You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import {
Collection, CollectionIndex,
CollectionItem, ComparisonFunction,
DeterminesEquality, KeyFunction,
KeyOperator, KeyReducerFunction, MaybeCollectionIndex, MaybeCollectionItem
} from './Collection.ts'
import {Iterable, StopIteration} from './Iterable.ts'
import {applyWhere, WhereOperator} from './Where.ts'
type AsyncCollectionComparable<T> = CollectionItem<T>[] | Collection<T> | AsyncCollection<T>
type AsyncKeyFunction<T, T2> = (item: CollectionItem<T>, index: number) => CollectionItem<T2> | Promise<CollectionItem<T2>>
type AsyncCollectionFunction<T, T2> = (items: AsyncCollection<T>) => T2
* Like a collection, but asynchronous.
export class AsyncCollection<T> {
* Iterable of items to base this collction on.
* @type Iterable
private _items: Iterable<T>,
* Size to use when chunking results for memory-optimization.
* @type number
private _chunk_size: number = 1000, // TODO fix this. It's just for testing
) {}
private async _chunk(callback: (items: Collection<T>) => any): Promise<void> {
await this._items.chunk(this._chunk_size, async items => {
await callback(items)
await this._items.reset()
private async _chunk_all<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>, callback: (items: Collection<T2>) => any): Promise<void> {
await this._items.chunk(this._chunk_size, async items => {
await callback(items.pluck(key))
await this._items.reset()
private async _chunk_all_numbers<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>, callback: (items: number[]) => any): Promise<void> {
await this._items.chunk(this._chunk_size, async items => {
await callback(items.pluck(key).map(x => Number(x)).all())
await this._items.reset()
private async _chunk_all_associate<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>, callback: (items: AssociatedCollectionItem<T2, T>[]) => any): Promise<void> {
await this._items.chunk(this._chunk_size, async items => {
const assoc_items: AssociatedCollectionItem<T2, T>[] = []
if ( typeof key === 'function' ) {, index) => {
const key_item = key(item, index)
assoc_items.push({ key: key_item, item })
} else if ( typeof key === 'string' ) {, index) => {
assoc_items.push({ key: (<any>item)[key], item })
await callback(assoc_items)
await this._items.reset()
* Get all items in this collection as an array.
* @return Promise<array>
async all(): Promise<CollectionItem<T>[]> {
return (await this._items.from_range(0, await this._items.count())).all()
* Get all items in this collection as a synchronous Collection
* @return Promise<Collection>
async collect(): Promise<Collection<T>> {
return this._items.from_range(0, await this._items.count())
* Get the average value of the collection or one of its keys.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<number>
async average<T2>(key?: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<number> {
let running_total = 0
let running_items = 0
const chunk_helper = (items: number[]) => {
running_items += items.length
running_total += items.reduce((prev, curr) => prev + curr)
if ( key ) await this._chunk_all_numbers(key, chunk_helper)
else await this._chunk((items) => {
chunk_helper( => Number(x)).all())
return running_total / running_items
* Get the median value of the collection or one of its keys.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<number>
async median<T2>(key?: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<number> {
let items: number[] = []
const chunk_helper = (next_items: number[]) => {
items = items.concat(next_items)
if ( key ) await this._chunk_all_numbers(key, chunk_helper)
else await this._chunk(items => {
chunk_helper( => Number(x)).all())
items = items.sort((a, b) => a - b)
const middle = Math.floor((items.length - 1) / 2)
if ( items.length % 2 ) return items[middle]
else return (items[middle] + items[middle + 1]) / 2
* Get the mode value of the collection or one of its keys.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<number>
async mode<T2>(key?: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<number> {
let counts: any = {}
const chunk_helper = (items: number[]) => {
for ( const item of items ) {
if ( !counts[item] ) counts[item] = 1
else counts[item] += 1
if ( key ) await this._chunk_all_numbers(key, chunk_helper)
else await this._chunk(items => {
chunk_helper( => Number(x)).all())
return Number(Object.keys(counts).reduce((a, b) => counts[a] > counts[b] ? a : b)[0])
* If this collection contains nested collections, collapse them to a single level.
