mirror of https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm synced 2024-10-27 20:34:27 +00:00

Merge from upstream

This commit is contained in:
Luis López 2020-02-17 11:53:29 +01:00 committed by Tim Byrne
commit 8e2d85de7f
No known key found for this signature in database
GPG Key ID: 14DB4FC2465A4B12
109 changed files with 9269 additions and 5983 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
# Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
## Our Pledge
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as
contributors and maintainers pledge to making participation in our project and
our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body
size, disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression,
level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal
appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
## Our Standards
Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment
* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community
* Showing empathy towards other community members
Examples of unacceptable behavior by participants include:
* The use of sexualized language or imagery and unwelcome sexual attention or
* Trolling, insulting/derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
* Public or private harassment
* Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or electronic
address, without explicit permission
* Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a
professional setting
## Our Responsibilities
Project maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable
behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in
response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.
Project maintainers have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or
reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions
that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or
permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate,
threatening, offensive, or harmful.
## Scope
This Code of Conduct applies both within project spaces and in public spaces
when an individual is representing the project or its community. Examples of
representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail
address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed
representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be
further defined and clarified by project maintainers.
## Enforcement
Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be
reported by contacting the project team at <yadm@yadm.io>. All
complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that
is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The project team is
obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident.
Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.
Project maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good
faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other
members of the project's leadership.
## Attribution
This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant][homepage], version 1.4,
available at https://www.contributor-covenant.org/version/1/4/code-of-conduct.html
[homepage]: https://www.contributor-covenant.org
For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see

.github/CONTRIBUTING.md vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
# Introduction
Thank you for considering contributing to **yadm**. I develop this project in my
limited spare time, so help is very appreciated.
All contributors must follow our [Code of Conduct][conduct]. Please make sure
you are welcoming and friendly during your interactions, and report any
unacceptable behavior to <yadm@yadm.io>.
Contributions can take many forms, and often dont require writing code—maybe
something could be documented more clearly, maybe a feature could be more
helpful, maybe installation could be easier. Help is welcome in any of these
To contribute, you can:
* Report [bugs](#reporting-a-bug)
* Request [features/enhancements](#suggesting-a-feature-or-enhancement)
* Contribute changes to [code, tests](#contributing-code), and [documentation](#improving-documentation)
* Maintain installation [packages](#maintaining-packages)
* Help other users by [answering support questions](#answering-support-questions)
# Reporting a bug
Notice something amiss? Youre already helping by reporting the problem! Bugs
are tracked using GitHub issues. Here are some steps you can take to help
problems get fixed quickly and effectively:
### Before submitting an issue
Please take a quick look to see whether the problem has been reported already
(theres a list of [open issues][open-issues]). You can try the search function
with some related terms for a cursory check. If you do find a previous report,
please add a comment there instead of opening a new issue.
### Security issues
If you have found a security vulnerability, do **NOT** open an issue.
Any security issues should be emailed directly to <yadm@yadm.io>. In order to
determine whether you are dealing with a security issue, ask yourself these two
* Can I access something that's not mine, or something I shouldn't have access to?
* Can I disable something for other people?
If the answer to either of those two questions is "yes", then you're probably
dealing with a security issue.
### Submitting a (great) bug report
Choose the "[Bug report][new-bug]" issue type.
Pick a descriptive title that clearly identifies the issue.
Describe the steps that led to the problem so that we can go through the same
sequence. A clear set of steps to reproduce the problem is key to fixing an
issue. If possible, attach a [`script.gz`](#attaching-a-scriptgz) to the bug
Describe what you had expected and how that differed from what happened, and
possibly, why.
Include the version numbers of your operating system, of **yadm**, and of Git.
### Attaching a script.gz
Consider trying to reproduce the bug inside a docker container using the
[yadm/testbed][] docker image. Doing so will greatly increase the likelihood of
the problem being fixed.
The easiest way to start this container, is to clone the [TheLocehiliosan/yadm
repo][yadm-repo], and use the `scripthost` make target. _(You will need `make`
and `docker` installed.)_
For example:
$ git clone https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm.git
$ cd yadm
$ make scripthost version=1.12.0
Starting scripthost version="1.12.0" (recording script)
root@scripthost:~# ### run commands which
root@scripthost:~# ### demonstrate the problem
root@scripthost:~# ### a succinct set of commands is best
root@scripthost:~# exit
Script saved to script.gz
A `script.gz` like this can be useful to developers to make a repeatable test
for the problem. You can attach the `script.gz` file to an issue. Look
[here][attach-help] for help with [attaching a file][attach-help].
# Suggesting a feature or enhancement
Have an idea for an improvement? Creating a feature request is a good way to
communicate it.
### Before submitting an issue
Please take a quick look to see whether your idea has been suggested already
(theres a list of [open issues][open-issues]). You can try the search function
with some related terms for a cursory check. If you do find a previous feature
request, please add a comment there instead of opening a new issue.
### Submitting a (great) feature request
Choose the "[Feature request][new-feature]" issue type.
Summarize your idea with a clear title.
Describe your suggestion in as much detail as possible.
Explain alternatives you've considered.
# Contributing code
Wow, thank you for considering making a contribution of code!
### Before you begin
Please take a quick look to see whether a similar change is already being worked
on. A similar pull request may already exist. If the change is related to an
issue, look to see if that issue has an assignee.
Consider reaching out before you start working. It's possible developers may
have some ideas and code lying around, and might be able to give you a head
[Creating a hook][hooks-help] is an easy way to begin adding features to an
already existing **yadm** operation. If the hook works well, it could be the
basis of a **yadm** feature addition. Or it might just be a [useful
hook][contrib-hooks] for someone else.
### Design principles
**yadm** was created with a few core design principles in mind. Please adhere to
these principles when making changes.
* **Single repository**
* **yadm** is designed to maintain dotfiles in a single repository.
* **Very few dependencies**
* **yadm** should be as portable as possible. This is one of the main
reasons it has only two dependencies (Bash and Git). Features using other
dependencies should gracefully downgrade instead of breaking. For example,
encryption requires GnuPG installed, and displays that information if it
is not.
* **Sparse configuration**
* **yadm** should require very little configuration, and come with sensible
defaults. Changes requiring users to define meta-data for all of their
dotfiles will not be accepted.
* **Maintain dotfiles in place**
* The default treatment for tracked data should be to allow it to remain a
file, in the location it is normally kept.
* **Leverage Git**
* Stay out of the way and let Git do what its good at. Git has a deep and
rich set of features for just about every use case. Staying hands off for
almost all Git operations will make **yadm** more flexible and
### Repository branches and tags
* `master`
* This branch will always represent the latest release of **yadm**.
* `#.#.#` _(tags)_
* Every release of **yadm** will have a commit tagged with the version number.
* `develop`
* This branch should be used for the basis of every change. As changes are
accepted, they will be merged into `develop`.
* `release/*`
* These are ephemeral branches used to prepare new releases.
* `hotfix/*`
* These are ephemeral branches used to prepare a patch release, which only
includes bug fixes.
* `gh-pages`
* This branch contains the yadm.io website source.
* `dev-pages`
* This branch should be used for the basis of every website change. As
changes are accepted, they will be merged into dev-pages.
* `netlify/*`
* These branches deploy configurations to Netlify websites. Currently this
is only used to drive redirections for
### GitHub workflow
1. Fork the [yadm repository][yadm-repo] on GitHub.
2. Clone your fork locally.
$ git clone <url-to-your-fork>
3. Add the official repository (`upstream`) as a remote repository.
$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm.git
4. Verify you can run the test harness. _(This will require dependencies:
`make`, `docker`, and `docker-compose`)_.
$ make test
5. Create a feature branch, based off the `develop` branch.
$ git checkout -b <name-of-feature-branch> upstream/develop
6. Add changes to your feature branch.
7. If your changes take a few days, be sure to occasionally pull the latest
changes from upstream, to ensure that your local branch is up-to-date.
$ git pull --rebase upstream develop
8. When your work is done, push your local branch to your fork.
$ git push origin <name-of-feature-branch>
9. [Create a pull request][pr-help] using `develop` as the "base".
### Code conventions
When updating the yadm code, please follow these guidelines:
* Code linting
* Bash code should pass the scrutiny of [ShellCheck][shellcheck].
* Python code must pass the scrutiny of [pylint][] and [flake8][].
* Any YAML must pass the scrutiny of [yamllint][].
* Running `make test_syntax.py` is an easy way to run all linters.
* Interface changes
* Any changes to **yadm**'s interface should include a commit that updates
the `yadm.1` man page.
### Test conventions
The test system is written in Python 3 using [pytest][]. Tests should be written
for all bugs fixed and features added. To make testing portable and uniform,
tests should be performed via the [yadm/testbed][] docker image. The `Makefile`
has several "make targets" for testing. Running `make` by itself will produce a
help page.
Please follow these guidelines while writing tests:
* Organization
* Tests should be kept in the `test/` directory.
* Every test module name should start with `test_`.
* Unit tests, which test individual functions should have names that begin
with `test_unit_`.
* Completely new features should get their own test modules, while updates
to existing features should have updated test modules.
* Efficiency
* Care should be taken to make tests run as efficiently as possible.
* Scope large, unchanging, fixtures appropriately so they do not have to be
recreated multiple times.
### Commit conventions
When arranging your commits, please adhere to the following conventions.
* Commit messages
* Use the "[Tim Pope][tpope-style]" style of commit messages. Here is a
[great guide][commit-style] to writing commit messages.
* Atomic commits
* Please create only [atomic commits][atomic-commits].
* Signed commits
* All commits must be [cryptographically signed][signing-commits].
# Improving documentation
Wow, thank you for considering making documentation improvements!
There is overlap between the content of the man page, and the information on the
website. Consider reviewing both sets of documentation, and submitting similar
changes for both to improve consistency.
### Man page changes
The man page documentation is contained in the file `yadm.1`. This file is
formatted using [groff man macros][groff-man]. Changes to this file can be
tested using "make targets":
$ make man
$ make man-wide
$ make man-ps
While the [markdown version of the man page][yadm-man] is generated from
`yadm.1`, please do not include changes to `yadm.md` within any pull request.
That file is only updated during software releases.
### Website changes
The yadm.io website is generated using [Jekyll][jekyll]. The bulk of the
documentation is created as an ordered collection within `_docs`. To make
website testing easy and portable, use the [yadm/jekyll][] docker image. The
`Makefile` has several "make targets" for testing. Running `make` by itself will
produce a help page.
* `make test`:
Perform tests done by continuous integration.
* `make up`:
Start a container to locally test the website. The test website will be
hosted at http://localhost:4000/
* `make clean`:
Remove previously built data any any Jekyll containers.
When making website changes, be sure to adhere to [code](#code-conventions) and
[commit](#commit-conventions) conventions. Use the same [GitHub
workflow](#github-workflow) when creating a pull request. However use the
`dev-pages` branch as a base instead of `develop`.
# Maintaining packages
Maintaining installation packages is very important for making **yadm**
accessible to as many people as possible. Thank you for considering contributing
in this way. Please consider the following:
* Watch releases
* GitHub allows users to "watch" a project for "releases". Doing so will
provide you with notifications when a new version of **yadm** has been
* Include License
* Any package of **yadm** should include the license file from the
* Dependencies
* Be sure to include dependencies in a manner appropriate to the packaging
system being used. **yadm** won't work very well without Git. :)
# Answering support questions
Are you an experienced **yadm** user, with an advanced knowledge of Git? Your
expertise could be useful to someone else who is starting out or struggling with
a problem. Consider reviewing the list of [open support questions][questions] to
see if you can help.
[atomic-commits]: https://www.google.com/search?q=atomic+commits
[attach-help]: https://help.github.com/en/articles/file-attachments-on-issues-and-pull-requests
[commit-style]: https://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/#seven-rules
[conduct]: CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md
[contrib-hooks]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/tree/master/contrib/hooks
[flake8]: https://pypi.org/project/flake8/
[groff-man]: https://www.gnu.org/software/groff/manual/html_node/man.html
[hooks-help]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/blob/master/yadm.md#hooks
[html-proofer]: https://github.com/gjtorikian/html-proofer
[jekyll]: https://jekyllrb.com
[new-bug]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/issues/new?template=BUG_REPORT.md
[new-feature]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/issues/new?template=FEATURE_REQUEST.md
[open-issues]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/issues
[pr-help]: https://help.github.com/en/articles/creating-a-pull-request-from-a-fork
[pylint]: https://pylint.org/
[pytest]: https://pytest.org/
[questions]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/labels/question
[refactor]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/issues/146
[shellcheck]: https://www.shellcheck.net
[signing-commits]: https://help.github.com/en/articles/signing-commits
[tpope-style]: https://tbaggery.com/2008/04/19/a-note-about-git-commit-messages.html
[yadm-man]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/blob/master/yadm.md
[yadm-repo]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm
[yadm/jekyll]: https://hub.docker.com/r/yadm/jekyll
[yadm/testbed]: https://hub.docker.com/r/yadm/testbed
[yamllint]: https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Before submitting, please search open and closed issues at
https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/issues to avoid duplication.
If you have found a security vulnerability, do NOT open an issue.
Email yadm@yadm.io instead.

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/BUG_REPORT.md vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
name: Bug report
about: Create a report to help improve yadm
title: ''
labels: bug
assignees: ''
Before submitting, please search open and closed issues at
https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/issues to avoid duplication.
If you have found a security vulnerability, do NOT open an issue.
Email yadm@yadm.io instead.
### Describe the bug
[A clear and concise description of what the bug is.]
### To reproduce
Can this be reproduced with the yadm/testbed docker image: [Yes/No]
Consider trying to reproduce the bug inside a docker container using the
yadm/testbed docker image. https://hub.docker.com/r/yadm/testbed
The easiest way to start this container, is to clone the TheLocehiliosan/yadm
repo, and use the "scripthost" make target. For example:
$ git clone https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm.git
$ cd yadm
$ make scripthost version=1.11.0
Starting scripthost version="1.11.0" (recording script)
root@scripthost:~# ### run commands which
root@scripthost:~# ### demonstrate the problem
root@scripthost:~# ### a succinct set of commands is best
root@scripthost:~# exit
Script saved to script.gz
A script like this can be useful to developers to make a repeatable test for the
problem. You can attach a script.gz file to an issue.
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
1. Run command '....'
2. Run command '....'
3. Run command '....'
4. See error
### Expected behavior
[A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.]
### Environment
- Operating system: [Ubuntu 18.04, yadm/testbed, etc.]
- Version yadm: [found via `yadm version`]
- Version Git: [found via `git --version`]
### Additional context
[Add any other context about the problem here.]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
name: Feature request
about: Suggest an idea for yadm
title: ''
labels: feature
assignees: ''
Before submitting, please search open and closed issues at
https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/issues to avoid duplication.
### Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.
[A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when ...]
### Describe the solution you'd like
[A clear and concise description of what you want to happen.]
### Describe alternatives you've considered
[A clear and concise description of any alternative solutions or features you've
considered. For example, have you considered using yadm "hooks" as a solution?]
### Additional context
[Add any other context or screenshots about the feature request here.]

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/OTHER.md vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
name: Other issue
about: Report issues with documentation, packaging, or something else
title: ''
labels: ''
assignees: ''
Before submitting, please search open and closed issues at
https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/issues to avoid duplication.
### This issue is about
* [ ] Man pages or command-line usage
* [ ] Website documentation
* [ ] Packaging
* [ ] Other
### Describe the issue
[A clear and concise description of the issue.]

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/SUPPORT.md vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
name: Support
about: Get help using yadm
title: ''
labels: 'question'
assignees: ''
Before submitting, please search open and closed issues at
https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/issues to avoid duplication.
Please also consult:
* The FAQ: https://yadm.io/docs/faq
* The manual: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/blob/master/yadm.md
### This question is about
* [ ] Installation
* [ ] Initializing / Cloning
* [ ] Alternate files
* [ ] Jinja templates
* [ ] Encryption
* [ ] Bootstrap
* [ ] Hooks
* [ ] Other
### Describe your question
Consider including:
* the commands you've run, and the output produced
* links to any public repo/branch involved
[A clear and concise description of the question.]

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@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
### What does this PR do?
[A clear and concise description of what this pull request accomplishes.]
### What issues does this PR fix or reference?
Be sure to preface the issue/PR numbers with a "#".
[A list of related issues / pull requests.]
### Previous Behavior
[Describe the existing behavior.]
### New Behavior
[Describe the behavior, after this PR is applied.]
### Have [tests][1] been written for this change?
[Yes / No]
### Have these commits been [signed with GnuPG][2]?
[Yes / No]
Please review [yadm's Contributing Guide][3] for best practices.
[1]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md#test-conventions
[2]: https://help.github.com/en/articles/signing-commits
[3]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/blob/master/.github/CONTRIBUTING.md

.gitignore vendored
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@ -1,4 +1,6 @@

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@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
## New release checklist
○ Version bump EVERYTHING
○ Copyright year update?
○ Rebuild contribs
○ Rebuild man
○ Update specfile
○ Update CHANGES
○ Tag X.XX
○ Merge dev → master
○ Update Homebrew
○ Update Copr
○ Tweet
## Homebrew update
brew update
cd $(brew --repo homebrew/core)
git fetch --unshallow origin # only if still a shallow clone,
#this might just fail if this was already done
git remote add TheLocehiliosan git@github.com:TheLocehiliosan/homebrew-core.git
git push -f TheLocehiliosan master:master
vim Formula/yadm.rb
brew install --build-from-source yadm
brew reinstall --verbose --debug yadm (✗₂)
brew audit --strict yadm
brew test yadm
git add Formula/yadm.rb
git commit -S -m 'yadm X.XX'
git push TheLocehiliosan master:yadm-X.XX
Open pull request
## Copr update
checkout yadm-rpm
bring in yadm.spec from yadm repo
update version in Makefile
make tarball
make buildhost
cd yadm-rpm
because centos 6,7...
add 'Group: Development/Tools'
disable BuildRequires
disable %check
fedpkg --dist f25 local
that should leave a src RPM in the yadm-rpm dir
create a new build by uploading the src rpm to copr

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@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
sudo: required
language: bash
language: minimal
- docker
- docker pull yadm/testbed:latest
- docker pull yadm/testbed:2020-01-20
- docker run --rm -v "$PWD:/yadm:ro" yadm/testbed
- docker run -t --rm -v "$PWD:/yadm:ro" yadm/testbed:2020-01-20

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@ -1,3 +1,56 @@
* Support multiple keys in `yadm.gpg-recipient` (#139)
* Ensure all templates are written atomically (#142)
* Add encrypt_with_checksums to the hooks collection (#188)
* Escape white space in YADM_HOOK_FULL_COMMAND (#187)
* Improve parsing of os-release (#194)
* Improve identification of WSL (#196)
* Fix troff warnings emitted by man page (#195)
* Write encrypt-based exclusions during decrypt
* Support git-crypt (#168)
* Support specifying a command after `yadm enter`
* Expose GIT_WORK_TREE during `yadm enter` (#160)
* Support GNUPGHOME environment variable (#134)
* Assert private dirs, only when worktree = $HOME (#171)
* Resolve hostname using `uname -n` (#182)
* Use /etc/os-release if lsb_release is missing (#175)
* Issue warning for any invalid alternates found (#183)
* Add support for gawk (#180)
* Use relative symlinks for alternates (#100, #177)
* Support double-star globs in .config/yadm/encrypt (#109)
* Improve bash completion (#136)
* Update docs about using magit (#123)
* Note exception for WSL (#113)
* Fix bug with worktree permissions (#174)
* Support XDG base directory specification
* Redesign alternate processing
* Add built-in default template processor
* Allow storing alternates in yadm dir (#90)
* Add support for j2cli template processor
* Ignore encrypted files (#69)
* Support DISTRO in alternates (#72)
* Support `source` in templates (#163)
* Change yadm.cygwin-copy to yadm.alt-copy
* Support `-b <branch>` when cloning (#133)
* Support includes for j2-based templates (#114)
* Remove stale/invalid linked alternates (#65)
* Add support for Mingw/Msys (#102)
* Allow `-l` to pass thru to the `yadm config` command
* Improve processing of `yadm/encrypt`
* Fix bugs in legacy alternate processing
* Fix bug with hidden private files
* Improve support for older versions of Git
* Add upgrade command
* Add basic Zsh completion (#71, #79)
* Support directories in `.yadm/encrypt` (#81, #82)

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@ -1,17 +1,29 @@
Tim Byrne
Martin Zuther
Ross Smith II
Espen Henriksen
Cameron Eagans
Klas Mellbourn
David Mandelberg
Daniel Gray
Jan Schulz
Siôn Le Roux
Stig Palmquist
Sébastien Gross
Thomas Luzat
Tomas Cernaj
Uroš Golja
Brayden Banks
Daniel Wagenknecht
Franciszek Madej
Mateusz Piotrowski
Paraplegic Racehorse
Patrick Hof
Russ Allbery
Satoshi Ohki
Sheng Yang

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@ -1,12 +1,43 @@
FROM ubuntu:yakkety
FROM ubuntu:18.04
MAINTAINER Tim Byrne <sultan@locehilios.com>
# Install prerequisites
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y git gnupg1 make shellcheck bats expect curl python-pip lsb-release
RUN pip install envtpl
# No input during build
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
# Force GNUPG version 1 at path /usr/bin/gpg
RUN ln -fs /usr/bin/gpg1 /usr/bin/gpg
# UTF8 locale
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y locales
RUN locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
# Convenience settings for the testbed's root account
RUN echo 'set -o vi' >> /root/.bashrc
# Install prerequisites
apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y \
curl \
expect \
git \
gnupg \
lsb-release \
make \
man \
python3-pip \
shellcheck=0.4.6-1 \
vim \
RUN pip3 install \
envtpl \
j2cli \
flake8==3.7.8 \
pylint==2.4.1 \
pytest==5.1.3 \
yamllint==1.17.0 \
# Create a flag to identify when running inside the yadm testbed
RUN touch /.yadmtestbed
# /yadm will be the work directory for all tests
# docker commands should mount the local yadm project as /yadm

View File

@ -1,14 +1,674 @@
yadm - Yet Another Dotfiles Manager
Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Tim Byrne
Version 3, 29 June 2007
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <https://fsf.org/>
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for
software and other kinds of works.
The licenses for most software and other practical works are designed
to take away your freedom to share and change the works. By contrast,
the GNU General Public License is intended to guarantee your freedom to
share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free
software for all its users. We, the Free Software Foundation, use the
GNU General Public License for most of our software; it applies also to
any other work released this way by its authors. You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
them if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it if you
want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new
free programs, and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to prevent others from denying you
these rights or asking you to surrender the rights. Therefore, you have
certain responsibilities if you distribute copies of the software, or if
you modify it: responsibilities to respect the freedom of others.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must pass on to the recipients the same
freedoms that you received. You must make sure that they, too, receive
or can get the source code. And you must show them these terms so they
know their rights.
Developers that use the GNU GPL protect your rights with two steps:
(1) assert copyright on the software, and (2) offer you this License
giving you legal permission to copy, distribute and/or modify it.
For the developers' and authors' protection, the GPL clearly explains
that there is no warranty for this free software. For both users' and
authors' sake, the GPL requires that modified versions be marked as
changed, so that their problems will not be attributed erroneously to
authors of previous versions.
Some devices are designed to deny users access to install or run
modified versions of the software inside them, although the manufacturer
can do so. This is fundamentally incompatible with the aim of
protecting users' freedom to change the software. The systematic
pattern of such abuse occurs in the area of products for individuals to
use, which is precisely where it is most unacceptable. Therefore, we
have designed this version of the GPL to prohibit the practice for those
products. If such problems arise substantially in other domains, we
stand ready to extend this provision to those domains in future versions
of the GPL, as needed to protect the freedom of users.
Finally, every program is threatened constantly by software patents.
States should not allow patents to restrict development and use of
software on general-purpose computers, but in those that do, we wish to
avoid the special danger that patents applied to a free program could
make it effectively proprietary. To prevent this, the GPL assures that
patents cannot be used to render the program non-free.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. Definitions.
"This License" refers to version 3 of the GNU General Public License.
"Copyright" also means copyright-like laws that apply to other kinds of
works, such as semiconductor masks.
"The Program" refers to any copyrightable work licensed under this
License. Each licensee is addressed as "you". "Licensees" and
"recipients" may be individuals or organizations.
To "modify" a work means to copy from or adapt all or part of the work
in a fashion requiring copyright permission, other than the making of an
exact copy. The resulting work is called a "modified version" of the
earlier work or a work "based on" the earlier work.
A "covered work" means either the unmodified Program or a work based
on the Program.
To "propagate" a work means to do anything with it that, without
permission, would make you directly or secondarily liable for
infringement under applicable copyright law, except executing it on a
computer or modifying a private copy. Propagation includes copying,
distribution (with or without modification), making available to the
public, and in some countries other activities as well.
To "convey" a work means any kind of propagation that enables other
parties to make or receive copies. Mere interaction with a user through
a computer network, with no transfer of a copy, is not conveying.
An interactive user interface displays "Appropriate Legal Notices"
to the extent that it includes a convenient and prominently visible
feature that (1) displays an appropriate copyright notice, and (2)
tells the user that there is no warranty for the work (except to the
extent that warranties are provided), that licensees may convey the
work under this License, and how to view a copy of this License. If
the interface presents a list of user commands or options, such as a
menu, a prominent item in the list meets this criterion.
1. Source Code.
The "source code" for a work means the preferred form of the work
for making modifications to it. "Object code" means any non-source
form of a work.
A "Standard Interface" means an interface that either is an official
standard defined by a recognized standards body, or, in the case of
interfaces specified for a particular programming language, one that
is widely used among developers working in that language.
The "System Libraries" of an executable work include anything, other
than the work as a whole, that (a) is included in the normal form of
packaging a Major Component, but which is not part of that Major
Component, and (b) serves only to enable use of the work with that
Major Component, or to implement a Standard Interface for which an
implementation is available to the public in source code form. A
"Major Component", in this context, means a major essential component
(kernel, window system, and so on) of the specific operating system
(if any) on which the executable work runs, or a compiler used to
produce the work, or an object code interpreter used to run it.
The "Corresponding Source" for a work in object code form means all
the source code needed to generate, install, and (for an executable
work) run the object code and to modify the work, including scripts to
control those activities. However, it does not include the work's
System Libraries, or general-purpose tools or generally available free
programs which are used unmodified in performing those activities but
which are not part of the work. For example, Corresponding Source
includes interface definition files associated with source files for
the work, and the source code for shared libraries and dynamically
linked subprograms that the work is specifically designed to require,
such as by intimate data communication or control flow between those
subprograms and other parts of the work.
The Corresponding Source need not include anything that users
can regenerate automatically from other parts of the Corresponding
The Corresponding Source for a work in source code form is that
same work.
2. Basic Permissions.
All rights granted under this License are granted for the term of
copyright on the Program, and are irrevocable provided the stated
conditions are met. This License explicitly affirms your unlimited
permission to run the unmodified Program. The output from running a
covered work is covered by this License only if the output, given its
content, constitutes a covered work. This License acknowledges your
rights of fair use or other equivalent, as provided by copyright law.
You may make, run and propagate covered works that you do not
convey, without conditions so long as your license otherwise remains
in force. You may convey covered works to others for the sole purpose
of having them make modifications exclusively for you, or provide you
with facilities for running those works, provided that you comply with
the terms of this License in conveying all material for which you do
not control copyright. Those thus making or running the covered works
for you must do so exclusively on your behalf, under your direction
and control, on terms that prohibit them from making any copies of
your copyrighted material outside their relationship with you.
Conveying under any other circumstances is permitted solely under
the conditions stated below. Sublicensing is not allowed; section 10
makes it unnecessary.
3. Protecting Users' Legal Rights From Anti-Circumvention Law.
No covered work shall be deemed part of an effective technological
measure under any applicable law fulfilling obligations under article
11 of the WIPO copyright treaty adopted on 20 December 1996, or
similar laws prohibiting or restricting circumvention of such
When you convey a covered work, you waive any legal power to forbid
circumvention of technological measures to the extent such circumvention
is effected by exercising rights under this License with respect to
the covered work, and you disclaim any intention to limit operation or
modification of the work as a means of enforcing, against the work's
users, your or third parties' legal rights to forbid circumvention of
technological measures.
4. Conveying Verbatim Copies.
You may convey verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you
receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice;
keep intact all notices stating that this License and any
non-permissive terms added in accord with section 7 apply to the code;
keep intact all notices of the absence of any warranty; and give all
recipients a copy of this License along with the Program.
You may charge any price or no price for each copy that you convey,
and you may offer support or warranty protection for a fee.
5. Conveying Modified Source Versions.
You may convey a work based on the Program, or the modifications to
produce it from the Program, in the form of source code under the
terms of section 4, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified
it, and giving a relevant date.
b) The work must carry prominent notices stating that it is
released under this License and any conditions added under section
7. This requirement modifies the requirement in section 4 to
"keep intact all notices".
c) You must license the entire work, as a whole, under this
License to anyone who comes into possession of a copy. This
License will therefore apply, along with any applicable section 7
additional terms, to the whole of the work, and all its parts,
regardless of how they are packaged. This License gives no
permission to license the work in any other way, but it does not
invalidate such permission if you have separately received it.
d) If the work has interactive user interfaces, each must display
Appropriate Legal Notices; however, if the Program has interactive
interfaces that do not display Appropriate Legal Notices, your
work need not make them do so.
A compilation of a covered work with other separate and independent
works, which are not by their nature extensions of the covered work,
and which are not combined with it such as to form a larger program,
in or on a volume of a storage or distribution medium, is called an
"aggregate" if the compilation and its resulting copyright are not
used to limit the access or legal rights of the compilation's users
beyond what the individual works permit. Inclusion of a covered work
in an aggregate does not cause this License to apply to the other
parts of the aggregate.
6. Conveying Non-Source Forms.
You may convey a covered work in object code form under the terms
of sections 4 and 5, provided that you also convey the
machine-readable Corresponding Source under the terms of this License,
in one of these ways:
a) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by the
Corresponding Source fixed on a durable physical medium
customarily used for software interchange.
b) Convey the object code in, or embodied in, a physical product
(including a physical distribution medium), accompanied by a
written offer, valid for at least three years and valid for as
long as you offer spare parts or customer support for that product
model, to give anyone who possesses the object code either (1) a
copy of the Corresponding Source for all the software in the
product that is covered by this License, on a durable physical
medium customarily used for software interchange, for a price no
more than your reasonable cost of physically performing this
conveying of source, or (2) access to copy the
Corresponding Source from a network server at no charge.
c) Convey individual copies of the object code with a copy of the
written offer to provide the Corresponding Source. This
alternative is allowed only occasionally and noncommercially, and
only if you received the object code with such an offer, in accord
with subsection 6b.
d) Convey the object code by offering access from a designated
place (gratis or for a charge), and offer equivalent access to the
Corresponding Source in the same way through the same place at no
further charge. You need not require recipients to copy the
Corresponding Source along with the object code. If the place to
copy the object code is a network server, the Corresponding Source
may be on a different server (operated by you or a third party)
that supports equivalent copying facilities, provided you maintain
clear directions next to the object code saying where to find the
Corresponding Source. Regardless of what server hosts the
Corresponding Source, you remain obligated to ensure that it is
available for as long as needed to satisfy these requirements.
e) Convey the object code using peer-to-peer transmission, provided
you inform other peers where the object code and Corresponding
Source of the work are being offered to the general public at no
charge under subsection 6d.
A separable portion of the object code, whose source code is excluded
from the Corresponding Source as a System Library, need not be
included in conveying the object code work.
A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any
tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family,
or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation
into a dwelling. In determining whether a product is a consumer product,
doubtful cases shall be resolved in favor of coverage. For a particular
product received by a particular user, "normally used" refers to a
typical or common use of that class of product, regardless of the status
of the particular user or of the way in which the particular user
actually uses, or expects or is expected to use, the product. A product
is a consumer product regardless of whether the product has substantial
commercial, industrial or non-consumer uses, unless such uses represent
the only significant mode of use of the product.
"Installation Information" for a User Product means any methods,
procedures, authorization keys, or other information required to install
and execute modified versions of a covered work in that User Product from
a modified version of its Corresponding Source. The information must
suffice to ensure that the continued functioning of the modified object
code is in no case prevented or interfered with solely because
modification has been made.
If you convey an object code work under this section in, or with, or
specifically for use in, a User Product, and the conveying occurs as
part of a transaction in which the right of possession and use of the
User Product is transferred to the recipient in perpetuity or for a
fixed term (regardless of how the transaction is characterized), the
Corresponding Source conveyed under this section must be accompanied
by the Installation Information. But this requirement does not apply
if neither you nor any third party retains the ability to install
modified object code on the User Product (for example, the work has
been installed in ROM).
The requirement to provide Installation Information does not include a
requirement to continue to provide support service, warranty, or updates
for a work that has been modified or installed by the recipient, or for
the User Product in which it has been modified or installed. Access to a
network may be denied when the modification itself materially and
adversely affects the operation of the network or violates the rules and
protocols for communication across the network.
Corresponding Source conveyed, and Installation Information provided,
in accord with this section must be in a format that is publicly
documented (and with an implementation available to the public in
source code form), and must require no special password or key for
unpacking, reading or copying.
7. Additional Terms.
"Additional permissions" are terms that supplement the terms of this
License by making exceptions from one or more of its conditions.
Additional permissions that are applicable to the entire Program shall
be treated as though they were included in this License, to the extent
that they are valid under applicable law. If additional permissions
apply only to part of the Program, that part may be used separately
under those permissions, but the entire Program remains governed by
this License without regard to the additional permissions.
When you convey a copy of a covered work, you may at your option
remove any additional permissions from that copy, or from any part of
it. (Additional permissions may be written to require their own
removal in certain cases when you modify the work.) You may place
additional permissions on material, added by you to a covered work,
for which you have or can give appropriate copyright permission.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, for material you
add to a covered work, you may (if authorized by the copyright holders of
that material) supplement the terms of this License with terms:
a) Disclaiming warranty or limiting liability differently from the
terms of sections 15 and 16 of this License; or
b) Requiring preservation of specified reasonable legal notices or
author attributions in that material or in the Appropriate Legal
Notices displayed by works containing it; or
c) Prohibiting misrepresentation of the origin of that material, or
requiring that modified versions of such material be marked in
reasonable ways as different from the original version; or
d) Limiting the use for publicity purposes of names of licensors or
authors of the material; or
e) Declining to grant rights under trademark law for use of some
trade names, trademarks, or service marks; or
f) Requiring indemnification of licensors and authors of that
material by anyone who conveys the material (or modified versions of
it) with contractual assumptions of liability to the recipient, for
any liability that these contractual assumptions directly impose on
those licensors and authors.
All other non-permissive additional terms are considered "further
restrictions" within the meaning of section 10. If the Program as you
received it, or any part of it, contains a notice stating that it is
governed by this License along with a term that is a further
restriction, you may remove that term. If a license document contains
a further restriction but permits relicensing or conveying under this
License, you may add to a covered work material governed by the terms
of that license document, provided that the further restriction does
not survive such relicensing or conveying.
If you add terms to a covered work in accord with this section, you
must place, in the relevant source files, a statement of the
additional terms that apply to those files, or a notice indicating
where to find the applicable terms.
Additional terms, permissive or non-permissive, may be stated in the
form of a separately written license, or stated as exceptions;
the above requirements apply either way.
8. Termination.
You may not propagate or modify a covered work except as expressly
provided under this License. Any attempt otherwise to propagate or
modify it is void, and will automatically terminate your rights under
this License (including any patent licenses granted under the third
paragraph of section 11).
However, if you cease all violation of this License, then your
license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated (a)
provisionally, unless and until the copyright holder explicitly and
finally terminates your license, and (b) permanently, if the copyright
holder fails to notify you of the violation by some reasonable means
prior to 60 days after the cessation.
Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is
reinstated permanently if the copyright holder notifies you of the
violation by some reasonable means, this is the first time you have
received notice of violation of this License (for any work) from that
copyright holder, and you cure the violation prior to 30 days after
your receipt of the notice.
Termination of your rights under this section does not terminate the
licenses of parties who have received copies or rights from you under
this License. If your rights have been terminated and not permanently
reinstated, you do not qualify to receive new licenses for the same
material under section 10.
9. Acceptance Not Required for Having Copies.
You are not required to accept this License in order to receive or
run a copy of the Program. Ancillary propagation of a covered work
occurring solely as a consequence of using peer-to-peer transmission
to receive a copy likewise does not require acceptance. However,
nothing other than this License grants you permission to propagate or
modify any covered work. These actions infringe copyright if you do
not accept this License. Therefore, by modifying or propagating a
covered work, you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so.
10. Automatic Licensing of Downstream Recipients.
Each time you convey a covered work, the recipient automatically
receives a license from the original licensors, to run, modify and
propagate that work, subject to this License. You are not responsible
for enforcing compliance by third parties with this License.
An "entity transaction" is a transaction transferring control of an
organization, or substantially all assets of one, or subdividing an
organization, or merging organizations. If propagation of a covered
work results from an entity transaction, each party to that
transaction who receives a copy of the work also receives whatever
licenses to the work the party's predecessor in interest had or could
give under the previous paragraph, plus a right to possession of the
Corresponding Source of the work from the predecessor in interest, if
the predecessor has it or can get it with reasonable efforts.
You may not impose any further restrictions on the exercise of the
rights granted or affirmed under this License. For example, you may
not impose a license fee, royalty, or other charge for exercise of
rights granted under this License, and you may not initiate litigation
(including a cross-claim or counterclaim in a lawsuit) alleging that
any patent claim is infringed by making, using, selling, offering for
sale, or importing the Program or any portion of it.
11. Patents.
A "contributor" is a copyright holder who authorizes use under this
License of the Program or a work on which the Program is based. The
work thus licensed is called the contributor's "contributor version".
A contributor's "essential patent claims" are all patent claims
owned or controlled by the contributor, whether already acquired or
hereafter acquired, that would be infringed by some manner, permitted
by this License, of making, using, or selling its contributor version,
but do not include claims that would be infringed only as a
consequence of further modification of the contributor version. For
purposes of this definition, "control" includes the right to grant
patent sublicenses in a manner consistent with the requirements of
this License.
Each contributor grants you a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free
patent license under the contributor's essential patent claims, to
make, use, sell, offer for sale, import and otherwise run, modify and
propagate the contents of its contributor version.
In the following three paragraphs, a "patent license" is any express
agreement or commitment, however denominated, not to enforce a patent
(such as an express permission to practice a patent or covenant not to
sue for patent infringement). To "grant" such a patent license to a
party means to make such an agreement or commitment not to enforce a
patent against the party.
If you convey a covered work, knowingly relying on a patent license,
and the Corresponding Source of the work is not available for anyone
to copy, free of charge and under the terms of this License, through a
publicly available network server or other readily accessible means,
then you must either (1) cause the Corresponding Source to be so
available, or (2) arrange to deprive yourself of the benefit of the
patent license for this particular work, or (3) arrange, in a manner
consistent with the requirements of this License, to extend the patent
license to downstream recipients. "Knowingly relying" means you have
actual knowledge that, but for the patent license, your conveying the
covered work in a country, or your recipient's use of the covered work
in a country, would infringe one or more identifiable patents in that
country that you have reason to believe are valid.
If, pursuant to or in connection with a single transaction or
arrangement, you convey, or propagate by procuring conveyance of, a
covered work, and grant a patent license to some of the parties
receiving the covered work authorizing them to use, propagate, modify
or convey a specific copy of the covered work, then the patent license
you grant is automatically extended to all recipients of the covered
work and works based on it.
A patent license is "discriminatory" if it does not include within
the scope of its coverage, prohibits the exercise of, or is
conditioned on the non-exercise of one or more of the rights that are
specifically granted under this License. You may not convey a covered
work if you are a party to an arrangement with a third party that is
in the business of distributing software, under which you make payment
to the third party based on the extent of your activity of conveying
the work, and under which the third party grants, to any of the
parties who would receive the covered work from you, a discriminatory
patent license (a) in connection with copies of the covered work
conveyed by you (or copies made from those copies), or (b) primarily
for and in connection with specific products or compilations that
contain the covered work, unless you entered into that arrangement,
or that patent license was granted, prior to 28 March 2007.
Nothing in this License shall be construed as excluding or limiting
any implied license or other defenses to infringement that may
otherwise be available to you under applicable patent law.
12. No Surrender of Others' Freedom.
If conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot convey a
covered work so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may
not convey it at all. For example, if you agree to terms that obligate you
to collect a royalty for further conveying from those to whom you convey
the Program, the only way you could satisfy both those terms and this
License would be to refrain entirely from conveying the Program.
13. Use with the GNU Affero General Public License.
Notwithstanding any other provision of this License, you have
permission to link or combine any covered work with a work licensed
under version 3 of the GNU Affero General Public License into a single
combined work, and to convey the resulting work. The terms of this
License will continue to apply to the part which is the covered work,
but the special requirements of the GNU Affero General Public License,
section 13, concerning interaction through a network will apply to the
combination as such.
14. Revised Versions of this License.
The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of
the GNU General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
Program specifies that a certain numbered version of the GNU General
Public License "or any later version" applies to it, you have the
option of following the terms and conditions either of that numbered
version or of any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of the
GNU General Public License, you may choose any version ever published
by the Free Software Foundation.
If the Program specifies that a proxy can decide which future
versions of the GNU General Public License can be used, that proxy's
public statement of acceptance of a version permanently authorizes you
to choose that version for the Program.
Later license versions may give you additional or different
permissions. However, no additional obligations are imposed on any
author or copyright holder as a result of your choosing to follow a
later version.
15. Disclaimer of Warranty.
16. Limitation of Liability.
17. Interpretation of Sections 15 and 16.
If the disclaimer of warranty and limitation of liability provided
above cannot be given local legal effect according to their terms,
reviewing courts shall apply local law that most closely approximates
an absolute waiver of all civil liability in connection with the
Program, unless a warranty or assumption of liability accompanies a
copy of the Program in return for a fee.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
state the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
<one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program does terminal interaction, make it output a short
notice like this when it starts in an interactive mode:
<program> Copyright (C) <year> <name of author>
This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, your program's commands
might be different; for a GUI interface, you would use an "about box".
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or school,
if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if necessary.
For more information on this, and how to apply and follow the GNU GPL, see
The GNU General Public License does not permit incorporating your program
into proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you
may consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with
the library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License. But first, please read

