extends ../template_70s block content .container#top .inner h2(style='font-size: 26pt; padding-top: 20px') Garrett Mills ul.inline-nav li a.button(href=named('home')) Home li a.button(href=route('/markmark')) About MarkMark li a.button(href=route('/links')) My Bookmarks section#main img.markmark-mark(src=asset(textIsLight ? 'markmark-light.svg' : 'markmark-dark.svg') alt="MarkMark Logo") h2(style='font-size: 40pt') Standard MarkMark (v1.0) p MarkMark is a free (as in freedom) bookmark format designed to be machine-readable and easy to use. p The goal of MarkMark is to standardize "link sharing" pages to build connections between small websites on the Internet. p You can view the full standard here. p i MarkMark was inspired by the post The Small Website Discoverability Crisis on the Marginalia blog. h3 Example pre code.hljs.language-markdown | | [//]: #(markmark-syntax: v1) | [//]: #(markmark-author-name: Garrett Mills) | [//]: #(markmark-author-email: shout@garrettmills.dev) | [//]: #(markmark-author-href: https://garrettmills.dev/) | | # My Sites | | Here are links to various sites created by yours truly. | | - Garrett Mills | - https://garrettmills.dev/ | | - My Code | - https://code.garrettmills.dev/garrettmills h3 Resources ul li a(href=route('/markmark/standard')) Spec: Standard MarkMark (v1.0) li MarkMark Icons (Light, Dark) li a(href='https://code.garrettmills.dev/garrettmills/www/src/branch/master/src/markmark') span mark-mark: a TypeScript MarkMark parser/renderer collection span(style='color: red; font-size: 0.7em; padding-left: 15px;' title='This library is still a work-in-progress and is not ready for production use.') WIP! ul li Heads up! Unlike the MarkMark Spec, the mark-mark library is licensed CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. Learn more. block append style link(rel='stylesheet' href=asset('highlight/styles/' + themeRecord.highlightTheme + '.min.css')) style. .markmark-mark { width: 200px; margin-bottom: -60px; opacity: 0.75; } block append script script(src=asset('highlight/highlight.min.js')) script. hljs.highlightAll();