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# IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template
[![official JetBrains project](][jb:github]
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2 years ago
![IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template][file:intellij-platform-plugin-template-dark]
![IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template][file:intellij-platform-plugin-template-light]
3 years ago
2 years ago
> **Note**
> Click the <kbd>Use this template</kbd> button and clone it in IntelliJ IDEA.
4 years ago
<!-- Plugin description -->
3 years ago
**IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template** is a repository that provides a pure template to make it easier to create a new plugin project (check the [Creating a repository from a template][gh:template] article).
The main goal of this template is to speed up the setup phase of plugin development for both new and experienced developers by preconfiguring the project scaffold and CI, linking to the proper documentation pages, and keeping everything organized.
<!-- Plugin description end -->
If you're still not quite sure what this is all about, read our introduction: [What is the IntelliJ Platform?][docs:intro]
4 years ago
2 years ago
> **Note**
> Click the <kbd>Watch</kbd> button on the top to be notified about releases containing new features and fixes.
4 years ago
### Table of contents
4 years ago
In this README, we will highlight the following elements of template-project creation:
4 years ago
- [Getting started](#getting-started)
- [Gradle configuration](#gradle-configuration)
4 years ago
- [Plugin template structure](#plugin-template-structure)
- [Plugin configuration file](#plugin-configuration-file)
4 years ago
- [Sample code](#sample-code):
- listeners project lifecycle listener
- services project and application-level services
3 years ago
- [Testing](#testing)
- [Functional tests](#functional-tests)
- [Code coverage](#code-coverage)
3 years ago
- [UI tests](#ui-tests)
- [Qodana integration](#qodana-integration)
- [Predefined Run/Debug configurations](#predefined-rundebug-configurations)
- [Continuous integration](#continuous-integration) based on GitHub Actions
- [Dependencies management](#dependencies-management) with Dependabot
3 years ago
- [Changelog maintenance](#changelog-maintenance) with the Gradle Changelog Plugin
- [Release flow](#release-flow) using GitHub Releases
- [Plugin signing](#plugin-signing) with your private certificate
- [Publishing the plugin](#publishing-the-plugin) with the Gradle IntelliJ Plugin
4 years ago
- [FAQ](#faq)
- [Useful links](#useful-links)
4 years ago
4 years ago
## Getting started
Before we dive into plugin development and everything related to it, it's worth mentioning the benefits of using GitHub Templates.
3 years ago
By creating a new project using the current template, you start with no history or reference to this repository.
This allows you to create a new repository easily without copying and pasting previous content, clone repositories, or clearing the history manually.
All you have to do is click the <kbd>Use this template</kbd> button (you must be logged in with your GitHub account).
4 years ago
![Use this template][file:use-this-template.png]
After using the template to create your blank project, the [Template Cleanup][file:template_cleanup.yml] workflow will be triggered to override or remove any template-specific configurations, such as the plugin name, current changelog, etc.
Once this is complete, open the newly created project's _Settings | Actions | General_ page and enable option _Allow GitHub Actions to create and approve pull requests_.
Now the project is ready to be cloned to your local environment and opened with [IntelliJ IDEA][jb:download-ij].
The most convenient way for getting your new project from GitHub is the <kbd>Get from VCS</kbd> action available on the Welcome Screen, where you can filter your GitHub repository by its name.
1 year ago
![Get from Version Control][file:get-from-version-control]
12 months ago
The next step, after opening your project in IntelliJ IDEA, is to set the proper <kbd>SDK</kbd> to Java in version `17` within the [Project Structure settings][docs:project-structure-settings].
![Project Structure — SDK][file:project-structure-sdk.png]
For the last step, you have to manually review the configuration variables described in the [``][] file and *optionally* move sources from the *com.github.username.repository* package to the one that works best for you.
Then you can get to work implementing your ideas.
2 years ago
> **Note**
> To use Java in your plugin, create the `/src/main/java` directory.
4 years ago
4 years ago
## Gradle configuration
The recommended method for plugin development involves using the [Gradle][gradle] setup with the [gradle-intellij-plugin][gh:gradle-intellij-plugin] installed.
