extends template_raj block content .container#top .inner .hero h1 garrettmills section#technical h2 technical details for nerds .fira-p p This page contains a smattering of technical information that I think some people might find interesting, but not enough people for it to be included on the main page. h3 Framework p This site is built with Extollo, my free & libre application framework. You can learn more about Extollo here. if false h3 The Background Animation p The cascading code animation you see on some pages of this site is generated using real code pulled from my personal repositories. p When you access a page, the backend for this site calls an API endpoint on my Gitea server to load a code snippet from a random file. p Then, that snippet is converted to a double-layer SVG. The animation comes from automatically generating a series of CSS animation steps using nth-child(...) CSS calls on the various text-stroke lines. p (Try "view page source" on the main page to see an example.) h3 Analytics p This site, and some of the others in my *.garrettmills.dev platform record pseudo-anonymous page-view information. In particular, it stores: ul li Remote hostname li Incoming IP address(es) li Request method li Original request URL li Whether or not the request was XHR li Timestamp of access p Collecting the above information helps me gauge the rate-of-access of various pages on my platform over time. p My analytics system is home-grown, intentionally, to record just the information I wanted to use. So, I avoid collecting any additional information than is necessary for my purposes. h4 Opting-Out p Status: !{isOptOut ? 'You have opted-out of page view recording' : 'Will record page views'} p Even though my analytics-system is geared towards individual privacy and minimal obtrusiveness, you can still opt-out to avoid having your page views recorded for *.garrettmills.dev sites. p To do so, click here. h4 Collection Methods p It's not super relevant to the privacy aspect, but for those who are curious, I record page-views two different ways: ul li On first-party garrettmills.dev pages, the page-views are recorded on the back-end when the page is served. li For other *.garrettmills.dev pages (like my static host, CoreID, and Noded), a short script makes a request to a CORS-enabled endpoint to record the view. p When you opt-out of page-view recording, this site sets a CORS-compatible cookie analytics.optout in your browser. If the analytics endpoints detect this cookie, the page view will not be recorded.