window.glmdev = window.glmdev || {} window.glmdev.taglines = [ ' proud that this site is Google-free', ' a supporter of FLOSS', '...prefers TypeScript, but C++ will do', '...occasionally rants about dependency injection', '...loves GNU/Linux', '(or as I\'ve recently taken to calling it, GNU+Linux)', '...uses spaces, not tabs', '...self-hosts all the things', '...uses the Oxford comma', '...occasionally does contract work', '...reads the terms and conditions', ' an RSS nerd', '...just lost the game', '...listens to indie music', ' running out of tag-line ideas', `copyright © ${(new Date()).getFullYear()}`, ] document.querySelector('#tagline') .addEventListener('click', event => { if ( typeof glmdev.tagline_index === 'undefined' ) glmdev.tagline_index = 0 else if ( glmdev.tagline_index === glmdev.taglines.length - 1 ) glmdev.tagline_index = 0 else glmdev.tagline_index += 1 document.querySelector('#tagline').innerHTML = glmdev.taglines[glmdev.tagline_index] }) document.querySelector('#timeline-view-all') .addEventListener('click', event => { const hidden = document.querySelectorAll('.work-container.theme-hide') for ( const item of hidden ) { item.classList.remove('theme-hide') } document.querySelector('#timeline-view-all').classList.add('theme-hide') }, false)