The `gradle-intellij-plugin` makes it possible to run the IDE with your plugin and publish your plugin to JetBrains Marketplace.
3 years ago
2 years ago
> **Note**
> Make sure to always upgrade to the latest version of `gradle-intellij-plugin`.
4 years ago
3 years ago
A project built using the IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template includes a Gradle configuration already set up.
Feel free to read through the [Using Gradle][docs:using-gradle] articles to understand your build better and learn how to customize it.
4 years ago
The most significant parts of the current configuration are:
- Integration with the [gradle-intellij-plugin][gh:gradle-intellij-plugin] for smoother development.
- Configuration written with [Gradle Kotlin DSL][gradle:kotlin-dsl].
- Support for Kotlin and Java implementation.
- Integration with the [gradle-changelog-plugin][gh:gradle-changelog-plugin], which automatically patches the change notes based on the `` file.
4 years ago
- [Plugin publishing][docs:publishing] using the token.
For more details regarding Kotlin integration, please see [Kotlin for Plugin Developers][docs:kotlin] in the IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK documentation.
3 years ago
### Gradle properties
The project-specific configuration file [``][] contains:
4 years ago
| Property name | Description |
| `pluginGroup` | Package name - after *using* the template, this will be set to `com.github.username.repo`. |
| `pluginName` | Plugin name displayed in JetBrains Marketplace. |
| `pluginRepositoryUrl` | Repository URL used for generating URLs by the [Gradle Changelog Plugin][gh:gradle-changelog-plugin] |
| `pluginVersion` | The current version of the plugin in [SemVer][semver] format. |
| `pluginSinceBuild` | The `since-build` attribute of the `<idea-version>` tag. |
| `pluginUntilBuild` | The `until-build` attribute of the `<idea-version>` tag. |
| `platformType` | The type of IDE distribution. |
| `platformVersion` | The version of the IntelliJ Platform IDE will be used to build the plugin. |
| `platformPlugins` | Comma-separated list of dependencies to the bundled IDE plugins and plugins from the Plugin Repositories. |
| `gradleVersion` | Version of Gradle used for plugin development. |
4 years ago
The properties listed define the plugin itself or configure the [gradle-intellij-plugin][gh:gradle-intellij-plugin] check its documentation for more details.
4 years ago
1 year ago
In addition, extra behaviors are configured through the [``][] file, such as:
| Property name | Value | Description |
| `kotlin.stdlib.default.dependency` | `false` | Opt-out flag for bundling [Kotlin standard library][docs:kotlin-stdlib] |
| `org.gradle.configuration-cache` | `true` | Enable [Gradle Configuration Cache][gradle:configuration-cache] |
| `org.gradle.caching` | `true` | Enable [Gradle Build Cache][gradle:build-cache] |
3 years ago
### Environment variables
Some values used for the Gradle configuration shouldn't be stored in files to avoid publishing them to the Version Control System.
To avoid that, environment variables are introduced, which can be provided within the *Run/Debug Configuration* within the IDE, or on the CI like for GitHub: `⚙️ Settings > Secrets`.
Environment variables used by the current project are related to the [plugin signing](#plugin-signing) and [publishing](#publishing-the-plugin).
2 years ago
| Environment variable name | Description |
| `PRIVATE_KEY` | Certificate private key, should contain: `-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ... -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY-----` |
| `PRIVATE_KEY_PASSWORD` | Password used for encrypting the certificate file. |
| `CERTIFICATE_CHAIN` | Certificate chain, should contain: `-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE----` |
| `PUBLISH_TOKEN` | Publishing token generated in your JetBrains Marketplace profile dashboard. |
3 years ago
For more details on how to generate proper values, check the relevant sections mentioned above.