View File

@ -1,5 +1,167 @@
PYTESTS = $(wildcard test/test_*.py)
.PHONY: all
all: yadm.md contrib
@$(MAKE) usage | less
# Display usage for all make targets
.PHONY: usage
@echo 'make TARGET [option=value, ...]'
@echo 'TESTING'
@echo ' make test [testargs=ARGS]'
@echo ' - Run all tests. "testargs" can specify a single string of arguments'
@echo ' for py.test.'
@echo ' make <testfile>.py [testargs=ARGS]'
@echo ' - Run tests from a specific test file. "testargs" can specify a'
@echo ' single string of arguments for py.test.'
@echo ' make testhost [version=VERSION]'
@echo ' - Create an ephemeral container for doing adhoc yadm testing. The'
@echo ' HEAD revision of yadm will be used unless "version" is'
@echo ' specified. "version" can be set to any commit, branch, tag, etc.'
@echo ' The targeted "version" will be retrieved from the repo, and'
@echo ' linked into the container as a local volume.'
@echo ' make scripthost [version=VERSION]'
@echo ' - Create an ephemeral container for demonstrating a bug. After'
@echo ' exiting the shell, a log of the commands used to illustrate the'
@echo ' problem will be written to the file "script.txt". This file can'
@echo ' be useful to developers to make a repeatable test for the'
@echo ' problem.'
@echo 'LINTING'
@echo ' make testenv'
@echo ' - Create a python virtual environment with the same dependencies'
@echo " used by yadm's testbed environment. Creating and activating"
@echo ' this environment might be useful if your editor does real time'
@echo ' linting of python files. After creating the virtual environment,'
@echo ' you can activate it by typing:'
@echo ' source testenv/bin/activate'
@echo 'MANPAGES'
@echo ' make man'
@echo ' - View yadm.1 as a standard man page.'
@echo ' make man-wide'
@echo ' - View yadm.1 as a man page, using all columns of your display.'
@echo ' make man-ps'
@echo ' - Create a postscript version of the man page.'
@echo ' make yadm.md'
@echo ' - Generate the markdown version of the man page (for viewing on'
@echo ' the web).'
@echo ' make contrib'
@echo ' - Generate the CONTRIBUTORS file, from the repo history.'
@echo ' make install PREFIX=<prefix>'
@echo ' - Install yadm, manpage, etc. to <prefix>'
@echo ' make sync-clock'
@echo ' - Reset the hardware clock for the docker hypervisor host. This'
@echo ' can be useful for docker engine hosts which are not'
@echo ' Linux-based.'
# Make it possible to run make specifying a py.test test file
@$(MAKE) test testargs="-k $@ $(testargs)"
@$(MAKE) test testargs="-k $@ $(testargs)"
# Run all tests with additional testargs
.PHONY: test
@if [ -f /.yadmtestbed ]; then \
cd /yadm && \
py.test -v $(testargs); \
else \
if command -v "docker-compose" &> /dev/null; then \
docker-compose run --rm testbed make test testargs="$(testargs)"; \
else \
echo "Sorry, this make test requires docker-compose to be installed."; \
false; \
fi \
.PHONY: testhost
testhost: require-docker
@rm -rf /tmp/testhost
@git show $(version):yadm > /tmp/testhost
@chmod a+x /tmp/testhost
@echo Starting testhost version=\"$$version\"
@docker run \
-w /root \
--hostname testhost \
--rm -it \
-v "/tmp/testhost:/bin/yadm:ro" \
yadm/testbed:2020-01-20 \
bash -l
.PHONY: scripthost
scripthost: require-docker
@rm -rf /tmp/testhost
@git show $(version):yadm > /tmp/testhost
@chmod a+x /tmp/testhost
@echo Starting scripthost version=\"$$version\" \(recording script\)
@printf '' > script.gz
@docker run \
-w /root \
--hostname scripthost \
--rm -it \
-v "$$PWD/script.gz:/script.gz:rw" \
-v "/tmp/testhost:/bin/yadm:ro" \
yadm/testbed:2020-01-20 \
bash -c "script /tmp/script -q -c 'bash -l'; gzip < /tmp/script > /script.gz"
@echo "Script saved to $$PWD/script.gz"
.PHONY: testenv
@echo 'Creating a local virtual environment in "testenv/"'
python3 -m venv --clear testenv
testenv/bin/pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools
testenv/bin/pip3 install --upgrade \
flake8==3.7.8 \
pylint==2.4.1 \
pytest==5.1.3 \
yamllint==1.17.0 \
@echo 'To activate this test environment type:'
@echo ' source testenv/bin/activate'
.PHONY: man
@groff -man -Tascii ./yadm.1 | less
.PHONY: man-wide
@man ./yadm.1
.PHONY: man-ps
@groff -man -Tps ./yadm.1 > yadm.ps
yadm.md: yadm.1
@groff -man -Tascii ./yadm.1 | col -bx | sed 's/^[A-Z]/## &/g' | sed '/yadm(1)/d' > yadm.md
@ -7,54 +169,30 @@ yadm.md: yadm.1
.PHONY: contrib
@git shortlog -ns master gh-pages dev dev-pages | cut -f2 >> CONTRIBUTORS
@git shortlog -ns master gh-pages develop dev-pages | cut -f2 >> CONTRIBUTORS
.PHONY: pdf
@groff -man -Tps ./yadm.1 > yadm.ps
@open yadm.ps
@sleep 1
@rm yadm.ps
.PHONY: install
@[ -n "$(PREFIX)" ] || { echo "PREFIX is not set"; exit 1; }
set -e ;\
bin="$(PREFIX)/bin" ;\
doc="$(PREFIX)/share/doc/yadm" ;\
man="$(PREFIX)/share/man/man1" ;\
install -d "$$bin" "$$doc" "$$man" ;\
install -m 0755 yadm "$$bin" ;\
install -m 0644 yadm.1 "$$man" ;\
install -m 0644 CHANGES CONTRIBUTORS LICENSE "$$doc" ;\
cp -r contrib "$$doc" ;\
.PHONY: test
test: bats shellcheck
.PHONY: sync-clock
docker run --rm --privileged alpine hwclock -s
.PHONY: parallel
ls test/*bats | time parallel -q -P0 -- docker run --rm -v "$$PWD:/yadm:ro" yadm/testbed bash -c 'bats {}'
.PHONY: bats
@echo Running all bats tests
@GPG_AGENT_INFO= bats test
.PHONY: shellcheck
@echo Running shellcheck
@shellcheck --version || true
@shellcheck -s bash yadm bootstrap test/*.bash completion/yadm.bash_completion
@cd test; \
for bats_file in *bats; do \
sed 's/^@test.*{/function test() {/' "$$bats_file" > "/tmp/$$bats_file.bash"; \
shellcheck -s bash "/tmp/$$bats_file.bash"; \
test_result="$$?"; \
rm -f "/tmp/$$bats_file.bash"; \
[ "$$test_result" -ne 0 ] && exit 1; \
done; true
.PHONY: testhost
@rm -rf /tmp/testhost
@git show $(target):yadm > /tmp/testhost
@chmod a+x /tmp/testhost
@echo Starting testhost target=\"$$target\"
@docker run -w /root --hostname testhost --rm -it -v "/tmp/testhost:/bin/yadm:ro" yadm/testbed:latest bash
.PHONY: man
groff -man -Tascii ./yadm.1 | less
.PHONY: wide
man ./yadm.1
.PHONY: require-docker
@if ! command -v "docker" &> /dev/null; then \
echo "Sorry, this make target requires docker to be installed."; \
false; \

View File

@ -1,7 +1,52 @@
# yadm - Yet Another Dotfiles Manager [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/TheLocehiliosan/yadm.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/TheLocehiliosan/yadm)
# yadm - Yet Another Dotfiles Manager
Features, usage, examples and installation instructions can be found on the [website](https://thelocehiliosan.github.io/yadm/).
[![Latest Version][releases-badge]][releases-link]
[![Homebrew Version][homebrew-badge]][homebrew-link]
[![OBS Version][obs-badge]][obs-link]
[![Arch Version][aur-badge]][aur-link]
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[![Master Update][master-date]][master-commits]
[![Develop Update][develop-date]][develop-commits]
[![Website Update][website-date]][website-commits]<br />
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[![Dev Pages Status][dev-pages-badge]][travis-ci]
<!-- vim: set spell lbr : -->
[**yadm**][website-link] is a tool for managing [dotfiles][].
* Based on [Git][], with full range of Git's features
* Supports system-specific alternative files
* Encryption of private data using [GnuPG][]
* Customizable initialization (bootstrapping)
Features, usage, examples and installation instructions can be found on the
[Git]: https://git-scm.com/
[GnuPG]: https://gnupg.org/
[aur-badge]: https://img.shields.io/aur/version/yadm-git.svg
[aur-link]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/yadm-git
[dev-pages-badge]: https://img.shields.io/travis/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/dev-pages.svg?label=dev-pages
[develop-badge]: https://img.shields.io/travis/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/develop.svg?label=develop
[develop-commits]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/commits/develop
[develop-date]: https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/develop.svg?label=develop
[dotfiles]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hidden_file_and_hidden_directory
[gh-pages-badge]: https://img.shields.io/travis/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/gh-pages.svg?label=gh-pages
[homebrew-badge]: https://img.shields.io/homebrew/v/yadm.svg
[homebrew-link]: https://formulae.brew.sh/formula/yadm
[license-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/license/TheLocehiliosan/yadm.svg
[license-link]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/blob/master/LICENSE
[master-badge]: https://img.shields.io/travis/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/master.svg?label=master
[master-commits]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/commits/master
[master-date]: https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/master.svg?label=master
[obs-badge]: https://img.shields.io/badge/OBS-v2.4.0-blue
[obs-link]: https://software.opensuse.org//download.html?project=home%3ATheLocehiliosan%3Ayadm&package=yadm
[releases-badge]: https://img.shields.io/github/tag/TheLocehiliosan/yadm.svg?label=latest+release
[releases-link]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/releases
[travis-ci]: https://travis-ci.org/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/branches
[website-commits]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/commits/gh-pages
[website-date]: https://img.shields.io/github/last-commit/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/gh-pages.svg?label=website
[website-link]: https://yadm.io/

View File

@ -4,6 +4,8 @@
# This script can be "curl-piped" into bash to bootstrap a dotfiles repo when
# yadm is not locally installed. Read below for instructions.
# This script is hosted at bootstrap.yadm.io to make it easy to remember/type.
# DISCLAIMER: In general, I would advise against piping someone's code directly
# from the Internet into an interpreter (like Bash). You should
# probably review any code like this prior to executing it. I leave
@ -13,29 +15,38 @@
# (allowing the yadm project to be a submodule of my dotfiles
# repo).
# Invoke with:
# Invoke bootstrap with:
# curl -fsSL 'https://tinyurl.com/yadm-bootstrap' | bash
# curl -L bootstrap.yadm.io | bash
# OR
# OR
# curl -L bootstrap.yadm.io | bash [-s -- REPO_URL [YADM_RELEASE]]
# Alternatively, source in this file to export a yadm() function which uses
# yadm remotely until it is locally installed.
# source <(curl -L bootstrap.yadm.io)
# curl -fsSL 'https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/raw/master/bootstrap' | bash [-s -- REPO_URL [YADM_RELEASE]]
function yadm() {
if command -v which >/dev/null 2>&1 && which yadm >/dev/null 2>&1; then
function _private_yadm() {
unset -f yadm
if command -v yadm &> /dev/null; then
echo "Found yadm installed locally, removing remote yadm() function"
unset -f yadm
unset -f _private_yadm
command yadm "$@"
function yadm() { _private_yadm "$@"; }; export -f yadm
echo WARNING: Using yadm remotely. You should install yadm locally.
curl -fsSL "$YADM_REPO/raw/$YADM_RELEASE/yadm" | bash -s -- "$@"
export -f yadm
export -f _private_yadm
function yadm() { _private_yadm "$@"; }; export -f yadm
# if being sourced, return here, otherwise continue processing
return 2>/dev/null
@ -46,18 +57,18 @@ function remote_yadm() {
function ask_about_source() {
if ! command -v yadm >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if ! command -v yadm &> /dev/null; then
echo "***************************************************"
echo "yadm is NOT currently installed."
echo "You should install it locally, this link may help:"
echo "https://thelocehiliosan.github.io/yadm/docs/install"
echo "https://yadm.io/docs/install"
echo "***************************************************"
echo "If installation is not possible right now, you can temporarily \"source\""
echo "in a yadm() function which fetches yadm remotely each time it is called."
echo " source <(curl -fsSL '$YADM_REPO/raw/$YADM_RELEASE/bootstrap')"
echo " source <(curl -L bootstrap.yadm.io)"

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ if declare -F _git > /dev/null; then
local GIT_DIR
local -x GIT_DIR
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
GIT_DIR="$(yadm introspect repo 2>/dev/null)"
@ -55,24 +55,38 @@ if declare -F _git > /dev/null; then
case "$antepenultimate" in
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "-f -w --bootstrap --no-bootstrap" -- "$current") )
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "-f -w -b --bootstrap --no-bootstrap" -- "$current") )
return 0
local yadm_switches=( $(yadm introspect switches 2>/dev/null) )
# this condition is so files are completed properly for --yadm-xxx options
if [[ ! "$penultimate" =~ ^- ]]; then
if [[ " ${yadm_switches[*]} " != *" $penultimate "* ]]; then
# TODO: somehow solve the problem with [--yadm-xxx option] being
# incompatible with what git expects, namely [--arg=option]
if [[ "$current" =~ ^- ]]; then
local matching
matching=$(compgen -W "$(yadm introspect switches 2>/dev/null)" -- "$current")
matching=$(compgen -W "${yadm_switches[*]}" -- "$current")
__gitcompappend "$matching"
if [ "$COMP_CWORD" == 1 ] || [[ "$antepenultimate" =~ ^- ]] ; then
# Find the index of where the sub-command argument should go.
local command_idx
for (( command_idx=1 ; command_idx < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]} ; command_idx++ )); do
local command_idx_arg="${COMP_WORDS[$command_idx]}"
if [[ " ${yadm_switches[*]} " = *" $command_idx_arg "* ]]; then
let command_idx++
elif [[ "$command_idx_arg" = -* ]]; then
if [[ "$COMP_CWORD" = "$command_idx" ]]; then
local matching
matching=$(compgen -W "$(yadm introspect commands 2>/dev/null)" -- "$current")
__gitcompappend "$matching"

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ _yadm(){
'config:Configure a setting'
'list:List tracked files'
'alt:Create links for alternates'
'bootstrap:Execute $HOME/.yadm/bootstrap'
'bootstrap:Execute $HOME/.config/yadm/bootstrap'
'encrypt:Encrypt files'
'decrypt:Decrypt files'
'perms:Fix perms for private files'

contrib/hooks/README.md Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
## Contributed Hooks
Although these [hooks][hooks-help] are available as part of the official
**yadm** source tree, they have a somewhat different status. The intention is to
keep interesting and potentially useful hooks here, building a library of
examples that might help others.
In some cases, an experimental new feature can be build entirely with hooks, and
this is a place to share it.
I recommend *careful review* of any code from here before using it. No
guarantees of code quality is assumed.
[hooks-help]: https://github.com/TheLocehiliosan/yadm/blob/master/yadm.md#hooks

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
## Track checksums of encrypted files
Contributed by Martin Zuther
Hook | Description
---- | -----------
post_encrypt | Collects the checksums of encrypted files, and stores them in .config/yadm/files.checksums
post_list | Prints the names of encrypted files
post_status | Reports untracked changes within encrypted files

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# yadm - Yet Another Dotfiles Manager
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Tim Byrne and Martin Zuther
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
WARNING_MESSAGE="No checksums were created"
# unpack exported array; filenames including a newline character (\n)
# are NOT supported
function get_checksum_command {
# check if "shasum" exists and supports the algorithm (which is
# tested by sending an empty string to "shasum")
if command -v "shasum" > /dev/null && printf "" | shasum --algorithm "256" &> /dev/null; then
printf "shasum --algorithm 256"
# check if "sha256sum" exists
elif command -v "sha256sum" > /dev/null; then
printf "sha256sum"
# check if "gsha256sum" exists
elif command -v "gsha256sum" > /dev/null; then
printf "gsha256sum"
# display warning in bright yellow
printf "\033[1;33m" >&2
printf "\nWARNING: \"shasum\", \"sha256sum\" and \"gsha256sum\" not found. %s\n" "$WARNING_MESSAGE." >&2
# reset output color
printf "\033[0m" >&2
# signal error
return 1
# get checksum command
# no command found
if (($?)); then
# return original exit status of yadm command
# empty (or create) checksum file
# calculate checksums for encrypted files
for included in "${YADM_ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES[@]}"; do
# highlight any errors in red
printf "\033[0;31m"
# calculate checksums
# reset output color
printf "\033[0m"
# handle errors
if (($ERROR_CODE)); then
# display warning in bright yellow
printf "\033[1;33m" >&2
printf "\nWARNING: an error occurred. Please inspect the checksum file.\n" >&2
# reset output color
printf "\033[0m" >&2
# exit and signal error
# announce success and return original exit status of yadm command
printf "Wrote SHA-256 checksums: %s\n" "$YADM_CHECKSUMS"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# yadm - Yet Another Dotfiles Manager
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Tim Byrne and Martin Zuther
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
# is current directory on yadm's work path?
# (adapted from https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/6438/122163)
if [ "${PWD##$YADM_HOOK_WORK}" != "$PWD" ]; then
# list all files or only those in the subdirectories below?
for argument in "${YADM_HOOK_FULL_COMMAND[@]}"; do
# mimick git ls-files by displaying all files when not on work
# path
if [ "$argument" = "-a" ] || [ $ON_WORK_PATH -eq 0 ]; then
# if there is no checksum file, exit with original status of yadm
# command
if [ ! -f "$YADM_CHECKSUMS" ]; then
# list encrypted files
while IFS= read -r filename; do
# remove checksums from file names
filename="${filename##[a-zA-Z0-9]* }"
# list only files in the subdirectories below (i.e. files
# whose relative path doesn't begin with "../")
if [ $OPTION_LIST_ALL -eq 0 ]; then
REL_PATH=$(relative_path "$PWD" "$YADM_HOOK_WORK/$filename")
if [ "$REL_PATH" = "${REL_PATH##../}" ]; then
printf "%s\n" "$REL_PATH"
# list all files
printf "%s\n" "$filename"
# return original exit status of yadm command

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# yadm - Yet Another Dotfiles Manager
# Copyright (C) 2015-2020 Tim Byrne and Martin Zuther
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
WARNING_MESSAGE="Checksums were not verified"
# unpack exported array; filenames including a newline character (\n)
# are NOT supported
function get_checksum_command {
# check if "shasum" exists and supports the algorithm (which is
# tested by sending an empty string to "shasum")
if command -v "shasum" > /dev/null && printf "" | shasum --algorithm "256" &> /dev/null; then
printf "shasum --algorithm 256"
# check if "sha256sum" exists
elif command -v "sha256sum" > /dev/null; then
printf "sha256sum"
# check if "gsha256sum" exists
elif command -v "gsha256sum" > /dev/null; then
printf "gsha256sum"
# display warning in bright yellow
printf "\033[1;33m" >&2
printf "\nWARNING: \"shasum\", \"sha256sum\" and \"gsha256sum\" not found. %s\n" "$WARNING_MESSAGE." >&2
# reset output color
printf "\033[0m" >&2
# signal error
return 1
# if there is no checksum file, exit with original status of yadm
# command
if [ ! -f "$YADM_CHECKSUMS" ]; then
# get checksum command
# no command found
if (($?)); then
# return original exit status of yadm command
# check encrypted files for differences and capture output and error
# messages
# handle mismatched checksums and errors
if (($ERROR_CODE)); then
printf "\nSome SHA-256 sums do not match (or an error occurred):\n\n"
# display differing files and errors (highlighted in red)
printf "\033[0;31m"
while IFS= read -r line; do
# beautify output and get rid of unnecessary lines
line="${line%%*: [Oo][Kk]}"
line="${line%%: [Ff][Aa][Ii][Ll][Ee][Dd]}"
line="${line##*WARNING:*did NOT match}"
if [ -n "$line" ]; then
printf "%s\n" "$line"
# reset output color
printf "\033[0m"
# display advice for differing files and signal error
printf "\nConsider running either \"yadm encrypt\" or \"yadm decrypt\".\n"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
## Example of parsing `$YADM_HOOK_FULL_COMMAND`
Contributed by Tim Byrne
Hook | Description
---- | -----------
pre_log | Provides an example of parsing `$YADM_HOOK_FULL_COMMAND` in Bash

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# yadm exposes all parameters of the command which triggers a hook. Those
# parameters are exported as the environment variable YADM_HOOK_FULL_COMMAND.
# Any spaces, tabs, or backslashes in those parameters are escaped with a
# backslash. The function `parse_full_command()` is a demonstration of parsing
# those values which may be escaped.
function parse_full_command() {
local delim=$'\x1e' # ASCII Record Separator
local space=$'\x1f' # ASCII Unit Separator
local tab=$'\t' # ASCII TAB
local cmd
cmd="${cmd//\\ /$space}" # swap escaped spaces for `1f`
cmd="${cmd//\\\\/\\}" # fix escaped backslashes
cmd="${cmd//\\$tab/$tab}" # fix escaped tabs
cmd="${cmd// /$delim}" # convert space delimiters to `1c`
cmd="${cmd//$space/ }" # convert `1f` back to spaces
# parse data into an array
IFS=$delim read -r -a full_cmd <<< "$cmd"
for param in "${full_cmd[@]}"; do
echo "Parameter: '$param'"

docker-compose.yml Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
version: '3'
- .:/yadm:ro
image: yadm/testbed:2020-01-20

pylintrc Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@

pytest.ini Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
cache_dir = /tmp
addopts = -ra
markers =
deprecated: marks tests for deprecated features (deselect with '-m "not deprecated"')

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
load common
@test "Syntax check" {
echo "
$T_YADM must parse correctly
#; check the syntax of yadm
bash -n "$T_YADM"

