import {deg2rad, Graph, Point, Segment, Triangle} from "./pslg"; import {delaunay, delaunayRefine} from "./delaunayRefine"; import {plotGraph} from "./viz"; import {triangulate} from "./trapezoidTriangulation"; const pa = Point.from(1, 0) const pb = Point.from(3, 3) const pc = Point.from(5, 2) const pd = Point.from(4, 0) const sA = new Segment(pa, pb) const sB = new Segment(pb, pc) const sC = new Segment(pc, pd) const sD = new Segment(pd, pa) const g = new Graph([pa, pb, pc, pd], [sA, sB, sC, sD]) console.log(g) // plotGraph(g) const refined = triangulate(g) console.log(refined) plotGraph(refined) /* const p1 = Point.from(1, 1) const p2 = Point.from(5, 1) const pLeft = Point.from(3, 3) const pRight = Point.from(3, -3) const seg = new Segment(p1, p2) console.log('det of pLeft', seg.pointIsLeftOf(pLeft)) console.log('det of pRight', seg.pointIsLeftOf(pRight))*/