import {Component} from '../../lib/vues6.js' import {ShipType, isShipCell} from '../module/util.js' import game_service from '../services/GameState.service.js' /* * This is the HTML/JavaScript for the game board component. * The "template" variable at the top defines the HTML for this component. It can contain references * to methods and properties on the "GameBoardComponent" class shown below. * * For example, the "greeting" property is referenced in the template as "{{ greeting }}". When * the page loads, this will be replaced by the value of the "greeting" property. * * The class below manages the logic referenced by the template. Then, we can use the component * in the application by creating an HTML tag with the value of the "selector()" getter. * * In this case, that's the tag in index.html. * * We can also use components w/in components, to keep code clean. For example, we could have * a battleship component that we reference inside this game board component. * * Battleship grid is 14x14. */ const template = `

{{ i + 1 }}
{{ label }}
` export default class GameBoardComponent extends Component { static get selector() { return 'app-game-board' } static get template() { return template } static get props() { return ['rows', 'is_placement_mode', 'ships_to_place'] } /** * If true, the grid is ready to be rendered. If false, * the grid will be hidden. * @type {boolean} */ ready = false /** * The various column labels to display. * @type {string[]} */ column_labels = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I"] <<<<<<< Updated upstream ======= >>>>>>> Stashed changes /** * Array of coordinates as [row_index, column_index] of cells which should * show a ghost ship overlay. * @type {[number, number][]} */ ship_ghost_cells = [] /** * The ship currently being placed. * @type {string} */ current_placement = ShipType.x3 /** * Set to true when the shift key is pressed. * @type {boolean} */ shift_pressed = false /** * Array of functions bound to event listeners. Used to * remove event listeners on destroy. * @type {function[]} */ bound_fns = [] async vue_on_create() { this.ready = true // We need to listen for keyup/keydown so we can tell when the user has // pressed/released the shift key. const keyup_fn = this.on_keyup.bind(this) const keydown_fn = this.on_keydown.bind(this) this.bound_fns.push(keyup_fn, keydown_fn) window.addEventListener('keyup', keyup_fn) window.addEventListener('keydown', keydown_fn) } async vue_on_destroy() { // Remove the event listeners for the shift key const [keyup_fn, keydown_fn] = this.bound_fns window.removeEventListener('keyup', keyup_fn) window.removeEventListener('keydown', keydown_fn) } <<<<<<< Updated upstream on_cell_click(row_i, cell_i) { if ( this.is_placement_mode && this.ships_to_place[0] ) { // We should try to place a ship here if ( this.ship_ghost_cells.length > 0 ) { // We have some valid ship placement coordinates const coord_one = this.ship_ghost_cells[0] const coord_two = this.ship_ghost_cells.slice(-1)[0] game_service.place_ship(this.ships_to_place[0], coord_one, coord_two) this.$emit('shipplaced') } } } /** * Called when the user hovers over a cell. * When in placement mode, this updates the cells that show the ghost ship. * @param {number} row_i * @param {number} cell_i */ on_cell_hover(row_i, cell_i) { if ( this.is_placement_mode ) { // If we're in placement mode, determine if the cell the user is hovering // over is a valid place to place the ship. const ghost_cells = [[row_i, cell_i]] const is_horizontal = this.shift_pressed let is_valid_hover = true if ( !is_horizontal ) { const num_cells = game_service.get_ship_length(this.ships_to_place[0]) for ( let i = row_i + 1; i < row_i + num_cells; i += 1 ) { ghost_cells.push([i, cell_i]) if ( i > 8 ) is_valid_hover = false } } else { const num_cells = game_service.get_ship_length(this.ships_to_place[0]) for ( let i = cell_i + 1; i < cell_i + num_cells; i += 1 ) { ghost_cells.push([row_i, i]) if ( i > 8 ) is_valid_hover = false } } // Don't allow placing on existing ships is_valid_hover = is_valid_hover && !ghost_cells.some(([row_i, col_i]) => this.is_ship_cell(row_i, col_i)) if ( is_valid_hover ) { this.ship_ghost_cells = ghost_cells } else { this.ship_ghost_cells = [] } } else { this.ship_ghost_cells = [] } } /** * Returns true if the cell at [row_index, column_index] is a ship. * @param {number} row_i * @param {number} col_i * @return {boolean} */ is_ship_cell(row_i, col_i) { return this.rows[row_i] && this.rows[row_i][col_i] && isShipCell(this.rows[row_i][col_i].render) } /** * Hide the ghost ship when the mouse leaves the grid. */ on_mouse_leave() { this.ship_ghost_cells = [] } /** * Returns a truthy value if the given cell is a ghost ship. * @param {number} row_i * @param {number} col_i * @return {boolean} */ is_ghost_cell(row_i, col_i) { return !!this.ship_ghost_cells.find(([cell_row_i, cell_col_i]) => cell_row_i === row_i && cell_col_i === col_i) } /** * When keydown, check if shift was pressed. If so, update the placement. * @param event */ on_keydown(event) { if ( event.key === 'Shift' ) { this.shift_pressed = true if ( this.ship_ghost_cells.length > 0 ) { this.on_cell_hover(this.ship_ghost_cells[0][0], this.ship_ghost_cells[0][1]) } } } /** * When keyup, check if shift was released. If so, update the placement. * @param event */ on_keyup(event) { if ( event.key === 'Shift' ) { this.shift_pressed = false if ( this.ship_ghost_cells.length > 0 ) { this.on_cell_hover(this.ship_ghost_cells[0][0], this.ship_ghost_cells[0][1]) } } } ======= >>>>>>> Stashed changes }