import {Matrix} from "./linear"; export type Angle = number export function deg2rad(degrees: number): number { return degrees * (Math.PI / 180) } export function rad2deg(radian: number): number { return radian * (180 / Math.PI) } export function rad2degp(radian: number): number { const deg = rad2deg(radian) return deg < 0 ? deg + 180 : deg } export interface Coordinate { x: number, y: number, } export class Point { public static from(x: number, y: number): Point { return new Point({x, y}) } constructor( public readonly coordinate: Coordinate, public readonly name?: string, ) { this.coordinate = { x: parseFloat(coordinate.x.toFixed(12)), y: parseFloat(coordinate.y.toFixed(12)), } } get x() { return this.coordinate.x } get y() { return this.coordinate.y } clone(): Point { return new Point({...this.coordinate}, } is(x: Point) { return ( x.coordinate.x === this.coordinate.x && x.coordinate.y === this.coordinate.y ) } isLeftOf(x: Point) { return this.x < x.x } isRightOf(x: Point) { return this.x > x.x } public static midpoint(a: Point, b: Point): Point { const x = (a.x + b.x) / 2 const y = (a.y + b.y) / 2 return Point.from(x, y) } public static distinct(points: Point[]): Point[] { const distinct: Point[] = [] for ( const point of points ) { if ( !distinct.some(other => ) { distinct.push(point) } } return distinct } } export class Segment { static fromCombinedHorizontals(a: Segment, b: Segment) { const leftmostA = a.getLeftmostPoint() const leftmostB = b.getLeftmostPoint() const rightmostA = a.getRightmostPoint() const rightmostB = b.getRightmostPoint() const leftmost = leftmostA.x < leftmostB.x ? leftmostA : leftmostB const rightmost = rightmostA.x > rightmostB.x ? rightmostA : rightmostB return new Segment(leftmost, rightmost) } constructor( public readonly from: Point, public readonly to: Point, ) { if ( ) { console.log('new Segment', [from.coordinate, to.coordinate]) throw new RangeError('Cannot create segment with same from and to points') } } get slope() { return ( - this.from.y) / ( - this.from.x) } get yIntercept() { return this.getXAtY(0) } getXAtY(y: number) { const y1 = this.from.y const x1 = this.from.x const slope = this.slope return ((y - y1) + (slope * x1)) / slope } getYAtX(x: number) { const y1 = this.from.y const x1 = this.from.x const slope = this.slope return (slope * (x - x1)) + y1 } isHorizontal() { return Math.abs(this.slope) === 0 } isVertical() { return Math.abs(this.slope) === Infinity } clone(): Segment { return new Segment(this.from.clone(), } getOtherPoint(x: Point) { if ( ) return return this.from } getLeftmostPoint() { return this.from.x < ? this.from : } getRightmostPoint() { return this.getOtherPoint(this.getLeftmostPoint()) } is(x: Segment) { return ( ( && ) || ( && ) ) } containsPoint(x: Point) { if ( this.isHorizontal() ) { return ( x.y === this.ymax && x.x >= this.xmin && x.x <= this.xmax ) } if ( this.isVertical() ) { return ( x.x === this.xmax && x.y >= this.ymin && x.y <= this.ymax ) } return ( this.getYAtX(x.x) === x.y && this.getXAtY(x.y) === x.x ) } yValueIsWithinRange(y: number, inclusive = true) { if ( inclusive ) { return y >= this.ymin && y <= this.ymax } return y > this.ymin && y < this.ymax } xValueIsWithinRange(x: number, inclusive = true) { if ( inclusive ) { return x >= this.xmin && x <= this.xmax } return x > this.xmin && x < this.xmax } hasPoint(x: Point) { return ( || ) } getIntersectionWithin(x: Segment): Point | undefined { const intersection = this.getIntersectionWith(x) if ( intersection ) { if ( !this.hasPoint(intersection) && !x.hasPoint(intersection) ) { return intersection } } } getIntersectionWith(seg: Segment): Point | undefined { const [x1, y1] = [this.from.x, this.from.y] const [x2, y2] = [,] const [x3, y3] = [seg.from.x, seg.from.y] const [x4, y4] = [,] const x12 = x1 - x2 const x34 = x3 - x4 const y12 = y1 - y2 const y34 = y3 - y4 const c = x12 * y34 - y12 * x34 if ( !Math.abs(c) ) { return } const a = x1 * y2 - y1 * x2 const b = x3 * y4 - y3 * x4 const x = (a * x34 - b * x12) / c const y = (a * y34 - b * y12) / c const point = Point.from(x, y) if ( this.xValueIsWithinRange(point.x) && seg.xValueIsWithinRange(point.x) && this.yValueIsWithinRange(point.y) && seg.yValueIsWithinRange(point.y) ) return point } getLength(): number { return Math.sqrt( Math.pow( - this.from.x, 