import {AppClass, Logging} from "@extollo/lib" import {Injectable, Inject} from "@extollo/di" import {infer, ErrorWithContext} from "@extollo/util" import {CLIOption} from "./directive/options/CLIOption" import {PositionalOption} from "./directive/options/PositionalOption"; import {FlagOption} from "./directive/options/FlagOption"; export type OptionDefinition = CLIOption | string export class OptionValidationError extends ErrorWithContext {} @Injectable() export abstract class Directive extends AppClass { @Inject() protected readonly logging!: Logging private _optionValues: any public abstract getKeywords(): string | string[] public abstract getDescription(): string public getHelpText(): string { return '' } public getOptions(): OptionDefinition[] { return [] } public abstract handle(argv: string[]): void | Promise private _setOptionValues(optionValues: any) { this._optionValues = optionValues; } public option(name: string, defaultValue?: any) { if ( name in this._optionValues ) { return this._optionValues[name] } return defaultValue } async invoke(argv: string[]) { const options = this.getResolvedOptions() if ( this.didRequestUsage(argv) ) { // @ts-ignore const positionalArguments: PositionalOption[] = options.filter(opt => opt instanceof PositionalOption) // @ts-ignore const flagArguments: FlagOption[] = options.filter(opt => opt instanceof FlagOption) const positionalDisplay: string = => `<${x.getArgumentName()}>`).join(' ') const flagDisplay: string = flagArguments.length ? ' [...flags]' : '' console.log([ '', `DIRECTIVE: ${this.getMainKeyword()} - ${this.getDescription()}`, '', `USAGE: ${this.getMainKeyword()} ${positionalDisplay}${flagDisplay}`, ].join('\n')) if ( positionalArguments.length ) { console.log([ '', `POSITIONAL ARGUMENTS:`, ...( => { return ` ${arg.getArgumentName()}${arg.message ? ' - ' + arg.message : ''}` })), ].join('\n')) } if ( flagArguments.length ) { console.log([ '', `FLAGS:`, ...( => { return ` ${arg.shortFlag ? arg.shortFlag + ', ' : ''}${arg.longFlag}${arg.argumentDescription ? ' {' + arg.argumentDescription + '}' : ''}${arg.message ? ' - ' + arg.message : ''}` })), ].join('\n')) } const help = this.getHelpText() if ( help ) { console.log('\n' + help) } console.log('\n') } else { try { const optionValues = this.parseOptions(options, argv) this._setOptionValues(optionValues) await this.handle(argv) } catch (e) { console.error(e.message) if ( e instanceof OptionValidationError ) { // expecting, value, requirements if ( e.context.expecting ) { console.error(` - Expecting: ${e.context.expecting}`) } if ( e.context.requirements && Array.isArray(e.context.requirements) ) { for ( const req of e.context.requirements ) { console.error(` - ${req}`) } } if ( e.context.value ) { console.error(` - ${e.context.value}`) } } } } } public getResolvedOptions(): CLIOption[] { return this.getOptions().map(option => { if ( typeof option === 'string' ) { return this.instantiateOptionFromString(option) } else { return option } }) } public getMainKeyword(): string { const kws = this.getKeywords() if ( Array.isArray(kws) ) { return kws[0] } return kws } public matchesKeyword(name: string) { let kws = this.getKeywords() if ( !Array.isArray(kws) ) kws = [kws] return kws.includes(name) } success(output: any) { this.logging.success(output, true) } error(output: any) { this.logging.error(output, true) } warn(output: any) { this.logging.warn(output, true) } info(output: any) {, true) } debug(output: any) { this.logging.debug(output, true) } verbose(output: any) { this.logging.verbose(output, true) } /** * Get the flag option that signals help. Usually, this is named 'help' * and supports the flags '--help' and '-?'. */ getHelpOption() { return new FlagOption('--help', '-?', 'usage information about this directive') } /** * Process the raw CLI arguments using an array of option class instances to build * a mapping of option names to provided values. */ parseOptions(options: CLIOption[], args: string[]) { // @ts-ignore let positionalArguments: PositionalOption[] = options.filter(cls => cls instanceof PositionalOption) // @ts-ignore const flagArguments: FlagOption[] = options.filter(cls => cls instanceof FlagOption) const optionValue: any = {} flagArguments.push(this.getHelpOption()) let expectingFlagArgument = false let positionalFlagName = '' for ( const value of args ) { if ( value.startsWith('--') ) { if ( expectingFlagArgument ) { throw new