3 years ago
To configure GitHub secret environment variables, go to the `⚙️ Settings > Secrets` section of your project repository:
![Settings > Secrets][file:settings-secrets.png]
4 years ago
## Plugin template structure
A generated IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template repository contains the following content structure:
4 years ago
├── .github/ GitHub Actions workflows and Dependabot configuration files
├── .run/ Predefined Run/Debug Configurations
3 years ago
├── build/ Output build directory
├── gradle
│ ├── wrapper/ Gradle Wrapper
│ └── libs.versions.toml Gradle version catalog
3 years ago
├── src Plugin sources
2 years ago
│ ├── main
│ │ ├── kotlin/ Kotlin production sources
│ │ └── resources/ Resources - plugin.xml, icons, messages
3 years ago
│ └── test
│ ├── kotlin/ Kotlin test sources
3 years ago
│ └── testData/ Test data used by tests
3 years ago
├── .gitignore Git ignoring rules
├── build.gradle.kts Gradle configuration
├── Full change history
4 years ago
├── Gradle configuration properties
├── gradlew *nix Gradle Wrapper script
├── gradlew.bat Windows Gradle Wrapper script
3 years ago
├── LICENSE License, MIT by default
├── qodana.yml Qodana configuration file
3 years ago
└── settings.gradle.kts Gradle project settings
4 years ago
In addition to the configuration files, the most crucial part is the `src` directory, which contains our implementation and the manifest for our plugin [plugin.xml][file:plugin.xml].
4 years ago
2 years ago
> **Note**
> To use Java in your plugin, create the `/src/main/java` directory.
4 years ago
## Plugin configuration file
4 years ago
The plugin configuration file is a [plugin.xml][file:plugin.xml] file located in the `src/main/resources/META-INF` directory.
It provides general information about the plugin, its dependencies, extensions, and listeners.
4 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago
<extensions defaultExtensionNs="com.intellij">
<toolWindow factoryClass="..." id="..."/>
3 years ago
3 years ago
<listener class="..." topic="..."/>
4 years ago
You can read more about this file in the [Plugin Configuration File][docs:plugin.xml] section of our documentation.
4 years ago
## Sample code
The prepared template provides as little code as possible because it is impossible for a general scaffold to fulfill all the specific requirements for all types of plugins (language support, build tools, VCS related tools).
Therefore, the template contains only the following files:
4 years ago
├── listeners
│ └── MyApplicationActivationListener.kt Application activation listener — detects when IDE frame is activated
├── services
│ └── MyProjectService.kt Project level service
├── toolWindow
│ └── MyToolWindowFactory.kt Tool window factory — creates tool window content
1 year ago
└── MyBundle.kt Bundle class providing access to the resources messages
4 years ago
These files are located in `src/main/kotlin`.
This location indicates the language being used.
So if you decide to use Java instead (or in addition to Kotlin), these sources should be located in the `src/main/java` directory.
To start with the actual implementation, you may check our [IntelliJ Platform SDK DevGuide][docs], which contains an introduction to the essential areas of the plugin development together with dedicated tutorials.
2 years ago
> **Warning**
> Don't forget to remove all non-needed sample code files with their corresponding registration entries in `plugin.xml`.
For those who value example codes the most, there are also available [IntelliJ SDK Code Samples][gh:code-samples] and [IntelliJ Platform Explorer][jb:ipe] a search tool for browsing Extension Points inside existing implementations of open-source IntelliJ Platform plugins.
4 years ago
3 years ago
## Testing
[Testing plugins][docs:testing-plugins] is an essential part of the plugin development to make sure that everything works as expected between IDE releases and plugin refactorings.
3 years ago
The IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template project provides integration of two testing approaches functional and UI tests.
3 years ago
### Functional tests
Most of the IntelliJ Platform codebase tests are model-level, run in a headless environment using an actual IDE instance.
The tests usually test a feature as a whole rather than individual functions that comprise its implementation, like in unit tests.
In `src/test/kotlin`, you'll find a basic `MyPluginTest` test that utilizes `BasePlatformTestCase` and runs a few checks against the XML files to indicate an example operation of creating files on the fly or reading them from `src/test/testData/rename` test resources.
3 years ago
2 years ago
> **Note**
> Run your tests using predefined *Run Tests* configuration or by invoking the `./gradlew check` Gradle task.