2) + Math.pow( - this.from.y, 2) ) } /** * Checks if a given point is to the left of this segment, if you were * to look at the segment standing at "from" toward "to". * * This returns true if the point is on the segment itself. * * @param x */ pointIsLeftOf(x: Point) { // TODO replace with 3x3 determinant? See C. Du pg 24 (2) const det = ( - this.from.x) * (x.y - this.from.y) - ( - this.from.y) * (x.x - this.from.x) return det >= 0 } split(): [Point, Segment, Segment] { const midpoint = Point.midpoint(this.from, return [midpoint, ...this.splitAt(midpoint)] } splitAt(x: Point): [Segment, Segment] { if ( !this.containsPoint(x) ) { console.log( 'splitAt', [this.from.coordinate,], x.coordinate, ) throw new RangeError('Cannot split segment on point that does not occur on segment') } const segment1 = new Segment(this.from, x) const segment2 = new Segment(x, return [segment1, segment2] } getMidpoint(): Point { return Point.midpoint(this.from, } get xmin() { return Math.min(this.from.x, } get xmax() { return Math.max(this.from.x, } get ymin() { return Math.min(this.from.y, } get ymax() { return Math.max(this.from.y, } toQuickDisplay() { return [this.from.coordinate,] } } export class Circle { constructor( public readonly center: Point, public readonly radius: number, ) { } containsPoint(x: Point) { const distance = ( Math.pow(x.x -, 2) + Math.pow(x.y -, 2) ) return distance <= Math.pow(this.radius, 2) } containsPointWithin(x: Point) { const distance = ( Math.pow(x.x -, 2) + Math.pow(x.y -, 2) ) return distance < Math.pow(this.radius, 2) } } export class Trapezoid { constructor( public readonly points: [Point, Point, Point, Point], public readonly segments: [Segment, Segment, Segment, Segment], ) { if ( !this.validateSegments() ) { throw new Error('Attempted to create Trapezoid with invalid points/segments.') } } public validateSegments() { const points: Point[] = [] this.segments.some(side => { if ( !points.some(point => ) points.push(side.from) if ( !points.some(point => ) points.push( }) if ( !Trapezoid.distinctPoints(...points as [Point, Point, Point, Point]) ) { return false } if ( points.length !== 4 ) { return false } const sidesByPoint: Segment[][] = [[], [], [], []] for ( const side of this.segments ) { const toPointIndex = points.findIndex(point => const fromPointIndex = points.findIndex(point => if ( !sidesByPoint[toPointIndex].some(seg => ) sidesByPoint[toPointIndex].push(side) if ( !sidesByPoint[fromPointIndex].some(seg => ) sidesByPoint[fromPointIndex].push(side) } return sidesByPoint.every(group => group.length === 2) } public static distinctPoints(p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point, p4: Point) { return Point.distinct([p1, p2, p3, p4]).length === 4 } } /** * Use the convention that: * * Vertex a: 0-from / 2-to * Vertex b: 1-from / 0-to * Vertex c: 2-from / 1-to */ export class Triangle { get a(): Point { return this.sides[0].from } get b(): Point { return this.sides[1].from } get c(): Point { return this.sides[2].from } get orderedSides(): [Segment, Segment, Segment] { return this.sides.sort((a, b) => { if ( a.from.x !== b.from.x ) { return a.from.x - b.from.x } return a.from.y - b.from.y }) } constructor( public readonly sides: [Segment, Segment, Segment] ) { if ( !this.validateSides() ) { console.log( [this.sides[0].from.coordinate, this.sides[0].to.coordinate], [this.sides[1].from.coordinate, this.sides[1].to.coordinate], [this.sides[2].from.coordinate, this.sides[2].to.coordinate], ) throw new Error('Tried to create Triangle with invalid sides.') } } public validateSides(): boolean { const points: Point[] = [] this.sides.some(side => { if ( !points.some(point => ) points.push(side.from) if ( !points.some(point => ) points.push( }) if ( !Triangle.distinctPoints(...points as [Point, Point, Point]) ) { return false } if ( points.length !