OptionValidationError(`Unexpected flag argument. Expecting argument for flag: ${positionalFlagName}`, { expecting: positionalFlagName, }) } else { const flagArgument = flagArguments.filter(x => x.longFlag === value) if ( flagArgument.length < 1 ) { throw new OptionValidationError(`Unknown flag argument: ${value}`, { value, }) } else { if ( flagArgument[0].argumentDescription ) { positionalFlagName = flagArgument[0].getArgumentName() expectingFlagArgument = true } else { optionValue[flagArgument[0].getArgumentName()] = true } } } } else if ( value.startsWith('-') ) { if ( expectingFlagArgument ) { throw new OptionValidationError(`Unknown flag argument: ${value}`, { expecting: positionalFlagName, }) } else { const flagArgument = flagArguments.filter(x => x.shortFlag === value) if ( flagArgument.length < 1 ) { throw new OptionValidationError(`Unknown flag argument: ${value}`, { value }) } else { if ( flagArgument[0].argumentDescription ) { positionalFlagName = flagArgument[0].getArgumentName() expectingFlagArgument = true } else { optionValue[flagArgument[0].getArgumentName()] = true } } } } else if ( expectingFlagArgument ) { const inferredValue = infer(value) const optionInstance = flagArguments.filter(x => x.getArgumentName() === positionalFlagName)[0] if ( !optionInstance.validate(inferredValue) ) { throw new OptionValidationError(`Invalid value for argument: ${positionalFlagName}`, { requirements: optionInstance.getRequirementDisplays(), }) } optionValue[positionalFlagName] = inferredValue expectingFlagArgument = false } else { if ( positionalArguments.length < 1 ) { throw new OptionValidationError(`Unknown positional argument: ${value}`, { value }) } else { const inferredValue = infer(value) if ( !positionalArguments[0].validate(inferredValue) ) { throw new OptionValidationError(`Invalid value for argument: ${positionalArguments[0].getArgumentName()}`, { requirements: positionalArguments[0].getRequirementDisplays(), }) } optionValue[positionalArguments[0].getArgumentName()] = infer(value) positionalArguments = positionalArguments.slice(1) } } } if ( expectingFlagArgument ) { throw new OptionValidationError(`Missing argument for flag: ${positionalFlagName}`, { expecting: positionalFlagName }) } if ( positionalArguments.length > 0 ) { throw new OptionValidationError(`Missing required argument: ${positionalArguments[0].getArgumentName()}`, { expecting: positionalArguments[0].getArgumentName() }) } return optionValue } /** * Create an instance of CLIOption based on a string definition of a particular format. * * e.g. '{file name} | canonical name of the resource to create' * e.g. '--push -p {value} | the value to be pushed' * e.g. '--force -f | do a force push' * * @param string */ protected instantiateOptionFromString(string: string): CLIOption { if ( string.startsWith('{') ) { // The string is a positional argument const stringParts = string.split('|').map(x => x.trim()) const name = stringParts[0].replace(/\{|\}/g, '') return stringParts.length > 1 ? (new PositionalOption(name, stringParts[1])) : (new PositionalOption(name)) } else { // The string is a flag argument const stringParts = string.split('|').map(x => x.trim()) // Parse the flag parts first const hasArgument = stringParts[0].indexOf('{') >= 0 const flagString = hasArgument ? stringParts[0].substr(0, stringParts[0].indexOf('{')).trim() : stringParts[0].trim() const flagParts = flagString.split(' ') let longFlag = flagParts[0].startsWith('--') ? flagParts[0] : undefined if ( !longFlag && flagParts.length > 1 ) { if ( flagParts[1].startsWith('--') ) { longFlag = flagParts[1] } } let shortFlag = flagParts[0].length === 2 ? flagParts[0] : undefined if ( !shortFlag && flagParts.length > 1 ) { if ( flagParts[1].length === 2 ) { shortFlag = flagParts[1] } } const argumentDescription = hasArgument ? stringParts[0].substring(stringParts[0].indexOf('{')+1, stringParts[0].indexOf('}')) : undefined const description = stringParts.length > 1 ? stringParts[1] : undefined return new FlagOption(longFlag, shortFlag, description, argumentDescription) } } /** * Determines if, at any point in the arguments, the help option's short or long flag appears. * @returns {boolean} - true if the help flag appeared */ didRequestUsage(argv: string[]) { const help_option = this.getHelpOption() for ( const arg of argv ) { if ( arg.trim() === help_option.longFlag || arg.trim() === help_option.shortFlag ) { return true } } return false } }