import {Component} from '../../../lib/vues6.js' import {GridCellRenderType} from '../Grid.component.js' import {api} from '../../module/api.js' const template = `

My Team -

Starting Lineup


` /** * Component representing the my-team page. * @extends Component */ class MyTeamComponent extends Component { static get selector() { return 'page-my-team' } static get template() { return template } static get props() { return [] } /** * The team name. * @type {string} */ team_name = '' /** * If true, the body of the page will be shown. Otherwise, hidden. * This is used to refresh the entire component at once. * @type {boolean} */ show_body = true /** * The player currently being moved. If none, then will be set to undefined. * @type {undefined} */ moving_player = undefined /** * Array of players filling starting line up positions. If no player is in * a position, then only the "postition" key will be set. * @type {object[]} */ starting_players = [ { position: 'QB', }, { position: 'RB', }, { position: 'RB', }, { position: 'WR', }, { position: 'WR', }, { position: 'TE', }, { position: 'FLX', }, { position: 'DST', }, ] /** * Players on the bench. * @type {object[]} */ bench_players = [] /** * Column definitions for the starting/bench lineup grids. * @type {object[]} */ lineup_column_defs = [ { header: 'POS', key: 'position', }, { header: 'Player', key: 'player_name', type: GridCellRenderType.HTML, renderer: (_, data) => { if ( !data.player_name ) { return `none` } else { return `
${data.player_name} ${data.player_name}
` } }, }, { header: '', key: 'player_name', type: GridCellRenderType.Component, component: Vue.component('app-action-button'), button_color: (row, col) => this.moving_player ? '#CC5746' : '#0582CA', button_text: (row, col) => { return this.moving_player ? 'Here' : 'Move' }, button_hidden: (row, col) => { if ( this.moving_player && this.moving_player.player_name !== row.player_name ) return false; if ( !row.player_name ) return true; return this.moving_player && this.moving_player.player_name === row.player_name; }, on_click: (row, col) => { if ( !this.moving_player ) { this.moving_player = row; } else { const old_row = {...row}; row.player_name = this.moving_player.player_name; row.ecr = this.moving_player.ecr; row.image = this.moving_player.image; this.moving_player.player_name = old_row.player_name; this.moving_player.ecr = old_row.ecr; this.moving_player.image = old_row.image; this.moving_player = undefined; console.log(this.moving_player, row); } this.$_vue_inst.update(); // $_vue_inst refers to the Vue.component instance, not the data class. }, }, ] /** * Column definitions for the overall team grid. * @type {object[]} */ overall_column_defs = [ { header: 'Name', key: 'name', type: GridCellRenderType.HTML, renderer: (_, data) => `
${} ${} (#${data.number})
`, }, { header: 'POS', key: 'position', }, { header: 'ECR', title: 'Expected Coverage Rating', key: 'ecr', }, ] /** * Data for the overall team grid (list of user's team players). * @type {object[]} */ overall_data = [] /** * Called when the component is instantiated. Initializes the bench players data. * @return {Promise} */ async vue_on_create() { console.log('api', api) const my_team = await api.get_my_team() this.team_name = my_team.team_name this.overall_data = await api.get_my_team_players() this.bench_players = => { x = {...x, position: 'B'}; return x }) setTimeout(() => { this.update(); }, 500); } /** * Force re-render the entire component by briefly hiding it. */ update() { this.show_body = false; this.$nextTick(() => { this.show_body = true; }); } } export default MyTeamComponent