* @return Promise<Collection>
async collapse(): Promise<Collection<any>> {
const items = await this.collect()
return items.collapse() as Collection<any>
* Returns true if the collection contains an item satisfying the given collection.
* @example
* collection.contains('id', '>', 4)
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @param {WhereOperator} operator
* @param [operand]
* @return Promise<boolean>
async contains<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>, operator: WhereOperator, operand?: any): Promise<boolean> {
let contains = false
await this._chunk_all_associate(key, (items: AssociatedCollectionItem<T2, T>[]) => {
const matches = applyWhere(items, operator, operand)
if ( matches.length > 0 ) {
contains = true
throw new StopIteration()
return contains
* Returns a clean instance of this collection pointing to the same result set of the iterable.
* @return Promise<AsyncCollection>
async clone(): Promise<AsyncCollection<T>> {
return new AsyncCollection<T>(await this._items.clone())
* Returns the elements that are different between the two collections.
* @param {AsyncCollectionComparable} items
* @return Promise<Collection>
async diff(items: AsyncCollectionComparable<T>): Promise<Collection<T>> {
const matches: T[] = []
await this._chunk(async chunk => {
for ( const item of chunk.all() ) {
if ( !(await items.includes(item)) ) {
return new Collection<T>(matches)
* Returns the elements that are different between the two collections, using the given function
* as a comparator for the elements.
* @param {AsyncCollectionComparable} items
* @param {DeterminesEquality} compare
* @return Promise<Collection>
async diffUsing(items: AsyncCollectionComparable<T>, compare: DeterminesEquality<T>): Promise<Collection<T>> {
const matches: T[] = []
await this._chunk(async chunk => {
for ( const item of chunk.all() ) {
if ( !(await items.some(exc => compare(item, exc))) )
return new Collection<T>(matches)
* Returns true if the given item is present in the collection.
* @param item
* @return Promise<boolean>
async includes(item: CollectionItem<T>): Promise<boolean> {
let contains = false
await this._chunk(items => {
if ( items.includes(item) ) {
contains = true
throw new StopIteration()
return contains
* Returns true if there is an item in the collection for which the given operator returns true.
* @param {function} operator - item => boolean
* @return Promise<boolean>
async some(operator: (item: T) => boolean): Promise<boolean> {
let contains = false
await this._chunk(items => {
for ( const item of items.all() ) {
if ( operator(item) ) {
contains = true
throw new StopIteration()
return contains
* Applies a callback to each item in the collection.
* @param {AsyncKeyFunction} func
* @return Promise<void>
async each<T2>(func: AsyncKeyFunction<T, T2>): Promise<void> {
let index = 0
await this._chunk(async items => {
for ( const item of items.all() ) {
await func(item, index)
index += 1
* Applies a callback to each item in the collection and returns the results as a collection.
* @param {AsyncKeyFunction} func
* @return Promise<Collection>
async map<T2>(func: AsyncKeyFunction<T, T2>): Promise<Collection<T2>> {
const new_items: CollectionItem<T2>[] = []
await this.each(async (item, index) => {
new_items.push(await func(item, index))
return new Collection<T2>(new_items)
* Returns true if the given operator returns true for every item in the collection.
* @param {AsyncKeyFunction} func
* @return Promise<boolean>
async every<T2>(func: AsyncKeyFunction<T, T2>): Promise<boolean> {
let pass = true
let index = 0
await this._chunk(async items => {
for ( const item of items.all() ) {
if ( !(await func(item, index)) ) {
pass = false
throw new StopIteration()
index += 1
return pass
* Returns true if every item in the collection satisfies the given where clause.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @param {WhereOperator} operator
* @param [operand]
async everyWhere<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>, operator: WhereOperator, operand?: any): Promise<boolean> {
let pass = true
await this._chunk(async items => {
pass = pass && items.everyWhere(key, operator, operand)
if ( !pass ) {
throw new StopIteration()
return pass
* Applies a filter to every item in the collection and returns the results that pass the filter.