View File

@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
load common
function configuration_test() {
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
YADM_TEST=1 source "$T_YADM"
output=$( process_global_args "$@" ) || {
if [ "$status" == 0 ]; then
process_global_args "$@"
echo -e "STATUS:$status\nOUTPUT:$output"
echo " GIT_DIR:$GIT_DIR"
@test "Default paths" {
echo "
Default paths should be defined
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$YADM_DIR" = "$HOME/.yadm" ]
@test "Override YADM_DIR" {
echo "
Override YADM_DIR using -Y $T_DIR_YADM
YADM_DIR should become $T_DIR_YADM
configuration_test "${TEST_ARGS[@]}"
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$YADM_DIR" = "$T_DIR_YADM" ]
@test "Override YADM_DIR (not fully-qualified)" {
echo "
Override YADM_DIR using -Y 'relative/path'
yadm should fail, and report the error
TEST_ARGS=(-Y relative/path)
configuration_test "${TEST_ARGS[@]}"
[ "$status" == 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ must\ specify\ a\ fully\ qualified ]]
@test "Override YADM_REPO" {
echo "
Override YADM_REPO using --yadm-repo /custom/repo
YADM_REPO should become /custom/repo
GIT_DIR should become /custom/repo
TEST_ARGS=(--yadm-repo /custom/repo)
configuration_test "${TEST_ARGS[@]}"
[ "$YADM_REPO" = "/custom/repo" ]
[ "$GIT_DIR" = "/custom/repo" ]
@test "Override YADM_REPO (not fully qualified)" {
echo "
Override YADM_REPO using --yadm-repo relative/repo
yadm should fail, and report the error
TEST_ARGS=(--yadm-repo relative/repo)
configuration_test "${TEST_ARGS[@]}"
[ "$status" == 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ must\ specify\ a\ fully\ qualified ]]
@test "Override YADM_CONFIG" {
echo "
Override YADM_CONFIG using --yadm-config /custom/config
YADM_CONFIG should become /custom/config
TEST_ARGS=(--yadm-config /custom/config)
configuration_test "${TEST_ARGS[@]}"
[ "$YADM_CONFIG" = "/custom/config" ]
@test "Override YADM_CONFIG (not fully qualified)" {
echo "
Override YADM_CONFIG using --yadm-config relative/config
yadm should fail, and report the error
TEST_ARGS=(--yadm-config relative/config)
configuration_test "${TEST_ARGS[@]}"
[ "$status" == 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ must\ specify\ a\ fully\ qualified ]]
@test "Override YADM_ENCRYPT" {
echo "
Override YADM_ENCRYPT using --yadm-encrypt /custom/encrypt
YADM_ENCRYPT should become /custom/encrypt
TEST_ARGS=(--yadm-encrypt /custom/encrypt)
configuration_test "${TEST_ARGS[@]}"
[ "$YADM_ENCRYPT" = "/custom/encrypt" ]
@test "Override YADM_ENCRYPT (not fully qualified)" {
echo "
Override YADM_ENCRYPT using --yadm-encrypt relative/encrypt
yadm should fail, and report the error
TEST_ARGS=(--yadm-encrypt relative/encrypt)
configuration_test "${TEST_ARGS[@]}"
[ "$status" == 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ must\ specify\ a\ fully\ qualified ]]
@test "Override YADM_ARCHIVE" {
echo "
Override YADM_ARCHIVE using --yadm-archive /custom/archive
YADM_ARCHIVE should become /custom/archive
TEST_ARGS=(--yadm-archive /custom/archive)
configuration_test "${TEST_ARGS[@]}"
[ "$YADM_ARCHIVE" = "/custom/archive" ]
@test "Override YADM_ARCHIVE (not fully qualified)" {
echo "
Override YADM_ARCHIVE using --yadm-archive relative/archive
yadm should fail, and report the error
TEST_ARGS=(--yadm-archive relative/archive)
configuration_test "${TEST_ARGS[@]}"
[ "$status" == 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ must\ specify\ a\ fully\ qualified ]]
@test "Override YADM_BOOTSTRAP" {
echo "
Override YADM_BOOTSTRAP using --yadm-bootstrap /custom/bootstrap
YADM_BOOTSTRAP should become /custom/bootstrap
TEST_ARGS=(--yadm-bootstrap /custom/bootstrap)
configuration_test "${TEST_ARGS[@]}"
[ "$YADM_BOOTSTRAP" = "/custom/bootstrap" ]
@test "Override YADM_BOOTSTRAP (not fully qualified)" {
echo "
Override YADM_BOOTSTRAP using --yadm-bootstrap relative/bootstrap
yadm should fail, and report the error
TEST_ARGS=(--yadm-bootstrap relative/bootstrap)
configuration_test "${TEST_ARGS[@]}"
[ "$status" == 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ must\ specify\ a\ fully\ qualified ]]

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
load common
T_YADM_CONFIG=; # populated by load_fixtures
status=;output=; # populated by bats run()
setup() {
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
teardown() {
function configuration_test() {
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
YADM_TEST=1 source "$T_YADM"
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
{ output=$( require_gpg ) && require_gpg; } || {
echo -e "STATUS:$status\nGPG_PROGRAM:$GPG_PROGRAM\nOUTPUT:$output"
@test "Default gpg program" {
echo "
Default gpg program should be 'gpg'
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$GPG_PROGRAM" = "gpg" ]
@test "Override gpg program (valid program)" {
echo "
Override gpg using yadm.gpg-program
Program should be 'cat'
git config --file="$T_YADM_CONFIG" "yadm.gpg-program" "cat"
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$GPG_PROGRAM" = "cat" ]
@test "Override gpg program (invalid program)" {
echo "
Override gpg using yadm.gpg-program
Program should be 'badprogram'
git config --file="$T_YADM_CONFIG" "yadm.gpg-program" "badprogram"
[ "$status" == 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ badprogram ]]

View File

@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
load common
T_YADM_CONFIG=; # populated by load_fixtures
status=;output=; # populated by bats run()
setup() {
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
teardown() {
function configuration_test() {
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
YADM_TEST=1 source "$T_YADM"
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
{ output=$( require_git ) && require_git; } || {
echo -e "STATUS:$status\nGIT_PROGRAM:$GIT_PROGRAM\nOUTPUT:$output"
@test "Default git program" {
echo "
Default git program should be 'git'
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$GIT_PROGRAM" = "git" ]
@test "Override git program (valid program)" {
echo "
Override git using yadm.git-program
Program should be 'cat'
git config --file="$T_YADM_CONFIG" "yadm.git-program" "cat"
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$GIT_PROGRAM" = "cat" ]
@test "Override git program (invalid program)" {
echo "
Override git using yadm.git-program
Program should be 'badprogram'
git config --file="$T_YADM_CONFIG" "yadm.git-program" "badprogram"
[ "$status" == 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ badprogram ]]

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
load common
T_YADM_BOOTSTRAP=; # populated by load_fixtures
status=; # populated by bats run()
setup() {
make_parents "$T_YADM_BOOTSTRAP"
teardown() {
function available_test() {
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
YADM_TEST=1 source "$T_YADM"
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
{ bootstrap_available; } || {
echo -e "STATUS:$status"
@test "Bootstrap missing" {
echo "
When bootstrap command is missing
return 1
[ "$status" == 1 ]
@test "Bootstrap not executable" {
echo "
When bootstrap command is not executable
return 1
[ "$status" == 1 ]
@test "Bootstrap executable" {
echo "
When bootstrap command is not executable
return 0
chmod a+x "$T_YADM_BOOTSTRAP"
[ "$status" == 0 ]

View File

@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
load common
@test "Default OS" {
echo "
By default, the value of OPERATING_SYSTEM should be reported by uname -s
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
YADM_TEST=1 source "$T_YADM"
output=$( set_operating_system; echo "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" ) || {
expected=$(uname -s 2>/dev/null)
echo "output=$output"
echo "expect=$expected"
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" = "$expected" ]
@test "Detect no WSL" {
echo "
When /proc/version does not contain Microsoft, report uname -s
echo "proc version exists" > "$BATS_TMPDIR/proc_version"
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
YADM_TEST=1 source "$T_YADM"
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
output=$( set_operating_system; echo "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" ) || {
expected=$(uname -s 2>/dev/null)
echo "output=$output"
echo "expect=$expected"
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" = "$expected" ]
@test "Detect WSL" {
echo "
When /proc/version contains Microsoft, report WSL
echo "proc version contains Microsoft in it" > "$BATS_TMPDIR/proc_version"
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
YADM_TEST=1 source "$T_YADM"
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
output=$( set_operating_system; echo "$OPERATING_SYSTEM" ) || {
echo "output=$output"
echo "expect=$expected"
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" = "$expected" ]

View File

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
load common
@test "Query distro (lsb_release present)" {
echo "
Use value of lsb_release -si
#shellcheck source=/dev/null
YADM_TEST=1 source "$T_YADM"
{ output=$( query_distro ); } || {
echo "output=$output"
echo "expect=$expected"
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" = "$expected" ]
@test "Query distro (lsb_release missing)" {
echo "
Empty value if lsb_release is missing
#shellcheck source=/dev/null
YADM_TEST=1 source "$T_YADM"
echo "Using $LSB_RELEASE_PROGRAM as lsb_release"
{ output=$( query_distro ); } || {
echo "output=$output"
echo "expect=$expected"
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" = "$expected" ]

View File

@ -1,318 +0,0 @@
load common
setup() {
# SC2153 is intentional
# shellcheck disable=SC2153
make_parents "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
make_parents "$T_DIR_WORK"
make_parents "$T_DIR_REPO"
mkdir "$T_DIR_WORK"
git init --shared=0600 --bare "$T_DIR_REPO" >/dev/null 2>&1
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config core.bare 'false'
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config core.worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config yadm.managed 'true'
teardown() {
function run_parse() {
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
YADM_TEST=1 source "$T_YADM"
export GIT_DIR
# shellcheck disable=SC2034
{ output=$( parse_encrypt) && parse_encrypt; } || {
if [ "$1" == "twice" ]; then
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" parse_encrypt
echo -e "OUTPUT:$output\n"
echo " Size: ${#ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES[@]}"
echo " Items: ${ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES[*]}"
echo " Size: ${#EXPECT_INCLUDE[@]}"
echo " Items: ${EXPECT_INCLUDE[*]}"
@test "parse_encrypt (not called)" {
echo "
parse_encrypt() is not called
Array should be 'unparsed'
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
YADM_TEST=1 source "$T_YADM"
[ "$ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES" == "unparsed" ]
@test "parse_encrypt (short-circuit)" {
echo "
Parsing should not happen more than once
run_parse "twice"
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" == "" ]
[[ "$PARSE_ENCRYPT_SHORT" =~ not\ reprocessed ]]
@test "parse_encrypt (file missing)" {
echo "
.yadm/encrypt is empty
Array should be empty
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" == "" ]
@test "parse_encrypt (empty file)" {
echo "
.yadm/encrypt is empty
Array should be empty
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" == "" ]
@test "parse_encrypt (files)" {
echo "
.yadm/encrypt is references present and missing files
Array should be as expected
echo "file1" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file1"
echo "file3" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file3"
echo "file5" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file5"
{ echo "file1"
echo "file2"
echo "file3"
echo "file4"
echo "file5"
EXPECT_INCLUDE=("file1" "file3" "file5")
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" == "" ]
@test "parse_encrypt (files and dirs)" {
echo "
.yadm/encrypt is references present and missing files
.yadm/encrypt is references present and missing dirs
Array should be as expected
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/dir1"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/dir2"
echo "file1" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file1"
echo "file2" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file2"
echo "a" > "$T_DIR_WORK/dir1/a"
echo "b" > "$T_DIR_WORK/dir1/b"
{ echo "file1"
echo "file2"
echo "file3"
echo "dir1"
echo "dir2"
echo "dir3"
EXPECT_INCLUDE=("file1" "file2" "dir1" "dir2")
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" == "" ]
@test "parse_encrypt (comments/empty lines)" {
echo "
.yadm/encrypt is references present and missing files
.yadm/encrypt is references present and missing dirs
.yadm/encrypt contains comments / blank lines
Array should be as expected
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/dir1"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/dir2"
echo "file1" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file1"
echo "file2" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file2"
echo "file3" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file3"
echo "a" > "$T_DIR_WORK/dir1/a"
echo "b" > "$T_DIR_WORK/dir1/b"
{ echo "file1"
echo "file2"
echo "#file3"
echo " #file3"
echo ""
echo "dir1"
echo "dir2"
echo "dir3"
EXPECT_INCLUDE=("file1" "file2" "dir1" "dir2")
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" == "" ]
@test "parse_encrypt (w/spaces)" {
echo "
.yadm/encrypt is references present and missing files
.yadm/encrypt is references present and missing dirs
.yadm/encrypt references contain spaces
Array should be as expected
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/di r1"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/dir2"
echo "file1" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file1"
echo "fi le2" > "$T_DIR_WORK/fi le2"
echo "file3" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file3"
echo "a" > "$T_DIR_WORK/di r1/a"
echo "b" > "$T_DIR_WORK/di r1/b"
{ echo "file1"
echo "fi le2"
echo "#file3"
echo " #file3"
echo ""
echo "di r1"
echo "dir2"
echo "dir3"
EXPECT_INCLUDE=("file1" "fi le2" "di r1" "dir2")
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" == "" ]
@test "parse_encrypt (wildcards)" {
echo "
.yadm/encrypt contains wildcards
Array should be as expected
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/di r1"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/dir2"
echo "file1" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file1"
echo "fi le2" > "$T_DIR_WORK/fi le2"
echo "file2" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file2"
echo "file3" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file3"
echo "a" > "$T_DIR_WORK/di r1/a"
echo "b" > "$T_DIR_WORK/di r1/b"
{ echo "fi*"
echo "#file3"
echo " #file3"
echo ""
echo "#dir2"
echo "di r1"
echo "dir2"
echo "dir3"
EXPECT_INCLUDE=("fi le2" "file1" "file2" "file3" "di r1" "dir2")
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" == "" ]
@test "parse_encrypt (excludes)" {
echo "
.yadm/encrypt contains exclusions
Array should be as expected
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/di r1"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/dir2"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/dir3"
echo "file1" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file1"
echo "file1.ex" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file1.ex"
echo "fi le2" > "$T_DIR_WORK/fi le2"
echo "file3" > "$T_DIR_WORK/file3"
echo "test" > "$T_DIR_WORK/test"
echo "a.txt" > "$T_DIR_WORK/di r1/a.txt"
echo "b.txt" > "$T_DIR_WORK/di r1/b.txt"
echo "c.inc" > "$T_DIR_WORK/di r1/c.inc"
{ echo "fi*"
echo "#file3"
echo " #file3"
echo ""
echo " #test"
echo "#dir2"
echo "di r1/*"
echo "dir2"
echo "dir3"
echo "dir4"
echo "!*.ex"
echo "!di r1/*.txt"
EXPECT_INCLUDE=("fi le2" "file1" "file3" "di r1/c.inc" "dir2" "dir3")
[ "$status" == 0 ]
[ "$output" == "" ]

View File

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
@test "Command 'version'" {
echo "
When 'version' command is provided,
Print the current version with format 'yadm x.x.x'
Exit with 0
#; run yadm with 'version' command
run "$T_YADM" version
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
#; load yadm variables (including VERSION)
YADM_TEST=1 source "$T_YADM"
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "yadm $VERSION" ]
version_regex="^yadm [[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+$"
[[ "$output" =~ $version_regex ]]

View File

@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;lines=; #; populated by bats run()
@test "Missing command" {
echo "
When no command is provided,
Produce usage instructions
Exit with 1
#; run yadm with no command
run "$T_YADM"
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[[ "${lines[0]}" =~ ^Usage: ]]
@test "Command 'help'" {
echo "
When 'help' command is provided,
Produce usage instructions
Exit with value 1
#; run yadm with 'help' command
run "$T_YADM" help
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[[ "${lines[0]}" =~ ^Usage: ]]

View File

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;lines=; #; populated by bats run()
@test "Command 'clean'" {
echo "
When 'clean' command is provided,
Do nothing, this is a dangerous Git command when managing dot files
Report the command as disabled
Exit with 1
#; run yadm with 'clean' command
run "$T_YADM" clean
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[[ "${lines[0]}" =~ disabled ]]

View File

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=;lines=; #; populated by bats run()
IN_REPO=(.bash_profile .vimrc)
function setup_environment() {
build_repo "${IN_REPO[@]}"
@test "Passthru unknown commands to Git" {
echo "
When the command 'bogus' is provided
Report bogus is not a command
Exit with 1
#; start fresh
#; run bogus
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" bogus
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ .bogus..is.not.a.git.command ]]
@test "Git command 'add' - badfile" {
echo "
When the command 'add' is provided
And the file specified does not exist
Exit with 128
#; start fresh
#; define a non existig testfile
local testfile="$T_DIR_WORK/does_not_exist"
#; run add
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" add -v "$testfile"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 128 ]
[[ "$output" =~ pathspec.+did.not.match ]]
@test "Git command 'add'" {
echo "
When the command 'add' is provided
Files are added to the index
Exit with 0
#; start fresh
#; create a testfile
local testfile="$T_DIR_WORK/testfile"
echo "$testfile" > "$testfile"
#; run add
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" add -v "$testfile"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "add 'testfile'" ]
@test "Git command 'status'" {
echo "
When the command 'status' is provided
Added files are shown
Exit with 0
#; run status
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" status
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ new\ file:[[:space:]]+testfile ]]
@test "Git command 'commit'" {
echo "
When the command 'commit' is provided
Index is commited
Exit with 0
#; run commit
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" commit -m 'Add testfile'
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "${lines[1]}" =~ 1\ file\ changed ]]
[[ "${lines[1]}" =~ 1\ insertion ]]
@test "Git command 'log'" {
echo "
When the command 'log' is provided
Commits are shown
Exit with 0
#; run log
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" log --oneline
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "${lines[0]}" =~ Add\ testfile ]]

View File

@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
setup() {
create_worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
@test "Command 'init'" {
echo "
When 'init' command is provided,
Create new repo with attributes:
- 0600 permissions
- not bare
- worktree = \$HOME
- showUntrackedFiles = no
- yadm.managed = true
Report the repo as initialized
Exit with 0
#; run init
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" init
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
#; validate repo attributes
test_perms "$T_DIR_REPO" "drw.--.--."
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.bare false
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.worktree "$HOME"
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" status.showUntrackedFiles no
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" yadm.managed true
@test "Command 'init' -w (alternate worktree)" {
echo "
When 'init' command is provided,
and '-w' is provided,
Create new repo with attributes:
- 0600 permissions
- not bare
- worktree = \$YADM_WORK
- showUntrackedFiles = no
- yadm.managed = true
Report the repo as initialized
Exit with 0
#; run init
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" init -w "$T_DIR_WORK"
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
#; validate repo attributes
test_perms "$T_DIR_REPO" "drw.--.--."
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.bare false
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" status.showUntrackedFiles no
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" yadm.managed true
@test "Command 'init' (existing repo)" {
echo "
When 'init' command is provided,
and a repo already exists,
Refuse to create a new repo
Exit with 1
#; create existing repo content
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_REPO"
local testfile="$T_DIR_REPO/testfile"
touch "$testfile"
#; run init
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" init
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ already.exists ]]
#; verify existing repo is intact
if [ ! -e "$testfile" ]; then
echo "ERROR: existing repo has been changed"
return 1
@test "Command 'init' -f (force overwrite repo)" {
echo "
When 'init' command is provided,
and '-f' is provided
and a repo already exists,
Remove existing repo
Create new repo with attributes:
- 0600 permissions
- not bare
- worktree = \$HOME
- showUntrackedFiles = no
- yadm.managed = true
Report the repo as initialized
Exit with 0
#; create existing repo content
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_REPO"
local testfile="$T_DIR_REPO/testfile"
touch "$testfile"
#; run init
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" init -f
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
#; verify existing repo is gone
if [ -e "$testfile" ]; then
echo "ERROR: existing repo files remain"
return 1
#; validate repo attributes
test_perms "$T_DIR_REPO" "drw.--.--."
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.bare false
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.worktree "$HOME"
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" status.showUntrackedFiles no
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" yadm.managed true
@test "Command 'init' -f -w (force overwrite repo with alternate worktree)" {
echo "
When 'init' command is provided,
and '-f' is provided
and '-w' is provided
and a repo already exists,
Remove existing repo
Create new repo with attributes:
- 0600 permissions
- not bare
- worktree = \$YADM_WORK
- showUntrackedFiles = no
- yadm.managed = true
Report the repo as initialized
Exit with 0
#; create existing repo content
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_REPO"
local testfile="$T_DIR_REPO/testfile"
touch "$testfile"
#; run init
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" init -f -w "$T_DIR_WORK"
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
#; verify existing repo is gone
if [ -e "$testfile" ]; then
echo "ERROR: existing repo files remain"
return 1
#; validate repo attributes
test_perms "$T_DIR_REPO" "drw.--.--."
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.bare false
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" status.showUntrackedFiles no
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" yadm.managed true

View File

@ -1,579 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
IN_REPO=(.bash_profile .vimrc)
setup() {
build_repo "${IN_REPO[@]}"
cp -rp "$T_DIR_REPO" "$T_DIR_REMOTE"
create_bootstrap() {
make_parents "$T_YADM_BOOTSTRAP"
echo "#!/bin/bash"
echo "echo Bootstrap successful"
echo "exit 123"
chmod a+x "$T_YADM_BOOTSTRAP"
@test "Command 'clone' (bad remote)" {
echo "
When 'clone' command is provided,
and the remote is bad,
Report error
Remove the YADM_REPO
Exit with 1
#; remove existing worktree and repo
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK"
rm -rf "$T_DIR_REPO"
#; run clone
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" clone -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "file:///bogus-repo"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Unable\ to\ fetch\ origin ]]
#; confirm repo directory is removed
[ ! -d "$T_DIR_REPO" ]
@test "Command 'clone'" {
echo "
When 'clone' command is provided,
Create new repo with attributes:
- 0600 permissions
- not bare
- worktree = \$YADM_WORK
- showUntrackedFiles = no
- yadm.managed = true
Report the repo as cloned
A remote named origin exists
Exit with 0
#; remove existing worktree and repo
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK"
rm -rf "$T_DIR_REPO"
#; run clone
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" clone -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "$REMOTE_URL"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
#; validate repo attributes
test_perms "$T_DIR_REPO" "drw.--.--."
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.bare false
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" status.showUntrackedFiles no
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" yadm.managed true
#; test the remote
local remote_output
remote_output=$(GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git remote show)
[ "$remote_output" = "origin" ]
@test "Command 'clone' (existing repo)" {
echo "
When 'clone' command is provided,
and a repo already exists,
Report error
Exit with 1
#; run clone
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" clone -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "$REMOTE_URL"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Git\ repo\ already\ exists ]]
@test "Command 'clone' -f (force overwrite)" {
echo "
When 'clone' command is provided,
and '-f' is provided,
and a repo already exists,
Overwrite the repo with attributes:
- 0600 permissions
- not bare
- worktree = \$YADM_WORK
- showUntrackedFiles = no
- yadm.managed = true
Report the repo as cloned
A remote named origin exists
Exit with 0
#; remove existing worktree
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK"
#; run clone
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" clone -w "$T_DIR_WORK" -f "$REMOTE_URL"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
#; validate repo attributes
test_perms "$T_DIR_REPO" "drw.--.--."
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.bare false
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" status.showUntrackedFiles no
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" yadm.managed true
#; test the remote
local remote_output
remote_output=$(GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git remote show)
[ "$remote_output" = "origin" ]
@test "Command 'clone' (existing conflicts)" {
echo "
When 'clone' command is provided,
and '-f' is provided,
and a repo already exists,
Overwrite the repo with attributes:
- 0600 permissions
- not bare
- worktree = \$YADM_WORK
- showUntrackedFiles = no
- yadm.managed = true
Report the repo as cloned
A remote named origin exists
Exit with 0
#; remove existing repo
rm -rf "$T_DIR_REPO"
#; cause a conflict
echo "conflict" >> "$T_DIR_WORK/.bash_profile"
#; run clone
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" clone -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "$REMOTE_URL"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
#; validate merging note
[[ "$output" =~ Merging\ origin/master\ failed ]]
[[ "$output" =~ NOTE ]]
#; validate repo attributes
test_perms "$T_DIR_REPO" "drw.--.--."
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.bare false
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" status.showUntrackedFiles no
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" yadm.managed true
#; test the remote
local remote_output
remote_output=$(GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git remote show)
[ "$remote_output" = "origin" ]
#; confirm yadm repo is clean
cd "$T_DIR_WORK" ||:
clean_status=$("${T_YADM_Y[@]}" status -uno --porcelain)
echo "clean_status:'$clean_status'"
[ -z "$clean_status" ]
#; confirm conflicts are stashed
existing_stash=$("${T_YADM_Y[@]}" stash list)
echo "existing_stash:'$existing_stash'"
[[ "$existing_stash" =~ Conflicts\ preserved ]]
stashed_conflicts=$("${T_YADM_Y[@]}" stash show -p)
echo "stashed_conflicts:'$stashed_conflicts'"
[[ "$stashed_conflicts" =~ \+conflict ]]
@test "Command 'clone' (force bootstrap, missing)" {
echo "
When 'clone' command is provided,
with the --bootstrap parameter
and bootstrap does not exists
Create new repo with attributes:
- 0600 permissions
- not bare
- worktree = \$YADM_WORK
- showUntrackedFiles = no
- yadm.managed = true
Report the repo as cloned
A remote named origin exists
Exit with 0
#; remove existing worktree and repo
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK"
rm -rf "$T_DIR_REPO"
#; run clone
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" clone --bootstrap -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "$REMOTE_URL"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
#; validate repo attributes
test_perms "$T_DIR_REPO" "drw.--.--."
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.bare false
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" status.showUntrackedFiles no
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" yadm.managed true
#; test the remote
local remote_output
remote_output=$(GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git remote show)
[ "$remote_output" = "origin" ]
@test "Command 'clone' (force bootstrap, existing)" {
echo "
When 'clone' command is provided,
with the --bootstrap parameter
and bootstrap exists
Create new repo with attributes:
- 0600 permissions
- not bare
- worktree = \$YADM_WORK
- showUntrackedFiles = no
- yadm.managed = true
Report the repo as cloned
A remote named origin exists
Run the bootstrap
Exit with bootstrap's exit code
#; remove existing worktree and repo
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK"
rm -rf "$T_DIR_REPO"
#; create the bootstrap
#; run clone
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" clone --bootstrap -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "$REMOTE_URL"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 123 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
[[ "$output" =~ Bootstrap\ successful ]]
#; validate repo attributes
test_perms "$T_DIR_REPO" "drw.--.--."
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.bare false
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" status.showUntrackedFiles no
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" yadm.managed true
#; test the remote
local remote_output
remote_output=$(GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git remote show)
[ "$remote_output" = "origin" ]
@test "Command 'clone' (prevent bootstrap)" {
echo "
When 'clone' command is provided,
with the --no-bootstrap parameter
and bootstrap exists
Create new repo with attributes:
- 0600 permissions
- not bare
- worktree = \$YADM_WORK
- showUntrackedFiles = no
- yadm.managed = true
Report the repo as cloned
A remote named origin exists
Do NOT run bootstrap
Exit with 0
#; remove existing worktree and repo
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK"
rm -rf "$T_DIR_REPO"
#; create the bootstrap
#; run clone
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" clone --no-bootstrap -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "$REMOTE_URL"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ $output =~ Initialized ]]
[[ ! $output =~ Bootstrap\ successful ]]
#; validate repo attributes
test_perms "$T_DIR_REPO" "drw.--.--."
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.bare false
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" status.showUntrackedFiles no
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" yadm.managed true
#; test the remote
local remote_output
remote_output=$(GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git remote show)
[ "$remote_output" = "origin" ]
@test "Command 'clone' (existing bootstrap, answer n)" {
echo "
When 'clone' command is provided,
and bootstrap exists
Create new repo with attributes:
- 0600 permissions
- not bare
- worktree = \$YADM_WORK
- showUntrackedFiles = no
- yadm.managed = true
Report the repo as cloned
A remote named origin exists
Do NOT run bootstrap
Exit with 0
#; remove existing worktree and repo
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK"
rm -rf "$T_DIR_REPO"
#; create the bootstrap
#; run clone
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} clone -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "$REMOTE_URL";
expect "Would you like to execute it now" {send "n\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
[[ ! "$output" =~ Bootstrap\ successful ]]
#; validate repo attributes
test_perms "$T_DIR_REPO" "drw.--.--."
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.bare false
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" status.showUntrackedFiles no
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" yadm.managed true
#; test the remote
local remote_output
remote_output=$(GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git remote show)
[ "$remote_output" = "origin" ]
@test "Command 'clone' (existing bootstrap, answer y)" {
echo "
When 'clone' command is provided,
and bootstrap exists
Create new repo with attributes:
- 0600 permissions
- not bare
- worktree = \$YADM_WORK
- showUntrackedFiles = no
- yadm.managed = true
Report the repo as cloned
A remote named origin exists
Run the bootstrap
Exit with bootstrap's exit code
#; remove existing worktree and repo
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK"
rm -rf "$T_DIR_REPO"
#; create the bootstrap
#; run clone
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} clone -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "$REMOTE_URL";
expect "Would you like to execute it now" {send "y\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 123 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
[[ "$output" =~ Bootstrap\ successful ]]
#; validate repo attributes
test_perms "$T_DIR_REPO" "drw.--.--."
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.bare false
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" core.worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" status.showUntrackedFiles no
test_repo_attribute "$T_DIR_REPO" yadm.managed true
#; test the remote
local remote_output
remote_output=$(GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git remote show)
[ "$remote_output" = "origin" ]
@test "Command 'clone' (local insecure .ssh and .gnupg data, no related data in repo)" {
echo "
Local .ssh/.gnupg data exists and is insecure
but yadm repo contains no .ssh/.gnupg data
local insecure data should remain accessible
(yadm is hands-off)
#; setup scenario
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK" "$T_DIR_REPO"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg"
touch "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh/testfile"
touch "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg/testfile"
find "$T_DIR_WORK" -exec chmod a+rw '{}' ';'
#; run clone (with debug on)
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" clone -d -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "$REMOTE_URL"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
[[ "$output" =~ initial\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwxrwxrwx.+\.ssh ]]
[[ "$output" =~ initial\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwxrwxrwx.+\.gnupg ]]
[[ "$output" =~ pre-merge\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwxrwxrwx.+\.ssh ]]
[[ "$output" =~ pre-merge\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwxrwxrwx.+\.gnupg ]]
[[ "$output" =~ post-merge\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwxrwxrwx.+\.ssh ]]
[[ "$output" =~ post-merge\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwxrwxrwx.+\.gnupg ]]
# standard perms still apply afterwards unless disabled with auto.perms
test_perms "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg" "drwx------"
test_perms "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh" "drwx------"
@test "Command 'clone' (local insecure .gnupg data, related data in repo)" {
echo "
Local .gnupg data exists and is insecure
and yadm repo contains .gnupg data
.gnupg dir should be secured post merge
#; setup scenario
IN_REPO=(.bash_profile .vimrc .gnupg/gpg.conf)
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK" "$T_DIR_REPO"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg"
touch "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg/testfile"
find "$T_DIR_WORK" -exec chmod a+rw '{}' ';'
#; run clone (with debug on)
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" clone -d -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "$REMOTE_URL"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
[[ "$output" =~ initial\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwxrwxrwx.+\.gnupg ]]
[[ "$output" =~ pre-merge\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwxrwxrwx.+\.gnupg ]]
[[ "$output" =~ post-merge\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwxrwxrwx.+\.gnupg ]]
test_perms "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg" "drwx------"
@test "Command 'clone' (local insecure .ssh data, related data in repo)" {
echo "
Local .ssh data exists and is insecure
and yadm repo contains .ssh data
.ssh dir should be secured post merge
#; setup scenario
IN_REPO=(.bash_profile .vimrc .ssh/config)
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK" "$T_DIR_REPO"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh"
touch "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh/testfile"
find "$T_DIR_WORK" -exec chmod a+rw '{}' ';'
#; run clone (with debug on)
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" clone -d -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "$REMOTE_URL"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
[[ "$output" =~ initial\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwxrwxrwx.+\.ssh ]]
[[ "$output" =~ pre-merge\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwxrwxrwx.+\.ssh ]]
[[ "$output" =~ post-merge\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwxrwxrwx.+\.ssh ]]
test_perms "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh" "drwx------"
@test "Command 'clone' (no existing .gnupg, .gnupg data tracked in repo)" {
echo "
Local .gnupg does not exist
and yadm repo contains .gnupg data
.gnupg dir should be created and secured prior to merge
tracked .gnupg data should be user accessible only
#; setup scenario
IN_REPO=(.bash_profile .vimrc .gnupg/gpg.conf)
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK"
rm -rf "$T_DIR_REPO"
#; run clone (with debug on)
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" clone -d -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "$REMOTE_URL"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
[[ ! "$output" =~ initial\ private\ dir\ perms ]]
[[ "$output" =~ pre-merge\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwx------.+\.gnupg ]]
[[ "$output" =~ post-merge\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwx------.+\.gnupg ]]
test_perms "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg" "drwx------"
@test "Command 'clone' (no existing .ssh, .ssh data tracked in repo)" {
echo "
Local .ssh does not exist
and yadm repo contains .ssh data
.ssh dir should be created and secured prior to merge
tracked .ssh data should be user accessible only
#; setup scenario
IN_REPO=(.bash_profile .vimrc .ssh/config)
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK"
rm -rf "$T_DIR_REPO"
#; run clone (with debug on)
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" clone -d -w "$T_DIR_WORK" "$REMOTE_URL"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Initialized ]]
[[ ! "$output" =~ initial\ private\ dir\ perms ]]
[[ "$output" =~ pre-merge\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwx------.+\.ssh ]]
[[ "$output" =~ post-merge\ private\ dir\ perms\ drwx------.+\.ssh ]]
test_perms "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh" "drwx------"