### Code coverage
The [Kover][gh:kover] a Gradle plugin for Kotlin code coverage agents: IntelliJ and JaCoCo is integrated into the project to provide the code coverage feature.
1 year ago
Code coverage makes it possible to measure and track the degree of plugin sources testing.
The code coverage gets executed when running the `check` Gradle task.
The final test report is sent to [CodeCov][codecov] for better results visualization.
3 years ago
### UI tests
If your plugin provides complex user interfaces, you should consider covering them with tests and the functionality they utilize.
[IntelliJ UI Test Robot][gh:intellij-ui-test-robot] allows you to write and execute UI tests within the IntelliJ IDE running instance.
You can use the [XPath query language][xpath] to find components in the currently available IDE view.
Once IDE with `robot-server` has started, you can open the `http://localhost:8082` page that presents the currently available IDEA UI components hierarchy in HTML format and use a simple `XPath` generator, which can help test your plugin's interface.
2 years ago
> **Note**
> Run IDE for UI tests using predefined *Run IDE for UI Tests* and then *Run Tests* configurations or by invoking the `./gradlew runIdeForUiTests` and `./gradlew check` Gradle tasks.
3 years ago
Check the UI Test Example project you can use as a reference for setting up UI testing in your plugin: [intellij-ui-test-robot/ui-test-example][gh:ui-test-example].
class MyUITest {
3 years ago
fun openAboutFromWelcomeScreen() {
val robot = RemoteRobot("")
robot.find<ComponentFixture>(byXpath("//div[@myactionlink = 'gearHover.svg']")).click()
// ...
3 years ago
![UI Testing][file:ui-testing.png]
A dedicated [Run UI Tests](.github/workflows/run-ui-tests.yml) workflow is available for manual triggering to run UI tests against three different operating systems: macOS, Windows, and Linux.
Due to its optional nature, this workflow isn't set as an automatic one, but this can be easily achieved by changing the `on` trigger event, like in the [Build](.github/workflows/build.yml) workflow file.
3 years ago
## Qodana integration
To increase the project value, the IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template got integrated with [Qodana][jb:qodana], a code quality monitoring platform that allows you to check the condition of your implementation and find any possible problems that may require enhancing.
Qodana brings into your CI/CD pipelines all the smart features you love in the JetBrains IDEs and generates an HTML report with the actual inspection status.
Qodana inspections are accessible within the project on two levels:
- using the [Qodana IntelliJ GitHub Action][jb:qodana-github-action], run automatically within the [Build](.github/workflows/build.yml) workflow,
- with the [Gradle Qodana Plugin][gh:gradle-qodana-plugin], so you can use it on the local environment or any CI other than GitHub Actions.
Qodana inspection is configured with the `qodana { ... }` section in the Gradle build file and [`qodana.yml`][file:qodana.yml] YAML configuration file.
2 years ago
> **Note**
> Qodana requires Docker to be installed and available in your environment.
To run inspections, you can use a predefined *Run Qodana* configuration, which will provide a full report on `http://localhost:8080`, or invoke the Gradle task directly with the `./gradlew runInspections` command.
A final report is available in the `./build/reports/inspections/` directory.
## Predefined Run/Debug configurations
3 years ago
Within the default project structure, there is a `.run` directory provided containing predefined *Run/Debug configurations* that expose corresponding Gradle tasks:
![Run/Debug configurations][file:run-debug-configurations.png]
3 years ago
| Configuration name | Description |
| Run Plugin | Runs [`:runIde`][gh:gradle-intellij-plugin-runIde] Gradle IntelliJ Plugin task. Use the *Debug* icon for plugin debugging. |
| Run Verifications | Runs [`:runPluginVerifier`][gh:gradle-intellij-plugin-runPluginVerifier] Gradle IntelliJ Plugin task to check the plugin compatibility against the specified IntelliJ IDEs. |
| Run Tests | Runs [`:test`][gradle:lifecycle-tasks] Gradle task. |
| Run IDE for UI Tests | Runs [`:runIdeForUiTests`][gh:intellij-ui-test-robot] Gradle IntelliJ Plugin task to allow for running UI tests within the IntelliJ IDE running instance. |
| Run Qodana | Runs [`:runInspections`][gh:gradle-qodana-plugin] Gradle Qodana Plugin task. Starts Qodana inspections in a Docker container and serves generated report on `localhost:8080`. |
4 years ago
2 years ago
> **Note**
> You can find the logs from the running task in the `idea.log` tab.