* @param {KeyFunction} func
* @return Promise<Collection>
async filter<T2>(func: KeyFunction<T, T2>): Promise<Collection<T>> {
let new_items: CollectionItem<T>[] = []
await this._chunk(async items => {
new_items = new_items.concat(items.filter(func).all())
return new Collection<T>(new_items)
* Calls the passed in function if the boolean condition is true. Allows for functional syntax.
* @param {boolean} bool
* @param {AsyncCollectionFunction} then
* @return AsyncCollection
when<T2>(bool: boolean, then: AsyncCollectionFunction<T, T2>): AsyncCollection<T> {
if ( bool ) then(this)
return this
* Calls the passed in function if the boolean condition is false. Allows for functional syntax.
* @param {boolean} bool
* @param {AsyncCollectionFunction} then
* @return AsyncCollection
unless<T2>(bool: boolean, then: AsyncCollectionFunction<T, T2>): AsyncCollection<T> {
if ( !bool ) then(this)
return this
* Applies the given where condition to the collection and returns a new collection of the results.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @param {WhereOperator} operator
* @param [operand]
* @return Promise<Collection>
async where<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>, operator: WhereOperator, operand?: any): Promise<Collection<T>> {
let new_items: CollectionItem<T>[] = []
await this._chunk(async items => {
new_items = new_items.concat(items.where(key, operator, operand).all())
return new Collection<T>(new_items)
* Applies the given where condition to the collection and returns a new collection of the items
* that did not satisfy the condition.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @param {WhereOperator} operator
* @param [operand]
* @return Promise<Collection>
async whereNot<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>, operator: WhereOperator, operand?: any): Promise<Collection<T>> {
let new_items: CollectionItem<T>[] = []
await this._chunk(async items => {
new_items = new_items.concat(items.whereNot(key, operator, operand).all())
return new Collection<T>(new_items)
* Applies a WHERE ... IN ... condition to the collection an returns a new collection of the results.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @param {AsyncCollectionComparable} items
* @return Promise<Collection>
async whereIn<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>, items: AsyncCollectionComparable<T2>): Promise<Collection<T>> {
let new_items: CollectionItem<T>[] = []
await this._chunk_all_associate(key,async chunk => {
for ( const item of chunk ) {
if ( await items.includes(item.key) ) {
return new Collection<T>(new_items)
* Applies a WHERE ... IN ... condition to the collection and returns a new collection of the items
* that did not satisfy the condition.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @param {AsyncCollectionComparable} items
* @return Promise<Collection>
async whereNotIn<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>, items: AsyncCollectionComparable<T2>): Promise<Collection<T>> {
let new_items: CollectionItem<T>[] = []
await this._chunk_all_associate(key,async chunk => {
for ( const item of chunk ) {
if ( !(await items.includes(item.key)) ) {
return new Collection<T>(new_items)
* Returns the first item in the collection, if one exists.
* @return Promise<MaybeCollectionItem>
async first(): Promise<MaybeCollectionItem<T>> {
if ( await this._items.count() > 0 ) {
return this._items.at_index(0)
* Return the first item in the collection that satisfies the given where condition, if one exists.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @param {WhereOperator} [operator = '=']
* @param [operand = true]
* @return Promise<MaybeCollectionItem>
async firstWhere<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>, operator: WhereOperator = '=', operand: any = true): Promise<MaybeCollectionItem<T>> {
let item = undefined
await this._chunk_all_associate(key, async items => {
const matches = applyWhere(items, operator, operand)
if ( matches.length > 0 ) {
item = matches[0]
throw new StopIteration()
return item
* Return the first item in the collection that does not satisfy the given where condition, if one exists.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @param {WhereOperator} [operator = '=']
* @param [operand = true]
async firstWhereNot<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>, operator: WhereOperator = '=', operand: any = true): Promise<MaybeCollectionItem<T>> {
let item: MaybeCollectionItem<T> = undefined
await this._chunk(async items => {
const matches = items.whereNot(key, operator, operand)
if ( matches.length > 0 ) {
item = matches.first()
throw new StopIteration()
return item
* Returns the number of elements in this collection.
