import { expect } from 'chai' import sinon from 'sinon' import {router} from '../../frontend/src/module/routing' // Since we're testing code meant for the browser, not node, mock this global.window = global describe('the html5 history router', function() { it('should be a functional class', function() { expect(router).to.exist }) it('should use the global base path', function() { global.APP_BASE_PATH = 'testing-1-2-3' expect(router.base_path)'testing-1-2-3') }) it('should navigate using the History API', function() { const args = { test: 123 } // mock this history API global.history = { pushState: sinon.spy() } router.navigate('some-path', args) expect(global.history.pushState.calledOnce) expect(global.history.pushState.getCall(0).args[1])'some-path') expect(router.route_args) }) it('should call subscribers on navigate', function() { const handler = sinon.spy() const args = { test: 123 } router.subscribe(handler) router.navigate('some-other-path', args) expect(handler.calledOnce) expect(handler.getCall(0).args[0])'some-other-path') expect(handler.getCall(0).args[1]) }) })