mirror of
synced 2024-10-27 20:44:05 +00:00
Migrate to IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin 2.0 EAP
This commit is contained in:
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ fun environment(key: String) = providers.environmentVariable(key)
plugins {
id("java") // Java support
alias(libs.plugins.kotlin) // Kotlin support
alias(libs.plugins.gradleIntelliJPlugin) // Gradle IntelliJ Plugin
alias(libs.plugins.intelliJPlatformGradlePlugin) // IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin
alias(libs.plugins.changelog) // Gradle Changelog Plugin
alias(libs.plugins.qodana) // Gradle Qodana Plugin
alias(libs.plugins.kover) // Gradle Kover Plugin
@ -19,30 +19,87 @@ version = properties("pluginVersion").get()
// Configure project's dependencies
repositories {
// IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin Repositories Extension - read more: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/tools-intellij-platform-gradle-plugin-repositories-extension.html
intellijPlatform {
// Dependencies are managed with Gradle version catalog - read more: https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/platforms.html#sub:version-catalog
dependencies {
// implementation(libs.annotations)
// IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin Dependencies Extension - read more: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/tools-intellij-platform-gradle-plugin-dependencies-extension.html
intellijPlatform {
create(properties("platformType"), properties("platformVersion"))
// Plugin Dependencies. Uses `platformBundledPlugins` property from the gradle.properties file for bundled IntelliJ Platform plugins.
bundledPlugins(properties("platformBundledPlugins").map { it.split(',') })
// Plugin Dependencies. Uses `platformPlugins` property from the gradle.properties file for plugin from JetBrains Marketplace.
plugins(properties("platformPlugins").map { it.split(',') })
// Set the JVM language level used to build the project. Use Java 11 for 2020.3+, and Java 17 for 2022.2+.
kotlin {
jvmToolchain {
languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)
vendor = JvmVendorSpec.JETBRAINS
// Configure Gradle IntelliJ Plugin - read more: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/tools-gradle-intellij-plugin.html
intellij {
pluginName = properties("pluginName")
version = properties("platformVersion")
type = properties("platformType")
// Configure IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin - read more: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/tools-intellij-platform-gradle-plugin-extension.html
intellijPlatform {
pluginConfiguration {
name = properties("pluginName")
version = properties("pluginVersion")
// Plugin Dependencies. Uses `platformPlugins` property from the gradle.properties file.
plugins = properties("platformPlugins").map { it.split(',').map(String::trim).filter(String::isNotEmpty) }
// Extract the <!-- Plugin description --> section from README.md and provide for the plugin's manifest
description = providers.fileContents(layout.projectDirectory.file("README.md")).asText.map {
val start = "<!-- Plugin description -->"
val end = "<!-- Plugin description end -->"
with (it.lines()) {
if (!containsAll(listOf(start, end))) {
throw GradleException("Plugin description section not found in README.md:\n$start ... $end")
subList(indexOf(start) + 1, indexOf(end)).joinToString("\n").let(::markdownToHTML)
val changelog = project.changelog // local variable for configuration cache compatibility
// Get the latest available change notes from the changelog file
changeNotes = properties("pluginVersion").map { pluginVersion ->
with(changelog) {
(getOrNull(pluginVersion) ?: getUnreleased())
ideaVersion {
sinceBuild = properties("pluginSinceBuild")
untilBuild = properties("pluginUntilBuild")
signing {
certificateChain = environment("CERTIFICATE_CHAIN")
privateKey = environment("PRIVATE_KEY")
password = environment("PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD")
publishing {
token = environment("PUBLISH_TOKEN")
// The pluginVersion is based on the SemVer (https://semver.org) and supports pre-release labels, like 2.1.7-alpha.3