View File

@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
setup() {
@test "Command 'config' (no parameters)" {
echo "
When 'config' command is provided alone,
Produce instructions about supported configuration options
Exit with 1
#; run config
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" config
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Please\ read\ the\ CONFIGURATION\ section ]]
@test "Command 'config' (read missing)" {
echo "
When 'config' command is provided,
and an attribute is provided
and the attribute isn't configured
Report an empty value
Exit with 0
#; run config
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" config $T_KEY
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "" ]
@test "Command 'config' (write)" {
echo "
When 'config' command is provided,
and an attribute is provided
and a value is provided
Report no output
Update configuration file
Exit with 0
#; run config
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" config "$T_KEY" "$T_VALUE"
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "" ]
#; validate configuration
local config
config=$(cat "$T_YADM_CONFIG")
local expected
expected=$(echo -e "$T_EXPECTED")
if [ "$config" != "$expected" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Config does not match expected"
echo "$config"
return 1
@test "Command 'config' (read)" {
echo "
When 'config' command is provided,
and an attribute is provided
and the attribute is configured
Report the requested value
Exit with 0
#; manually load a value into the configuration
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
echo -e "$T_EXPECTED" > "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
#; run config
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" config "$T_KEY"
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 0 ]
if [ "$output" != "$T_VALUE" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Incorrect value returned. Expected '$T_VALUE', got '$output'"
return 1
@test "Command 'config' (update)" {
echo "
When 'config' command is provided,
and an attribute is provided
and the attribute is already configured
Report no output
Update configuration file
Exit with 0
#; manually load a value into the configuration
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
echo -e "${T_EXPECTED}_with_extra_data" > "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
#; run config
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" config "$T_KEY" "$T_VALUE"
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "" ]
#; validate configuration
local config
config=$(cat "$T_YADM_CONFIG")
local expected
expected=$(echo -e "$T_EXPECTED")
if [ "$config" != "$expected" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Config does not match expected"
echo "$config"
return 1
@test "Command 'config' (local read)" {
echo "
When 'config' command is provided,
and an attribute is provided
and the attribute is configured
and the attribute is local.*
Fetch the value from the repo config
Report the requested value
Exit with 0
#; write local attributes
for loption in class os hostname user; do
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config "local.$loption" "custom_$loption"
#; run config
for loption in class os hostname user; do
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" config "local.$loption"
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 0 ]
if [ "$output" != "custom_$loption" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Incorrect value returned. Expected 'custom_$loption', got '$output'"
return 1
@test "Command 'config' (local write)" {
echo "
When 'config' command is provided,
and an attribute is provided
and a value is provided
and the attribute is local.*
Report no output
Write the value to the repo config
Exit with 0
local expected
local linecount
for loption in class os hostname user; do
#; update expected
expected="$expected\t$loption = custom_$loption\n"
#; write local attributes
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" config "local.$loption" "custom_$loption"
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "" ]
#; validate data
local config
config=$(tail "-$linecount" "$T_DIR_REPO/config")
expected=$(echo -ne "$expected")
if [ "$config" != "$expected" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Config does not match expected"
echo -e "$config"
echo -e "EXPECTED:\n$expected"
return 1

View File

@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;lines=; #; populated by bats run()
IN_REPO=(.bash_profile .hammerspoon/init.lua .vimrc)
function setup() {
build_repo "${IN_REPO[@]}"
@test "Command 'list' -a" {
echo "
When 'list' command is provided,
and '-a' is provided,
List tracked files
Exit with 0
#; run list -a
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" list -a
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
local line=0
for f in "${IN_REPO[@]}"; do
[ "${lines[$line]}" = "$f" ]
((line++)) || true
@test "Command 'list' (outside of worktree)" {
echo "
When 'list' command is provided,
and while outside of the worktree
List tracked files
Exit with 0
#; run list
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" list
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
local line=0
for f in "${IN_REPO[@]}"; do
[ "${lines[$line]}" = "$f" ]
((line++)) || true
@test "Command 'list' (in root of worktree)" {
echo "
When 'list' command is provided,
and while in root of the worktree
List tracked files
Exit with 0
#; run list
run bash -c "(cd '$T_DIR_WORK'; ${T_YADM_Y[*]} list)"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
local line=0
for f in "${IN_REPO[@]}"; do
[ "${lines[$line]}" = "$f" ]
((line++)) || true
@test "Command 'list' (in subdirectory of worktree)" {
echo "
When 'list' command is provided,
and while in subdirectory of the worktree
List tracked files for current directory
Exit with 0
#; run list
run bash -c "(cd '$T_DIR_WORK/$SUBDIR'; ${T_YADM_Y[*]} list)"
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
local line=0
for f in "${IN_SUBDIR[@]}"; do
echo "'${lines[$line]}' = '$f'"
[ "${lines[$line]}" = "$f" ]
((line++)) || true

View File

@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
IN_REPO=(alt* "dir one")
function create_encrypt() {
for efile in "encrypted-base##" "encrypted-system##$T_SYS" "encrypted-host##$T_SYS.$T_HOST" "encrypted-user##$T_SYS.$T_HOST.$T_USER"; do
echo "$efile" >> "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
echo "$efile" >> "$T_DIR_WORK/$efile"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK/dir one/$efile"
echo "dir one/$efile/file1" >> "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
echo "dir one/$efile/file1" >> "$T_DIR_WORK/dir one/$efile/file1"
setup() {
build_repo "${IN_REPO[@]}"
function test_alt() {
local alt_type="$1"
local test_overwrite="$2"
local auto_alt="$3"
#; detemine test parameters
case $alt_type in
dir_link_name="dir one/${link_name}"
dir_link_match="dir one/${link_match}"
if [ "$test_overwrite" = "true" ]; then
#; create incorrect links (to overwrite)
ln -nfs "$T_DIR_WORK/dir2/file2" "$T_DIR_WORK/$link_name"
ln -nfs "$T_DIR_WORK/dir2" "$T_DIR_WORK/$dir_link_name"
#; verify link doesn't already exist
if [ -L "$T_DIR_WORK/$link_name" ] || [ -L "$T_DIR_WORK/$dir_link_name" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Link already exists before running yadm"
return 1
#; configure yadm.auto_alt=false
if [ "$auto_alt" = "false" ]; then
git config --file="$T_YADM_CONFIG" yadm.auto-alt false
#; run yadm (alt or status)
if [ -z "$auto_alt" ]; then
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" alt
#; validate status and output
echo "TEST:Link Name:$link_name"
echo "TEST:DIR Link Name:$dir_link_name"
if [ "$status" != 0 ] || [[ ! "$output" =~ Linking.+$link_name ]] || [[ ! "$output" =~ Linking.+$dir_link_name ]]; then
echo "OUTPUT:$output"
echo "STATUS:$status"
echo "ERROR: Could not confirm status and output of alt command"
return 1;
#; running any passed through Git command should trigger auto-alt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" status
if [ -n "$auto_alt" ] && [[ "$output" =~ Linking.+$link_name ]] && [[ "$output" =~ Linking.+$dir_link_name ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Reporting of link should not happen"
return 1
if [ -L "$T_DIR_WORK/$EXCLUDED_NAME" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Found link: $T_DIR_WORK/$EXCLUDED_NAME"
echo "ERROR: Excluded files should not be linked"
return 1
#; validate link content
if [[ "$alt_type" =~ none ]] || [ "$auto_alt" = "false" ]; then
#; no link should be present
if [ -L "$T_DIR_WORK/$link_name" ] || [ -L "$T_DIR_WORK/$dir_link_name" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Links should not exist"
return 1
#; correct link should be present
local link_content
local dir_link_content
link_content=$(cat "$T_DIR_WORK/$link_name")
dir_link_content=$(cat "$T_DIR_WORK/$dir_link_name/file1")
if [ "$link_content" != "$link_match" ] || [ "$dir_link_content" != "$dir_link_match/file1" ]; then
echo "link_content: $link_content"
echo "dir_link_content: $dir_link_content"
echo "ERROR: Link content is not correct"
return 1
@test "Command 'alt' (select base)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
test_alt 'base' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select system)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##SYSTEM
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
test_alt 'system' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select host)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##SYSTEM.HOST
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
test_alt 'host' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select user)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##SYSTEM.HOST.USER
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
test_alt 'user' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select none)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and no file matches
Verify there is no link
Exit with 0
test_alt 'none' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select class - aaa)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##CLASS - aaa
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.class aaa
test_alt 'class_aaa' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select class - zzz)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##CLASS - zzz
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.class zzz
test_alt 'class_zzz' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select class - AAA)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##CLASS - AAA
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.class AAA
test_alt 'class_AAA' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select class - ZZZ)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##CLASS - ZZZ
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.class ZZZ
test_alt 'class_ZZZ' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'auto-alt' (enabled)" {
echo "
When a command possibly changes the repo
and auto-alt is configured true
automatically process alternates
report no linking (not loud)
verify alternate created
test_alt 'base' 'false' 'true'
@test "Command 'auto-alt' (disabled)" {
echo "
When a command possibly changes the repo
and auto-alt is configured false
do no linking
verify no links
test_alt 'base' 'false' 'false'
@test "Command 'alt' (overwrite existing link)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and the link exists, and is wrong
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
test_alt 'base' 'true' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select encrypted base)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and encrypted file matches only ##
Report the linking
Verify correct encrypted file is linked
Exit with 0
test_alt 'encrypted_base' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select encrypted system)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and encrypted file matches only ##SYSTEM
Report the linking
Verify correct encrypted file is linked
Exit with 0
test_alt 'encrypted_system' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select encrypted host)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and encrypted file matches only ##SYSTEM.HOST
Report the linking
Verify correct encrypted file is linked
Exit with 0
test_alt 'encrypted_host' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select encrypted user)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and encrypted file matches only ##SYSTEM.HOST.USER
Report the linking
Verify correct encrypted file is linked
Exit with 0
test_alt 'encrypted_user' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select encrypted none)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and no encrypted file matches
Verify there is no link
Exit with 0
test_alt 'encrypted_none' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (override-system)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##SYSTEM
after setting local.os
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.os custom_system
test_alt 'override_system' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (override-host)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##SYSTEM.HOST
after setting local.hostname
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.hostname custom_host
test_alt 'override_host' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (override-user)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##SYSTEM.HOST.USER
after setting local.user
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.user custom_user
test_alt 'override_user' 'false' ''

View File

@ -1,900 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
T_RECIPIENT_GOOD="[yadm]\n\tgpg-recipient = yadm-test1"
T_RECIPIENT_BAD="[yadm]\n\tgpg-recipient = invalid"
T_RECIPIENT_ASK="[yadm]\n\tgpg-recipient = ASK"
#; use gpg1 if it's available
if command -v gpg1 >/dev/null 2>&1; then
function import_keys() {
"$T_GPG_PROGRAM" --import "test/test_key" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
"$T_GPG_PROGRAM" --import-ownertrust < "test/ownertrust.txt" >/dev/null 2>&1
function remove_keys() {
"$T_GPG_PROGRAM" --batch --yes --delete-secret-keys "$T_KEY_FINGERPRINT" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
"$T_GPG_PROGRAM" --batch --yes --delete-key "$T_KEY_FINGERPRINT" >/dev/null 2>&1 || true
setup() {
#; start fresh
#; import test keys
#; create a worktree & repo
#; define a YADM_ENCRYPT
make_parents "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
echo -e ".ssh/*.key\n.gnupg/*.gpg" > "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
#; create a YADM_ARCHIVE
if cd "$T_DIR_WORK"; then
# shellcheck disable=2013
# (globbing is desired)
for f in $(sort "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"); do
tar rf "$T_TMP/build_archive.tar" "$f"
echo "$f" >> "$T_TMP/archived_files"
#; encrypt YADM_ARCHIVE (symmetric)
expect <<EOF >/dev/null
set timeout 2;
spawn "$T_GPG_PROGRAM" --yes -c --output "$T_ARCHIVE_SYMMETRIC" "$T_TMP/build_archive.tar"
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
#; encrypt YADM_ARCHIVE (asymmetric)
"$T_GPG_PROGRAM" --yes --batch -e -r "$T_KEY_NAME" --output "$T_ARCHIVE_ASYMMETRIC" "$T_TMP/build_archive.tar"
#; configure yadm to use T_GPG_PROGRAM
git config --file="$T_YADM_CONFIG" yadm.gpg-program "$T_GPG_PROGRAM"
teardown() {
function validate_archive() {
#; inventory what's in the archive
if [ "$1" = "symmetric" ]; then
expect <<EOF >/dev/null
set timeout 2;
spawn bash -c "($T_GPG_PROGRAM -q -d '$T_YADM_ARCHIVE' || echo 1) | tar t | sort > $T_TMP/archive_list"
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
"$T_GPG_PROGRAM" -q -d "$T_YADM_ARCHIVE" | tar t | sort > "$T_TMP/archive_list"
#; inventory what is expected in the archive
if cd "$T_DIR_WORK"; then
# shellcheck disable=2013
# (globbing is desired)
while IFS='' read -r glob || [ -n "$glob" ]; do
if [[ ! $glob =~ ^# && ! $glob =~ ^[[:space:]]*$ ]] ; then
if [[ ! $glob =~ ^!(.+) ]] ; then
local IFS=$'\n'
for matching_file in $glob; do
if [ -e "$matching_file" ]; then
if [ "$matching_file" != "$excluded" ]; then
if [ -d "$matching_file" ]; then
echo "$matching_file/"
for subfile in "$matching_file"/*; do
echo "$subfile"
echo "$matching_file"
done < "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT" | sort > "$T_TMP/expected_list"
#; compare the archive vs expected
if ! cmp -s "$T_TMP/archive_list" "$T_TMP/expected_list"; then
echo "ERROR: Archive does not contain the correct files"
echo "Contains:"
cat "$T_TMP/archive_list"
echo "Expected:"
cat "$T_TMP/expected_list"
return 1
return 0
function validate_extraction() {
#; test each file which was archived
while IFS= read -r f; do
local contents
contents=$(cat "$T_DIR_WORK/$f")
if [ "$contents" != "$f" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Contents of $T_DIR_WORK/$f is incorrect"
return 1
done < "$T_TMP/archived_files"
return 0
@test "Command 'encrypt' (missing YADM_ENCRYPT)" {
echo "
When 'encrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ENCRYPT does not exist
Report problem
Exit with 1
#; remove YADM_ENCRYPT
#; run encrypt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" encrypt
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ does\ not\ exist ]]
@test "Command 'encrypt' (mismatched password)" {
echo "
When 'encrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ENCRYPT is present
and the provided passwords do not match
Report problem
Exit with 1
#; run encrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} encrypt;
expect "passphrase:" {send "ONE\n"}
expect "passphrase:" {send "TWO\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ invalid\ passphrase ]]
[[ "$output" =~ Unable\ to\ write ]]
@test "Command 'encrypt'" {
echo "
When 'encrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ENCRYPT is present
Report the archive created
Archive should be valid
Exit with 0
#; run encrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} encrypt;
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Wrote\ new\ file:.+$T_YADM_ARCHIVE ]]
#; validate the archive
validate_archive symmetric
@test "Command 'encrypt' (comments in YADM_ENCRYPT)" {
echo "
When 'encrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ENCRYPT is present
Report the archive created
Archive should be valid
Exit with 0
#; add comment to YADM_ARCHIVE
local original_encrypt
original_encrypt=$(cat "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT")
echo -e "#.vimrc" >> "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
#; run encrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} encrypt;
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Wrote\ new\ file:.+$T_YADM_ARCHIVE ]]
#; restore comment-free version before valiation
echo "$original_encrypt" > "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
#; validate the archive
validate_archive symmetric
@test "Command 'encrypt' (empty lines and space lines in YADM_ENCRYPT)" {
echo "
When 'encrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ENCRYPT is present
Report the archive created
Archive should be valid
Exit with 0
#; add empty lines to YADM_ARCHIVE
local original_encrypt
original_encrypt=$(cat "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT")
echo -e " \n\n \n" >> "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
#; run encrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} encrypt;
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Wrote\ new\ file:.+$T_YADM_ARCHIVE ]]
#; restore empty-line-free version before valiation
echo "$original_encrypt" > "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
#; validate the archive
validate_archive symmetric
@test "Command 'encrypt' (paths with spaces/globs in YADM_ENCRYPT)" {
echo "
When 'encrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ENCRYPT is present
Report the archive created
Archive should be valid
Exit with 0
#; add paths with spaces to YADM_ARCHIVE
local original_encrypt
original_encrypt=$(cat "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT")
echo -e "space test/file*" >> "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
#; run encrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} encrypt;
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Wrote\ new\ file:.+$T_YADM_ARCHIVE ]]
#; validate the archive
validate_archive symmetric
@test "Command 'encrypt' (exclusions in YADM_ENCRYPT)" {
echo "
When 'encrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ENCRYPT is present
Report the archive created
Archive should be valid
Exit with 0
#; add paths with spaces to YADM_ARCHIVE
local original_encrypt
original_encrypt=$(cat "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT")
echo -e ".ssh/*" >> "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
echo -e "!.ssh/sec*.pub" >> "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
#; run encrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} encrypt;
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Wrote\ new\ file:.+$T_YADM_ARCHIVE ]]
[[ ! "$output" =~ \.ssh/secret.pub ]]
#; validate the archive
validate_archive symmetric ".ssh/secret.pub"
@test "Command 'encrypt' (directories in YADM_ENCRYPT)" {
echo "
When 'encrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ENCRYPT is present
Report the archive created
Archive should be valid
Exit with 0
#; add directory paths to YADM_ARCHIVE
local original_encrypt
original_encrypt=$(cat "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT")
echo -e "space test" >> "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
#; run encrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} encrypt;
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Wrote\ new\ file:.+$T_YADM_ARCHIVE ]]
#; validate the archive
validate_archive symmetric
@test "Command 'encrypt' (overwrite)" {
echo "
When 'encrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ENCRYPT is present
and YADM_ARCHIVE already exists
Report the archive created
Archive should be valid
Exit with 0
#; Explicitly create an invalid archive
#; run encrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} encrypt;
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Wrote\ new\ file:.+$T_YADM_ARCHIVE ]]
#; validate the archive
validate_archive symmetric
@test "Command 'decrypt' (missing YADM_ARCHIVE)" {
echo "
When 'decrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ARCHIVE does not exist
Report problem
Exit with 1
#; run decrypt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" decrypt
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ does\ not\ exist ]]
@test "Command 'decrypt' (wrong password)" {
echo "
When 'decrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ARCHIVE is present
and the provided password is wrong
Report problem
Exit with 1
#; use the symmetric archive
#; run decrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} decrypt;
expect "passphrase:" {send "WRONG\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ decryption\ failed ]]
[[ "$output" =~ Unable\ to\ extract ]]
@test "Command 'decrypt' -l (wrong password)" {
echo "
When 'decrypt' command is provided,
and '-l' is provided,
and YADM_ARCHIVE is present
and the provided password is wrong
Report problem
Exit with 1
#; use the symmetric archive
#; run decrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} decrypt -l;
expect "passphrase:" {send "WRONG\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ decryption\ failed ]]
[[ "$output" =~ Unable\ to\ extract ]]
@test "Command 'decrypt'" {
echo "
When 'decrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ARCHIVE is present
Report the data created
Data should be valid
Exit with 0
#; use the symmetric archive
#; empty the worktree
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK"
#; run decrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} decrypt;
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ All\ files\ decrypted ]]
#; validate the extracted files
@test "Command 'decrypt' (overwrite)" {
echo "
When 'decrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ARCHIVE is present
and archived content already exists
Report the data overwritten
Data should be valid
Exit with 0
#; use the symmetric archive
#; alter the values of the archived files
while IFS= read -r f; do
echo "changed" >> "$T_DIR_WORK/$f"
done < "$T_TMP/archived_files"
#; run decrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} decrypt;
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ All\ files\ decrypted ]]
#; validate the extracted files
@test "Command 'decrypt' -l" {
echo "
When 'decrypt' command is provided,
and '-l' is provided,
and YADM_ARCHIVE is present
Report the contents of YADM_ARCHIVE
Exit with 0
#; use the symmetric archive
#; run decrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} decrypt -l;
expect "passphrase:" {send "$T_PASSWD\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
#; validate every file is listed in output
while IFS= read -r f; do
if [[ ! "$output" =~ $f ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Did not find '$f' in output"
return 1
done < "$T_TMP/archived_files"
@test "Command 'encrypt' (asymmetric, missing key)" {
echo "
When 'encrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ENCRYPT is present
and yadm.gpg-recipient refers to an invalid private key
Report problem
Exit with 1
#; manually set yadm.gpg-recipient in configuration
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
#; run encrypt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" encrypt
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ public\ key\ not\ found ]] || [[ "$output" =~ No\ public\ key ]]
[[ "$output" =~ Unable\ to\ write ]]
@test "Command 'encrypt' (asymmetric)" {
echo "
When 'encrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ENCRYPT is present
and yadm.gpg-recipient refers to a valid private key
Report the archive created
Archive should be valid
Exit with 0
#; manually set yadm.gpg-recipient in configuration
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
#; run encrypt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" encrypt
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Wrote\ new\ file:.+$T_YADM_ARCHIVE ]]
#; validate the archive
validate_archive asymmetric
@test "Command 'encrypt' (asymmetric, overwrite)" {
echo "
When 'encrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ENCRYPT is present
and yadm.gpg-recipient refers to a valid private key
and YADM_ARCHIVE already exists
Report the archive created
Archive should be valid
Exit with 0
#; manually set yadm.gpg-recipient in configuration
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
#; Explicitly create an invalid archive
#; run encrypt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" encrypt
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Wrote\ new\ file:.+$T_YADM_ARCHIVE ]]
#; validate the archive
validate_archive asymmetric
@test "Command 'encrypt' (asymmetric, ask)" {
echo "
When 'encrypt' command is provided,
and YADM_ENCRYPT is present
and yadm.gpg-recipient is set to ASK
Ask for recipient
Report the archive created
Archive should be valid
Exit with 0
#; manually set yadm.gpg-recipient in configuration
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
#; run encrypt
run expect <<EOF
set timeout 2;
spawn ${T_YADM_Y[*]} encrypt;
expect "Enter the user ID" {send "$T_KEY_NAME\n\n"}
expect "$"
foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break
exit \$value
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ Wrote\ new\ file:.+$T_YADM_ARCHIVE ]]
#; validate the archive
validate_archive asymmetric
@test "Command 'decrypt' (asymmetric, missing YADM_ARCHIVE)" {
echo "
When 'decrypt' command is provided,
and yadm.gpg-recipient refers to a valid private key
and YADM_ARCHIVE does not exist
Report problem
Exit with 1
#; manually set yadm.gpg-recipient in configuration
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
#; run decrypt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" decrypt
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ does\ not\ exist ]]
@test "Command 'decrypt' (asymmetric, missing key)" {
echo "
When 'decrypt' command is provided,
and yadm.gpg-recipient refers to a valid private key
and YADM_ARCHIVE is present
and the private key is not present
Report problem
Exit with 1
#; manually set yadm.gpg-recipient in configuration
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
#; use the asymmetric archive
#; remove the private key
#; run decrypt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" decrypt
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ decryption\ failed ]]
[[ "$output" =~ Unable\ to\ extract ]]
@test "Command 'decrypt' -l (asymmetric, missing key)" {
echo "
When 'decrypt' command is provided,
and '-l' is provided,
and yadm.gpg-recipient refers to a valid private key
and YADM_ARCHIVE is present
and the private key is not present
Report problem
Exit with 1
#; manually set yadm.gpg-recipient in configuration
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
#; use the asymmetric archive
#; remove the private key
#; run decrypt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" decrypt
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ decryption\ failed ]]
[[ "$output" =~ Unable\ to\ extract ]]
@test "Command 'decrypt' (asymmetric)" {
echo "
When 'decrypt' command is provided,
and yadm.gpg-recipient refers to a valid private key
and YADM_ARCHIVE is present
Report the data created
Data should be valid
Exit with 0
#; manually set yadm.gpg-recipient in configuration
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
#; use the asymmetric archive
#; empty the worktree
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK"
#; run decrypt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" decrypt
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ All\ files\ decrypted ]]
#; validate the extracted files
@test "Command 'decrypt' (asymmetric, overwrite)" {
echo "
When 'decrypt' command is provided,
and yadm.gpg-recipient refers to a valid private key
and YADM_ARCHIVE is present
and archived content already exists
Report the data overwritten
Data should be valid
Exit with 0
#; manually set yadm.gpg-recipient in configuration
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
#; use the asymmetric archive
#; alter the values of the archived files
while IFS= read -r f; do
echo "changed" >> "$T_DIR_WORK/$f"
done < "$T_TMP/archived_files"
#; run decrypt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" decrypt
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ All\ files\ decrypted ]]
#; validate the extracted files
@test "Command 'decrypt' -l (asymmetric)" {
echo "
When 'decrypt' command is provided,
and '-l' is provided,
and yadm.gpg-recipient refers to a valid private key
and YADM_ARCHIVE is present
Report the contents of YADM_ARCHIVE
Exit with 0
#; manually set yadm.gpg-recipient in configuration
make_parents "$T_YADM_CONFIG"
#; use the asymmetric archive
#; run decrypt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" decrypt -l
#; validate status
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
#; validate every file is listed in output
while IFS= read -r f; do
if [[ ! "$output" =~ $f ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Did not find '$f' in output"
return 1
done < "$T_TMP/archived_files"

View File

@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
setup() {
function is_restricted() {
local p
for p in "${restricted[@]}"; do [ "$p" = "$1" ] && return 0; done
return 1
function validate_perms() {
local perms="$*"
#; determine which paths should have restricted permissions
local p
for p in $perms; do
case $p in
restricted=("${restricted[@]}" $T_DIR_WORK/.ssh $T_DIR_WORK/.ssh/*)
restricted=("${restricted[@]}" $T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg $T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg/*)
restricted=("${restricted[@]}" $T_DIR_WORK/$p)
#; validate permissions of each path in the worktere
local testpath
while IFS= read -r -d '' testpath; do
local perm_regex="....rwxrwx"
if is_restricted "$testpath"; then
test_perms "$testpath" "$perm_regex" || return 1
done < <(find "$T_DIR_WORK" -print0)
@test "Command 'perms'" {
echo "
When the command 'perms' is provided
Update permissions for ssh/gpg
Verify correct permissions
Exit with 0
#; run perms
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" perms
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "" ]
#; validate permissions
validate_perms ssh gpg
@test "Command 'perms' (with encrypt)" {
echo "
When the command 'perms' is provided
And YADM_ENCRYPT is present
Update permissions for ssh/gpg/encrypt
Support comments in YADM_ENCRYPT
Verify correct permissions
Exit with 0
#; this version has a comment in it
echo -e "#.vimrc\n.tmux.conf\n.hammerspoon/*\n!.tmux.conf" > "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
#; run perms
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" perms
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "" ]
#; validate permissions
validate_perms ssh gpg ".hammerspoon/*"
@test "Command 'perms' (ssh-perms=false)" {
echo "
When the command 'perms' is provided
And yadm.ssh-perms=false
Update permissions for gpg only
Verify correct permissions
Exit with 0
#; configure yadm.ssh-perms
git config --file="$T_YADM_CONFIG" "yadm.ssh-perms" "false"
#; run perms
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" perms
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "" ]
#; validate permissions
validate_perms gpg
@test "Command 'perms' (gpg-perms=false)" {
echo "
When the command 'perms' is provided
And yadm.gpg-perms=false
Update permissions for ssh only
Verify correct permissions
Exit with 0
#; configure yadm.gpg-perms
git config --file="$T_YADM_CONFIG" "yadm.gpg-perms" "false"
#; run perms
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" perms
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[ "$output" = "" ]
#; validate permissions
validate_perms ssh
@test "Command 'auto-perms' (enabled)" {
echo "
When a command possibly changes the repo
Update permissions for ssh/gpg
Verify correct permissions
#; run status
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" status
#; validate status
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
#; validate permissions
validate_perms ssh gpg
@test "Command 'auto-perms' (disabled)" {
echo "
When a command possibly changes the repo
And yadm.auto-perms=false
Take no action
Verify permissions are intact
#; configure yadm.auto-perms
git config --file="$T_YADM_CONFIG" "yadm.auto-perms" "false"
#; run status
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" status
#; validate status
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
#; validate permissions

View File

@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
setup() {
build_repo "${IN_REPO[@]}"
function test_alt() {
local link_name="$1"
local link_match="$2"
#; run yadm alt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" alt
#; validate status and output
if [ "$status" != 0 ] || [[ ! "$output" =~ Linking.+$link_name ]]; then
echo "OUTPUT:$output"
echo "ERROR: Could not confirm status and output of alt command"
return 1;
#; correct link should be present
local link_content
link_content=$(cat "$T_DIR_WORK/$link_name")
if [ "$link_content" != "$link_match" ]; then
echo "OUTPUT:$output"
echo "ERROR: Link content is not correct"
return 1
@test "Command 'alt' (wild none)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
test_alt 'wild-none' 'wild-none##'
@test "Command 'alt' (wild system)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##SYSTEM
with possible wildcards
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
for WILD_S in 'local' 'wild'; do
local s_base="wild-system-$WILD_S"
case $WILD_S in local) WILD_S="$T_SYS";; wild) WILD_S="%";; esac
local match="${s_base}##${WILD_S}"
echo test_alt "$s_base" "$match"
test_alt "$s_base" "$match"
@test "Command 'alt' (wild class)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##CLASS
with possible wildcards
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.class set_class
for WILD_C in 'local' 'wild'; do
local c_base="wild-class-$WILD_C"
case $WILD_C in local) WILD_C="set_class";; wild) WILD_C="%";; esac
local match="${c_base}##${WILD_C}"
echo test_alt "$c_base" "$match"
test_alt "$c_base" "$match"
@test "Command 'alt' (wild host)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##SYSTEM.HOST
with possible wildcards
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
for WILD_S in 'local' 'wild'; do
local s_base="wild-host-$WILD_S"
case $WILD_S in local) WILD_S="$T_SYS";; wild) WILD_S="%";; esac
for WILD_H in 'local' 'wild'; do
local h_base="${s_base}-$WILD_H"
case $WILD_H in local) WILD_H="$T_HOST";; wild) WILD_H="%";; esac
local match="${h_base}##${WILD_S}.${WILD_H}"
echo test_alt "$h_base" "$match"
test_alt "$h_base" "$match"
@test "Command 'alt' (wild class-system)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##CLASS.SYSTEM
with possible wildcards
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.class set_class
for WILD_C in 'local' 'wild'; do
local c_base="wild-class-system-$WILD_C"
case $WILD_C in local) WILD_C="set_class";; wild) WILD_C="%";; esac
for WILD_S in 'local' 'wild'; do
local s_base="${c_base}-$WILD_S"
case $WILD_S in local) WILD_S="$T_SYS";; wild) WILD_S="%";; esac
local match="${s_base}##${WILD_C}.${WILD_S}"
echo test_alt "$s_base" "$match"
test_alt "$s_base" "$match"
@test "Command 'alt' (wild user)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##SYSTEM.HOST.USER
with possible wildcards
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
for WILD_S in 'local' 'wild'; do
local s_base="wild-user-$WILD_S"
case $WILD_S in local) WILD_S="$T_SYS";; wild) WILD_S="%";; esac
for WILD_H in 'local' 'wild'; do
local h_base="${s_base}-$WILD_H"
case $WILD_H in local) WILD_H="$T_HOST";; wild) WILD_H="%";; esac
for WILD_U in 'local' 'wild'; do
local u_base="${h_base}-$WILD_U"
case $WILD_U in local) WILD_U="$T_USER";; wild) WILD_U="%";; esac
local match="${u_base}##${WILD_S}.${WILD_H}.${WILD_U}"
echo test_alt "$u_base" "$match"
test_alt "$u_base" "$match"
@test "Command 'alt' (wild class-system-host)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##CLASS.SYSTEM.HOST
with possible wildcards
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.class set_class
for WILD_C in 'local' 'wild'; do
local c_base="wild-class-system-host-$WILD_C"
case $WILD_C in local) WILD_C="set_class";; wild) WILD_C="%";; esac
for WILD_S in 'local' 'wild'; do
local s_base="${c_base}-$WILD_S"
case $WILD_S in local) WILD_S="$T_SYS";; wild) WILD_S="%";; esac
for WILD_H in 'local' 'wild'; do
local h_base="${s_base}-$WILD_H"
case $WILD_H in local) WILD_H="$T_HOST";; wild) WILD_H="%";; esac
local match="${h_base}##${WILD_C}.${WILD_S}.${WILD_H}"
echo test_alt "$h_base" "$match"
test_alt "$h_base" "$match"
@test "Command 'alt' (wild class-system-host-user)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches only ##CLASS.SYSTEM.HOST.USER
with possible wildcards
Report the linking
Verify correct file is linked
Exit with 0
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.class set_class
for WILD_C in 'local' 'wild'; do
local c_base="wild-class-system-host-user-$WILD_C"
case $WILD_C in local) WILD_C="set_class";; wild) WILD_C="%";; esac
for WILD_S in 'local' 'wild'; do
local s_base="${c_base}-$WILD_S"
case $WILD_S in local) WILD_S="$T_SYS";; wild) WILD_S="%";; esac
for WILD_H in 'local' 'wild'; do
local h_base="${s_base}-$WILD_H"
case $WILD_H in local) WILD_H="$T_HOST";; wild) WILD_H="%";; esac
for WILD_U in 'local' 'wild'; do
local u_base="${h_base}-$WILD_U"
case $WILD_U in local) WILD_U="$T_USER";; wild) WILD_U="%";; esac
local match="${u_base}##${WILD_C}.${WILD_S}.${WILD_H}.${WILD_U}"
echo test_alt "$u_base" "$match"
test_alt "$u_base" "$match"

