`pluginVerifierIdeVersions`: 2021.2 -> 2021.2.1

Yann Cébron 3 years ago committed by Jakub Chrzanowski
parent 99ed51b81c
commit d19eff7dd3

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ pluginUntilBuild = 212.*
# Plugin Verifier integration -> https://github.com/JetBrains/gradle-intellij-plugin#plugin-verifier-dsl
# See https://jb.gg/intellij-platform-builds-list for available build versions.
pluginVerifierIdeVersions = 2020.3.4, 2021.1.3, 2021.2
pluginVerifierIdeVersions = 2020.3.4, 2021.1.3, 2021.2.1
platformType = IC
platformVersion = 2020.3.4

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
- GitHub Actions: Use Java 11
- GitHub Actions: Update Build and Release flows
- GitHub Actions: Use Gradle cache provided with `actions/setup-java`
- Update `pluginVerifierIdeVersions` to `2020.3.4, 2021.1.3, 2021.2`
- Update `pluginVerifierIdeVersions` to `2020.3.4, 2021.1.3, 2021.2.1`
- Change since/until build to `203-212.*`
- Upgrade Gradle Wrapper to `7.2`
- Gradle Changelog plugin configuration update

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ pluginUntilBuild = 212.*
# Plugin Verifier integration -> https://github.com/JetBrains/gradle-intellij-plugin#plugin-verifier-dsl
# See https://jb.gg/intellij-platform-builds-list for available build versions.
pluginVerifierIdeVersions = 2020.3.4, 2021.1.3, 2021.2
pluginVerifierIdeVersions = 2020.3.4, 2021.1.3, 2021.2.1
platformType = IC
platformVersion = 2020.3.4
