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Garrett Mills b33cc21dad
Apply cors before routes
4 年前
app Apply cors before routes 4 年前
config add link sharing 5 年前
uploads Big Bang 5 年前
.gitignore Big Bang 5 年前
LICENSE Big Bang 5 年前
README.md Big Bang 5 年前
Units.flitter.js Apply cors before routes 4 年前
docker-compose.yml Big Bang 5 年前
docker.env Big Bang 5 年前
example.env add link sharing 5 年前
flaps.json update libflitter/flap & run migrations 5 年前
flitter Big Bang 5 年前
index.js Big Bang 5 年前
package.json Set permissive CORS 4 年前
todo.txt cleanup inline scripts and centralize editor theme 5 年前
yarn.lock Set permissive CORS 4 年前



Flitter is a quick & ligthweight web app framework based on Express.


Flitter is an MVC style framework that aims to get you up and running faster by providing a structure and a wrapper for Express.js. Files in predictable directories are parsed into routes, middleware, controllers, models, and views.

Flitter provides access to the Express app, while making it possible to create an app without needing to piece together the Express framework.

Flitter Provides:

  • Express for routing
  • Mongoose for ODM
  • Busboy for request parsing
  • Favicon support
  • ./flitter - CLI tools for Flitter (including an interactive shell)
  • User auth & sessions (see below)


Getting started with Flitter is easy. To create a new project, simply run the following commands:

# Download Flitter:
git clone https://git.glmdev.tech/flitter/flitter {project_name}
cd {project_name}

# Install dependencies:
yarn install

# Create default config:
cp example.env .env

# Launch Flitter!
./flitter up

And voilà! You should have a Flitter app up and running on port 8000 by default.


Flitter's creator is a former Laravel junkie, but loves Node and Express. He got tired of having to hammer out the same 500 lines of code to start every project, but didn't want the bulk and obfuscation of larger frameworks like AdonisJS.

Flitter is designed to be compartmentalized and easy to understand. Every piece of its core functionality is broken into "units." Each of these units does some task like loading config, parsing middleware, connecting to the database, etc. You can see exactly what units your application is loading by viewing the Units file in config/Units.flitter.js. Each of Flitters core units are open to view in the libflitter package.

Of course, this also means that Flitter is extremely easy to extend. If you want to add a custom package, simply require it and add its unit to the Units file!


Flitter was created by Garrett Mills, and its use is governed by the terms of the MIT License as specified in the LICENSE file.

Of course, that does mean that Flitter is © 2019 Garrett Mills. ;)


Out of the box, Flitter ships with a ready-to-use user registration/login/session system called flitter-auth. Flitter Auth provides:

  • Registration & Login
  • RequireAuth and RequireGuest route middlewares
  • A customizable User model w/ Bcrypt hashed passwords
  • User session support with logout functions

To get started using Flitter Auth, just run:

./flitter deploy auth

This command will copy the necessary files to your Flitter install. The files are directly accessible and, therefore, completely customizable.