3 years ago
> ![Run/Debug configuration logs][file:run-logs.png]
## Continuous integration
Continuous integration depends on [GitHub Actions][gh:actions], a set of workflows that make it possible to automate your testing and release process.
Thanks to such automation, you can delegate the testing and verification phases to the Continuous Integration (CI) and instead focus on development (and writing more tests).
4 years ago
In the `.github/workflows` directory, you can find definitions for the following GitHub Actions workflows:
4 years ago
- [Build](.github/workflows/build.yml)
3 years ago
- Triggered on `push` and `pull_request` events.
- Runs the *Gradle Wrapper Validation Action* to verify the wrapper's checksum.
- Runs the `verifyPlugin` and `test` Gradle tasks.
- Builds the plugin with the `buildPlugin` Gradle task and provides the artifact for the next jobs in the workflow.
- Verifies the plugin using the *IntelliJ Plugin Verifier* tool.
- Prepares a draft release of the GitHub Releases page for manual verification.
4 years ago
- [Release](.github/workflows/release.yml)
3 years ago
- Triggered on `released` event.
- Updates `` file with the content provided with the release note.
3 years ago
- Signs the plugin with a provided certificate before publishing.
- Publishes the plugin to JetBrains Marketplace using the provided `PUBLISH_TOKEN`.
3 years ago
- Sets publish channel depending on the plugin version, i.e. `1.0.0-beta` -> `beta` channel.
- Patches the Changelog and commits.
- [Run UI Tests](.github/workflows/run-ui-tests.yml)
- Triggered manually.
- Runs for macOS, Windows, and Linux separately.
- Runs `runIdeForUiTests` and `test` Gradle tasks.
3 years ago
- [Template Cleanup](.github/workflows/template-cleanup.yml)
- Triggered once on the `push` event when a new template-based repository has been created.
- Overrides the scaffold with files from the `.github/template-cleanup` directory.
- Overrides JetBrains-specific sentences or package names with ones specific to the target repository.
- Removes redundant files.
All the workflow files have accurate documentation, so it's a good idea to take a look through their sources.
### Dependencies management
This Template project depends on Gradle plugins and external libraries and during the development, you will add more of them.
All plugins and dependencies used by Gradle are managed with [Gradle version catalog][gradle:version-catalog], which defines versions and coordinates of your dependencies in the [`gradle/libs.versions.toml`][file:libs.versions.toml] file.
> **Note**
> To add a new dependency to the project, in the `dependencies { ... }` block, add:
> ```kotlin
> dependencies {
> implementation(libs.annotations)
> }
> ```
> and define the dependency in the [`gradle/libs.versions.toml`][file:libs.versions.toml] file as follows:
> ```toml
> [versions]
> annotations = "24.0.1"
> [libraries]
> annotations = { group = "org.jetbrains", name = "annotations", version.ref = "annotations" }
> ```
Keeping the project in good shape and having all the dependencies up-to-date requires time and effort, but it is possible to automate that process using [Dependabot][gh:dependabot].
3 years ago
Dependabot is a bot provided by GitHub to check the build configuration files and review any outdated or insecure dependencies of yours in case if any update is available, it creates a new pull request providing [the proper change][gh:dependabot-pr].
2 years ago
> **Note**
> Dependabot doesn't yet support checking of the Gradle Wrapper.
> Check the [Gradle Releases][gradle:releases] page and update your `` file with:
3 years ago
> ```properties
> gradleVersion = ...
