#!/bin/bash -e SCRIPT_DIR=$( cd -- "$( dirname -- "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" &> /dev/null && pwd ) . "${SCRIPT_DIR}/lib/g.bash/src/g.bash" g::source src/setup g::source src/isolate g::app dlt g::app::command isolate "Build a Docker image with only the changed layers between two images" g::app::command::arg from_image "The base (starting) image, whose layers will be excluded" g::app::command::arg to_image "The final (ending) image, whose additional layers will be isolated" g::app::command::flag output= "Path for the output archive" g::app::command::flag as= "Reimport the isolated filesystem as the specified image name" g::app::command::flag no-base "When specified with --as, the isolated filesystem will NOT be applied to the base image" g::app::invoke "$@"