// Specify pre-release label to publish the plugin in a custom Release Channel automatically. Read more:
// https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/deployment.html#specifying-a-release-channel
channels = properties("pluginVersion").map { listOf(it.substringAfter('-').substringBefore('.').ifEmpty { "default" }) }
// Configure Gradle Changelog Plugin - read more: https://github.com/JetBrains/gradle-changelog-plugin
@ -73,59 +130,16 @@ tasks {
gradleVersion = properties("gradleVersion").get()
patchPluginXml {
version = properties("pluginVersion")
sinceBuild = properties("pluginSinceBuild")
untilBuild = properties("pluginUntilBuild")
// Extract the <!-- Plugin description --> section from README.md and provide for the plugin's manifest
pluginDescription = providers.fileContents(layout.projectDirectory.file("README.md")).asText.map {
val start = "<!-- Plugin description -->"
val end = "<!-- Plugin description end -->"
with (it.lines()) {
if (!containsAll(listOf(start, end))) {
throw GradleException("Plugin description section not found in README.md:\n$start ... $end")
subList(indexOf(start) + 1, indexOf(end)).joinToString("\n").let(::markdownToHTML)
val changelog = project.changelog // local variable for configuration cache compatibility
// Get the latest available change notes from the changelog file
changeNotes = properties("pluginVersion").map { pluginVersion ->
with(changelog) {
(getOrNull(pluginVersion) ?: getUnreleased())
// Configure UI tests plugin
// Read more: https://github.com/JetBrains/intellij-ui-test-robot
runIdeForUiTests {
testIdeUi {
systemProperty("robot-server.port", "8082")
systemProperty("ide.mac.message.dialogs.as.sheets", "false")
systemProperty("jb.privacy.policy.text", "<!--999.999-->")
systemProperty("jb.consents.confirmation.enabled", "false")
signPlugin {
certificateChain = environment("CERTIFICATE_CHAIN")
privateKey = environment("PRIVATE_KEY")
password = environment("PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD")
publishPlugin {
token = environment("PUBLISH_TOKEN")
// The pluginVersion is based on the SemVer (https://semver.org) and supports pre-release labels, like 2.1.7-alpha.3
// Specify pre-release label to publish the plugin in a custom Release Channel automatically. Read more:
// https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/deployment.html#specifying-a-release-channel
channels = properties("pluginVersion").map { listOf(it.substringAfter('-').substringBefore('.').ifEmpty { "default" }) }
@ -15,8 +15,10 @@ platformType = IC
platformVersion = 2022.3.3
# Plugin Dependencies -> https://plugins.jetbrains.com/docs/intellij/plugin-dependencies.html
# Example: platformPlugins = com.intellij.java, com.jetbrains.php:203.4449.22
# Example: platformPlugins = com.jetbrains.php:203.4449.22, org.intellij.scala:2023.3.27@EAP
platformPlugins =
# Example: platformBundledPlugins = com.intellij.java
platformBundledPlugins =
# Gradle Releases -> https://github.com/gradle/gradle/releases
gradleVersion = 8.6
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ annotations = "24.1.0"
# plugins
kotlin = "1.9.21"
changelog = "2.2.0"
gradleIntelliJPlugin = "1.17.2"
intelliJPlatformGradlePlugin = "2.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
qodana = "0.1.13"
kover = "0.7.5"
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ annotations = { group = "org.jetbrains", name = "annotations", version.ref = "an
changelog = { id = "org.jetbrains.changelog", version.ref = "changelog" }
gradleIntelliJPlugin = { id = "org.jetbrains.intellij", version.ref = "gradleIntelliJPlugin" }
intelliJPlatformGradlePlugin = { id = "org.jetbrains.intellij.platform", version.ref = "intelliJPlatformGradlePlugin" }
kotlin = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm", version.ref = "kotlin" }
kover = { id = "org.jetbrains.kotlinx.kover", version.ref = "kover" }
qodana = { id = "org.jetbrains.qodana", version.ref = "qodana" }
@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
// Use IntelliJ Platform Gradle Plugin snapshot repository
pluginManagement {
repositories {
plugins {
id("org.gradle.toolchains.foojay-resolver-convention") version "0.7.0"
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