stages: - package package-aur: image: archlinux/base stage: package dependencies: [] only: - /^v(\d+\.)*\d+$/ before_script: [] script: - cd ./pkg/aur - _version=$(echo $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME | cut -c 2-) - echo "Pushing'v$_version'" <<<<<<< HEAD - sourceURL=$_version/cursorsPosy-v$_version.tar.gz?path=themes - 'echo "Source: $sourceURL"' - echo "Checking sha256sum checksums" - 'sourceSHA=$(curl -sSL "$sourceURL" | sha256sum | cut -d" " -f1)' ======= # Determine remote URLs and SHA checksums - echo "Determining SHA checksums for remote files..." - URL_SOURCE=$VERSION/cursorsPosy-v$VERSION.tar.gz - 'echo "Selected source URL: $URL_SOURCE"' - echo "Determining sha256sum for remote source..." - 'SHA_SOURCE=$(curl -sSL "$URL_SOURCE" | sha256sum | cut -d" " -f1)' - 'echo "Got sha256sum: $SHA_SOURCE"' >>>>>>> 1adbf2c... Fix source url # Update PKGBUILD version, source URL and sha256sum - echo "Updating PKGBUILDS with release information..." <<<<<<< HEAD - sed "s/^pkgver=.*\$/pkgver=$_version/" -i posy-cursors/PKGBUILD - sed "s/^source=(\"\(.*\)::.*\").*\$/source=(\"\1::$(echo $sourceURL | sed 's/\//\\\//g')\")/" -i posy-cursors/PKGBUILD - sed "s/^sha256sums=.*\$/sha256sums=('$sourceSHA')/" -i posy-cursors/PKGBUILD ======= - sed "s/^pkgver=.*\$/pkgver=$VERSION/" -i posy-cursors/PKGBUILD - sed "s/^source=(\"\(.*\)::.*\").*\$/source=(\"\1::$(echo $URL_SOURCE | sed 's/\//\\\//g')\")/" -i posy-cursors/PKGBUILD - sed "s/^sha256sums=.*\$/sha256sums=('$SHA_SOURCE')/" -i posy-cursors/PKGBUILD # Get SHA hash for local and remote file w/o version, update if it has changed # - 'SHA_STRIP_LOCAL=$(cat ffsend-git/PKGBUILD | sed /^pkgver=.\*/d | sha256sum | cut -d" " -f1)' # - 'SHA_STRIP_REMOTE=$(curl -sSL "" | sed /^pkgver=.\*/d | sha256sum | cut -d" " -f1)' >>>>>>> 1adbf2c... Fix source url - echo "Installing Arch" - pacman -Syu --noconfirm sudo base-devel openssh git openssl # makepkg and .SRCINFO - cd posy-cursors/ - echo "makepkg" - sudo -u nobody makepkg -c - sudo -u nobody makepkg --printsrcinfo > .SRCINFO - cd .. # Configure SSH - mkdir -p /root/.ssh - cp ./ /root/.ssh/ - echo "$sshAUR" | base64 -d > /root/.ssh/id_rsa - echo "Host" >> /root/.ssh/config - echo " IdentityFile /root/.ssh/aur" >> /root/.ssh/config - echo " User aur" >> /root/.ssh/config - chmod 600 /root/.ssh/{id_rsa*,config} - eval `ssh-agent -s` - echo -en "${sshPASSPHRASE}" | ssh-add /root/.ssh/id_rsa - ssh-keyscan -H >> /root/.ssh/known_hosts - git config --global "Dmitry Porunov" - git config --global "" # Clone, commit and push - git clone ssh:// aur-posy-cursors - cd aur-posy-cursors - cp ../posy-cursors/{PKGBUILD,.SRCINFO} ./ - git add PKGBUILD .SRCINFO - git commit -m "Release v$_version" - git push - cd ..