for second class
@ -121,6 +133,7 @@ Included section for user = {LOCAL_USER} ({LOCAL_USER} repeated)
Included section for distro = {LOCAL_DISTRO} ({LOCAL_DISTRO} again)
Included section for distro_family = \
Included section for env.VAR = {ENV_VAR} ({ENV_VAR} again)
end of template
@ -154,6 +167,42 @@ Include basic again:
{% if yadm.user == "me" %}
{% if yadm.user == "me" %}
{% else %}
no print1
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if yadm.user == "me" %}
no print2
{% else %}
no print3
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if yadm.user != "me" %}
no print4
{% if yadm.user == "me" %}
no print5
{% else %}
no print6
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% if yadm.user == "me" %}
{% else %}
no print7
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
def test_template_default(runner, yadm, tmpdir):
"""Test template_default"""
@ -182,7 +231,7 @@ def test_template_default(runner, yadm, tmpdir):
template_default "{input_file}" "{output_file}"
run = runner(command=["bash"], inp=script)
run = runner(command=["bash"], inp=script, env={"VAR": ENV_VAR})
assert run.success
assert run.err == ""
assert output_file.read() == EXPECTED
@ -243,12 +292,30 @@ def test_include(runner, yadm, tmpdir):
assert os.stat(output_file).st_mode == os.stat(input_file).st_mode
def test_nested_ifs(runner, yadm, tmpdir):
"""Test nested if statements"""
input_file = tmpdir.join("input")
input_file.write(TEMPLATE_NESTED_IFS, ensure=True)
output_file = tmpdir.join("output")
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
template_default "{input_file}" "{output_file}"
run = runner(command=["bash"], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ""
assert output_file.read() == EXPECTED_NESTED_IFS
def test_env(runner, yadm, tmpdir):
"""Test env"""
input_file = tmpdir.join("input")
input_file.write("{{env.PWD}}", ensure=True)
output_file = tmpdir.join("output")
script = f"""

View File

@ -368,87 +368,113 @@ function template_default() {
# the explicit "space + tab" character class used below is used because not
# all versions of awk seem to support the POSIX character classes [[:blank:]]
read -r -d '' awk_pgm << "EOF"
# built-in default template processor
blank = "[ ]"
c["class"] = class
c["classes"] = classes
c["arch"] = arch
c["os"] = os
c["hostname"] = host
c["user"] = user
c["distro"] = distro
c["distro_family"] = distro_family
c["source"] = source
ifs = "^{%" blank "*if"
els = "^{%" blank "*else" blank "*%}$"
end = "^{%" blank "*endif" blank "*%}$"
skp = "^{%" blank "*(if|else|endif)"
vld = conditions()
inc_start = "^{%" blank "*include" blank "+\"?"