== 3 ) { return false } const sidesByPoint: Segment[][] = [[], [], []] for ( const side of this.sides ) { const toPointIndex = points.findIndex(point => const fromPointIndex = points.findIndex(point => if ( !sidesByPoint[toPointIndex].some(seg => ) sidesByPoint[toPointIndex].push(side) if ( !sidesByPoint[fromPointIndex].some(seg => ) sidesByPoint[fromPointIndex].push(side) } return sidesByPoint.every(group => group.length === 2) } clone(): Triangle { const [s1, s2, s3] = => x.clone()) return new Triangle([s1, s2, s3]) } is(x: Triangle) { return this.orderedSides.every((side, i) => x.orderedSides[i].is(side)) } hasSegment(x: Segment) { return !this.sides.some(side => } hasPoint(x: Point) { return !this.sides.some(side => side.hasPoint(x)) } /** Get the angles of the vertices a, b, c, respectively. */ getAngles(): [Angle, Angle, Angle] { const a = Triangle.getAngleFrom(this.b, this.a, this.c) const b = Triangle.getAngleFrom(this.a, this.b, this.c) const c = Triangle.getAngleFrom(this.b, this.c, this.a) return [a, b, c] } getMinimumAngle(): Angle { return deg2rad( Math.min(...this.getAngles().map(x => rad2degp(x))) ) } /** Get the points of the triangle a, b, c, respectively. */ getPoints(): [Point, Point, Point] { return [this.a, this.b, this.c] } getCircumcenter(): Point { const [pointA, pointB, pointC] = this.getPoints() const [angleA, angleB, angleC] = this.getAngles() const [sin2A, sin2B, sin2C] = this.getAngles().map(x => Math.sin(2 * x)) const x = ((pointA.x * sin2A) + (pointB.x * sin2B) + (pointC.x * sin2C)) / (sin2A + sin2B + sin2C) const y = ((pointA.y * sin2A) + (pointB.y * sin2B) + (pointC.y * sin2C)) / (sin2A + sin2B + sin2C) return Point.from(x, y) } getCircumcenterCircle(): Circle { const center = this.getCircumcenter() const radius = (new Segment(center, this.a)).getLength() return new Circle(center, radius) } public static distinctPoints(p1: Point, p2: Point, p3: Point) { return Point.distinct([p1, p2, p3]).length === 3 } public static getAngleFrom(p2: Point, p1: Point, p3: Point): Angle { const numerator = p2.y * (p1.x - p3.x) + p1.y * (p3.x - p2.x) + p3.y * (p2.x - p1.x) const denominator = (p2.x - p1.x) * (p1.x - p3.x) + (p2.y - p1.y) * (p1.y - p3.y) const radio = numerator / denominator return Math.atan(radio) } } export enum GraphDirection { UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT, } export interface SegmentWithIntersection { segment: Segment, intersect: Point, } export function getDirectionSorter(direction: GraphDirection) { if ( direction === GraphDirection.UP ) { return (a: SegmentWithIntersection, b: SegmentWithIntersection) => { return a.intersect.y - b.intersect.y // get the lowest y-value first } } else if ( direction === GraphDirection.DOWN ) { return (a: SegmentWithIntersection, b: SegmentWithIntersection) => { return b.intersect.y - a.intersect.y // get the highest y-value first } } else if ( direction === GraphDirection.LEFT ) { return (a: SegmentWithIntersection, b: SegmentWithIntersection) => { return b.intersect.x - a.intersect.x // get the right-most x value first } } else { return (a: SegmentWithIntersection, b: SegmentWithIntersection) => { return a.intersect.x - b.intersect.x // get the left-most x-value first } } } export class GraphBoundary { constructor( public readonly points: Point[], public readonly segments: Segment[], ) { } getLeftBoundary(): Segment { const left = this.segments.find(segment => segment.from.x === this.xmin && === this.xmin) if ( !left ) throw new RangeError('Unable to find left boundary') return left } getRightBoundary(): Segment { const right = this.segments.find(segment => segment.from.x === this.xmax && === this.xmax) if ( !right ) throw new RangeError('Unable to find right boundary') return right } getUpperBoundary(): Segment { const top = this.segments.find(segment => segment.from.y === this.ymax && === this.ymax) if ( !top ) throw new RangeError('Unable to find upper boundary') return top } getLowerBoundary(): Segment { const bottom = this.segments.find(segment => segment.from.y === this.ymin && === this.ymin) if ( !bottom ) throw new RangeError('Unable to find lower boundary') return bottom } getBoundary(direction: GraphDirection) { if ( direction === GraphDirection.UP ) return this.getUpperBoundary() else if ( direction === GraphDirection.DOWN ) return this.getLowerBoundary() else if ( direction === GraphDirection.LEFT ) return this.getLeftBoundary() else return this.getRightBoundary() } leftNeighbor(to: Point): Point { // NP1 const i = this.points.findIndex(point => if ( i < 0 ) throw new Error('Cannot find neighbor of point not on boundary.') const neighbor = (i-1) < 0 ? this.points.length - 1 : i - 1 return this.points[neighbor] } rightNeighbor(to: Point) { // NP2 const i = this.points.findIndex(point => if ( i < 0 ) throw new Error('Cannot find neighbor of point not on boundary.') const neighbor = (i+1) >= this.points.length ? 