3 years ago
> ```
> and run
> ```bash
3 years ago
> ./gradlew wrapper
> ```
### Changelog maintenance
4 years ago
When releasing an update, it is essential to let your users know what the new version offers.
The best way to do this is to provide release notes.
The changelog is a curated list that contains information about any new features, fixes, and deprecations.
When they're provided, these lists are available in a few different places:
- the [](./ file,
- the [Releases page][gh:releases],
- the *What's new* section of JetBrains Marketplace Plugin page,
- and inside the Plugin Manager's item details.
4 years ago
There are many methods for handling the project's changelog.
The one used in the current template project is the [Keep a Changelog][keep-a-changelog] approach.
The [Gradle Changelog Plugin][gh:gradle-changelog-plugin] takes care of propagating information provided within the [](./ to the [Gradle IntelliJ Plugin][gh:gradle-intellij-plugin].
3 years ago
You only have to take care of writing down the actual changes in proper sections of the `[Unreleased]` section.
You start with an almost empty changelog:
# YourPlugin Changelog
## [Unreleased]
### Added
- Initial scaffold created from [IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template](
Now proceed with providing more entries to the `Added` group, or any other one that suits your change the most (see [How do I make a good changelog?][keep-a-changelog-how] for more details).
When releasing a plugin update, you don't have to care about bumping the `[Unreleased]` header to the upcoming version it will be handled automatically on the Continuous Integration (CI) after you publish your plugin.
GitHub Actions will swap it and provide you an empty section for the next release so that you can proceed with your development:
# YourPlugin Changelog
## [Unreleased]
## [0.0.1]
### Added
- An awesome feature
- Initial scaffold created from [IntelliJ Platform Plugin Template](
### Fixed
- One annoying bug
To configure how the Changelog plugin behaves, i.e., to create headers with the release date, see [Gradle Changelog Plugin][gh:gradle-changelog-plugin] README file.
4 years ago
### Release flow
4 years ago
The release process depends on the workflows already described above.
When your main branch receives a new pull request or a direct push, the [Build](.github/workflows/build.yml) workflow runs multiple tests on your plugin and prepares a draft release.
4 years ago
4 years ago
![Release draft][file:draft-release.png]
The draft release is a working copy of a release, which you can review before publishing.
3 years ago
It includes a predefined title and git tag, the current plugin version, for example, `v0.0.1`.
The changelog is provided automatically using the [gradle-changelog-plugin][gh:gradle-changelog-plugin].
An artifact file is also built with the plugin attached.
Every new Build overrides the previous draft to keep your *Releases* page clean.
4 years ago
When you edit the draft and use the <kbd>Publish release</kbd> button, GitHub will tag your repository with the given version and add a new entry to the Releases tab.
3 years ago
Next, it will notify users who are *watching* the repository, triggering the final [Release](.github/workflows/release.yml) workflow.
4 years ago
3 years ago
### Plugin signing
Plugin Signing is a mechanism introduced in the 2021.2 release cycle to increase security in [JetBrains Marketplace]( and all of our IntelliJ-based IDEs.
JetBrains Marketplace signing is designed to ensure that plugins aren't modified over the course of the publishing and delivery pipeline.
3 years ago
The current project provides a predefined plugin signing configuration that lets you sign and publish your plugin from the Continuous Integration (CI) and local environments.
3 years ago
All the configuration related to the signing should be provided using [environment variables](#environment-variables).
To find out how to generate signing certificates, check the [Plugin Signing][docs:plugin-signing] section in the IntelliJ Platform Plugin SDK documentation.
> **Note**
> Remember to encode your secret environment variables using `base64` encoding to avoid issues with multi-line values.
4 years ago
### Publishing the plugin
> **Tip**
> Make sure to follow all guidelines listed in [Publishing a Plugin][docs:publishing] to follow all recommended and required steps.
Releasing a plugin to [JetBrains Marketplace]( is a straightforward operation that uses the `publishPlugin` Gradle task provided by the [gradle-intellij-plugin][gh:gradle-intellij-plugin-docs].
