extends ./template block content p | These code snippets are designed to be included in-line. You can store outputs using the code out() | function. Then, call the code breakpoint() | function to send those outputs to DevBug. Currently, there are official clients for Node.js, PHP, and Javascript (Web). However, the clients make use of a generic exposed API endpoint which you can use from anywhere. h2 Node.js p To use DevBug in a Node.js app, install the "devbugjs" NPM package. Then, to initialize DevBug, use the following code snippet at any point in the application: pre code #{devbug.code.node} h2 PHP p | You'll need to ensure that the DevBug server URL and Project API Key are correct. These are local variables in the code breakpoint() | function. pre code #{devbug.code.php} h2 JavaScript (Web) p | This snippet works by loading jQuery via a script tag when a breakpoint is triggered. pre code #{devbug.code.js} h2 Using the API p You can post output to DevBug projects from anywhere using the DevBug API. Here's how: pre code #{devbug.code.api}