html head title Sharing Invitation | DevBug link(rel='stylesheet' href='/assets/dash_v1.css') script(src='/assets/dash_v1.js') body .page-header .devbug-header DevBug | v#{devbug.version} #{(project ? " | Project: " : "")} h1 Accept Invitation? ul.navul li.navli a.nava(href='/dash/v1') Dashboard Login .spacer p You've been invited to view the debugging #{invite.api_type} "#{}" by #{user.username}. p To accept this invitation, you must have a DevBug account. You may be redirected to the registration portal. a.btn(href='/api/v1/invitation/''/accept') Accept br h3 What's DevBug? p DevBug is a debugging output server used to help developers work more efficiently. Using inline-code clients, developers can output variables and data from their programs. This data is stored in a DevBug project, where it can easily be shared with others.