import Component from '../../rivets/Component.js' import { COLORS, PLAYER } from './grid.component.js' // A single cell in the Connect-4 grid export default class GridCell extends Component { static selector() { return 'app-grid-cell' } static template() { return `
` } constructor(el, data) { super(el, data) // This cell's column number this.column_number = data.columnNumber; // The player occupying this cell this.player = PLAYER.none; // True if a player occupies this cell this.occupied = false; // The color of this cell this.color = COLORS.empty; this.parent_row = data.parentRow; this.parent_row.register_cell(this, this.column_number) } // Change the player that occupies this cell - default none set_player(player = PLAYER.none) { this.player = player; this.occupied = player !== PLAYER.none; this.color = (player === ? COLORS.player_1 : (player === PLAYER.two ? COLORS.player_2 : COLORS.empty)) } // Returns true if this cell is empty is_available() { return !this.occupied } }