You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { path as deno_path } from '../external/std.ts'
import * as Mime from ''
export enum UniversalPathPrefix {
HTTP = 'http://',
HTTPS = 'https://',
Local = 'file://',
export type PathLike = string | UniversalPath
export function universal_path( PathLike[]): UniversalPath {
let [main, ...concats] = parts
if ( !(main instanceof UniversalPath) ) main = new UniversalPath(main)
return main.concat(...concats)
export class UniversalPath {
protected _prefix!: UniversalPathPrefix
protected _local!: string
protected readonly initial: string,
) {
protected set_prefix() {
if ( this.initial.toLowerCase().startsWith('http://') ) {
this._prefix = UniversalPathPrefix.HTTP
} else if ( this.initial.toLowerCase().startsWith('https://') ) {
this._prefix = UniversalPathPrefix.HTTPS
} else {
this._prefix = UniversalPathPrefix.Local
protected set_local() {
this._local = this.initial
if ( this.initial.toLowerCase().startsWith(this._prefix) ) {
this._local = this._local.slice(this._prefix.length)
if ( this._prefix === UniversalPathPrefix.Local && !this._local.startsWith('/') ) {
this._local = deno_path.resolve(this._local)
get prefix() {
return this._prefix
get is_local() {
return this._prefix === UniversalPathPrefix.Local
get is_remote() {
return this._prefix !== UniversalPathPrefix.Local
get unqualified() {
return this._local
get to_local() {
if ( this.is_local ) {
return this._local
} else {
return `${this.prefix}${this._local}`
get to_remote() {
return `${this.prefix}${this._local}`
public concat(...paths: PathLike[]): UniversalPath {
const resolved = deno_path.join(this.unqualified, ...( => typeof p === 'string' ? p : p.unqualified)))
return new UniversalPath(`${this.prefix}${resolved}`)
public append(path: PathLike): this {
this._local += String(path)
return this
toString() {
return `${this.prefix}${this._local}`
get ext() {
return deno_path.extname(this._local)
get mime_type() {
return Mime.lookup(this.ext)
get content_type() {
return Mime.contentType(this.ext)
get charset() {
if ( this.mime_type ) {
return Mime.charset(this.mime_type)