const { expect } = require('chai') const sinon = require('sinon') const SportsData = require('../../app/services/sports_data.service') const get_inst = () => { const inst = new SportsData() const configs = { get(key) { return ({ 'server.sports_data.season': '2020REG', 'server.sports_data.api_key': 'fakekey', })[key] } } inst.configs = configs return inst } describe('the sports data service', function() { it('should be a functional class instance', function() { expect(get_inst()) }) it('should properly format API URLs', function() { const inst = get_inst() let url = '' url = '' expect(inst.url('some-path/1')) url = '' expect(inst.url('some-path/other-path')) url = '' expect(inst.url('some-path/another', 'fubar')) }) it('should call the correct endpoints', async function() { const inst = get_inst() const test_endpoint = async (method, endpoint, base, args = []) => { inst.get_request = sinon.spy() await inst[method](...args) expect(inst.get_request.calledOnce) expect(inst.get_request.getCall(0).args[0]) expect(inst.get_request.getCall(0).args[1]) } await test_endpoint('get_week_player_stats', 'PlayerGameProjectionStatsByWeek/2020REG/1', 'projections', [1]) await test_endpoint('get_active_teams', 'Teams') await test_endpoint('get_team_players', 'Players/MYTEAM', undefined, ['MYTEAM']) }) it('should have methods for is_draft_stage and current_play_week', function() { const inst = get_inst() expect(inst.is_draft_stage)'function') expect(inst.is_draft_stage.length) expect(inst.current_play_week)'function') expect(inst.current_play_week.length) }) })