2021-08-21 20:32:20 -05:00

28 lines
751 B

[bits 16]
i_disk16_error_message: db "Disk read error!", 0
push dx ; keep track of the # of sectors requested to be read
mov ah, 0x02 ; bios read sector
mov al, dh ; read dh # sectors
mov ch, 0x00 ; select cylinder 0
mov dh, 0x00 ; select head 0
mov cl, 0x02 ; start reading from 2nd sector
; (i.e. the sector after the boot sector)
int 0x13 ; bios interrupt to trigger read
jc disk16_on_error ; jump if carry (fault) flag was set
pop dx ; restore original # of registers in case it was modified
cmp dh, al ; compare # sectors read (al) to # sectors expected (dh)
jne disk16_on_error ; error if # sectors differs
mov bx, i_disk16_error_message
call print16
jmp g_infinite_loop