0 : i + 1 return this.points[neighbor] } isBoundaryPoint(x: Point) { return this.points.some(point => } isBoundarySegment(x: Segment) { return this.segments.some(segment => } containsPoint(x: Point) { return ( x.x >= this.xmin && x.x <= this.xmax && x.y >= this.ymin && x.y <= this.ymax ) } containsPointWithin(x: Point) { return ( x.x > this.xmin && x.x < this.xmax && x.y > this.ymin && x.y < this.ymax ) } // TODO centralize into a ContainsPointsAndSegments base class get xmin() { return Math.min( => point.x) ) } get xmax() { return Math.max( => point.x) ) } get ymin() { return Math.min( => point.y) ) } get ymax() { return Math.max( => point.y) ) } } export class Graph { public readonly vertices: Point[] = [] public readonly edges: Segment[] = [] constructor( public points: Point[] = [], public segments: Segment[] = [], public triangles: Triangle[] = [], ) { this.vertices = [ => x.clone())] this.edges = [ => x.clone())] } get xmin() { return Math.min( => point.x) ) } get xmax() { return Math.max( => point.x) ) } get ymin() { return Math.min( => point.y) ) } get ymax() { return Math.max( => point.y) ) } get span() { return Math.max( this.xmax - this.xmin, this.ymax - this.ymin ) } get center(): Point { const xmax = Point.from(this.xmax, 0) const xmin = Point.from(this.xmin, 0) const xmid = Point.midpoint(xmin, xmax) const ymax = Point.from(0, this.ymax) const ymin = Point.from(0, this.ymin) const ymid = Point.midpoint(ymin, ymax) return Point.from(xmid.x, ymid.y) } findExistingPointOrAdd(x: Point): Point { const existing = this.points.find(point => if ( existing ) return existing this.points.push(x) return x } findExistingSegmentOrAdd(x: Segment): Segment { const existing = this.segments.find(segment => if ( existing ) return existing this.segments.push(x) return x } findExistingTriangleOrAdd(x: Triangle): Triangle { const existing = this.triangles.find(triangle => if ( existing ) return existing this.triangles.push(x) return x } getFreePoints(): Point[] { return this.points.filter(point => { return !this.segments.some(segment => segment.hasPoint(point)) }) } getSegmentsEndingAt(point: Point): Segment[] { return this.segments.filter(segment => segment.hasPoint(point)) } removeSegment(x: Segment) { this.segments = this.segments.filter(segment => ! } clone() { const newPoints: Point[] = => point.clone()) const newSegments = => { const newFrom = newPoints.find(point => const newTo = newPoints.find(point => if ( !newFrom || !newTo ) { throw new Error('Tried to clone segment, but could not match all points') } return new Segment(newFrom, newTo) }) const newTriangles = => { const side0 = newSegments.find(segment =>[0])) const side1 = newSegments.find(segment =>[1])) const side2 = newSegments.find(segment =>[2])) if ( !side0 || !side1 || !side2 ) { throw new Error('Tried to clone triangle, but could not match all sides') } return new Triangle([side0, side1, side2]) }) return new Graph(newPoints, newSegments, newTriangles) } } export function addBoundingSquareTo(graph: Graph): GraphBoundary { const span = graph.span const sideLength = 3 * span const halfSideLength = sideLength / 2 const center = const bottomLeftBound = Point.from(center.x - halfSideLength, center.y - halfSideLength) const bottomRightBound = Point.from(center.x + halfSideLength, center.y - halfSideLength) const topLeftBound = Point.from(center.x - halfSideLength, center.y + halfSideLength) const topRightBound = Point.from(center.x + halfSideLength, center.y + halfSideLength) const bottomLeft = graph.findExistingPointOrAdd(bottomLeftBound) const bottomRight = graph.findExistingPointOrAdd(bottomRightBound) const topLeft = graph.findExistingPointOrAdd(topLeftBound) const topRight = graph.findExistingPointOrAdd(topRightBound) const bottom = graph.findExistingSegmentOrAdd(new Segment(bottomLeft, bottomRight)) const right = graph.findExistingSegmentOrAdd(new Segment(bottomRight, topRight)) const left = graph.findExistingSegmentOrAdd(new Segment(bottomLeft, topLeft)) const top = graph.findExistingSegmentOrAdd(new Segment(topLeft, topRight)) return new GraphBoundary( [bottomLeft, bottomRight, topRight, topLeft], [bottom, right, top, left] ) }