inc_end = "\"?" blank "*%}$"
inc = inc_start ".+" inc_end
prt = 1
err = 0
END { exit err }
{ replace_vars() } # variable replacements
$0 ~ vld, $0 ~ end {
if ($0 ~ vld || $0 ~ end) prt=1;
if ($0 ~ els) prt=0;
if ($0 ~ skp) next;
($0 ~ ifs && $0 !~ vld), $0 ~ end {
if ($0 ~ ifs && $0 !~ vld) prt=0;
if ($0 ~ els || $0 ~ end) prt=1;
if ($0 ~ skp) next;
{ if (!prt) next }
$0 ~ inc {
file = $0
sub(inc_start, "", file)
sub(inc_end, "", file)
sub(/^[^\/].*$/, source_dir "/&", file)
yadm["class"] = class
yadm["classes"] = classes
yadm["arch"] = arch
yadm["os"] = os
yadm["hostname"] = host
yadm["user"] = user
yadm["distro"] = distro
yadm["distro_family"] = distro_family
yadm["source"] = source
while ((res = getline <file) > 0) {
if (res < 0) {
printf "%s:%d: error: could not read '%s'\n", FILENAME, NR, file | "cat 1>&2"
err = 1
{ print }
function replace_vars() {
for (label in c) {
gsub(("{{" blank "*yadm\\." label blank "*}}"), c[label])
for (label in ENVIRON) {
gsub(("{{" blank "*env\\." label blank "*}}"), ENVIRON[label])
function condition_helper(label, value) {
gsub(/[\\.^$(){}\[\]|*+?]/, "\\\\&", value)
return sprintf("yadm\\.%s" blank "*==" blank "*\"%s\"", label, value)
function conditions() {
pattern = ifs blank "+("
for (label in c) {
if (label != "class") {
value = c[label]
pattern = sprintf("%s%s|", pattern, condition_helper(label, value));
VARIABLE = "(env|yadm)\\.[a-zA-Z0-9_]+"
current = 0
filename[current] = ARGV[1]
line[current] = 0
level = 0
skip[level] = 0
for (; current >= 0; --current) {
while ((res = getline <filename[current]) > 0) {
if ($0 ~ "^[ \t]*\\{%[ \t]*if[ \t]+" VARIABLE "[ \t]*[!=]=[ \t]*\".*\"[ \t]*%\\}$") {
if (skip[level]) { skip[++level] = 1; continue }
match($0, VARIABLE)
lhs = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)
match($0, /[!=]=/)
op = substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)
match($0, /".*"/)
rhs = replace_vars(substr($0, RSTART + 1, RLENGTH - 2))
if (lhs == "yadm.class") {
lhs = "not" rhs
split(classes, cls_array, "\n")
for (idx in cls_array) {
value = cls_array[idx]
pattern = sprintf("%s%s|", pattern, condition_helper("class", value));
if (rhs == cls_array[idx]) { lhs = rhs; break }
sub(/\|$/, ")" blank "*%}$", pattern)
return pattern
else {
lhs = replace_vars("{{" lhs "}}")
if (op == "==") { skip[++level] = lhs != rhs }
else { skip[++level] = lhs == rhs }
else if (/^[ \t]*\{%[ \t]*else[ \t]*%\}$/) {
if (level == 0 || skip[level] < 0) { error("else without matching if") }
skip[level] = skip[level] ? skip[level - 1] : -1
else if (/^[ \t]*\{%[ \t]*endif[ \t]*%\}$/) {
if (--level < 0) { error("endif without matching if") }
else if (!skip[level]) {
$0 = replace_vars($0)
if (match($0, /^[ \t]*\{%[ \t]*include[ \t]+("[^"]+"|[^"]+)[ \t]*%\}$/)) {
include = $0
sub(/^[ \t]*\{%[ \t]*include[ \t]+"?/, "", include)
sub(/"?[ \t]*%\}$/, "", include)
if (index(include, "/") != 1) {
include = source_dir "/" include
filename[++current] = include
line[current] = 0
else { print }
if (res >= 0) { close(filename[current]) }
else if (current == 0) { error("could not read input file") }
else { --current; error("could not read include file '" filename[current + 1] "'") }
if (level > 0) {
current = 0
error("unterminated if")
exit 0
function error(text) {
printf "%s:%d: error: %s\n",
filename[current], line[current], text > "/dev/stderr"
exit 1
function replace_vars(input) {
output = ""
while (match(input, "\\{\\{[ \t]*" VARIABLE "[ \t]*\\}\\}")) {
if (RSTART > 1) {
output = output substr(input, 0, RSTART - 1)
data = substr(input, RSTART + 2, RLENGTH - 4)
input = substr(input, RSTART + RLENGTH)
gsub(/[ \t]+/, "", data)
split(data, fields, /\./)
if (fields[1] == "env" && fields[2] in ENVIRON) {
output = output ENVIRON[fields[2]]
else if (fields[1] == "yadm" && fields[2] in yadm) {
output = output yadm[fields[2]]
else {
error("'" data "' is not a known variable")
return output input