View File

@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
setup() {
@test "Command 'bootstrap' (missing file)" {
echo "
When 'bootstrap' command is provided,
and the bootstrap file is missing
Report error
Exit with 1
#; run clone
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" bootstrap
echo "STATUS:$status"
echo "OUTPUT:$output"
#; validate status and output
[[ "$output" =~ Cannot\ execute\ bootstrap ]]
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
@test "Command 'bootstrap' (not executable)" {
echo "
When 'bootstrap' command is provided,
and the bootstrap file is present
but is not executable
Report error
Exit with 1
#; run clone
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" bootstrap
echo "STATUS:$status"
echo "OUTPUT:$output"
#; validate status and output
[[ "$output" =~ is\ not\ an\ executable\ program ]]
[ "$status" -eq 1 ]
@test "Command 'bootstrap' (bootstrap run)" {
echo "
When 'bootstrap' command is provided,
and the bootstrap file is present
and is executable
Announce the execution
Execute bootstrap
Exit with the exit code of bootstrap
echo "#!/bin/bash"
echo "echo Bootstrap successful"
echo "exit 123"
chmod a+x "$T_YADM_BOOTSTRAP"
#; run clone
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" bootstrap
echo "STATUS:$status"
echo "OUTPUT:$output"
#; validate status and output
[[ "$output" =~ Executing\ $T_YADM_BOOTSTRAP ]]
[[ "$output" =~ Bootstrap\ successful ]]
[ "$status" -eq 123 ]

View File

@ -1,203 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
IN_REPO=(alt* "dir one")
setup() {
build_repo "${IN_REPO[@]}"
echo "excluded-encrypt##yadm.j2" > "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
echo "included-encrypt##yadm.j2" >> "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
echo "!excluded-encrypt*" >> "$T_YADM_ENCRYPT"
echo "included-encrypt" > "$T_DIR_WORK/included-encrypt##yadm.j2"
echo "excluded-encrypt" > "$T_DIR_WORK/excluded-encrypt##yadm.j2"
function test_alt() {
local alt_type="$1"
local test_overwrite="$2"
local auto_alt="$3"
#; detemine test parameters
case $alt_type in
if [ "$test_overwrite" = "true" ] ; then
#; create incorrect links (to overwrite)
echo "BAD_CONTENT" "$T_DIR_WORK/$real_name"
#; verify real file doesn't already exist
if [ -e "$T_DIR_WORK/$real_name" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: real file already exists before running yadm"
return 1
#; configure yadm.auto_alt=false
if [ "$auto_alt" = "false" ]; then
git config --file="$T_YADM_CONFIG" yadm.auto-alt false
#; run yadm (alt or status)
if [ -z "$auto_alt" ]; then
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" alt
#; validate status and output
if [ "$status" != 0 ] || [[ ! "$output" =~ Creating.+$real_name ]]; then
echo "OUTPUT:$output"
echo "ERROR: Could not confirm status and output of alt command"
return 1;
#; running any passed through Git command should trigger auto-alt
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" status
if [ -n "$auto_alt" ] && [[ "$output" =~ Creating.+$real_name ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Reporting of jinja processing should not happen"
return 1
if [ -n "$missing_name" ] && [ -f "$T_DIR_WORK/$missing_name" ]; then
echo "ERROR: File should not have been created '$missing_name'"
return 1
#; validate link content
if [[ "$alt_type" =~ none ]] || [ "$auto_alt" = "false" ]; then
#; no real file should be present
if [ -L "$T_DIR_WORK/$real_name" ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Real file should not exist"
return 1
#; correct real file should be present
local file_content
file_content=$(cat "$T_DIR_WORK/$real_name")
if [ "$file_content" != "$file_content_match" ]; then
echo "file_content: ${file_content}"
echo "expected_content: ${file_content_match}"
echo "ERROR: Link content is not correct"
return 1
@test "Command 'alt' (envtpl missing)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches ##yadm.j2
Report jinja template as unprocessed
Exit with 0
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
YADM_TEST=1 source "$T_YADM"
process_global_args -Y "$T_DIR_YADM"
output=$( ENVTPL_PROGRAM='envtpl_missing' main alt ) || {
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ envtpl.not.available ]]
@test "Command 'alt' (select jinja)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches ##yadm.j2
Report jinja template processing
Verify that the correct content is written
Exit with 0
test_alt 'base' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'auto-alt' (enabled)" {
echo "
When a command possibly changes the repo
and auto-alt is configured true
and file matches ##yadm.j2
automatically process alternates
report no linking (not loud)
Verify that the correct content is written
test_alt 'base' 'false' 'true'
@test "Command 'auto-alt' (disabled)" {
echo "
When a command possibly changes the repo
and auto-alt is configured false
and file matches ##yadm.j2
Report no jinja template processing
Verify no content
test_alt 'base' 'false' 'false'
@test "Command 'alt' (overwrite existing content)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches ##yadm.j2
and the real file exists, and is wrong
Report jinja template processing
Verify that the correct content is written
Exit with 0
test_alt 'base' 'true' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (overwritten settings)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches ##yadm.j2
after setting local.*
Report jinja template processing
Verify that the correct content is written
Exit with 0
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.os custom_system
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.user custom_user
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.hostname custom_host
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config local.class custom_class
test_alt 'override_all' 'false' ''
@test "Command 'alt' (select jinja within .yadm/encrypt)" {
echo "
When the command 'alt' is provided
and file matches ##yadm.j2 within .yadm/encrypt
and file excluded within .yadm/encrypt
Report jinja template processing
Verify that the correct content is written
Exit with 0
test_alt 'encrypt' 'false' ''

View File

@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
setup() {
@test "Command 'enter' (SHELL not set)" {
echo "
When 'enter' command is provided,
And SHELL is not set
Report error
Exit with 1
export SHELL
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" enter
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ does.not.refer.to.an.executable ]]
@test "Command 'enter' (SHELL not executable)" {
echo "
When 'enter' command is provided,
And SHELL is not executable
Report error
Exit with 1
touch "$T_TMP/badshell"
export SHELL
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" enter
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 1 ]
[[ "$output" =~ does.not.refer.to.an.executable ]]
@test "Command 'enter' (SHELL executable)" {
echo "
When 'enter' command is provided,
And SHELL is set
Execute SHELL command
Expose GIT variables
Set prompt variables
Announce entering/leaving shell
Exit with 0
SHELL=$(command -v env)
export SHELL
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" enter
#; validate status and output
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ GIT_DIR= ]]
[[ "$output" =~ PROMPT=yadm.shell ]]
[[ "$output" =~ PS1=yadm.shell ]]
[[ "$output" =~ Entering.yadm.repo ]]
[[ "$output" =~ Leaving.yadm.repo ]]

View File

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
function count_introspect() {
local category="$1"
local expected_status="$2"
local expected_words="$3"
local expected_regex="$4"
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" introspect "$category"
local output_words
output_words=$(wc -w <<< "$output")
if [ "$status" -ne "$expected_status" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Unexpected exit code (expected $expected_status, got $status)"
return 1;
if [ "$output_words" -ne "$expected_words" ]; then
echo "ERROR: Unexpected number of output words (expected $expected_words, got $output_words)"
return 1;
if [ -n "$expected_regex" ]; then
if [[ ! "$output" =~ $expected_regex ]]; then
echo "OUTPUT:$output"
echo "ERROR: Output does not match regex: $expected_regex"
return 1;
@test "Command 'introspect' (no category)" {
echo "
When 'introspect' command is provided,
And no category is provided
Produce no output
Exit with 0
count_introspect "" 0 0
@test "Command 'introspect' (invalid category)" {
echo "
When 'introspect' command is provided,
And an invalid category is provided
Produce no output
Exit with 0
count_introspect "invalid_cat" 0 0
@test "Command 'introspect' (commands)" {
echo "
When 'introspect' command is provided,
And category 'commands' is provided
Produce command list
Exit with 0
count_introspect "commands" 0 15 'version'
@test "Command 'introspect' (configs)" {
echo "
When 'introspect' command is provided,
And category 'configs' is provided
Produce switch list
Exit with 0
count_introspect "configs" 0 13 'yadm\.auto-alt'
@test "Command 'introspect' (repo)" {
echo "
When 'introspect' command is provided,
And category 'repo' is provided
Output repo
Exit with 0
count_introspect "repo" 0 1 "$T_DIR_REPO"
@test "Command 'introspect' (switches)" {
echo "
When 'introspect' command is provided,
And category 'switches' is provided
Produce switch list
Exit with 0
count_introspect "switches" 0 7 '--yadm-dir'

View File

@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
setup() {
build_repo "${IN_REPO[@]}"
test_alt() {
local cygwin_copy="$1"
local is_cygwin="$2"
local expect_link="$3"
local preexisting_link="$4"
case "$cygwin_copy" in
git config --file="$T_YADM_CONFIG" "yadm.cygwin-copy" "$cygwin_copy"
if [ "$is_cygwin" = "true" ]; then
echo '#!/bin/sh' > "$T_TMP/uname"
echo "echo $SIMULATED_CYGWIN" >> "$T_TMP/uname"
chmod a+x "$T_TMP/uname"
local expected_content
expected_content="$T_DIR_WORK/alt-test##$(PATH="$T_TMP:$PATH" uname -s)"
if [ "$preexisting_link" = 'symlink' ]; then
ln -s "$expected_content" "$T_DIR_WORK/alt-test"
elif [ "$preexisting_link" = 'file' ]; then
touch "$T_DIR_WORK/alt-test"
PATH="$T_TMP:$PATH" run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" alt
echo "Alt output:$output"
echo "Alt status:$status"
if [ -L "$T_DIR_WORK/alt-test" ] && [ "$expect_link" != 'true' ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Alt should be a simple file, but isn't"
return 1
if [ ! -L "$T_DIR_WORK/alt-test" ] && [ "$expect_link" = 'true' ] ; then
echo "ERROR: Alt should use symlink, but doesn't"
return 1
if ! diff "$T_DIR_WORK/alt-test" "$expected_content"; then
echo "ERROR: Alt contains different data than expected"
return 1
@test "Option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' (unset, non-cygwin)" {
echo "
When the option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' is unset
and the OS is not CYGWIN
Verify alternate is a symlink
test_alt 'unset' 'false' 'true'
@test "Option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' (true, non-cygwin)" {
echo "
When the option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' is true
and the OS is not CYGWIN
Verify alternate is a symlink
test_alt 'true' 'false' 'true'
@test "Option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' (false, non-cygwin)" {
echo "
When the option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' is false
and the OS is not CYGWIN
Verify alternate is a symlink
test_alt 'false' 'false' 'true'
@test "Option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' (unset, cygwin)" {
echo "
When the option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' is unset
and the OS is CYGWIN
Verify alternate is a symlink
test_alt 'unset' 'true' 'true'
@test "Option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' (true, cygwin)" {
echo "
When the option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' is true
and the OS is CYGWIN
Verify alternate is a copy
test_alt 'true' 'true' 'false'
@test "Option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' (false, cygwin)" {
echo "
When the option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' is false
and the OS is CYGWIN
Verify alternate is a symlink
test_alt 'false' 'true' 'true'
@test "Option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' (preexisting symlink) " {
echo "
When the option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' is true
and the OS is CYGWIN
Verify alternate is a copy
test_alt 'true' 'true' 'false' 'symlink'
@test "Option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' (preexisting file) " {
echo "
When the option 'yadm.cygwin-copy' is true
and the OS is CYGWIN
Verify alternate is a copy
test_alt 'true' 'true' 'false' 'file'

View File

@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
version_regex="yadm [[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+\.[[:digit:]]+"
setup() {
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_HOOKS"
function create_hook() {
echo "#!/bin/sh"
echo "echo ran $hook_name"
echo "env"
echo "exit $hook_exit"
} > "$hook_file"
chmod a+x "$hook_file"
@test "Hooks (no hook)" {
echo "
When no hook is present
do no not run the hook
run command
Exit with 0
#; run yadm with no command
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" version
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ $version_regex ]]
@test "Hooks (successful pre hook)" {
echo "
When hook is present
run hook
run command
Exit with 0
create_hook "pre_version" "0"
#; run yadm with no command
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" version
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ ran\ pre_version ]]
[[ "$output" =~ $version_regex ]]
@test "Hooks (unsuccessful pre hook)" {
echo "
When hook is present
run hook
report hook failure
do no not run command
Exit with 13
create_hook "pre_version" "13"
#; run yadm with no command
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" version
[ $status -eq 13 ]
[[ "$output" =~ ran\ pre_version ]]
[[ "$output" =~ pre_version\ was\ not\ successful ]]
[[ ! "$output" =~ $version_regex ]]
@test "Hooks (successful post hook)" {
echo "
When hook is present
run command
run hook
Exit with 0
create_hook "post_version" "0"
#; run yadm with no command
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" version
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ $version_regex ]]
[[ "$output" =~ ran\ post_version ]]
@test "Hooks (unsuccessful post hook)" {
echo "
When hook is present
run command
run hook
Exit with 0
create_hook "post_version" "13"
#; run yadm with no command
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" version
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ $version_regex ]]
[[ "$output" =~ ran\ post_version ]]
@test "Hooks (successful pre hook + post hook)" {
echo "
When hook is present
run hook
run command
run hook
Exit with 0
create_hook "pre_version" "0"
create_hook "post_version" "0"
#; run yadm with no command
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" version
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ ran\ pre_version ]]
[[ "$output" =~ $version_regex ]]
[[ "$output" =~ ran\ post_version ]]
@test "Hooks (unsuccessful pre hook + post hook)" {
echo "
When hook is present
run hook
report hook failure
do no not run command
do no not run post hook
Exit with 13
create_hook "pre_version" "13"
create_hook "post_version" "0"
#; run yadm with no command
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" version
[ $status -eq 13 ]
[[ "$output" =~ ran\ pre_version ]]
[[ "$output" =~ pre_version\ was\ not\ successful ]]
[[ ! "$output" =~ $version_regex ]]
[[ ! "$output" =~ ran\ post_version ]]
@test "Hooks (environment variables)" {
echo "
When hook is present
run command
run hook
hook should have access to environment variables
Exit with 0
create_hook "post_version" "0"
#; run yadm with no command
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" version extra_args
[ $status -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ $version_regex ]]
[[ "$output" =~ ran\ post_version ]]
[[ "$output" =~ YADM_HOOK_COMMAND=version ]]
[[ "$output" =~ YADM_HOOK_EXIT=0 ]]
[[ "$output" =~ YADM_HOOK_FULL_COMMAND=version\ extra_args ]]
[[ "$output" =~ YADM_HOOK_REPO=${T_DIR_REPO} ]]
[[ "$output" =~ YADM_HOOK_WORK=${T_DIR_WORK} ]]

View File

@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
load common
status=;output=; #; populated by bats run()
IN_REPO=(.bash_profile .vimrc)
setup() {
build_repo "${IN_REPO[@]}"
rm -rf "$T_DIR_WORK"
mkdir -p "$T_DIR_WORK"
@test "Private dirs (private dirs missing)" {
echo "
When a git command is run
And private directories are missing
Create private directories prior to command
#; confirm directories are missing at start
[ ! -e "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg" ]
[ ! -e "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh" ]
#; run status
export DEBUG=yes
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" status
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ On\ branch\ master ]]
#; confirm private directories are created
[ -d "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg" ]
test_perms "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg" "drwx------"
[ -d "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh" ]
test_perms "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh" "drwx------"
#; confirm directories are created before command is run
[[ "$output" =~ Creating.+/.gnupg/.+Creating.+/.ssh/.+Running\ git\ command\ git\ status ]]
@test "Private dirs (private dirs missing / yadm.auto-private-dirs=false)" {
echo "
When a git command is run
And private directories are missing
But auto-private-dirs is false
Do not create private dirs
#; confirm directories are missing at start
[ ! -e "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg" ]
[ ! -e "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh" ]
#; set configuration
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" config --bool "yadm.auto-private-dirs" "false"
#; run status
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" status
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ On\ branch\ master ]]
#; confirm private directories are not created
[ ! -e "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg" ]
[ ! -e "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh" ]
@test "Private dirs (private dirs exist / yadm.auto-perms=false)" {
echo "
When a git command is run
And private directories exist
And yadm is configured not to auto update perms
Do not alter directories
#shellcheck disable=SC2174
mkdir -m 0777 -p "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg" "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh"
#; confirm directories are preset and open
[ -d "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg" ]
test_perms "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg" "drwxrwxrwx"
[ -d "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh" ]
test_perms "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh" "drwxrwxrwx"
#; set configuration
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" config --bool "yadm.auto-perms" "false"
#; run status
run "${T_YADM_Y[@]}" status
#; validate status and output
[ "$status" -eq 0 ]
[[ "$output" =~ On\ branch\ master ]]
#; confirm directories are still preset and open
[ -d "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg" ]
test_perms "$T_DIR_WORK/.gnupg" "drwxrwxrwx"
[ -d "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh" ]
test_perms "$T_DIR_WORK/.ssh" "drwxrwxrwx"

View File

@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
#; common fixtures
function load_fixtures() {
export DEFAULT_YADM_DIR="$HOME/.yadm"
export DEFAULT_REPO="repo.git"
export DEFAULT_CONFIG="config"
export DEFAULT_ENCRYPT="encrypt"
export DEFAULT_ARCHIVE="files.gpg"
export DEFAULT_BOOTSTRAP="bootstrap"
export T_YADM="$PWD/yadm"
export T_TMP="$BATS_TMPDIR/ytmp"
export T_DIR_YADM="$T_TMP/.yadm"
export T_DIR_WORK="$T_TMP/yadm-work"
export T_DIR_REPO="$T_DIR_YADM/repo.git"
export T_DIR_HOOKS="$T_DIR_YADM/hooks"
export T_YADM_CONFIG="$T_DIR_YADM/config"
export T_YADM_ENCRYPT="$T_DIR_YADM/encrypt"
export T_YADM_ARCHIVE="$T_DIR_YADM/files.gpg"
export T_YADM_BOOTSTRAP="$T_DIR_YADM/bootstrap"
export T_YADM_Y
export T_SYS
T_SYS=$(uname -s)
export T_HOST
T_HOST=$(hostname -s)
export T_USER
T_USER=$(id -u -n)
export T_DISTRO
T_DISTRO=$(lsb_release -si 2>/dev/null || true)
function configure_git() {
(git config user.name || git config --global user.name 'test') >/dev/null
(git config user.email || git config --global user.email 'test@test.test') > /dev/null
function make_parents() {
local parent_dir
parent_dir=$(dirname "$@")
mkdir -p "$parent_dir"
function test_perms() {
local test_path="$1"
local regex="$2"
local ls
ls=$(ls -ld "$test_path")
local perms="${ls:0:10}"
if [[ ! $perms =~ $regex ]]; then
echo "ERROR: Found permissions $perms for $test_path"
return 1
return 0
function test_repo_attribute() {
local repo_dir="$1"
local attribute="$2"
local expected="$3"
local actual
actual=$(GIT_DIR="$repo_dir" git config --local "$attribute")
if [ "$actual" != "$expected" ]; then
echo "ERROR: repo attribute $attribute set to $actual"
return 1
return 0
#; create worktree at path
function create_worktree() {
local DIR_WORKTREE="$1"
if [ -z "$DIR_WORKTREE" ]; then
echo "ERROR: create_worktree() called without a path"
return 1
if [[ ! "$DIR_WORKTREE" =~ ^$T_TMP ]]; then
echo "ERROR: create_worktree() called with a path outside of $T_TMP"
return 1
#; remove any existing data
rm -rf "$DIR_WORKTREE"
#; create some standard files
if [ ! -z "$TEST_TREE_WITH_ALT" ] ; then
for f in \
"alt-none##S" \
"alt-none##S.H" \
"alt-none##S.H.U" \
"alt-base##" \
"alt-base##S" \
"alt-base##S.H" \
"alt-base##S.H.U" \
"alt-system##" \
"alt-system##S" \
"alt-system##S.H" \
"alt-system##S.H.U" \
"alt-system##$T_SYS" \
"alt-system##AAA" \
"alt-system##ZZZ" \
"alt-system##aaa" \
"alt-system##zzz" \
"alt-host##" \
"alt-host##S" \
"alt-host##S.H" \
"alt-host##S.H.U" \
"alt-host##$T_SYS.$T_HOST" \
"alt-host##${T_SYS}_${T_HOST}" \
"alt-user##" \
"alt-user##S" \
"alt-user##S.H" \
"alt-user##S.H.U" \
"alt-user##$T_SYS.$T_HOST.$T_USER" \
"alt-user##${T_SYS}_${T_HOST}_${T_USER}" \
"alt-override-system##" \
"alt-override-system##$T_SYS" \
"alt-override-system##custom_system" \
"alt-override-host##" \
"alt-override-host##$T_SYS.$T_HOST" \
"alt-override-host##$T_SYS.custom_host" \
"alt-override-user##" \
"alt-override-user##S.H.U" \
"alt-override-user##$T_SYS.$T_HOST.custom_user" \
"dir one/alt-none##S/file1" \
"dir one/alt-none##S/file2" \
"dir one/alt-none##S.H/file1" \
"dir one/alt-none##S.H/file2" \
"dir one/alt-none##S.H.U/file1" \
"dir one/alt-none##S.H.U/file2" \
"dir one/alt-base##/file1" \
"dir one/alt-base##/file2" \
"dir one/alt-base##S/file1" \
"dir one/alt-base##S/file2" \
"dir one/alt-base##S.H/file1" \
"dir one/alt-base##S.H/file2" \
"dir one/alt-base##S.H.U/file1" \
"dir one/alt-base##S.H.U/file2" \
"dir one/alt-system##/file1" \
"dir one/alt-system##/file2" \
"dir one/alt-system##S/file1" \
"dir one/alt-system##S/file2" \
"dir one/alt-system##S.H/file1" \
"dir one/alt-system##S.H/file2" \
"dir one/alt-system##S.H.U/file1" \
"dir one/alt-system##S.H.U/file2" \
"dir one/alt-system##$T_SYS/file1" \
"dir one/alt-system##$T_SYS/file2" \
"dir one/alt-system##AAA/file1" \
"dir one/alt-system##AAA/file2" \
"dir one/alt-system##ZZZ/file1" \
"dir one/alt-system##ZZZ/file2" \
"dir one/alt-system##aaa/file1" \
"dir one/alt-system##aaa/file2" \
"dir one/alt-system##zzz/file1" \
"dir one/alt-system##zzz/file2" \
"dir one/alt-host##/file1" \
"dir one/alt-host##/file2" \
"dir one/alt-host##S/file1" \
"dir one/alt-host##S/file2" \
"dir one/alt-host##S.H/file1" \
"dir one/alt-host##S.H/file2" \
"dir one/alt-host##S.H.U/file1" \
"dir one/alt-host##S.H.U/file2" \
"dir one/alt-host##$T_SYS.$T_HOST/file1" \
"dir one/alt-host##$T_SYS.$T_HOST/file2" \
"dir one/alt-host##${T_SYS}_${T_HOST}/file1" \
"dir one/alt-host##${T_SYS}_${T_HOST}/file2" \
"dir one/alt-user##/file1" \
"dir one/alt-user##/file2" \
"dir one/alt-user##S/file1" \
"dir one/alt-user##S/file2" \
"dir one/alt-user##S.H/file1" \
"dir one/alt-user##S.H/file2" \
"dir one/alt-user##S.H.U/file1" \
"dir one/alt-user##S.H.U/file2" \
"dir one/alt-user##$T_SYS.$T_HOST.$T_USER/file1" \
"dir one/alt-user##$T_SYS.$T_HOST.$T_USER/file2" \
"dir one/alt-user##${T_SYS}_${T_HOST}_${T_USER}/file1" \
"dir one/alt-user##${T_SYS}_${T_HOST}_${T_USER}/file2" \
"dir one/alt-override-system##/file1" \
"dir one/alt-override-system##/file2" \
"dir one/alt-override-system##$T_SYS/file1" \
"dir one/alt-override-system##$T_SYS/file2" \
"dir one/alt-override-system##custom_system/file1" \
"dir one/alt-override-system##custom_system/file2" \
"dir one/alt-override-host##/file1" \
"dir one/alt-override-host##/file2" \
"dir one/alt-override-host##$T_SYS.$T_HOST/file1" \
"dir one/alt-override-host##$T_SYS.$T_HOST/file2" \
"dir one/alt-override-host##$T_SYS.custom_host/file1" \
"dir one/alt-override-host##$T_SYS.custom_host/file2" \
"dir one/alt-override-user##/file1" \
"dir one/alt-override-user##/file2" \
"dir one/alt-override-user##S.H.U/file1" \
"dir one/alt-override-user##S.H.U/file2" \
"dir one/alt-override-user##$T_SYS.$T_HOST.custom_user/file1" \
"dir one/alt-override-user##$T_SYS.$T_HOST.custom_user/file2" \
"dir2/file2" \
make_parents "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
echo "$f" > "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
echo "{{ YADM_CLASS }}-{{ YADM_OS }}-{{ YADM_HOSTNAME }}-{{ YADM_USER }}-{{ YADM_DISTRO }}" > "$DIR_WORKTREE/alt-jinja##yadm.j2"
#; for some cygwin tests
if [ ! -z "$TEST_TREE_WITH_CYGWIN" ] ; then
for f in \
"alt-test##" \
"alt-test##$T_SYS" \
"alt-test##$SIMULATED_CYGWIN" \
make_parents "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
echo "$f" > "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
if [ ! -z "$TEST_TREE_WITH_WILD" ] ; then
#; wildcard test data - yes this is a big mess :(
#; none
for f in "wild-none##"; do
make_parents "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
echo "$f" > "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
#; system
for WILD_S in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local s_base="wild-system-$WILD_S"
case $WILD_S in local) WILD_S="$T_SYS";; wild) WILD_S="%";; esac
local f="${s_base}##${WILD_S}"
make_parents "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
echo "$f" > "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
#; system.host
for WILD_S in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local s_base="wild-host-$WILD_S"
case $WILD_S in local) WILD_S="$T_SYS";; wild) WILD_S="%";; esac
for WILD_H in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local h_base="${s_base}-$WILD_H"
case $WILD_H in local) WILD_H="$T_HOST";; wild) WILD_H="%";; esac
local f="${h_base}##${WILD_S}.${WILD_H}"
make_parents "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
echo "$f" > "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
#; system.host.user
for WILD_S in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local s_base="wild-user-$WILD_S"
case $WILD_S in local) WILD_S="$T_SYS";; wild) WILD_S="%";; esac
for WILD_H in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local h_base="${s_base}-$WILD_H"
case $WILD_H in local) WILD_H="$T_HOST";; wild) WILD_H="%";; esac
for WILD_U in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local u_base="${h_base}-$WILD_U"
case $WILD_U in local) WILD_U="$T_USER";; wild) WILD_U="%";; esac
local f="${u_base}##${WILD_S}.${WILD_H}.${WILD_U}"
make_parents "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
echo "$f" > "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
#; class
for WILD_C in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local c_base="wild-class-$WILD_C"
case $WILD_C in local) WILD_C="set_class";; wild) WILD_C="%";; esac
local f="${c_base}##${WILD_C}"
make_parents "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
echo "$f" > "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
#; class.system
for WILD_C in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local c_base="wild-class-system-$WILD_C"
case $WILD_C in local) WILD_C="set_class";; wild) WILD_C="%";; esac
for WILD_S in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local s_base="${c_base}-$WILD_S"
case $WILD_S in local) WILD_S="$T_SYS";; wild) WILD_S="%";; esac
local f="${s_base}##${WILD_C}.${WILD_S}"
make_parents "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
echo "$f" > "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
#; class.system.host
for WILD_C in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local c_base="wild-class-system-host-$WILD_C"
case $WILD_C in local) WILD_C="set_class";; wild) WILD_C="%";; esac
for WILD_S in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local s_base="${c_base}-$WILD_S"
case $WILD_S in local) WILD_S="$T_SYS";; wild) WILD_S="%";; esac
for WILD_H in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local h_base="${s_base}-$WILD_H"
case $WILD_H in local) WILD_H="$T_HOST";; wild) WILD_H="%";; esac
local f="${h_base}##${WILD_C}.${WILD_S}.${WILD_H}"
make_parents "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
echo "$f" > "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
#; class.system.host.user
for WILD_C in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local c_base="wild-class-system-host-user-$WILD_C"
case $WILD_C in local) WILD_C="set_class";; wild) WILD_C="%";; esac
for WILD_S in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local s_base="${c_base}-$WILD_S"
case $WILD_S in local) WILD_S="$T_SYS";; wild) WILD_S="%";; esac
for WILD_H in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local h_base="${s_base}-$WILD_H"
case $WILD_H in local) WILD_H="$T_HOST";; wild) WILD_H="%";; esac
for WILD_U in 'local' 'wild' 'other'; do
local u_base="${h_base}-$WILD_U"
case $WILD_U in local) WILD_U="$T_USER";; wild) WILD_U="%";; esac
local f="${u_base}##${WILD_C}.${WILD_S}.${WILD_H}.${WILD_U}"
make_parents "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
echo "$f" > "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
for f in \
.bash_profile \
.gnupg/gpg.conf \
.gnupg/pubring.gpg \
.gnupg/secring.gpg \
.hammerspoon/init.lua \
.ssh/config \
.ssh/secret.key \
.ssh/secret.pub \
.tmux.conf \
.vimrc \
"space test/file one" \
"space test/file two" \
make_parents "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
echo "$f" > "$DIR_WORKTREE/$f"
#; change all perms (so permission updates can be observed)
find "$DIR_WORKTREE" -exec chmod 0777 '{}' ';'
#; create a repo in T_DIR_REPO
function build_repo() {
local files_to_add=( "$@" )
#; create a worktree
create_worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
#; remove the repo if it exists
if [ -e "$T_DIR_REPO" ]; then
rm -rf "$T_DIR_REPO"
#; create the repo
git init --shared=0600 --bare "$T_DIR_REPO" >/dev/null 2>&1
#; standard repo config
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config core.bare 'false'
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config core.worktree "$T_DIR_WORK"
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config status.showUntrackedFiles no
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git config yadm.managed 'true'
if [ ${#files_to_add[@]} -ne 0 ]; then
for f in "${files_to_add[@]}"; do
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git add "$T_DIR_WORK/$f" >/dev/null
GIT_DIR="$T_DIR_REPO" git commit -m 'Create repo template' >/dev/null
#; remove all tmp files
function destroy_tmp() {
rm -rf "$T_TMP"