* @return Promise<number>
async count() {
return this._items.count()
* Returns the number of elements in this collection.
* @return Promise<number>
async length() {
return this._items.count()
* Get the item at the given index of this collection, if one exists.
* If none exists and a fallback value is provided, that value will be returned.
* @param {number} index
* @param [fallback]
* @return Promise<any>
async get(index: number, fallback?: any) {
if ( (await this.count()) > index ) return this._items.at_index(index)
else return fallback
* Get the item at the given index of this collection, if one exists.
* @param {number} index
async at(index: number): Promise<MaybeCollectionItem<T>> {
return this.get(index)
* Return an object which maps key values to arrays of items in the collection that satisfy that value.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<object>
async groupBy<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<any> {
return (await this.collect()).groupBy(key)
* Return an object mapping the given key value to items in this collection.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<object>
async associate<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<any> {
return (await this.collect()).associate(key)
* Join the items in this collection with the given delimiter.
* @example
* await collection.join(',') // => '1,2,3,4'
* @param {string} delimiter
* @return Promise<string>
async join(delimiter: string): Promise<string> {
let running_strings: string[] = []
await this._chunk(async items => {
return running_strings.join(delimiter)
* Join the items in this collection with the given delimiter.
* @example
* await collection.implode(',') // => '1,2,3,4'
* @param {string} delimiter
* @return Promise<string>
async implode(delimiter: string): Promise<string> {
return this.join(delimiter)
// TODO intersect
* Returns true if there are no items in this collection.
* @return Promise<boolean>
async isEmpty(): Promise<boolean> {
return (await this._items.count()) < 1
* Returns true if there is at least one item in this collection.
* @return Promise<boolean>
async isNotEmpty(): Promise<boolean> {
return (await this._items.count()) > 0
* Return the last item in this collection, if one exists.
* @return Promise<MaybeCollectionItem>
async last(): Promise<MaybeCollectionItem<T>> {
const length = await this._items.count()
if ( length > 0 ) return this._items.at_index(length - 1)
* Return the last item in this collection which satisfies the given where condition, if one exists.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @param {WhereOperator} operator
* @param [operand]
* @return Promise<MaybeCollectionItem>
async lastWhere<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>, operator: WhereOperator, operand?: any): Promise<MaybeCollectionItem<T>> {
return (await this.where(key, operator, operand)).last()
* Return the last item in this collection which does not satisfy the given condition, if one exists.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @param {WhereOperator} operator
* @param [operand]
* @return Promise<MaybeCollectionItem>
async lastWhereNot<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>, operator: WhereOperator, operand?: any): Promise<MaybeCollectionItem<T>> {
return (await this.whereNot(key, operator, operand)).last()
* Builds a collection of the values of a given key for each item in this collection.
* @example
* // collection has { a: 1 }, { a: 2 }, { a: 3 }
* await collection.pluck('a') // => [1, 2, 3]
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<Collection>
async pluck<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<Collection<T2>> {
let new_items: CollectionItem<T2>[] = []
await this._chunk_all(key, async items => {
new_items = new_items.concat(items.all())
return new Collection<T2>(new_items)
* Return the max value of the given key.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<number>
async max<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<number> {
let running_max: number
await this._chunk_all_numbers(key, async items => {
const local_max = Math.max(...items)
if ( typeof running_max === 'undefined' ) running_max = local_max
else running_max = Math.max(running_max, local_max)
// @ts-ignore
return running_max
* Return a collection of items that have the max value of the given key.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<Collection>
async whereMax<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<Collection<T>> {
return this.where(key, '=', await this.max(key))
* Return the min value of the given key.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<number>
async min<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<number> {
let running_min: number
await this._chunk_all_numbers(key, async items => {
const local_min = Math.min(...items)
if ( typeof running_min === 'undefined' ) running_min = local_min
else running_min = Math.min(running_min, local_min)
// @ts-ignore
return running_min
* Return a collection of items that have the min value of the given key.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<Collection>
async whereMin<T2>(key: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<Collection<T>> {
return this.where(key, '=', await this.min(key))
* Merge the two collections.
