extends ./template block content h2 Owned By table thead tr th(scope='col' style='min-width: 250px') Username tbody tr td #{(sharing.current_owns ? `You (${sharing.owner.username})` : sharing.owner.username)} if sharing.read.length > 0 br h2 Shared With (Read-Only) table thead tr th(scope='col' style='min-width: 250px') Username th(scope='col') Actions tbody each user in sharing.read tr td #{(user.uuid === project.user_id ? user.username + " (Owner)" : user.username)} td ul(style='list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;') if !(user.uuid === project.user_id) li.action-li a.action(href='/dash/v1/project/share/'+project.id+'/revoke/'+user.uuid) Revoke li a.action(href='/dash/v1/project/share/'+project.id+'/transfer/'+user.uuid) Transfer Ownership else li.action-li strike Revoke li.action-li strike Transfer Ownership if sharing.edit.length > 0 br h2 Shared With (Edit) table thead tr th(scope='col' style='min-width: 250px') Username th(scope='col') Actions tbody each user in sharing.edit tr td #{(user.uuid === project.user_id ? user.username + " (Owner)" : user.username)} td ul(style='list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;') if !(user.uuid === project.user_id) li.action-li a.action(href='/dash/v1/project/share/'+project.id+'/revoke/'+user.uuid+'/edit') Revoke li a.action(href='/dash/v1/project/share/'+project.id+'/transfer/'+user.uuid) Transfer Ownership else li.action-li strike Revoke li.action-li strike Transfer Ownership br h2 Share With New User a.btn(href='/dash/v1/project/share/'+project.id+'/invite') Generate Sharing Link if sharing.other.length > 0 br br table thead tr th(scope='col' style='min-width: 250px') Username th(scope='col') Actions tbody each user in sharing.other tr td #{(user.uuid === project.user_id ? user.username + " (Owner)" : user.username)} td ul(style='list-style-type: none; margin: 0; padding: 0;') if !(user.uuid === project.user_id) li.action-li a.action(href='/dash/v1/project/share/' + project.id + '/share/'+user.uuid) Share (View) li.action-li a.action(href='/dash/v1/project/share/' + project.id + '/share/'+user.uuid+'/edit') Share (Edit) else li.action-li strike Share li.action-li a.action(href='/dash/v1/project/share/' + project.id + '/transfer/' + user.uuid) Transfer Ownership