test/conftest.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
"""Global tests configuration and fixtures"""
import collections
import contextlib
import copy
import distutils.dir_util # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module,import-error
import os
import platform
import pwd
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import py
import pytest
def pytest_addoption(parser):
"""Add options to pytest"""
help="Run linters regardless of installed versions",
def shellcheck_version():
"""Version of shellcheck supported"""
return '0.4.6'
def pylint_version():
"""Version of pylint supported"""
return '2.4.1'
def flake8_version():
"""Version of flake8 supported"""
return '3.7.8'
def yamllint_version():
"""Version of yamllint supported"""
return '1.17.0'
def tst_user():
"""Test session's user id"""
return pwd.getpwuid(os.getuid()).pw_name
def tst_host():
"""Test session's short hostname value"""
return platform.node().split('.')[0]
def tst_distro(runner):
"""Test session's distro"""
distro = ''
with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
run = runner(command=['lsb_release', '-si'], report=False)
distro = run.out.strip()
return distro
def tst_sys():
"""Test session's uname value"""
return platform.system()
def supported_commands():
"""List of supported commands
This list should be updated every time yadm learns a new command.
return [
def supported_configs():
"""List of supported config options
This list should be updated every time yadm learns a new config.
return [
def supported_switches():
"""List of supported switches
This list should be updated every time yadm learns a new switch.
return [
def supported_local_configs(supported_configs):
"""List of supported local config options"""
return [c for c in supported_configs if c.startswith('local.')]
class Runner():
"""Class for running commands
Within yadm tests, this object should be used when running commands that
* Acting on the status code
* Parsing the output of the command
* Passing input to the command
Other instances of simply running commands should use os.system().
def __init__(
if shell:
self.command = ' '.join([str(cmd) for cmd in command])
self.command = command
self.inp = inp
process = Popen(
input_bytes = self.inp
if self.inp:
input_bytes = self.inp.encode()
(out_bstream, err_bstream) = process.communicate(input=input_bytes)
self.out = out_bstream.decode()
self.err = err_bstream.decode()
self.code = process.wait()
self.success = self.code == 0
self.failure = self.code != 0
if report:
def __repr__(self):
return f'Runner({self.command})'
def report(self):
"""Print code/stdout/stderr"""
print(f' RUN: code:{self.code}')
if self.inp:
print(f' RUN: input:\n{self.inp}')
print(f' RUN: stdout:\n{self.out}')
print(f' RUN: stderr:\n{self.err}')
def wrap(self, expect):
"""Wrap command with expect"""
if not expect:
cmdline = ' '.join([f'"{w}"' for w in self.command])
expect_script = f'set timeout 2\nspawn {cmdline}\n'
for question, answer in expect:
expect_script += (
'expect {\n'
f'"{question}" {{send "{answer}\\r"}}\n'
'timeout {close;exit 128}\n'
expect_script += (
'expect eof\n'
'foreach {pid spawnid os_error_flag value} [wait] break\n'
'exit $value')
self.inp = expect_script
self.command = ['expect']
def runner():
"""Class for running commands"""
return Runner
def config_git():
"""Configure global git configuration, if missing"""
'git config user.name || '
'git config --global user.name "test"')
'git config user.email || '
'git config --global user.email "test@test.test"')
def repo_config(runner, paths):
"""Function to query a yadm repo configuration value"""
def query_func(key):
"""Query a yadm repo configuration value"""
run = runner(
command=('git', 'config', '--local', key),
env={'GIT_DIR': paths.repo},
return run.out.rstrip()
return query_func
def yadm():
"""Path to yadm program to be tested"""
full_path = os.path.realpath('yadm')
assert os.path.isfile(full_path), "yadm program file isn't present"
return full_path
def paths(tmpdir, yadm):
"""Function scoped test paths"""
dir_root = tmpdir.mkdir('root')
dir_work = dir_root.mkdir('work')
dir_yadm = dir_root.mkdir('yadm')
dir_repo = dir_yadm.mkdir('repo.git')
dir_hooks = dir_yadm.mkdir('hooks')
dir_remote = dir_root.mkdir('remote')
file_archive = dir_yadm.join('files.gpg')
file_bootstrap = dir_yadm.join('bootstrap')
file_config = dir_yadm.join('config')
file_encrypt = dir_yadm.join('encrypt')
paths = collections.namedtuple(
'Paths', [
return paths(
def yadm_y(paths):
"""Generate custom command_list function"""
def command_list(*args):
"""Produce params for running yadm with -Y"""
return [paths.pgm, '-Y', str(paths.yadm)] + list(args)
return command_list
class DataFile():
"""Datafile object"""
def __init__(self, path, tracked=True, private=False):
self.__path = path
self.__parent = None
self.__tracked = tracked
self.__private = private
def path(self):
"""Path property"""
return self.__path
def relative(self):
"""Relative path property"""
if self.__parent:
return self.__parent.join(self.path)
raise BaseException('Unable to provide relative path, no parent')
def tracked(self):
"""Tracked property"""
return self.__tracked
def private(self):
"""Private property"""
return self.__private
def relative_to(self, parent):
"""Update all relative paths to this py.path"""
self.__parent = parent
class DataSet():
"""Dataset object"""
def __init__(self):
self.__files = list()
self.__dirs = list()
self.__tracked_dirs = list()
self.__private_dirs = list()
self.__relpath = None
def __repr__(self):
return (
f'[DS with {len(self)} files; '
f'{len(self.tracked)} tracked, '
f'{len(self.private)} private]'
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.__files)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.__files)
def __contains__(self, datafile):
if [f for f in self.__files if f.path == datafile]:
return True
if datafile in self.__files:
return True
return False
def files(self):
"""List of DataFiles in DataSet"""
return list(self.__files)
def tracked(self):
"""List of tracked DataFiles in DataSet"""
return [f for f in self.__files if f.tracked]
def private(self):
"""List of private DataFiles in DataSet"""
return [f for f in self.__files if f.private]
def dirs(self):
"""List of directories in DataSet"""
return list(self.__dirs)
def plain_dirs(self):
"""List of directories in DataSet not starting with '.'"""
return [d for d in self.dirs if not d.startswith('.')]
def hidden_dirs(self):
"""List of directories in DataSet starting with '.'"""
return [d for d in self.dirs if d.startswith('.')]
def tracked_dirs(self):
"""List of directories in DataSet not starting with '.'"""
return [d for d in self.__tracked_dirs if not d.startswith('.')]
def private_dirs(self):
"""List of directories in DataSet considered 'private'"""
return list(self.__private_dirs)
def add_file(self, path, tracked=True, private=False):
"""Add file to data set"""
if path not in self:
datafile = DataFile(path, tracked, private)
if self.__relpath:
dname = os.path.dirname(path)
if dname and dname not in self.__dirs:
if tracked:
if private:
def relative_to(self, relpath):
"""Update all relative paths to this py.path"""
self.__relpath = relpath
for datafile in self.files:
def ds1_dset(tst_sys):
"""Meta-data for dataset one files"""
dset = DataSet()
dset.add_file('u1', tracked=False)
dset.add_file('d2/u2', tracked=False)
dset.add_file('.ssh/p1', tracked=False, private=True)
dset.add_file('.ssh/.p2', tracked=False, private=True)
dset.add_file('.gnupg/p3', tracked=False, private=True)
dset.add_file('.gnupg/.p4', tracked=False, private=True)
return dset
def ds1_data(tmpdir_factory, config_git, ds1_dset, runner):
"""A set of test data, worktree & repo"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# This is ignored because
# @pytest.mark.usefixtures('config_git')
# cannot be applied to another fixture.
data = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('ds1')
work = data.mkdir('work')
for datafile in ds1_dset:
work.join(datafile.path).write(datafile.path, ensure=True)
repo = data.mkdir('repo.git')
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GIT_DIR'] = str(repo)
command=['git', 'init', '--shared=0600', '--bare', str(repo)],
command=['git', 'config', 'core.bare', 'false'],
command=['git', 'config', 'status.showUntrackedFiles', 'no'],
command=['git', 'config', 'yadm.managed', 'true'],
command=['git', 'config', 'core.worktree', str(work)],
command=['git', 'add'] +
[str(work.join(f.path)) for f in ds1_dset if f.tracked],
command=['git', 'commit', '--allow-empty', '-m', 'Initial commit'],
data = collections.namedtuple('Data', ['work', 'repo'])
return data(work, repo)
def ds1_work_copy(ds1_data, paths):
"""Function scoped copy of ds1_data.work"""
distutils.dir_util.copy_tree( # pylint: disable=no-member
str(ds1_data.work), str(paths.work))
def ds1_repo_copy(runner, ds1_data, paths):
"""Function scoped copy of ds1_data.repo"""
distutils.dir_util.copy_tree( # pylint: disable=no-member
str(ds1_data.repo), str(paths.repo))
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GIT_DIR'] = str(paths.repo)
command=['git', 'config', 'core.worktree', str(paths.work)],
def ds1_copy(ds1_work_copy, ds1_repo_copy):
"""Function scoped copy of ds1_data"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# This is ignored because
# @pytest.mark.usefixtures('ds1_work_copy', 'ds1_repo_copy')
# cannot be applied to another fixture.
return None
def ds1(ds1_work_copy, paths, ds1_dset):
"""Function scoped ds1_dset w/paths"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# This is ignored because
# @pytest.mark.usefixtures('ds1_copy')
# cannot be applied to another fixture.
dscopy = copy.deepcopy(ds1_dset)
return dscopy
def gnupg(tmpdir_factory, runner):
"""Location of GNUPGHOME"""
def register_gpg_password(password):
"""Publish a new GPG mock password"""
home = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('gnupghome')
conf = home.join('gpg.conf')
agentconf = home.join('gpg-agent.conf')
f'pinentry-program {os.path.abspath("test/pinentry-mock")}\n'
'max-cache-ttl 0\n'
data = collections.namedtuple('GNUPG', ['home', 'pw'])
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GNUPGHOME'] = home
# this pre-populates std files in the GNUPGHOME
runner(['gpg', '-k'], env=env)
return data(home, register_gpg_password)

test/pinentry-mock Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
# This program is a custom mock pinentry program
# It always uses whatever password is found in the /tmp directory
password="$(cat /tmp/mock-password 2>/dev/null)"
echo "OK Pleased to meet you"
while read -r line; do
if [[ $line =~ GETPIN ]]; then
echo -n "D "
echo "$password"
echo "OK";

test/pylintrc Symbolic link
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

test/test_alt.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
"""Test alt"""
import os
import string
import py
import pytest
import utils
TEST_PATHS = [utils.ALT_FILE1, utils.ALT_FILE2, utils.ALT_DIR]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('yadm_alt', [True, False], ids=['alt', 'worktree'])
'tracked,encrypt,exclude', [
(False, False, False),
(True, False, False),
(False, True, False),
(False, True, True),
], ids=['untracked', 'tracked', 'encrypted', 'excluded'])
def test_alt_source(
runner, paths,
tracked, encrypt, exclude,
"""Test yadm alt operates on all expected sources of alternates"""
yadm_dir = setup_standard_yadm_dir(paths)
paths, '##default', tracked=tracked, encrypt=encrypt, exclude=exclude,
yadm_alt=yadm_alt, yadm_dir=yadm_dir)
run = runner([paths.pgm, '-Y', yadm_dir, 'alt'])
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
basepath = yadm_dir.join('alt') if yadm_alt else paths.work
for link_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file_content = link_path + '##default'
source_file = basepath.join(source_file_content)
link_file = paths.work.join(link_path)
if tracked or (encrypt and not exclude):
assert link_file.islink()
target = py.path.local(os.path.realpath(link_file))
if target.isfile():
assert link_file.read() == source_file_content
assert str(source_file) in linked
assert link_file.join(
utils.CONTAINED).read() == source_file_content
assert str(source_file) in linked
assert not link_file.exists()
assert str(source_file) not in linked
@pytest.mark.parametrize('yadm_alt', [True, False], ids=['alt', 'worktree'])
def test_relative_link(runner, paths, yadm_alt):
"""Confirm links created are relative"""
yadm_dir = setup_standard_yadm_dir(paths)
paths, '##default', tracked=True, encrypt=False, exclude=False,
yadm_alt=yadm_alt, yadm_dir=yadm_dir)
run = runner([paths.pgm, '-Y', yadm_dir, 'alt'])
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
basepath = yadm_dir.join('alt') if yadm_alt else paths.work
for link_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file_content = link_path + '##default'
source_file = basepath.join(source_file_content)
link_file = paths.work.join(link_path)
link = link_file.readlink()
relpath = os.path.relpath(
source_file, start=os.path.dirname(link_file))
assert link == relpath
@pytest.mark.parametrize('suffix', [
'##o.$tst_sys', '##os.$tst_sys',
'##d.$tst_distro', '##distro.$tst_distro',
'##c.$tst_class', '##class.$tst_class',
'##h.$tst_host', '##hostname.$tst_host',
'##u.$tst_user', '##user.$tst_user',
def test_alt_conditions(
runner, paths,
tst_sys, tst_distro, tst_host, tst_user, suffix):
"""Test conditions supported by yadm alt"""
yadm_dir = setup_standard_yadm_dir(paths)
# set the class
tst_class = 'testclass'
utils.set_local(paths, 'class', tst_class)
suffix = string.Template(suffix).substitute(
utils.create_alt_files(paths, suffix)
run = runner([paths.pgm, '-Y', yadm_dir, 'alt'])
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
for link_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file = link_path + suffix
assert paths.work.join(link_path).islink()
target = py.path.local(os.path.realpath(paths.work.join(link_path)))
if target.isfile():
assert paths.work.join(link_path).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
assert paths.work.join(link_path).join(
utils.CONTAINED).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
'kind', ['default', '', None, 'envtpl', 'j2cli', 'j2'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('label', ['t', 'template', 'yadm', ])
def test_alt_templates(
runner, paths, kind, label):
"""Test templates supported by yadm alt"""
yadm_dir = setup_standard_yadm_dir(paths)
suffix = f'##{label}.{kind}'
if kind is None:
suffix = f'##{label}'
utils.create_alt_files(paths, suffix)
run = runner([paths.pgm, '-Y', yadm_dir, 'alt'])
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
created = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out, linked=False)
for created_path in TEST_PATHS:
if created_path != utils.ALT_DIR:
source_file = created_path + suffix
assert paths.work.join(created_path).isfile()
assert paths.work.join(created_path).read().strip() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in created
@pytest.mark.parametrize('autoalt', [None, 'true', 'false'])
def test_auto_alt(runner, yadm_y, paths, autoalt):
"""Test auto alt"""
# set the value of auto-alt
if autoalt:
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y('config', 'yadm.auto-alt', autoalt)))
utils.create_alt_files(paths, '##default')
run = runner(yadm_y('status'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
for link_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file = link_path + '##default'
if autoalt == 'false':
assert not paths.work.join(link_path).exists()
assert paths.work.join(link_path).islink()
target = py.path.local(
if target.isfile():
assert paths.work.join(link_path).read() == source_file
# no linking output when run via auto-alt
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) not in linked
assert paths.work.join(link_path).join(
utils.CONTAINED).read() == source_file
# no linking output when run via auto-alt
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) not in linked
def test_stale_link_removal(runner, yadm_y, paths):
"""Stale links to alternative files are removed
This test ensures that when an already linked alternative becomes invalid
due to a change in class, the alternate link is removed.
# set the class
tst_class = 'testclass'
utils.set_local(paths, 'class', tst_class)
# create files which match the test class
utils.create_alt_files(paths, f'##class.{tst_class}')
# run alt to trigger linking
run = runner(yadm_y('alt'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
# assert the proper linking has occurred
for stale_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file = stale_path + '##class.' + tst_class
assert paths.work.join(stale_path).islink()
target = py.path.local(os.path.realpath(paths.work.join(stale_path)))
if target.isfile():
assert paths.work.join(stale_path).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
assert paths.work.join(stale_path).join(
utils.CONTAINED).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
# change the class so there are no valid alternates
utils.set_local(paths, 'class', 'changedclass')
# run alt to trigger linking
run = runner(yadm_y('alt'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
# assert the linking is removed
for stale_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file = stale_path + '##class.' + tst_class
assert not paths.work.join(stale_path).exists()
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) not in linked
def test_template_overwrite_symlink(runner, yadm_y, paths, tst_sys):
"""Remove symlinks before processing a template
If a symlink is in the way of the output of a template, the target of the
symlink will get the template content. To prevent this, the symlink should
be removed just before processing a template.
target = paths.work.join(f'test_link##os.{tst_sys}')
link = paths.work.join('test_link')
link.mksymlinkto(target, absolute=1)
template = paths.work.join('test_link##template.default')
run = runner(yadm_y('add', target, template))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out == ''
assert not link.islink()
assert target.read().strip() == 'target'
assert link.read().strip() == 'test-data'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('style', ['symlink', 'template'])
def test_ensure_alt_path(runner, paths, style):
"""Test that directories are created before making alternates"""
yadm_dir = setup_standard_yadm_dir(paths)
suffix = 'default' if style == 'symlink' else 'template'
filename = 'a/b/c/file'
source = yadm_dir.join(f'alt/{filename}##{suffix}')
source.write('test-data', ensure=True)
run = runner([paths.pgm, '-Y', yadm_dir, 'add', source])
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out == ''
assert paths.work.join(filename).read().strip() == 'test-data'
def setup_standard_yadm_dir(paths):
"""Configure a yadm home within the work tree"""
std_yadm_dir = paths.work.mkdir('.config').mkdir('yadm')
std_yadm_dir.join('repo.git').mksymlinkto(paths.repo, absolute=1)
std_yadm_dir.join('encrypt').mksymlinkto(paths.encrypt, absolute=1)
return std_yadm_dir

test/test_alt_copy.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
"""Test yadm.alt-copy"""
import os
import pytest
[pytest.param(True, marks=pytest.mark.deprecated), False],
ids=['cygwin', 'no-cygwin'])
'setting, expect_link, pre_existing', [
(None, True, None),
(True, False, None),
(False, True, None),
(True, False, 'link'),
(True, False, 'file'),
'pre-existing symlink',
'pre-existing file',
def test_alt_copy(
runner, yadm_y, paths, tst_sys,
setting, expect_link, pre_existing,
"""Test yadm.alt-copy"""
option = 'yadm.cygwin-copy' if cygwin else 'yadm.alt-copy'
if setting is not None:
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y('config', option, str(setting))))
expected_content = f'test_alt_copy##os.{tst_sys}'
alt_path = paths.work.join('test_alt_copy')
if pre_existing == 'symlink':
elif pre_existing == 'file':
alt_path.write('wrong content')
run = runner(yadm_y('alt'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'Linking' in run.out
assert alt_path.read() == expected_content
assert alt_path.islink() == expect_link

View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
"""Test asserting private directories"""
import os
import re
import pytest
pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures('ds1_copy')
PRIVATE_DIRS = ['.gnupg', '.ssh']
@pytest.mark.parametrize('home', [True, False], ids=['home', 'not-home'])
def test_pdirs_missing(runner, yadm_y, paths, home):
"""Private dirs (private dirs missing)
When a git command is run
And private directories are missing
Create private directories prior to command
# confirm directories are missing at start
for pdir in PRIVATE_DIRS:
path = paths.work.join(pdir)
if path.exists():
assert not path.exists()
env = {'DEBUG': 'yes'}
if home:
env['HOME'] = paths.work
# run status
run = runner(command=yadm_y('status'), env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'On branch master' in run.out
# confirm directories are created
# and are protected
for pdir in PRIVATE_DIRS:
path = paths.work.join(pdir)
if home:
assert path.exists()
assert oct(path.stat().mode).endswith('00'), ('Directory is '
'not secured')
assert not path.exists()
# confirm directories are created before command is run:
if home:
assert re.search(
r'Running git command git status'),
run.out, re.DOTALL), 'directories created before command is run'
def test_pdirs_missing_apd_false(runner, yadm_y, paths):
"""Private dirs (private dirs missing / yadm.auto-private-dirs=false)
When a git command is run
And private directories are missing
But auto-private-dirs is false
Do not create private dirs
# confirm directories are missing at start
for pdir in PRIVATE_DIRS:
path = paths.work.join(pdir)
if path.exists():
assert not path.exists()
# set configuration
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y(
'config', '--bool', 'yadm.auto-private-dirs', 'false')))
# run status
run = runner(command=yadm_y('status'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'On branch master' in run.out
# confirm directories are STILL missing
for pdir in PRIVATE_DIRS:
assert not paths.work.join(pdir).exists()
def test_pdirs_exist_apd_false(runner, yadm_y, paths):
"""Private dirs (private dirs exist / yadm.auto-perms=false)
When a git command is run
And private directories exist
And yadm is configured not to auto update perms
Do not alter directories
# create permissive directories
for pdir in PRIVATE_DIRS:
path = paths.work.join(pdir)
if not path.isdir():
assert oct(path.stat().mode).endswith('77'), 'Directory is secure.'
# set configuration
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y(
'config', '--bool', 'yadm.auto-perms', 'false')))
# run status
run = runner(command=yadm_y('status'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'On branch master' in run.out
# created directories are STILL permissive
for pdir in PRIVATE_DIRS:
path = paths.work.join(pdir)
assert oct(path.stat().mode).endswith('77'), 'Directory is secure'

test/test_bootstrap.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
"""Test bootstrap"""
import pytest
'exists, executable, code, expect', [
(False, False, 1, 'Cannot execute bootstrap'),
(True, False, 1, 'is not an executable program'),
(True, True, 123, 'Bootstrap successful'),
], ids=[
'not executable',
def test_bootstrap(
runner, yadm_y, paths, exists, executable, code, expect):
"""Test bootstrap command"""
if exists:
if executable:
f'echo {expect}\n'
f'exit {code}\n'
run = runner(command=yadm_y('bootstrap'))
assert run.code == code
assert run.err == ''
assert expect in run.out

test/test_clean.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"""Test clean"""
def test_clean_command(runner, yadm_y):
"""Run with clean command"""
run = runner(command=yadm_y('clean'))
# do nothing, this is a dangerous Git command when managing dot files
# report the command as disabled and exit as a failure
assert run.failure
assert run.err == ''
assert 'disabled' in run.out

test/test_clone.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
"""Test clone"""
import os
import re
import pytest
BOOTSTRAP_MSG = 'Bootstrap successful'
'good_remote, repo_exists, force, conflicts', [
(False, False, False, False),
(True, False, False, False),
(True, True, False, False),
(True, True, True, False),
(True, False, False, True),
], ids=[
'bad remote',
'existing repo',
def test_clone(
runner, paths, yadm_y, repo_config, ds1,
good_remote, repo_exists, force, conflicts):
"""Test basic clone operation"""
# clear out the work path
# determine remote url
remote_url = f'file://{paths.remote}'
if not good_remote:
remote_url = 'file://bad_remote'
old_repo = None
if repo_exists:
# put a repo in the way
old_repo = paths.repo.join('old_repo')
if conflicts:
assert ds1.tracked[0].relative.exists()
# run the clone command
args = ['clone', '-w', paths.work]
if force:
args += ['-f']
args += [remote_url]
run = runner(command=yadm_y(*args))
if not good_remote:
# clone should fail
assert run.failure
assert run.err != ''
assert 'Unable to fetch origin' in run.out
assert not paths.repo.exists()
elif repo_exists and not force:
# can't overwrite data
assert run.failure
assert run.err == ''
assert 'Git repo already exists' in run.out
# clone should succeed, and repo should be configured properly
assert successful_clone(run, paths, repo_config)
# ensure conflicts are handled properly
if conflicts:
assert 'NOTE' in run.out
assert 'Merging origin/master failed' in run.out
assert 'Conflicts preserved' in run.out
# confirm correct Git origin
run = runner(
command=('git', 'remote', '-v', 'show'),
env={'GIT_DIR': paths.repo})
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert f'origin\t{remote_url}' in run.out
# ensure conflicts are really preserved
if conflicts:
# test to see if the work tree is actually "clean"
run = runner(
command=yadm_y('status', '-uno', '--porcelain'),
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out == '', 'worktree has unexpected changes'
# test to see if the conflicts are stashed
run = runner(command=yadm_y('stash', 'list'), cwd=paths.work)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'Conflicts preserved' in run.out, 'conflicts not stashed'
# verify content of the stashed conflicts
run = runner(command=yadm_y('stash', 'show', '-p'), cwd=paths.work)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert '\n+conflict' in run.out, 'conflicts not stashed'
# another force-related assertion
if old_repo:
if force:
assert not old_repo.exists()
assert old_repo.exists()
'bs_exists, bs_param, answer', [
(False, '--bootstrap', None),
(True, '--bootstrap', None),
(True, '--no-bootstrap', None),
(True, None, 'n'),
(True, None, 'y'),
], ids=[
'force, missing',
'force, existing',
'existing, answer n',
'existing, answer y',
def test_clone_bootstrap(
runner, paths, yadm_y, repo_config, bs_exists, bs_param, answer):
"""Test bootstrap clone features"""
# establish a bootstrap
create_bootstrap(paths, bs_exists)
# run the clone command
args = ['clone', '-w', paths.work]
if bs_param:
args += [bs_param]
args += [f'file://{paths.remote}']
expect = []
if answer:
expect.append(('Would you like to execute it now', answer))
run = runner(command=yadm_y(*args), expect=expect)
if answer:
assert 'Would you like to execute it now' in run.out
expected_code = 0
if bs_exists and bs_param != '--no-bootstrap':
expected_code = BOOTSTRAP_CODE
if answer == 'y':
expected_code = BOOTSTRAP_CODE
assert BOOTSTRAP_MSG in run.out
elif answer == 'n':
expected_code = 0
assert BOOTSTRAP_MSG not in run.out
assert successful_clone(run, paths, repo_config, expected_code)
if not bs_exists:
assert BOOTSTRAP_MSG not in run.out
def create_bootstrap(paths, exists):
"""Create bootstrap file for test"""
if exists:
f'echo {BOOTSTRAP_MSG}\n'
f'exit {BOOTSTRAP_CODE}\n')
assert paths.bootstrap.exists()
assert not paths.bootstrap.exists()
'private_type, in_repo, in_work', [
('ssh', False, True),
('gnupg', False, True),
('ssh', True, True),
('gnupg', True, True),
('ssh', True, False),
('gnupg', True, False),
], ids=[
'open ssh, not tracked',
'open gnupg, not tracked',
'open ssh, tracked',
'open gnupg, tracked',
'missing ssh, tracked',
'missing gnupg, tracked',
def test_clone_perms(
runner, yadm_y, paths, repo_config,
private_type, in_repo, in_work):
"""Test clone permission-related functions"""
# update remote repo to include private data
if in_repo:
rpath = paths.work.mkdir(f'.{private_type}').join('related')
os.system(f'GIT_DIR="{paths.remote}" git add {rpath}')
os.system(f'GIT_DIR="{paths.remote}" git commit -m "{rpath}"')
# ensure local private data is insecure at the start
if in_work:
pdir = paths.work.join(f'.{private_type}')
if not pdir.exists():
pfile = pdir.join('existing')
env = {'HOME': paths.work}
run = runner(
yadm_y('clone', '-d', '-w', paths.work, f'file://{paths.remote}'),
assert successful_clone(run, paths, repo_config)
if in_work:
# private directories which already exist, should be left as they are,
# which in this test is "insecure".
assert re.search(
f'initial private dir perms drwxrwxrwx.+.{private_type}',
assert re.search(
f'pre-merge private dir perms drwxrwxrwx.+.{private_type}',
assert re.search(
f'post-merge private dir perms drwxrwxrwx.+.{private_type}',
# private directories which are created, should be done prior to
# merging, and with secure permissions.
assert 'initial private dir perms' not in run.out
assert re.search(
f'pre-merge private dir perms drwx------.+.{private_type}',
assert re.search(
f'post-merge private dir perms drwx------.+.{private_type}',
# standard perms still apply afterwards unless disabled with auto.perms
assert oct(
paths.work.join(f'.{private_type}').stat().mode).endswith('00'), (
f'.{private_type} has not been secured by auto.perms')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('branch', ['master', 'valid', 'invalid'])
def test_alternate_branch(runner, paths, yadm_y, repo_config, branch):
"""Test cloning a branch other than master"""
# add a "valid" branch to the remote
os.system(f'GIT_DIR="{paths.remote}" git checkout -b valid')
f'GIT_DIR="{paths.remote}" git commit '
f'--allow-empty -m "This branch is valid"')
# clear out the work path
remote_url = f'file://{paths.remote}'
# run the clone command
args = ['clone', '-w', paths.work]
if branch != 'master':
args += ['-b', branch]
args += [remote_url]
run = runner(command=yadm_y(*args))
if branch == 'invalid':
assert run.failure
assert 'ERROR: Clone failed' in run.out
assert f"'origin/{branch}' does not exist in {remote_url}" in run.out
assert successful_clone(run, paths, repo_config)
# confirm correct Git origin
run = runner(
command=('git', 'remote', '-v', 'show'),
env={'GIT_DIR': paths.repo})
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert f'origin\t{remote_url}' in run.out
run = runner(command=yadm_y('show'))
if branch == 'valid':
assert 'This branch is valid' in run.out
assert 'Initial commit' in run.out
def successful_clone(run, paths, repo_config, expected_code=0):
"""Assert clone is successful"""
assert run.code == expected_code
assert 'Initialized' in run.out
assert oct(paths.repo.stat().mode).endswith('00'), 'Repo is not secured'
assert repo_config('core.bare') == 'false'
assert repo_config('status.showUntrackedFiles') == 'no'
assert repo_config('yadm.managed') == 'true'
return True
def remote(paths, ds1_repo_copy):
"""Function scoped remote (based on ds1)"""
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# This is ignored because
# @pytest.mark.usefixtures('ds1_remote_copy')
# cannot be applied to another fixture.

test/test_compat_alt.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,453 @@
"""Test alt"""
import os
import string
import py
import pytest
import utils
# These tests are for the alternate processing in YADM_COMPATIBILITY=1 mode
pytestmark = pytest.mark.deprecated
# These test IDs are broken. During the writing of these tests, problems have
# been discovered in the way yadm orders matching files.
TEST_PATHS = [utils.ALT_FILE1, utils.ALT_FILE2, utils.ALT_DIR]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('precedence_index', range(len(PRECEDENCE)))
'tracked, encrypt, exclude', [
(False, False, False),
(True, False, False),
(False, True, False),
(False, True, True),
], ids=[
def test_alt(runner, yadm_y, paths,
tst_sys, tst_host, tst_user,
tracked, encrypt, exclude,
"""Test alternate linking
This test is done by iterating for the number of templates in PRECEDENCE.
With each iteration, another file is left off the list. So with each
iteration, the template with the "highest precedence" is left out. The file
using the highest precedence should be the one linked.
# set the class
tst_class = 'testclass'
utils.set_local(paths, 'class', tst_class)
# process the templates in PRECEDENCE
precedence = list()
for template in PRECEDENCE:
# create files using a subset of files
for suffix in precedence[0:precedence_index+1]:
utils.create_alt_files(paths, suffix, tracked=tracked,
encrypt=encrypt, exclude=exclude)
# run alt to trigger linking
env = os.environ.copy()
run = runner(yadm_y('alt'), env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
# assert the proper linking has occurred
for file_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file = file_path + precedence[precedence_index]
if tracked or (encrypt and not exclude):
assert paths.work.join(file_path).islink()
target = py.path.local(
if target.isfile():
assert paths.work.join(file_path).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
assert paths.work.join(file_path).join(
utils.CONTAINED).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
assert not paths.work.join(file_path).exists()
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) not in linked
def short_template(template):
"""Translate template into something short for test IDs"""
return string.Template(template).substitute(
@pytest.mark.parametrize('wild_user', [True, False], ids=['U%', 'U'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('wild_host', [True, False], ids=['H%', 'H'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('wild_sys', [True, False], ids=['S%', 'S'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('wild_class', [True, False], ids=['C%', 'C'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('template', WILD_TEMPLATES, ids=short_template)
'tracked, encrypt', [
(True, False),
(False, True),
], ids=[
def test_wild(request, runner, yadm_y, paths,
tst_sys, tst_host, tst_user,
tracked, encrypt,
wild_class, wild_host, wild_sys, wild_user,
"""Test wild linking
These tests are done by creating permutations of the possible files using
WILD_TEMPLATES. Each case is then tested (while skipping the already tested
permutations for efficiency).
if request.node.name in BROKEN_TEST_IDS:
'This test is known to be broken. '
'This bug only affects deprecated features.')
tst_class = 'testclass'
# determine the "wild" version of the suffix
str_class = '%' if wild_class else tst_class
str_host = '%' if wild_host else tst_host
str_sys = '%' if wild_sys else tst_sys
str_user = '%' if wild_user else tst_user
wild_suffix = string.Template(template).substitute(
# determine the "standard" version of the suffix
std_suffix = string.Template(template).substitute(
# skip over duplicate tests (this seems to be the simplest way to cover the
# permutations of tests, while skipping duplicates.)
test_key = f'{tracked}{encrypt}{wild_suffix}{std_suffix}'
if test_key in WILD_TESTED:
# set the class
utils.set_local(paths, 'class', tst_class)
# create files using the wild suffix
utils.create_alt_files(paths, wild_suffix, tracked=tracked,
encrypt=encrypt, exclude=False)
# run alt to trigger linking
env = os.environ.copy()
run = runner(yadm_y('alt'), env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
# assert the proper linking has occurred
for file_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file = file_path + wild_suffix
assert paths.work.join(file_path).islink()
target = py.path.local(os.path.realpath(paths.work.join(file_path)))
if target.isfile():
assert paths.work.join(file_path).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
assert paths.work.join(file_path).join(
utils.CONTAINED).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
# create files using the standard suffix
utils.create_alt_files(paths, std_suffix, tracked=tracked,
encrypt=encrypt, exclude=False)
# run alt to trigger linking
env = os.environ.copy()
run = runner(yadm_y('alt'), env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
# assert the proper linking has occurred
for file_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file = file_path + std_suffix
assert paths.work.join(file_path).islink()
target = py.path.local(os.path.realpath(paths.work.join(file_path)))
if target.isfile():
assert paths.work.join(file_path).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
assert paths.work.join(file_path).join(
utils.CONTAINED).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
def test_local_override(runner, yadm_y, paths,
tst_sys, tst_host, tst_user):
"""Test local overrides"""
# define local overrides
utils.set_local(paths, 'class', 'or-class')
utils.set_local(paths, 'hostname', 'or-hostname')
utils.set_local(paths, 'os', 'or-os')
utils.set_local(paths, 'user', 'or-user')
# create files, the first would normally be the most specific version
# however, the second is the overridden version which should be preferred.
paths, f'##or-class.{tst_sys}.{tst_host}.{tst_user}')
paths, '##or-class.or-os.or-hostname.or-user')
# run alt to trigger linking
env = os.environ.copy()
run = runner(yadm_y('alt'), env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
# assert the proper linking has occurred
for file_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file = file_path + '##or-class.or-os.or-hostname.or-user'
assert paths.work.join(file_path).islink()
target = py.path.local(os.path.realpath(paths.work.join(file_path)))
if target.isfile():
assert paths.work.join(file_path).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
assert paths.work.join(file_path).join(
utils.CONTAINED).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
@pytest.mark.parametrize('suffix', ['AAA', 'ZZZ', 'aaa', 'zzz'])
def test_class_case(runner, yadm_y, paths, tst_sys, suffix):
"""Test range of class cases"""
# set the class
utils.set_local(paths, 'class', suffix)
# create files
endings = [suffix]
if tst_sys == 'Linux':
# Only create all of these side-by-side on Linux, which is
# unquestionably case-sensitive. This would break tests on
# case-insensitive systems.
endings = ['AAA', 'ZZZ', 'aaa', 'zzz']
for ending in endings:
utils.create_alt_files(paths, f'##{ending}')
# run alt to trigger linking
env = os.environ.copy()
run = runner(yadm_y('alt'), env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
# assert the proper linking has occurred
for file_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file = file_path + f'##{suffix}'
assert paths.work.join(file_path).islink()
target = py.path.local(os.path.realpath(paths.work.join(file_path)))
if target.isfile():
assert paths.work.join(file_path).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
assert paths.work.join(file_path).join(
utils.CONTAINED).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
@pytest.mark.parametrize('autoalt', [None, 'true', 'false'])
def test_auto_alt(runner, yadm_y, paths, autoalt):
"""Test setting auto-alt"""
# set the value of auto-alt
if autoalt:
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y('config', 'yadm.auto-alt', autoalt)))
# create file
suffix = '##'
utils.create_alt_files(paths, suffix)
# run status to possibly trigger linking
env = os.environ.copy()
run = runner(yadm_y('status'), env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
# assert the proper linking has occurred
for file_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file = file_path + suffix
if autoalt == 'false':
assert not paths.work.join(file_path).exists()
assert paths.work.join(file_path).islink()
target = py.path.local(
if target.isfile():
assert paths.work.join(file_path).read() == source_file
# no linking output when run via auto-alt
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) not in linked
assert paths.work.join(file_path).join(
utils.CONTAINED).read() == source_file
# no linking output when run via auto-alt
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) not in linked
@pytest.mark.parametrize('delimiter', ['.', '_'])
def test_delimiter(runner, yadm_y, paths,
tst_sys, tst_host, tst_user, delimiter):
"""Test delimiters used"""
suffix = '##' + delimiter.join([tst_sys, tst_host, tst_user])
# create file
utils.create_alt_files(paths, suffix)
# run alt to trigger linking
env = os.environ.copy()
run = runner(yadm_y('alt'), env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
# assert the proper linking has occurred
# only a delimiter of '.' is valid
for file_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file = file_path + suffix
if delimiter == '.':
assert paths.work.join(file_path).islink()
target = py.path.local(
if target.isfile():
assert paths.work.join(file_path).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
assert paths.work.join(file_path).join(
utils.CONTAINED).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
assert not paths.work.join(file_path).exists()
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) not in linked
def test_invalid_links_removed(runner, yadm_y, paths):
"""Links to invalid alternative files are removed
This test ensures that when an already linked alternative becomes invalid
due to a change in class, the alternate link is removed.
# set the class
tst_class = 'testclass'
utils.set_local(paths, 'class', tst_class)
# create files which match the test class
utils.create_alt_files(paths, f'##{tst_class}')
# run alt to trigger linking
env = os.environ.copy()
run = runner(yadm_y('alt'), env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
# assert the proper linking has occurred
for file_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file = file_path + '##' + tst_class
assert paths.work.join(file_path).islink()
target = py.path.local(os.path.realpath(paths.work.join(file_path)))
if target.isfile():
assert paths.work.join(file_path).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
assert paths.work.join(file_path).join(
utils.CONTAINED).read() == source_file
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in linked
# change the class so there are no valid alternates
utils.set_local(paths, 'class', 'changedclass')
# run alt to trigger linking
env = os.environ.copy()
run = runner(yadm_y('alt'), env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
linked = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out)
# assert the linking is removed
for file_path in TEST_PATHS:
source_file = file_path + '##' + tst_class
assert not paths.work.join(file_path).exists()
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) not in linked