* @param {AsyncCollectionComparable} merge_with
* @return Promise<Collection>
async merge<T2>(merge_with: AsyncCollectionComparable<T2>): Promise<Collection<T|T2>> {
let items: T2[]
if ( merge_with instanceof Collection ) items = await merge_with.all()
else if ( merge_with instanceof AsyncCollection ) items = await merge_with.all()
else if ( Array.isArray(merge_with) ) items = merge_with
// @ts-ignore
return new Collection<T|T2>([...items, ...await this.all()])
* Return a collection of every nth item in this collection.
* @param {number} n
* @return Promise<Collection>
async nth(n: number): Promise<Collection<T>> {
const matches: CollectionItem<T>[] = []
let current = 1
await this._chunk(async chunk => {
for ( const item of chunk.all() ) {
if ( current === 1 ) matches.push(item)
current += 1
if ( current > n ) current = 1
return new Collection<T>(matches)
* Return a collection containing the items that would be on the given page, with the given number of items per page.
* @param {number} page
* @param {number} per_page
async forPage(page: number, per_page: number): Promise<Collection<T>> {
const start = page * per_page - per_page
const end = page * per_page - 1
return this._items.from_range(start, end)
* Return the value of the function, passing this collection to it.
* @param {AsyncCollectionFunction} func
pipe<T2>(func: AsyncCollectionFunction<T, T2>): any {
return func(this)
/*async pop(): Promise<MaybeCollectionItem<T>> {
const next_item = await
if ( !next_item.done ) {
return next_item.value
}*/ // TODO Fix this
* Get n random items from this collection.
* @todo add safety check for it loop exceeds max number of items
* @param {number} n
* @return Promise<Collection>
async random(n: number): Promise<Collection<T>> {
const random_items: CollectionItem<T>[] = []
const fetched_indices: number[] = []
const max_n = await this._items.count()
if ( n > max_n ) n = max_n
while ( random_items.length < n ) {
const index = Math.floor(Math.random() * max_n)
if ( !fetched_indices.includes(index) ) {
const item = await this._items.at_index(index)
if ( typeof item !== 'undefined' )
return new Collection<T>(random_items)
* Collapse the collection into a single value using a reducer function.
* @param {KeyReducerFunction} reducer
* @param [initial_value]
* @return Promise<any>
async reduce<T2>(reducer: KeyReducerFunction<T, T2>, initial_value?: T2): Promise<T2 | undefined> {
let current_value = initial_value
let index = 0
await this._chunk(async items => {
for ( const item of items.all() ) {
current_value = reducer(current_value, item, index)
index += 1
return current_value
* Returns a collection of items that fail the truth test.
* @param {AsyncKeyFunction} truth_test
* @return Promise<Collection>
async reject<T2>(truth_test: AsyncKeyFunction<T, T2>): Promise<Collection<T>> {
let rejected: CollectionItem<T>[] = []
await this._chunk(async items => {
rejected = rejected.concat(items.all().filter((item, index) => {
return !truth_test(item, index)
return new Collection<T>(rejected)
* Get a reversed collection of this collection's items.
* @return Promise<Collection>
async reverse(): Promise<Collection<T>> {
return (await this.collect()).reverse()
* Search the collection and return the index of that item, if one exists.
* @param {CollectionItem} item
* @return Promise<MaybeCollectionIndex>
async search(item: CollectionItem<T>): Promise<MaybeCollectionIndex> {
let found_index
let index = 0
await this._chunk(async items => {
items.some(possible_item => {
if ( possible_item === item ) {
found_index = index
throw new StopIteration()
index += 1
return false
return found_index
* Get the next item in the collection and remove it.
* @return Promise<MaybeCollectionItem>
async shift(): Promise<MaybeCollectionItem<T>> {
const next_item = await
if ( !next_item.done ) {
return next_item.value
* Shuffle the items in the collection to a random order.
