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    <h1 class="page-title">Source: components/GridActionButton.component.js</h1>


            <pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>import {Component} from '../../lib/vues6.js'

const template = `
&lt;div class="component-action-button">
        v-bind:style="{border: '2px solid lightgrey', borderRadius: '3px', backgroundColor: color, color: 'white'}"
    >{{ text }}&lt;/button>

 * Component representing an action button that can be embedded in the shared grid.
 * @extends Component
class GridActionButtonComponent extends Component {
    static get selector() { return 'app-action-button' }
    static get template() { return template }
    static get props() { return ['row', 'col'] }

     * The text shown on the action button.
     * @type {string}
    text = ''

     * The CSS color of the action button.
     * @type {string}
    color = 'white'

     * If true, the action button will be hidden.
     * @type {boolean}
    hidden = false

     * Called when the component is instantiated. Updates the text, color, and hide status.
     * @return {Promise&lt;void>}
    async vue_on_create() {

     * Called when the row value changes. Updates the text, color, and hide status.
    watch_row() {

     * Called when the column value changes. Updates the text, color, and hide status.
    watch_col() {

     * Determine the text to show on the button based on the column definition.
    update_text() {
        if ( typeof this.col.button_text === 'function' ) {
            this.text = this.col.button_text(this.row, this.col)
        } else {
            this.text = this.col.button_text || ''

     * Determine the color to show on the button based on the column definition.
    update_color() {
        if ( typeof this.col.button_color === 'function' ) {
            this.color = this.col.button_color(this.row, this.col)
        } else {
            this.color = this.col.button_color || 'white'

     * Determine whether the button should be shown or not, based on the column definition.
    update_hidden() {
        if ( !('button_hidden' in this.col) ) {
            this.hidden = false;
        } else if ( typeof this.col.button_hidden === 'function' ) {
            this.hidden = this.col.button_hidden(this.row, this.col)
        } else {
            this.hidden = this.col.button_hidden

     * Called when the button is clicked. Emits a click event and updates the text, color, and hide status.
     * @param {MouseEvent} $event
    on_click($event) {
        this.$emit('click', [this.row, this.col])

export default GridActionButtonComponent


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    Documentation generated by <a href="https://github.com/jsdoc/jsdoc">JSDoc 3.6.5</a> on Sun Oct 25 2020 12:32:18 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)

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