In addition, the [Release](.github/workflows/release.yml) workflow automates this process by running the task when a new release appears in the GitHub Releases section.
4 years ago
2 years ago
> **Note**
> Set a suffix to the plugin version to publish it in the custom repository channel, i.e. `v1.0.0-beta` will push your plugin to the `beta` [release channel][docs:release-channel].
3 years ago
The authorization process relies on the `PUBLISH_TOKEN` secret environment variable, specified in the _Secrets_ section of the repository _Settings_.
4 years ago
3 years ago
You can get that token in your JetBrains Marketplace profile dashboard in the [My Tokens][jb:my-tokens] tab.
4 years ago
2 years ago
> **Warning**
> Before using the automated deployment process, it is necessary to manually create a new plugin in JetBrains Marketplace to specify options like the license, repository URL, etc.
> Please follow the [Publishing a Plugin][docs:publishing] instructions.
4 years ago
## FAQ
### How to use Java in my project?
Java language is supported by default along with Kotlin.
3 years ago
Initially, the `/src/main/kotlin` directory is available with minimal examples.
You can still replace it or add the `/src/main/java` directory to start working with Java language instead.
4 years ago
### How to disable *tests* or *build* job using the `[skip ci]` commit message?
4 years ago
Since February 2021, GitHub Actions [support the skip CI feature][github-actions-skip-ci].
If the message contains one of the following strings: `[skip ci]`, `[ci skip]`, `[no ci]`, `[skip actions]`, or `[actions skip]` workflows will not be triggered.
4 years ago
### Why draft release no longer contains built plugin artifact?
All the binaries created with each workflow are still available, but as an output artifact of each run together with tests and Qodana results.
That approach gives more possibilities for testing and debugging pre-releases, for example, in your local environment.
4 years ago
## Useful links
- [IntelliJ Platform SDK Plugin SDK][docs]
- [Gradle IntelliJ Plugin Documentation][gh:gradle-intellij-plugin-docs]
- [IntelliJ Platform Explorer][jb:ipe]
- [JetBrains Marketplace Quality Guidelines][jb:quality-guidelines]
- [IntelliJ Platform UI Guidelines][jb:ui-guidelines]
- [JetBrains Marketplace Paid Plugins][jb:paid-plugins]
4 years ago
- [Kotlin UI DSL][docs:kotlin-ui-dsl]
- [IntelliJ SDK Code Samples][gh:code-samples]
- [JetBrains Platform Slack][jb:slack]
- [JetBrains Platform Twitter][jb:twitter]
- [IntelliJ IDEA Open API and Plugin Development Forum][jb:forum]
- [Keep a Changelog][keep-a-changelog]
- [GitHub Actions][gh:actions]
4 years ago
3 years ago
12 months ago
[file:draft-release.png]: ./.github/readme/draft-release.png
[file:get-from-version-control]: ./.github/readme/get-from-version-control.png
4 years ago
[]: ./
[file:intellij-platform-plugin-template-dark]: ./.github/readme/intellij-platform-plugin-template-dark.svg#gh-dark-mode-only
[file:intellij-platform-plugin-template-light]: ./.github/readme/intellij-platform-plugin-template-light.svg#gh-light-mode-only
[file:libs.versions.toml]: ./gradle/libs.versions.toml
[file:project-structure-sdk.png]: ./.github/readme/project-structure-sdk.png
4 years ago
[file:plugin.xml]: ./src/main/resources/META-INF/plugin.xml
[file:qodana.png]: ./.github/readme/qodana.png
[file:qodana.yml]: ./qodana.yml
[file:run-debug-configurations.png]: ./.github/readme/run-debug-configurations.png
[file:run-logs.png]: ./.github/readme/run-logs.png
[file:settings-secrets.png]: ./.github/readme/settings-secrets.png
[file:template_cleanup.yml]: ./.github/workflows/template-cleanup.yml
3 years ago
[file:ui-testing.png]: ./.github/readme/ui-testing.png
[file:use-this-template.png]: ./.github/readme/use-this-template.png
3 years ago
3 years ago
3 years ago