* @return Promise<Collection>
async shuffle(): Promise<Collection<T>> {
return (await this.collect()).shuffle()
* Return a slice of this collection.
* @param {number} start - the starting index
* @param {number} end - the ending index
* @return Promise<Collection>
async slice(start: number, end: number): Promise<Collection<T>> {
return this._items.from_range(start, end - 1)
* Sort the collection, optionally with the given comparison function.
* @param {ComparisonFunction} compare_func
* @return Promise<Collection>
async sort(compare_func?: ComparisonFunction<T>): Promise<Collection<T>> {
return (await this.collect()).sort(compare_func)
* Sort the collection by the given key.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<Collection>
async sortBy<T2>(key?: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<Collection<T>> {
return (await this.collect()).sortBy(key)
* Reverse sort the collection, optionally with the given comparison function.
* @param {ComparisonFunction} compare_func
* @return Promise<Collection>
async sortDesc(compare_func?: ComparisonFunction<T>): Promise<Collection<T>> {
return (await this.collect()).sortDesc(compare_func)
* Reverse sort the collection by the given key.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<Collection>
async sortByDesc<T2>(key?: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<Collection<T>> {
return (await this.collect()).sortByDesc(key)
* Splice the collection at the given index. Optionally, removing the given number of items.
* @param {CollectionIndex} start
* @param {number} [deleteCount]
* @return Promise<Collection>
async splice(start: CollectionIndex, deleteCount?: number): Promise<Collection<T>> {
return (await this.collect()).splice(start, deleteCount)
* Sum the items in the collection, or the values of the given key.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<number>
async sum<T2>(key?: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<number> {
let running_sum: number = 0
const chunk_handler = (items: number[]) => {
for ( const item of items ) {
running_sum += item
if ( key ) await this._chunk_all_numbers(key, chunk_handler)
else await this._chunk(async chunk => {
chunk_handler( => Number(x)).all())
return running_sum
* Take the first n items from the front or back of the collection.
* @param {number} limit
* @return Promise<Collection>
async take(limit: number): Promise<Collection<T>> {
if ( limit === 0 ) return new Collection<T>()
else if ( limit > 0 ) {
return this.slice(0, limit)
} else {
const cnt = await this._items.count()
return this._items.from_range(cnt - (-1 * limit), cnt - 1)
* Call the given function, passing in this collection. Allows functional syntax.
* @param {AsyncCollectionFunction} func
* @return Promise<AsyncCollection>
async tap<T2>(func: AsyncCollectionFunction<T, T2>): Promise<AsyncCollection<T>> {
await func(this)
return this
* Return all the unique values in the collection, or the unique values of the given key.
* @param {KeyOperator} key
* @return Promise<Collection>
async unique<T2>(key?: KeyOperator<T, T2>): Promise<Collection<T|T2>> {
const has: CollectionItem<T|T2>[] = []
if ( !key ) {
await this._chunk(async items => {
for ( const item of items.all() ) {
if ( !has.includes(item) ) has.push(item)
} else {
await this._chunk_all(key, async items => {
for ( const item of items.all() ) {
if ( !has.includes(item) ) has.push(item)
return new Collection<T|T2>(has)
* Cast this collection to an array.
* @return Promise<array>
async toArray(): Promise<any[]> {
const returns: any = []
for ( const item of (await this.all()) ) {
if ( item instanceof Collection ) returns.push(item.toArray())
else if ( item instanceof AsyncCollection ) returns.push(await item.toArray())
else returns.push(item)
return returns
* Cast this collection to a JSON string.
* @param [replacer] - the replacer to use
* @param {number} [space = 4] number of indentation spaces to use
async toJSON(replacer = undefined, space = 4): Promise<string> {
return JSON.stringify(this.toArray(), replacer, space)
* Iterator to support async iteration:
* @example
* for await (const item of collection) {}
[Symbol.asyncIterator]() {
return this._items.clone()
* Get a clone of the underlying iterator of this collection.
* @return Iterable
iterator() {
return this._items.clone()