test/test_compat_jinja.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
"""Test jinja"""
import os
import pytest
import utils
# These tests are for the template processing in YADM_COMPATIBILITY=1 mode
pytestmark = pytest.mark.deprecated
def envtpl_present(runner):
"""Is envtpl present and working?"""
run = runner(command=['envtpl', '-h'])
if run.success:
return True
except OSError:
return False
def test_local_override(runner, yadm_y, paths,
tst_distro, envtpl_present):
"""Test local overrides"""
if not envtpl_present:
pytest.skip('Unable to test without envtpl.')
# define local overrides
utils.set_local(paths, 'class', 'or-class')
utils.set_local(paths, 'hostname', 'or-hostname')
utils.set_local(paths, 'os', 'or-os')
utils.set_local(paths, 'user', 'or-user')
template = (
'j2-{{ YADM_CLASS }}-'
'{{ YADM_OS }}-{{ YADM_HOSTNAME }}-'
'-{%- '
f"include '{utils.INCLUDE_FILE}'"
' -%}'
expected = (
utils.create_alt_files(paths, '##yadm.j2', content=template,
# os.system(f'find {paths.work}' + ' -name *j2 -ls -exec cat \'{}\' ";"')
# os.system(f'find {paths.work}')
# run alt to trigger linking
env = os.environ.copy()
run = runner(yadm_y('alt'), env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
created = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out, linked=False)
# assert the proper creation has occurred
for file_path in (utils.ALT_FILE1, utils.ALT_FILE2):
source_file = file_path + '##yadm.j2'
assert paths.work.join(file_path).isfile()
lines = paths.work.join(file_path).readlines(cr=False)
assert lines[0] == source_file
assert lines[1] == expected
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in created
@pytest.mark.parametrize('autoalt', [None, 'true', 'false'])
def test_auto_alt(runner, yadm_y, paths, autoalt, tst_sys,
"""Test setting auto-alt"""
if not envtpl_present:
pytest.skip('Unable to test without envtpl.')
# set the value of auto-alt
if autoalt:
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y('config', 'yadm.auto-alt', autoalt)))
# create file
jinja_suffix = '##yadm.j2'
utils.create_alt_files(paths, jinja_suffix, content='{{ YADM_OS }}')
# run status to possibly trigger linking
env = os.environ.copy()
run = runner(yadm_y('status'), env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
created = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out, linked=False)
# assert the proper creation has occurred
for file_path in (utils.ALT_FILE1, utils.ALT_FILE2):
source_file = file_path + jinja_suffix
if autoalt == 'false':
assert not paths.work.join(file_path).exists()
assert paths.work.join(file_path).isfile()
lines = paths.work.join(file_path).readlines(cr=False)
assert lines[0] == source_file
assert lines[1] == tst_sys
# no created output when run via auto-alt
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) not in created
def test_jinja_envtpl_missing(runner, paths):
"""Test operation when envtpl is missing"""
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {paths.pgm}
process_global_args -Y "{paths.yadm}"
ENVTPL_PROGRAM='envtpl_missing' main alt
utils.create_alt_files(paths, '##yadm.j2')
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert f'envtpl not available, not creating' in run.out
'tracked, encrypt, exclude', [
(False, False, False),
(True, False, False),
(False, True, False),
(False, True, True),
], ids=[
def test_jinja(runner, yadm_y, paths,
tst_sys, tst_host, tst_user, tst_distro,
tracked, encrypt, exclude,
"""Test jinja processing"""
if not envtpl_present:
pytest.skip('Unable to test without envtpl.')
jinja_suffix = '##yadm.j2'
# set the class
tst_class = 'testclass'
utils.set_local(paths, 'class', tst_class)
template = (
'j2-{{ YADM_CLASS }}-'
'{{ YADM_OS }}-{{ YADM_HOSTNAME }}-'
'-{%- '
f"include '{utils.INCLUDE_FILE}'"
' -%}'
expected = (
utils.create_alt_files(paths, jinja_suffix, content=template,
tracked=tracked, encrypt=encrypt, exclude=exclude,
# run alt to trigger linking
env = os.environ.copy()
run = runner(yadm_y('alt'), env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
created = utils.parse_alt_output(run.out, linked=False)
# assert the proper creation has occurred
for file_path in (utils.ALT_FILE1, utils.ALT_FILE2):
source_file = file_path + jinja_suffix
if tracked or (encrypt and not exclude):
assert paths.work.join(file_path).isfile()
lines = paths.work.join(file_path).readlines(cr=False)
assert lines[0] == source_file
assert lines[1] == expected
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) in created
assert not paths.work.join(file_path).exists()
assert str(paths.work.join(source_file)) not in created

test/test_config.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
"""Test config"""
import os
import pytest
TEST_ATTRIBUTE = 'attribute'
TEST_VALUE = 'testvalue'
def test_config_no_params(runner, yadm_y, supported_configs):
"""No parameters
Display instructions
Display supported configs
Exit with 0
run = runner(yadm_y('config'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'Please read the CONFIGURATION section' in run.out
for config in supported_configs:
assert config in run.out
def test_config_read_missing(runner, yadm_y):
"""Read missing attribute
Display an empty value
Exit with 0
run = runner(yadm_y('config', TEST_KEY))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out == ''
def test_config_write(runner, yadm_y, paths):
"""Write attribute
Display no output
Update configuration file
Exit with 0
run = runner(yadm_y('config', TEST_KEY, TEST_VALUE))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out == ''
assert paths.config.read().strip() == TEST_FILE
def test_config_read(runner, yadm_y, paths):
"""Read attribute
Display value
Exit with 0
run = runner(yadm_y('config', TEST_KEY))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out.strip() == TEST_VALUE
def test_config_update(runner, yadm_y, paths):
"""Update attribute
Display no output
Update configuration file
Exit with 0
run = runner(yadm_y('config', TEST_KEY, TEST_VALUE + 'extra'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out == ''
assert paths.config.read().strip() == TEST_FILE + 'extra'
def test_config_local_read(runner, yadm_y, paths, supported_local_configs):
"""Read local attribute
Display value from the repo config
Exit with 0
# populate test values
for config in supported_local_configs:
f'GIT_DIR="{paths.repo}" '
f'git config --local "{config}" "value_of_{config}"')
# run yadm config
for config in supported_local_configs:
run = runner(yadm_y('config', config))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out.strip() == f'value_of_{config}'
def test_config_local_write(runner, yadm_y, paths, supported_local_configs):
"""Write local attribute
Display no output
Write value to the repo config
Exit with 0
# run yadm config
for config in supported_local_configs:
run = runner(yadm_y('config', config, f'value_of_{config}'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out == ''
# verify test values
for config in supported_local_configs:
run = runner(
command=('git', 'config', config),
env={'GIT_DIR': paths.repo})
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out.strip() == f'value_of_{config}'

test/test_encryption.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
"""Test encryption"""
import os
import pipes
import time
import pytest
KEY_FILE = 'test/test_key'
KEY_NAME = 'yadm-test1'
KEY_TRUST = 'test/ownertrust.txt'
PASSPHRASE = 'ExamplePassword'
pytestmark = pytest.mark.usefixtures('config_git')
def add_asymmetric_key(runner, gnupg):
"""Add asymmetric key"""
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GNUPGHOME'] = gnupg.home
['gpg', '--import', pipes.quote(KEY_FILE)],
['gpg', '--import-ownertrust', '<', pipes.quote(KEY_TRUST)],
def remove_asymmetric_key(runner, gnupg):
"""Remove asymmetric key"""
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GNUPGHOME'] = gnupg.home
'gpg', '--batch', '--yes',
'--delete-secret-keys', pipes.quote(KEY_FINGERPRINT)
'gpg', '--batch', '--yes',
'--delete-key', pipes.quote(KEY_FINGERPRINT)
def asymmetric_key(runner, gnupg):
"""Fixture for asymmetric key, removed in teardown"""
add_asymmetric_key(runner, gnupg)
yield KEY_NAME
remove_asymmetric_key(runner, gnupg)
def encrypt_targets(yadm_y, paths):
"""Fixture for setting up data to encrypt
This fixture:
* inits an empty repo
* creates test files in the work tree
* creates a ".yadm/encrypt" file for testing:
* standard files
* standard globs
* directories
* comments
* empty lines and lines with just space
* exclusions
* returns a list of expected encrypted files
# init empty yadm repo
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y('init', '-w', str(paths.work), '-f')))
expected = []
# standard files w/ dirs & spaces
paths.work.join('inc file1').write('inc file1')
expected.append('inc file1')
paths.encrypt.write('inc file1\n')
paths.work.join('inc dir').mkdir()
paths.work.join('inc dir/inc file2').write('inc file2')
expected.append('inc dir/inc file2')
paths.encrypt.write('inc dir/inc file2\n', mode='a')
# standard globs w/ dirs & spaces
paths.work.join('globs file1').write('globs file1')
expected.append('globs file1')
paths.work.join('globs dir').mkdir()
paths.work.join('globs dir/globs file2').write('globs file2')
expected.append('globs dir/globs file2')
paths.encrypt.write('globs*\n', mode='a')
# blank lines
paths.encrypt.write('\n \n\t\n', mode='a')
# comments
paths.encrypt.write('#commentfile1\n', mode='a')
paths.encrypt.write(' #commentfile1\n', mode='a')
# exclusions
paths.encrypt.write('extest/*\n', mode='a') # include within extest
paths.encrypt.write('!extest/ex*\n', mode='a') # exclude the ex*
expected.append('extest/inglob1') # should be left with only in*
return expected
def decrypt_targets(tmpdir_factory, runner, gnupg):
"""Fixture for setting data to decrypt
This fixture:
* creates symmetric/asymmetric encrypted archives
* creates a list of expected decrypted files
tmpdir = tmpdir_factory.mktemp('decrypt_targets')
symmetric = tmpdir.join('symmetric.tar.gz.gpg')
asymmetric = tmpdir.join('asymmetric.tar.gz.gpg')
expected = []
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GNUPGHOME'] = gnupg.home
run = runner(
['tar', 'cvf', '-'] +
expected +
['|', 'gpg', '--batch', '--yes', '-c'] +
['--output', pipes.quote(str(symmetric))],
assert run.success
add_asymmetric_key(runner, gnupg)
run = runner(
['tar', 'cvf', '-'] +
expected +
['|', 'gpg', '--batch', '--yes', '-e'] +
['-r', pipes.quote(KEY_NAME)] +
['--output', pipes.quote(str(asymmetric))],
assert run.success
remove_asymmetric_key(runner, gnupg)
return {
'asymmetric': asymmetric,
'expected': expected,
'symmetric': symmetric,
'bad_phrase', [False, True],
ids=['good_phrase', 'bad_phrase'])
'missing_encrypt', [False, True],
ids=['encrypt_exists', 'encrypt_missing'])
'overwrite', [False, True],
ids=['clean', 'overwrite'])
def test_symmetric_encrypt(
runner, yadm_y, paths, encrypt_targets,
gnupg, bad_phrase, overwrite, missing_encrypt):
"""Test symmetric encryption"""
if missing_encrypt:
if bad_phrase:
if overwrite:
paths.archive.write('existing archive')
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GNUPGHOME'] = gnupg.home
run = runner(yadm_y('encrypt'), env=env)
if missing_encrypt or bad_phrase:
assert run.failure
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
if missing_encrypt:
assert 'does not exist' in run.out
elif bad_phrase:
assert 'Invalid passphrase' in run.err
assert encrypted_data_valid(
runner, gnupg, paths.archive, encrypt_targets)
'bad_phrase', [False, True],
ids=['good_phrase', 'bad_phrase'])
'archive_exists', [True, False],
ids=['archive_exists', 'archive_missing'])
'dolist', [False, True],
ids=['decrypt', 'list'])
def test_symmetric_decrypt(
runner, yadm_y, paths, decrypt_targets, gnupg,
dolist, archive_exists, bad_phrase):
"""Test decryption"""
# init empty yadm repo
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y('init', '-w', str(paths.work), '-f')))
if bad_phrase:
time.sleep(1) # allow gpg-agent cache to expire
if archive_exists:
# to test overwriting
paths.work.join('decrypt1').write('pre-existing file')
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GNUPGHOME'] = gnupg.home
args = []
if dolist:
run = runner(yadm_y('decrypt') + args, env=env)
if archive_exists and not bad_phrase:
assert run.success
assert 'encrypted with 1 passphrase' in run.err
if dolist:
for filename in decrypt_targets['expected']:
if filename != 'decrypt1': # this one should exist
assert not paths.work.join(filename).exists()
assert filename in run.out
for filename in decrypt_targets['expected']:
assert paths.work.join(filename).read() == filename
assert run.failure
'ask', [False, True],
ids=['no_ask', 'ask'])
'key_exists', [True, False],
ids=['key_exists', 'key_missing'])
'overwrite', [False, True],
ids=['clean', 'overwrite'])
def test_asymmetric_encrypt(
runner, yadm_y, paths, encrypt_targets, gnupg,
overwrite, key_exists, ask):
"""Test asymmetric encryption"""
# specify encryption recipient
if ask:
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y('config', 'yadm.gpg-recipient', 'ASK')))
expect = [('Enter the user ID', KEY_NAME), ('Enter the user ID', '')]
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y('config', 'yadm.gpg-recipient', KEY_NAME)))
expect = []
if overwrite:
paths.archive.write('existing archive')
if not key_exists:
remove_asymmetric_key(runner, gnupg)
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GNUPGHOME'] = gnupg.home
run = runner(yadm_y('encrypt'), env=env, expect=expect)
if key_exists:
assert run.success
assert encrypted_data_valid(
runner, gnupg, paths.archive, encrypt_targets)
assert run.failure
assert 'Unable to write' in run.out
if ask:
assert 'Enter the user ID' in run.out
def test_multi_key(runner, yadm_y, gnupg):
"""Test multiple recipients"""
# specify two encryption recipient
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y(
'config', 'yadm.gpg-recipient', f'"{KEY_NAME} second-key"')))
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GNUPGHOME'] = gnupg.home
run = runner(yadm_y('encrypt'), env=env)
assert run.failure
assert 'second-key: skipped: No public key' in run.err
'key_exists', [True, False],
ids=['key_exists', 'key_missing'])
'dolist', [False, True],
ids=['decrypt', 'list'])
def test_asymmetric_decrypt(
runner, yadm_y, paths, decrypt_targets, gnupg,
dolist, key_exists):
"""Test decryption"""
# init empty yadm repo
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y('init', '-w', str(paths.work), '-f')))
# to test overwriting
paths.work.join('decrypt1').write('pre-existing file')
if not key_exists:
remove_asymmetric_key(runner, gnupg)
args = []
if dolist:
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GNUPGHOME'] = gnupg.home
run = runner(yadm_y('decrypt') + args, env=env)
if key_exists:
assert run.success
if dolist:
for filename in decrypt_targets['expected']:
if filename != 'decrypt1': # this one should exist
assert not paths.work.join(filename).exists()
assert filename in run.out
for filename in decrypt_targets['expected']:
assert paths.work.join(filename).read() == filename
assert run.failure
assert 'Unable to extract encrypted files' in run.out
[False, 'y', 'n'],
ids=['tracked', 'untracked_answer_y', 'untracked_answer_n'])
def test_offer_to_add(
runner, yadm_y, paths, encrypt_targets, gnupg, untracked):
"""Test offer to add encrypted archive
All the other encryption tests use an archive outside of the work tree.
However, the archive is often inside the work tree, and if it is, there
should be an offer to add it to the repo if it is not tracked.
worktree_archive = paths.work.join('worktree-archive.tar.gpg')
expect = []
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GNUPGHOME'] = gnupg.home
if untracked:
expect.append(('add it now', untracked))
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y('add', str(worktree_archive))))
run = runner(
yadm_y('encrypt', '--yadm-archive', str(worktree_archive)),
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert encrypted_data_valid(
runner, gnupg, worktree_archive, encrypt_targets)
run = runner(
yadm_y('status', '--porcelain', '-uall', str(worktree_archive)))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
if untracked == 'y':
# should be added to the index
assert f'A {worktree_archive.basename}' in run.out
elif untracked == 'n':
# should NOT be added to the index
assert f'?? {worktree_archive.basename}' in run.out
# should appear modified in the index
assert f'AM {worktree_archive.basename}' in run.out
def test_encrypt_added_to_exclude(runner, yadm_y, paths, gnupg):
"""Confirm that .config/yadm/encrypt is added to exclude"""
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GNUPGHOME'] = gnupg.home
exclude_file = paths.repo.join('info/exclude')
exclude_file.write('original-data', ensure=True)
run = runner(yadm_y('encrypt'), env=env)
assert 'test-encrypt-data' in paths.repo.join('info/exclude').read()
assert 'original-data' in paths.repo.join('info/exclude').read()
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
def encrypted_data_valid(runner, gnupg, encrypted, expected):
"""Verify encrypted data matches expectations"""
env = os.environ.copy()
env['GNUPGHOME'] = gnupg.home
run = runner([
'-d', pipes.quote(str(encrypted)),
'|', 'tar', 't'], env=env, shell=True, report=False)
file_count = 0
for filename in run.out.splitlines():
if filename.endswith('/'):
file_count += 1
assert filename in expected, (
f'Unexpected file in archive: {filename}')
assert file_count == len(expected), (
'Number of files in archive does not match expected')
return True

test/test_enter.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
"""Test enter"""
import os
import pytest
'shell, success', [
('delete', True), # if there is no shell variable, bash creates it
('', False),
('/usr/bin/env', True),
('noexec', False),
], ids=[
def test_enter(runner, yadm_y, paths, shell, success):
"""Enter tests"""
env = os.environ.copy()
if shell == 'delete':
# remove shell
if 'SHELL' in env:
del env['SHELL']
elif shell == 'noexec':
# specify a non-executable path
noexec = paths.root.join('noexec')
env['SHELL'] = str(noexec)
env['SHELL'] = shell
run = runner(command=yadm_y('enter'), env=env)
assert run.success == success
assert run.err == ''
prompt = f'yadm shell ({paths.repo})'
if success:
assert run.out.startswith('Entering yadm repo')
assert run.out.rstrip().endswith('Leaving yadm repo')
if not success:
assert 'does not refer to an executable' in run.out
if 'env' in shell:
assert f'GIT_DIR={paths.repo}' in run.out
assert f'GIT_WORK_TREE={paths.work}' in run.out
assert f'PROMPT={prompt}' in run.out
assert f'PS1={prompt}' in run.out
'shell, opts, path', [
('bash', '--norc', '\\w'),
('csh', '-f', '%~'),
('zsh', '-f', '%~'),
], ids=[
[False, 'cmd', 'cmd-bad-exit'],
ids=['no-cmd', 'cmd', 'cmd-bad-exit'])
def test_enter_shell_ops(runner, yadm_y, paths, shell, opts, path, cmd):
"""Enter tests for specific shell options"""
change_exit = '\nfalse' if cmd == 'cmd-bad-exit' else ''
# Create custom shell to detect options passed
custom_shell = paths.root.join(shell)
f'#!/bin/sh\necho OPTS=$*\necho PROMPT=$PROMPT{change_exit}'
test_cmd = ['test1', 'test2', 'test3']
enter_cmd = ['enter']
if cmd:
enter_cmd += test_cmd
env = os.environ.copy()
env['SHELL'] = custom_shell
run = runner(command=yadm_y(*enter_cmd), env=env)
if cmd == 'cmd-bad-exit':
assert run.failure
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert f'OPTS={opts}' in run.out
assert f'PROMPT=yadm shell ({paths.repo}) {path} >' in run.out
if cmd:
assert '-c ' + ' '.join(test_cmd) in run.out
assert 'Entering yadm repo' not in run.out
assert 'Leaving yadm repo' not in run.out
assert 'Entering yadm repo' in run.out
assert 'Leaving yadm repo' in run.out

test/test_git.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
"""Test git"""
import re
import pytest
def test_git(runner, yadm_y, paths):
"""Test series of passthrough git commands
Passthru unknown commands to Git
Git command 'add' - badfile
Git command 'add'
Git command 'status'
Git command 'commit'
Git command 'log'
# passthru unknown commands to Git
run = runner(command=yadm_y('bogus'))
assert run.failure
assert "git: 'bogus' is not a git command." in run.err
assert "See 'git --help'" in run.err
assert run.out == ''
# git command 'add' - badfile
run = runner(command=yadm_y('add', '-v', 'does_not_exist'))
assert run.code == 128
assert "pathspec 'does_not_exist' did not match any files" in run.err
assert run.out == ''
# git command 'add'
newfile = paths.work.join('test_git')
run = runner(command=yadm_y('add', '-v', str(newfile)))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert "add 'test_git'" in run.out
# git command 'status'
run = runner(command=yadm_y('status'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert re.search(r'new file:\s+test_git', run.out)
# git command 'commit'
run = runner(command=yadm_y('commit', '-m', 'Add test_git'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert '1 file changed' in run.out
assert '1 insertion' in run.out
assert re.search(r'create mode .+ test_git', run.out)
# git command 'log'
run = runner(command=yadm_y('log', '--oneline'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'Add test_git' in run.out

test/test_git_crypt.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
"""Test git-crypt"""
import pytest
[False, 'installed', 'installed-but-failed'],
ids=['not-installed', 'installed', 'installed-but-failed']
def test_git_crypt(runner, yadm, paths, tmpdir, crypt):
"""git-crypt tests"""
bindir = tmpdir.mkdir('bin')
pgm = bindir.join('test-git-crypt')
if crypt:
pgm.write(f'#!/bin/sh\necho git-crypt ran\n')
if crypt == 'installed-but-failed':
pgm.write('false\n', mode='a')
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
git_crypt "param1"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
if crypt:
if crypt == 'installed-but-failed':
assert run.failure
assert run.success
assert run.out.strip() == 'git-crypt ran'
assert run.failure
assert f"command '{pgm}' cannot be located" in run.out
assert run.err == ''

test/test_help.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
"""Test help"""
def test_missing_command(runner, yadm_y):
"""Run without any command"""
run = runner(command=yadm_y())
assert run.failure
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out.startswith('Usage: yadm')
def test_help_command(runner, yadm_y):
"""Run with help command"""
run = runner(command=yadm_y('help'))
assert run.failure
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out.startswith('Usage: yadm')

test/test_hooks.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
"""Test hooks"""
import pytest
'pre, pre_code, post, post_code', [
(False, 0, False, 0),
(True, 0, False, 0),
(True, 5, False, 0),
(False, 0, True, 0),
(False, 0, True, 5),
(True, 0, True, 0),
(True, 5, True, 5),
], ids=[
def test_hooks(
runner, yadm_y, paths,
pre, pre_code, post, post_code):
"""Test pre/post hook"""
# generate hooks
if pre:
create_hook(paths, 'pre_version', pre_code)
if post:
create_hook(paths, 'post_version', post_code)
# run yadm
run = runner(yadm_y('version'))
# when a pre hook fails, yadm should exit with the hook's code
assert run.code == pre_code
assert run.err == ''
if pre:
assert 'HOOK:pre_version' in run.out
# if pre hook is missing or successful, yadm itself should exit 0
if run.success:
if post:
assert 'HOOK:post_version' in run.out
# when a pre hook fails, yadm should not run the command
assert 'version will not be run' in run.out
# when a pre hook fails, yadm should not run the post hook
assert 'HOOK:post_version' not in run.out
# repo fixture is needed to test the population of YADM_HOOK_WORK
def test_hook_env(runner, yadm_y, paths):
"""Test hook environment"""
# test will be done with a non existent "git" passthru command
# which should exit with a failing code
cmd = 'passthrucmd'
# write the hook
hook = paths.hooks.join(f'post_{cmd}')
run = runner(yadm_y(cmd, 'extra_args'))
# expect passthru to fail
assert run.failure
assert f"'{cmd}' is not a git command" in run.err
# verify hook environment
assert 'YADM_HOOK_EXIT=1\n' in run.out
assert f'YADM_HOOK_COMMAND={cmd}\n' in run.out
assert f'YADM_HOOK_DIR={paths.yadm}\n' in run.out
assert f'YADM_HOOK_FULL_COMMAND={cmd} extra_args\n' in run.out
assert f'YADM_HOOK_REPO={paths.repo}\n' in run.out
assert f'YADM_HOOK_WORK={paths.work}\n' in run.out
assert f'YADM_ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES=\n' in run.out
# verify the hook environment contains certain exported functions
for func in [
assert f'BASH_FUNC_{func}' in run.out
# verify the hook environment contains the list of encrypted files
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {paths.pgm}
invoke_hook "post"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'YADM_ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES=a\nb\nc\n' in run.out
def test_escaped(runner, yadm_y, paths):
"""Test escaped values in YADM_HOOK_FULL_COMMAND"""
# test will be done with a non existent "git" passthru command
# which should exit with a failing code
cmd = 'passthrucmd'
# write the hook
hook = paths.hooks.join(f'post_{cmd}')
run = runner(yadm_y(cmd, 'a b', 'c\td', 'e\\f'))
# expect passthru to fail
assert run.failure
# verify escaped values
assert (
'a\\ b c\\\td e\\\\f\n') in run.out
def create_hook(paths, name, code):
"""Create hook"""
hook = paths.hooks.join(name)
f'echo HOOK:{name}\n'
f'exit {code}\n'

test/test_init.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
"""Test init"""
import pytest
'alt_work, repo_present, force', [
(False, False, False),
(True, False, False),
(False, True, False),
(False, True, True),
(True, True, True),
], ids=[
'existing repo',
'-w & -f',
def test_init(
runner, yadm_y, paths, repo_config, alt_work, repo_present, force):
"""Test init
Repos should have attribs:
- 0600 permissions
- not bare
- worktree = $HOME
- showUntrackedFiles = no
- yadm.managed = true
# these tests will assume this for $HOME
home = str(paths.root.mkdir('HOME'))
# ds1_work_copy comes WITH an empty repo dir present.
old_repo = paths.repo.join('old_repo')
if repo_present:
# Let's put some data in it, so we can confirm that data is gone when
# forced to be overwritten.
old_repo.write('old repo data')
assert old_repo.isfile()
# command args
args = ['init']
if alt_work:
args.extend(['-w', paths.work])
if force:
# run init
run = runner(yadm_y(*args), env={'HOME': home})
assert run.err == ''
if repo_present and not force:
assert run.failure
assert 'repo already exists' in run.out
assert old_repo.isfile(), 'Missing original repo'
assert run.success
assert 'Initialized empty shared Git repository' in run.out
if repo_present:
assert not old_repo.isfile(), 'Original repo still exists'
if alt_work:
assert repo_config('core.worktree') == paths.work
assert repo_config('core.worktree') == home
# uniform repo assertions
assert oct(paths.repo.stat().mode).endswith('00'), (
'Repo is not secure')
assert repo_config('core.bare') == 'false'
assert repo_config('status.showUntrackedFiles') == 'no'
assert repo_config('yadm.managed') == 'true'

test/test_introspect.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
"""Test introspect"""
import pytest
'name', [
def test_introspect_category(
runner, yadm_y, paths, name,
supported_commands, supported_configs, supported_switches):
"""Validate introspection category"""
if name:
run = runner(command=yadm_y('introspect', name))
run = runner(command=yadm_y('introspect'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
expected = []
if name == 'commands':
expected = supported_commands
elif name == 'configs':
expected = supported_configs
elif name == 'switches':
expected = supported_switches
# assert values
if name in ('', 'invalid'):
assert run.out == ''
if name == 'repo':
assert run.out.rstrip() == paths.repo
# make sure every expected value is present
for value in expected:
assert value in run.out
# make sure nothing extra is present
if expected:
assert len(run.out.split()) == len(expected)

test/test_list.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
"""Test list"""
import os
import pytest
'location', [
def test_list(runner, yadm_y, paths, ds1, location):
"""List tests"""
if location == 'work':
run_dir = paths.work
elif location == 'outside':
run_dir = paths.work.join('..')
elif location == 'subdir':
# first directory with tracked data
run_dir = paths.work.join(ds1.tracked_dirs[0])
with run_dir.as_cwd():
# test with '-a'
# should get all tracked files, relative to the work path
run = runner(command=yadm_y('list', '-a'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
returned_files = set(run.out.splitlines())
expected_files = {e.path for e in ds1 if e.tracked}
assert returned_files == expected_files
# test without '-a'
# should get all tracked files, relative to the work path unless in a
# subdir, then those should be a limited set of files, relative to the
# subdir
run = runner(command=yadm_y('list'))
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
returned_files = set(run.out.splitlines())
if location == 'subdir':
basepath = os.path.basename(os.getcwd())
# only expect files within the subdir
# names should be relative to subdir
expected_files = {
for e in ds1 if e.tracked and e.path.startswith(basepath)
assert returned_files == expected_files

test/test_perms.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
"""Test perms"""
import os
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize('autoperms', ['notest', 'unset', 'true', 'false'])
def test_perms(runner, yadm_y, paths, ds1, autoperms):
"""Test perms"""
# set the value of auto-perms
if autoperms != 'notest':
if autoperms != 'unset':
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y('config', 'yadm.auto-perms', autoperms)))
# privatepaths will hold all paths that should become secured
privatepaths = [paths.work.join('.ssh'), paths.work.join('.gnupg')]
privatepaths += [paths.work.join(private.path) for private in ds1.private]
# create an archive file
os.system(f'touch "{str(paths.archive)}"')
# create encrypted file test data
efile1 = paths.work.join('efile1')
efile2 = paths.work.join('efile2')
insecurepaths = [efile1]
# assert these paths begin unsecured
for private in privatepaths + insecurepaths:
assert not oct(private.stat().mode).endswith('00'), (
'Path started secured')
cmd = 'perms'
if autoperms != 'notest':
cmd = 'status'
run = runner(yadm_y(cmd), env={'HOME': paths.work})
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
if cmd == 'perms':
assert run.out == ''
# these paths should be secured if processing perms
for private in privatepaths:
if autoperms == 'false':
assert not oct(private.stat().mode).endswith('00'), (
'Path should not be secured')
assert oct(private.stat().mode).endswith('00'), (
'Path has not been secured')
# these paths should never be secured
for private in insecurepaths:
assert not oct(private.stat().mode).endswith('00'), (
'Path should not be secured')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('sshperms', [None, 'true', 'false'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('gpgperms', [None, 'true', 'false'])
def test_perms_control(runner, yadm_y, paths, ds1, sshperms, gpgperms):
"""Test fine control of perms"""
# set the value of ssh-perms
if sshperms:
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y('config', 'yadm.ssh-perms', sshperms)))
# set the value of gpg-perms
if gpgperms:
os.system(' '.join(yadm_y('config', 'yadm.gpg-perms', gpgperms)))
# privatepaths will hold all paths that should become secured
privatepaths = [paths.work.join('.ssh'), paths.work.join('.gnupg')]
privatepaths += [paths.work.join(private.path) for private in ds1.private]
# assert these paths begin unsecured
for private in privatepaths:
assert not oct(private.stat().mode).endswith('00'), (
'Path started secured')
run = runner(yadm_y('perms'), env={'HOME': paths.work})
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out == ''
# these paths should be secured if processing perms
for private in privatepaths:
if (
(sshperms == 'false' and 'ssh' in str(private))
(gpgperms == 'false' and 'gnupg' in str(private))
assert not oct(private.stat().mode).endswith('00'), (
'Path should not be secured')
assert oct(private.stat().mode).endswith('00'), (
'Path has not been secured')
# verify permissions aren't changed for the worktree
assert oct(paths.work.stat().mode).endswith('0755')

test/test_syntax.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
"""Syntax checks"""
import os
import pytest
def test_yadm_syntax(runner, yadm):
"""Is syntactically valid"""
run = runner(command=['bash', '-n', yadm])
assert run.success
def test_shellcheck(pytestconfig, runner, yadm, shellcheck_version):
"""Passes shellcheck"""
if not pytestconfig.getoption("--force-linters"):
run = runner(command=['shellcheck', '-V'], report=False)
if f'version: {shellcheck_version}' not in run.out:
pytest.skip('Unsupported shellcheck version')
run = runner(command=['shellcheck', '-s', 'bash', yadm])
assert run.success
def test_pylint(pytestconfig, runner, pylint_version):
"""Passes pylint"""
if not pytestconfig.getoption("--force-linters"):
run = runner(command=['pylint', '--version'], report=False)
if f'pylint {pylint_version}' not in run.out:
pytest.skip('Unsupported pylint version')
pyfiles = list()
for tfile in os.listdir('test'):
if tfile.endswith('.py'):
run = runner(command=['pylint'] + pyfiles)
assert run.success
def test_flake8(pytestconfig, runner, flake8_version):
"""Passes flake8"""
if not pytestconfig.getoption("--force-linters"):
run = runner(command=['flake8', '--version'], report=False)
if not run.out.startswith(flake8_version):
pytest.skip('Unsupported flake8 version')
run = runner(command=['flake8', 'test'])
assert run.success
def test_yamllint(pytestconfig, runner, yamllint_version):
"""Passes yamllint"""
if not pytestconfig.getoption("--force-linters"):
run = runner(command=['yamllint', '--version'], report=False)
if not run.out.strip().endswith(yamllint_version):
pytest.skip('Unsupported yamllint version')
run = runner(
command=['yamllint', '-s', '$(find . -name \\*.yml)'],
assert run.success
def test_man(runner):
"""Check for warnings from man"""
run = runner(
command=['man', '--warnings', './yadm.1'])
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'yadm - Yet Another Dotfiles Manager' in run.out

