You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

256 lines
5.5 KiB

import { ServerRequest } from '../external/http.ts'
import { HTTPProtocol, HTTPRequest, RemoteHost } from './type/HTTPRequest.ts'
import { Response } from './Response.ts'
import { HTTPResponse } from './type/HTTPResponse.ts'
import Utility from '../service/utility/Utility.ts'
import { Injectable } from '../../../di/src/decorator/Injection.ts'
import SessionInterface from './session/SessionInterface.ts'
import ActivatedRoute from './routing/ActivatedRoute.ts'
* Base class for Daton-managed HTTP requests.
* @implements HTTPRequest
export class Request implements HTTPRequest {
* The associated response object.
* @type HTTPResponse
public readonly response: HTTPResponse
* The base raw Deno request.
* @type ServerRequest
private readonly _deno_req: ServerRequest
* The parsed body.
private _body: any
* The parsed query params.
* @type object
private _query: { [key: string]: any } = {}
* The associated session.
* @type SessionInterface
private _session!: SessionInterface
* The matched, mounted route.
* @type ActivatedRoute
private _activated_route!: ActivatedRoute
* The incoming URL.
* @type string
public readonly url: string
* The incoming request method.
* @type string
public readonly method: string
* The incoming HTTP protocol.
* @type HTTPProtocol
public readonly protocol: HTTPProtocol
* The underlying Deno connection.
* @type Deno.Conn
public readonly connection: Deno.Conn
* True if the request used HTTPS.
* @type boolean
public readonly secure: boolean = false
* The incoming headers.
public get headers() {
return this._deno_req.headers
* Get the underlying Deno request.
* @type ServerRequest
get to_native(): ServerRequest {
return this._deno_req
* Get the cookies for the response.
* @type CookieJar
get cookies() {
return this.response.cookies
* Get the associated session.
* @type SessionInterface
get session(): SessionInterface {
return this._session
* Set the associated session.
* @param {SessionInterface} session
set session(session: SessionInterface) {
if ( !this._session )
this._session = session
* Get the activated route mounted to this request.
* @type ActivatedRoute
get route(): ActivatedRoute {
return this._activated_route
* Mount the given route to the request.
* @param {ActivatedRoute} route
set route(route: ActivatedRoute) {
if ( !this._activated_route )
this._activated_route = route
protected utility: Utility,
* The raw Deno request.
from: ServerRequest
) {
this._deno_req = from
this.url = this._deno_req.url
this.method = this._deno_req.method.toLowerCase()
this.protocol = {
string: this._deno_req.proto,
major: this._deno_req.protoMajor,
minor: this._deno_req.protoMinor,
this.connection = this._deno_req.conn
this.response = new Response(this)
* Prepare the request for the Daton framework.
* @return Promise<void>
public async prepare() {
this._body = await Deno.readAll(this._deno_req.body)
const url_params = new URLSearchParams(this.url.substr(1))
const param_obj = Object.fromEntries(url_params)
const params: any = {}
for ( const key in param_obj ) {
if ( !param_obj.hasOwnProperty(key) ) continue
if ( param_obj[key] === '' ) params[key] = true
else params[key] = this.utility.infer(param_obj[key])
this._query = params
* Send the given response.
* @param res
respond(res: any) {
return this._deno_req.respond(res)
// public body: RequestBody = {}
// public original_body: RequestBody = {}
* Get the remote host information.
* @type RemoteHost
get remote() {
return this.connection.remoteAddr as RemoteHost
* Get the raw body from the request.
* @type string
get body() {
return this._body
* Get the query params.
* @type object
get query() {
return this._query
* Get the incoming host name.
* @type string
get hostname() {
return this.headers.get('host')?.split(':')[0]
* Get the incoming path of the route.
* @type string
get path() {
return this.url.split('?')[0].split('#')[0]
* True if the request is an XHR incoming.
* @type boolean
get xhr() {
return this.headers.get('x-requested-with')?.toLowerCase() === 'xmlhttprequest'
fresh/stale - cache
remote ips (proxy)
accepts content type
accepts charsets
accepts encodings
accepts languages
get header
is content type
get param with default value
get input with default value
range header parser