const web = require('restler') const devbug = { outs: {}, options: false, out(key, what, group = false){ if ( !this.options ) console.log('Please specify the DevBug server and project using the dbsetup() method.') if ( group ){ if ( Object.keys(this.outs).includes(group) && typeof this.outs[group] === 'object' ) this.outs[group][key] = what else { this.outs[group] = {} this.outs[group][key] = what } } else this.outs[key] = what }, breakpoint(html = false, name = false){ if ( !this.options ){ console.log('Please specify the DevBug server and project using the dbsetup() method.'); process.exit(1) } const url = this.options.server+'api/v1/out/'+this.options.project const caller = (new Error()).stack.split('at')[2].trim(), { multipart: true, data: { data: JSON.stringify({ brief: (name ? name : 'Breakpoint: ')+caller, data: this.outs }) } }).on('complete', (data) => { console.log('DevBug POST complete.') console.log(data) process.exit(0) }) }, setup(user_options = {}){ const options = {...{ server: 'http://localhost:8000/', project: '5ab5de6e-a83b-44dc-be28-0727e09170c9' }, ...user_options} this.options = options } } global.devbug = devbug global.out = devbug.out.bind(devbug) global.breakpoint = devbug.breakpoint.bind(devbug) global.dbsetup = devbug.setup.bind(devbug) module.exports = exports = devbug