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"""Unit tests: bootstrap_available"""
def test_bootstrap_missing(runner, paths):
"""Test result of bootstrap_available, when bootstrap missing"""
run_test(runner, paths, False)
def test_bootstrap_no_exec(runner, paths):
"""Test result of bootstrap_available, when bootstrap not executable"""
run_test(runner, paths, False)
def test_bootstrap_exec(runner, paths):
"""Test result of bootstrap_available, when bootstrap executable"""
run_test(runner, paths, True)
def run_test(runner, paths, success):
"""Run bootstrap_available, and test result"""
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {paths.pgm}
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success == success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out == ''

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
"""Unit tests: choose_template_cmd"""
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize('label', ['', 'default', 'other'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('awk', [True, False], ids=['awk', 'no-awk'])
def test_kind_default(runner, yadm, awk, label):
"""Test kind: default"""
expected = 'template_default'
awk_avail = 'true'
if not awk:
awk_avail = 'false'
expected = ''
if label == 'other':
expected = ''
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
function awk_available {{ { awk_avail}; }}
template="$(choose_template_cmd "{label}")"
echo "TEMPLATE:$template"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert f'TEMPLATE:{expected}\n' in run.out
@pytest.mark.parametrize('label', ['envtpl', 'j2cli', 'j2', 'other'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('envtpl', [True, False], ids=['envtpl', 'no-envtpl'])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('j2cli', [True, False], ids=['j2cli', 'no-j2cli'])
def test_kind_j2cli_envtpl(runner, yadm, envtpl, j2cli, label):
"""Test kind: j2 (both j2cli & envtpl)
j2cli is preferred over envtpl if available.
envtpl_avail = 'true' if envtpl else 'false'
j2cli_avail = 'true' if j2cli else 'false'
if label in ('j2cli', 'j2') and j2cli:
expected = 'template_j2cli'
elif label in ('envtpl', 'j2') and envtpl:
expected = 'template_envtpl'
expected = ''
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
function envtpl_available {{ { envtpl_avail}; }}
function j2cli_available {{ { j2cli_avail}; }}
template="$(choose_template_cmd "{label}")"
echo "TEMPLATE:$template"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert f'TEMPLATE:{expected}\n' in run.out

View File

@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
"""Unit tests: configure_paths"""
import pytest
ARCHIVE = 'files.gpg'
BOOTSTRAP = 'bootstrap'
CONFIG = 'config'
ENCRYPT = 'encrypt'
HOME = '/testhome'
REPO = 'repo.git'
YDIR = '.config/yadm'
'override, expect', [
(None, {}),
('-Y', {}),
('--yadm-repo', {'repo': 'YADM_REPO', 'git': 'GIT_DIR'}),
('--yadm-config', {'config': 'YADM_CONFIG'}),
('--yadm-encrypt', {'encrypt': 'YADM_ENCRYPT'}),
('--yadm-archive', {'archive': 'YADM_ARCHIVE'}),
('--yadm-bootstrap', {'bootstrap': 'YADM_BOOTSTRAP'}),
], ids=[
'override yadm dir',
'override repo',
'override config',
'override encrypt',
'override archive',
'override bootstrap',
def test_config(runner, paths, override, expect):
"""Test configure_paths"""
opath = 'override'
matches = match_map()
args = []
if override == '-Y':
matches = match_map('/' + opath)
if override:
args = [override, '/' + opath]
for ekey in expect.keys():
matches[ekey] = f'{expect[ekey]}="/{opath}"'
runner, paths,
[override, opath],
['must specify a fully qualified'], 1)
run_test(runner, paths, args, matches.values(), 0)
def match_map(yadm_dir=None):
"""Create a dictionary of matches, relative to yadm_dir"""
if not yadm_dir:
yadm_dir = '/'.join([HOME, YDIR])
return {
'yadm': f'YADM_DIR="{yadm_dir}"',
'repo': f'YADM_REPO="{yadm_dir}/{REPO}"',
'config': f'YADM_CONFIG="{yadm_dir}/{CONFIG}"',
'encrypt': f'YADM_ENCRYPT="{yadm_dir}/{ENCRYPT}"',
'archive': f'YADM_ARCHIVE="{yadm_dir}/{ARCHIVE}"',
'bootstrap': f'YADM_BOOTSTRAP="{yadm_dir}/{BOOTSTRAP}"',
'git': f'GIT_DIR="{yadm_dir}/{REPO}"',
def run_test(runner, paths, args, expected_matches, expected_code=0):
"""Run proces global args, and run configure_paths"""
argstring = ' '.join(['"'+a+'"' for a in args])
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 HOME="{HOME}" source {paths.pgm}
process_global_args {argstring}
HOME="{HOME}" set_yadm_dir
declare -p | grep -E '(YADM|GIT)_'
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.code == expected_code
assert run.err == ''
for match in expected_matches:
assert match in run.out

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
"""Unit tests: exclude_encrypted"""
import pytest
'exclude', ['missing', 'outdated', 'up-to-date'])
'encrypt_exists', [True, False], ids=['encrypt', 'no-encrypt'])
'auto_exclude', [True, False], ids=['enabled', 'disabled'])
def test_exclude_encrypted(
runner, tmpdir, yadm, encrypt_exists, auto_exclude, exclude):
"""Test exclude_encrypted()"""
header = (
"# yadm-auto-excludes\n"
"# This section is managed by yadm.\n"
"# Any edits below will be lost.\n"
config_function = 'function config() { echo "false";}'
if auto_exclude:
config_function = 'function config() { return; }'
encrypt_file = tmpdir.join('encrypt_file')
repo_dir = tmpdir.join('repodir')
exclude_file = repo_dir.join('info/exclude')
if encrypt_exists:
encrypt_file.write('test-encrypt-data\n', ensure=True)
if exclude == 'outdated':
f'original-exclude\n{header}outdated\n', ensure=True)
elif exclude == 'up-to-date':
f'original-exclude\n{header}test-encrypt-data\n', ensure=True)
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
if auto_exclude:
if encrypt_exists:
assert exclude_file.exists()
if exclude == 'missing':
assert exclude_file.read() == f'{header}test-encrypt-data\n'
assert exclude_file.read() == (
if exclude != 'up-to-date':
assert f'Updating {exclude_file}' in run.out
assert run.out == ''
assert run.out == ''
assert run.out == ''

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"""Unit tests: is_valid_branch_name"""
import pytest
# Git branches do not allow:
# * path component that begins with "."
# * double dot
# * "~", "^", ":", "\", space
# * end with a "/"
# * end with ".lock"
'branch, expected', [
('master', 'valid'),
('path/branch', 'valid'),
('path/.branch', 'invalid'),
('path..branch', 'invalid'),
('path~branch', 'invalid'),
('path^branch', 'invalid'),
('path:branch', 'invalid'),
('path\\branch', 'invalid'),
('path branch', 'invalid'),
('path/branch/', 'invalid'),
('branch.lock', 'invalid'),
def test_is_valid_branch_name(runner, yadm, branch, expected):
"""Test function is_valid_branch_name()"""
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
if is_valid_branch_name "{branch}"; then
echo valid
echo invalid
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out.strip() == expected

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
"""Unit tests: issue_legacy_path_warning"""
import pytest
'legacy_path', [
'upgrade', [True, False], ids=['upgrade', 'no-upgrade'])
def test_legacy_warning(tmpdir, runner, yadm, upgrade, legacy_path):
"""Use issue_legacy_path_warning"""
home = tmpdir.mkdir('home')
if legacy_path:
main_args = 'MAIN_ARGS=("upgrade")' if upgrade else ''
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
if legacy_path and not upgrade:
assert 'Legacy configuration paths have been detected' in run.out
assert 'LWI:1' in run.out
assert run.out.rstrip() == 'LWI:0'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
"""Unit tests: parse_encrypt"""
import pytest
def test_not_called(runner, paths):
"""Test parse_encrypt (not called)"""
run = run_parse_encrypt(runner, paths, skip_parse=True)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'EIF:unparsed' in run.out, 'EIF should be unparsed'
assert 'EIF_COUNT:1' in run.out, 'Only value of EIF should be unparsed'
def test_short_circuit(runner, paths):
"""Test parse_encrypt (short-circuit)"""
run = run_parse_encrypt(runner, paths, twice=True)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'PARSE_ENCRYPT_SHORT=parse_encrypt() not reprocessed' in run.out, (
'parse_encrypt() should short-circuit')
'encrypt', [
def test_empty(runner, paths, encrypt):
"""Test parse_encrypt (file missing/empty)"""
# write encrypt file
if encrypt == 'missing':
assert not paths.encrypt.exists(), 'Encrypt should be missing'
assert paths.encrypt.exists(), 'Encrypt should exist'
assert paths.encrypt.size() == 0, 'Encrypt should be empty'
# run parse_encrypt
run = run_parse_encrypt(runner, paths)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
# validate parsing result
assert 'EIF_COUNT:0' in run.out, 'EIF should be empty'
def create_test_encrypt_data(paths):
"""Generate test data for testing encrypt"""
edata = ''
expected = set()
# empty line
edata += '\n'
# simple comments
edata += '# a simple comment\n'
edata += ' # a comment with leading space\n'
# unreferenced directory
# simple files
edata += 'simple_file\n'
edata += 'simple.file\n'
# simple files in directories
edata += 'simple_dir/simple_file\n'
paths.work.join('simple_dir/simple_file').write('', ensure=True)
paths.work.join('simple_dir/simple_file2').write('', ensure=True)
# paths with spaces
edata += 'with space/with space\n'
paths.work.join('with space/with space').write('', ensure=True)
paths.work.join('with space/with space2').write('', ensure=True)
expected.add('with space/with space')
# hidden files
edata += '.hidden\n'
# hidden files in directories
edata += '.hidden_dir/.hidden_file\n'
paths.work.join('.hidden_dir/.hidden_file').write('', ensure=True)
# wildcards
edata += 'wild*\n'
paths.work.join('wildcard1').write('', ensure=True)
paths.work.join('wildcard2').write('', ensure=True)
edata += 'dirwild*\n'
paths.work.join('dirwildcard/file1').write('', ensure=True)
paths.work.join('dirwildcard/file2').write('', ensure=True)
# excludes
edata += 'exclude*\n'
edata += 'ex ex/*\n'
edata += '!*.ex\n'
edata += '!ex ex/*.txt\n'
paths.work.join('ex ex/file4').write('', ensure=True)
paths.work.join('ex ex/file5.txt').write('', ensure=True)
paths.work.join('ex ex/file6.text').write('', ensure=True)
expected.add('ex ex/file4')
expected.add('ex ex/file6.text')
# double star
edata += 'doublestar/**/file*\n'
edata += '!**/file3\n'
paths.work.join('doublestar/a/b/file1').write('', ensure=True)
paths.work.join('doublestar/c/d/file2').write('', ensure=True)
paths.work.join('doublestar/e/f/file3').write('', ensure=True)
paths.work.join('doublestar/g/h/nomatch').write('', ensure=True)
# doublestar/e/f/file3 is excluded
return edata, expected
def test_file_parse_encrypt(runner, paths):
"""Test parse_encrypt
Test an array of supported features of the encrypt configuration.
# generate test data & expectations
edata, expected = create_test_encrypt_data(paths)
# write encrypt file
assert paths.encrypt.isfile()
# run parse_encrypt
run = run_parse_encrypt(runner, paths)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert f'EIF_COUNT:{len(expected)}' in run.out, 'EIF count wrong'
for expected_file in expected:
assert f'EIF:{expected_file}\n' in run.out
sorted_expectations = '\n'.join(
[f'EIF:{exp}' for exp in sorted(expected)])
assert sorted_expectations in run.out
def run_parse_encrypt(
runner, paths,
"""Run parse_encrypt
A count of ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES will be reported as EIF_COUNT:X. All
values of ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES will be reported as individual EIF:value
parse_cmd = 'parse_encrypt'
if skip_parse:
parse_cmd = ''
if twice:
parse_cmd = 'parse_encrypt; parse_encrypt'
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {paths.pgm}
export GIT_DIR
export YADM_WORK
for value in "${{ENCRYPT_INCLUDE_FILES[@]}}"; do
echo "EIF:$value"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
return run

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
"""Unit tests: private_dirs"""
import pytest
[True, False],
ids=['gnupghome-set', 'gnupghome-unset'],
@pytest.mark.parametrize('param', ['all', 'gnupg'])
def test_relative_path(runner, paths, gnupghome, param):
"""Test translate_to_relative"""
alt_gnupghome = 'alt/gnupghome'
env_gnupghome = paths.work.join(alt_gnupghome)
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {paths.pgm}
private_dirs {param}
env = {}
if gnupghome:
env['GNUPGHOME'] = env_gnupghome
expected = alt_gnupghome if gnupghome else '.gnupg'
if param == 'all':
expected = f'.ssh {expected}'
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script, env=env)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out.strip() == expected

View File

@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
"""Unit tests: query_distro"""
import pytest
'condition', ['lsb_release', 'os-release', 'os-release-quotes', 'missing'])
def test_query_distro(runner, yadm, tst_distro, tmp_path, condition):
"""Match lsb_release -si when present"""
test_release = 'testrelease'
lsb_release = ''
os_release = tmp_path.joinpath('os-release')
if 'os-release' in condition:
quotes = '"' if 'quotes' in condition else ''
if condition != 'lsb_release':
lsb_release = 'LSB_RELEASE_PROGRAM="missing_lsb_release"'
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
if condition == 'lsb_release':
assert run.out.rstrip() == tst_distro
elif 'os-release' in condition:
assert run.out.rstrip() == test_release
assert run.out.rstrip() == ''

View File

@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
"""Unit tests: record_score"""
import pytest
echo "SIZE:${#alt_scores[@]}"
echo "SCORES:${alt_scores[@]}"
echo "TARGETS:${alt_targets[@]}"
echo "SOURCES:${alt_sources[@]}"
def test_dont_record_zeros(runner, yadm):
"""Record nothing if the score is zero"""
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
record_score "0" "testtgt" "testsrc"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'SIZE:0\n' in run.out
assert 'SCORES:\n' in run.out
assert 'TARGETS:\n' in run.out
assert 'SOURCES:\n' in run.out
def test_new_scores(runner, yadm):
"""Test new scores"""
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
record_score "1" "tgt_one" "src_one"
record_score "2" "tgt_two" "src_two"
record_score "4" "tgt_three" "src_three"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'SIZE:3\n' in run.out
assert 'SCORES:1 2 4\n' in run.out
assert 'TARGETS:tgt_one tgt_two tgt_three\n' in run.out
assert 'SOURCES:src_one src_two src_three\n' in run.out
@pytest.mark.parametrize('difference', ['lower', 'equal', 'higher'])
def test_existing_scores(runner, yadm, difference):
"""Test existing scores"""
expected_score = '2'
expected_src = 'existing_src'
if difference == 'lower':
score = '1'
elif difference == 'equal':
score = '2'
score = '4'
expected_score = '4'
expected_src = 'new_src'
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
record_score "{score}" "testtgt" "new_src"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'SIZE:1\n' in run.out
assert f'SCORES:{expected_score}\n' in run.out
assert 'TARGETS:testtgt\n' in run.out
assert f'SOURCES:{expected_src}\n' in run.out
def test_existing_template(runner, yadm):
"""Record nothing if a template command is registered for this target"""
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
record_score "2" "testtgt" "new_src"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'SIZE:1\n' in run.out
assert 'SCORES:1\n' in run.out
assert 'TARGETS:testtgt\n' in run.out
assert 'SOURCES:\n' in run.out

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
"""Unit tests: record_template"""
echo "SIZE:${#alt_targets[@]}"
echo "TARGETS:${alt_targets[@]}"
echo "CMDS:${alt_template_cmds[@]}"
echo "SOURCES:${alt_sources[@]}"
def test_new_template(runner, yadm):
"""Test new template"""
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
record_template "tgt_one" "cmd_one" "src_one"
record_template "tgt_two" "cmd_two" "src_two"
record_template "tgt_three" "cmd_three" "src_three"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'SIZE:3\n' in run.out
assert 'TARGETS:tgt_one tgt_two tgt_three\n' in run.out
assert 'CMDS:cmd_one cmd_two cmd_three\n' in run.out
assert 'SOURCES:src_one src_two src_three\n' in run.out
def test_existing_template(runner, yadm):
"""Overwrite existing templates"""
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
record_template "testtgt" "new_cmd" "new_src"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert 'SIZE:1\n' in run.out
assert 'TARGETS:testtgt\n' in run.out
assert 'CMDS:new_cmd\n' in run.out
assert 'SOURCES:new_src\n' in run.out

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
"""Unit tests: relative_path"""
import pytest
("/A/B/C", "/A", "../.."),
("/A/B/C", "/A/B", ".."),
("/A/B/C", "/A/B/C", ""),
("/A/B/C", "/A/B/C/D", "D"),
("/A/B/C", "/A/B/C/D/E", "D/E"),
("/A/B/C", "/A/B/D", "../D"),
("/A/B/C", "/A/B/D/E", "../D/E"),
("/A/B/C", "/A/D", "../../D"),
("/A/B/C", "/A/D/E", "../../D/E"),
("/A/B/C", "/D/E/F", "../../../D/E/F"),
def test_relative_path(runner, paths, base, full_path, expected):
"""Test translate_to_relative"""
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {paths.pgm}
relative_path "{base}" "{full_path}"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out.strip() == expected

View File

@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
"""Unit tests: remove_stale_links"""
import os
import pytest
@pytest.mark.parametrize('linked', [True, False])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('kind', ['file', 'symlink'])
def test_remove_stale_links(runner, yadm, tmpdir, kind, linked):
"""Test remove_stale_links()"""
source_file = tmpdir.join('source_file')
source_file.write('source file', ensure=True)
link = tmpdir.join('link')
if kind == 'file':
link.write('link file', ensure=True)
os.system(f'ln -s {source_file} {link}')
alt_linked = ''
if linked:
alt_linked = source_file
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
function rm() {{ echo rm "$@"; }}
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.err == ''
if kind == 'symlink' and not linked:
assert f'rm -f {link}' in run.out
assert run.out == ''

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
"""Unit tests: report_invalid_alts"""
import pytest
'condition', [
def test_report_invalid_alts(runner, yadm, condition):
"""Use report_invalid_alts"""
compat = ''
previous = ''
alts = 'INVALID_ALT=()'
if condition == 'compat':
if condition == 'previous-message':
if condition == 'invalid-alts':
alts = 'INVALID_ALT=("file##invalid")'
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
if condition == 'invalid-alts':
assert 'WARNING' in run.out
assert 'file##invalid' in run.out
assert run.out == ''

View File

@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
"""Unit tests: score_file"""
import pytest
'default': {
'labels': ['default'],
'modifier': 0,
'system': {
'labels': ['o', 'os'],
'modifier': 1,
'distro': {
'labels': ['d', 'distro'],
'modifier': 2,
'class': {
'labels': ['c', 'class'],
'modifier': 4,
'hostname': {
'labels': ['h', 'hostname'],
'modifier': 8,
'user': {
'labels': ['u', 'user'],
'modifier': 16,
TEMPLATE_LABELS = ['t', 'template', 'yadm']
def calculate_score(filename):
"""Calculate the expected score"""
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
score = 0
_, conditions = filename.split('##', 1)
for condition in conditions.split(','):
label = condition
value = None
if '.' in condition:
label, value = condition.split('.', 1)
if label in CONDITION['default']['labels']:
score += 1000
elif label in CONDITION['system']['labels']:
if value == 'testsystem':
score += 1000 + CONDITION['system']['modifier']
score = 0
elif label in CONDITION['distro']['labels']:
if value == 'testdistro':
score += 1000 + CONDITION['distro']['modifier']
score = 0
elif label in CONDITION['class']['labels']:
if value == 'testclass':
score += 1000 + CONDITION['class']['modifier']
score = 0
elif label in CONDITION['hostname']['labels']:
if value == 'testhost':
score += 1000 + CONDITION['hostname']['modifier']
score = 0
elif label in CONDITION['user']['labels']:
if value == 'testuser':
score += 1000 + CONDITION['user']['modifier']
score = 0
elif label in TEMPLATE_LABELS:
score = 0
return score
'default', ['default', None], ids=['default', 'no-default'])
'system', ['system', None], ids=['system', 'no-system'])
'distro', ['distro', None], ids=['distro', 'no-distro'])
'cla', ['class', None], ids=['class', 'no-class'])
'host', ['hostname', None], ids=['hostname', 'no-host'])
'user', ['user', None], ids=['user', 'no-user'])
def test_score_values(
runner, yadm, default, system, distro, cla, host, user):
"""Test score results"""
# pylint: disable=too-many-branches
local_class = 'testclass'
local_system = 'testsystem'
local_distro = 'testdistro'
local_host = 'testhost'
local_user = 'testuser'
filenames = {'filename##': 0}
if default:
for filename in list(filenames):
for label in CONDITION[default]['labels']:
newfile = filename
if not newfile.endswith('##'):
newfile += ','
newfile += label
filenames[newfile] = calculate_score(newfile)
if system:
for filename in list(filenames):
for match in [True, False]:
for label in CONDITION[system]['labels']:
newfile = filename
if not newfile.endswith('##'):
newfile += ','
newfile += '.'.join([
local_system if match else 'badsys'
filenames[newfile] = calculate_score(newfile)
if distro:
for filename in list(filenames):
for match in [True, False]:
for label in CONDITION[distro]['labels']:
newfile = filename
if not newfile.endswith('##'):
newfile += ','
newfile += '.'.join([
local_distro if match else 'baddistro'
filenames[newfile] = calculate_score(newfile)
if cla:
for filename in list(filenames):
for match in [True, False]:
for label in CONDITION[cla]['labels']:
newfile = filename
if not newfile.endswith('##'):
newfile += ','
newfile += '.'.join([
local_class if match else 'badclass'
filenames[newfile] = calculate_score(newfile)
if host:
for filename in list(filenames):
for match in [True, False]:
for label in CONDITION[host]['labels']:
newfile = filename
if not newfile.endswith('##'):
newfile += ','
newfile += '.'.join([
local_host if match else 'badhost'
filenames[newfile] = calculate_score(newfile)
if user:
for filename in list(filenames):
for match in [True, False]:
for label in CONDITION[user]['labels']:
newfile = filename
if not newfile.endswith('##'):
newfile += ','
newfile += '.'.join([
local_user if match else 'baduser'
filenames[newfile] = calculate_score(newfile)
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
expected = ''
for filename in filenames:
script += f"""
score_file "{filename}"
echo "{filename}"
echo "$score"
expected += filename + '\n'
expected += str(filenames[filename]) + '\n'
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out == expected
def test_score_values_templates(runner, yadm):
"""Test score results"""
local_class = 'testclass'
local_system = 'testsystem'
local_distro = 'testdistro'
local_host = 'testhost'
local_user = 'testuser'
filenames = {'filename##': 0}
for filename in list(filenames):
for label in TEMPLATE_LABELS:
newfile = filename
if not newfile.endswith('##'):
newfile += ','
newfile += '.'.join([label, 'testtemplate'])
filenames[newfile] = calculate_score(newfile)
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
expected = ''
for filename in filenames:
script += f"""
score_file "{filename}"
echo "{filename}"
echo "$score"
expected += filename + '\n'
expected += str(filenames[filename]) + '\n'
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out == expected
[True, False],
ids=['supported-template', 'unsupported-template'])
def test_template_recording(runner, yadm, cmd_generated):
"""Template should be recorded if choose_template_cmd outputs a command"""
mock = 'function choose_template_cmd() { return; }'
expected = ''
if cmd_generated:
mock = 'function choose_template_cmd() { echo "test_cmd"; }'
expected = 'template recorded'
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
function record_template() {{ echo "template recorded"; }}
score_file "testfile##template.kind"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out.rstrip() == expected
def test_invalid(runner, yadm):
"""Verify invalid alternates are noted in INVALID_ALT"""
invalid_file = "file##invalid"
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
score_file "{invalid_file}"
echo "INVALID:${{INVALID_ALT[@]}}"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out.rstrip() == f'INVALID:{invalid_file}'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
"""Unit tests: set_local_alt_values"""
import pytest
import utils
'override', [
def test_set_local_alt_values(
runner, yadm, paths, tst_sys, tst_host, tst_user, override):
"""Use issue_legacy_path_warning"""
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm} &&
set_operating_system &&
YADM_DIR={paths.yadm} configure_paths &&
echo "class='$local_class'"
echo "os='$local_system'"
echo "host='$local_host'"
echo "user='$local_user'"
if override:
utils.set_local(paths, override, 'override')
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
if override == 'class':
assert "class='override'" in run.out
assert "class=''" in run.out
if override == 'os':
assert "os='override'" in run.out
assert f"os='{tst_sys}'" in run.out
if override == 'hostname':
assert f"host='override'" in run.out
assert f"host='{tst_host}'" in run.out
if override == 'user':
assert f"user='override'" in run.out
assert f"user='{tst_user}'" in run.out
def test_distro(runner, yadm):
"""Assert that local_distro is set"""
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
function query_distro() {{ echo "testdistro"; }}
echo "distro='$local_distro'"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert run.out.strip() == "distro='testdistro'"

test/test_unit_set_os.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
"""Unit tests: set_operating_system"""
import pytest
'proc_value, expected_os', [
('missing', 'uname'),
('has microsoft inside', 'WSL'), # case insensitive
('has Microsoft inside', 'WSL'), # case insensitive
('another value', 'uname'),
], ids=[
'/proc/version missing',
'/proc/version includes ms',
'/proc/version excludes Ms',
'another value',
def test_set_operating_system(
runner, paths, tst_sys, proc_value, expected_os):
"""Run set_operating_system and test result"""
# Normally /proc/version (set in PROC_VERSION) is inspected to identify
# WSL. During testing, we will override that value.
proc_version = paths.root.join('proc_version')
if proc_value != 'missing':
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {paths.pgm}
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
if expected_os == 'uname':
expected_os = tst_sys
assert run.out.rstrip() == expected_os

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"""Unit tests: set_yadm_dir"""
import pytest
['basic', 'override', 'xdg_config_home', 'legacy'],
def test_set_yadm_dir(runner, yadm, condition):
"""Test set_yadm_dir"""
setup = ''
if condition == 'override':
setup = 'YADM_DIR=/override'
elif condition == 'xdg_config_home':
setup = 'XDG_CONFIG_HOME=/xdg'
elif condition == 'legacy':
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
echo "$YADM_DIR"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
if condition == 'basic':
assert run.out.rstrip() == '/testhome/.config/yadm'
elif condition == 'override':
assert run.out.rstrip() == '/override'
elif condition == 'xdg_config_home':
assert run.out.rstrip() == '/xdg/yadm'
elif condition == 'legacy':
assert run.out.rstrip() == '/testhome/.yadm'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
"""Unit tests: template_default"""
# these values are also testing the handling of bizarre characters
LOCAL_CLASS = "default_Test+@-!^Class"
LOCAL_SYSTEM = "default_Test+@-!^System"
LOCAL_HOST = "default_Test+@-!^Host"
LOCAL_USER = "default_Test+@-!^User"
LOCAL_DISTRO = "default_Test+@-!^Distro"
start of template
default class = >{{{{yadm.class}}}}<
default os = >{{{{yadm.os}}}}<
default host = >{{{{yadm.hostname}}}}<
default user = >{{{{yadm.user}}}}<
default distro = >{{{{yadm.distro}}}}<
{{% if yadm.class == "else1" %}}
wrong else 1
{{% else %}}
Included section from else
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.class == "wrongclass1" %}}
wrong class 1
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.class == "{LOCAL_CLASS}" %}}
Included section for class = {{{{yadm.class}}}} ({{{{yadm.class}}}} repeated)
Multiple lines
{{% else %}}
Should not be included...
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.class == "wrongclass2" %}}
wrong class 2
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.os == "wrongos1" %}}
wrong os 1
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.os == "{LOCAL_SYSTEM}" %}}
Included section for os = {{{{yadm.os}}}} ({{{{yadm.os}}}} repeated)
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.os == "wrongos2" %}}
wrong os 2
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.hostname == "wronghost1" %}}
wrong host 1
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.hostname == "{LOCAL_HOST}" %}}
Included section for host = {{{{yadm.hostname}}}} ({{{{yadm.hostname}}}} again)
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.hostname == "wronghost2" %}}
wrong host 2
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.user == "wronguser1" %}}
wrong user 1
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.user == "{LOCAL_USER}" %}}
Included section for user = {{{{yadm.user}}}} ({{{{yadm.user}}}} repeated)
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.user == "wronguser2" %}}
wrong user 2
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.distro == "wrongdistro1" %}}
wrong distro 1
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.distro == "{LOCAL_DISTRO}" %}}
Included section for distro = {{{{yadm.distro}}}} ({{{{yadm.distro}}}} again)
{{% endif %}}
{{% if yadm.distro == "wrongdistro2" %}}
wrong distro 2
{{% endif %}}
end of template
start of template
default class = >{LOCAL_CLASS}<
default os = >{LOCAL_SYSTEM}<
default host = >{LOCAL_HOST}<
default user = >{LOCAL_USER}<
default distro = >{LOCAL_DISTRO}<
Included section from else
Included section for class = {LOCAL_CLASS} ({LOCAL_CLASS} repeated)
Multiple lines
Included section for os = {LOCAL_SYSTEM} ({LOCAL_SYSTEM} repeated)
Included section for host = {LOCAL_HOST} ({LOCAL_HOST} again)
Included section for user = {LOCAL_USER} ({LOCAL_USER} repeated)
Included section for distro = {LOCAL_DISTRO} ({LOCAL_DISTRO} again)
end of template
def test_template_default(runner, yadm, tmpdir):
"""Test template_default"""
input_file = tmpdir.join('input')
input_file.write(TEMPLATE, ensure=True)
output_file = tmpdir.join('output')
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
template_default "{input_file}" "{output_file}"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert output_file.read() == EXPECTED
def test_source(runner, yadm, tmpdir):
"""Test yadm.source"""
input_file = tmpdir.join('input')
input_file.write('{{yadm.source}}', ensure=True)
output_file = tmpdir.join('output')
script = f"""
YADM_TEST=1 source {yadm}
template_default "{input_file}" "{output_file}"
run = runner(command=['bash'], inp=script)
assert run.success
assert run.err == ''
assert output_file.read().strip() == str(input_file)

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More