#!/bin/bash # Variables _ENDW=197 _ENDWT=394 _ENDB=591 _ENDBT=788 _END=788 RED="\033[0;31m" ORANGE="\033[0;33m" YELLOW="\033[1;33m" GREEN="\033[0;32m" BLUE="\033[0;34m" PURPLE="\033[0;35m" COLORLESS="\033[0m" function ProgressBar_RED { # Process data let _progress_R=(${1}*100/${2}*100)/100 let _done_R=(${_progress_R}*4)/10 let _left_R=40-$_done_R # Build progressbar string lengths _fill_R=$(printf "%${_done_R}s") _empty_R=$(printf "%${_left_R}s") # 1.2 Build progressbar strings and print the ProgressBar line # 1.2.1 Output example: # Progress : [########################################] 100% printf "\rProgress : [${RED}${_fill_R// /\#}${COLORLESS}${_empty_R// /-}] ${_progress_R}%%" } function ProgressBar_ORANGE { # Process data let _progress_O=(${1}*100/${2}*100)/100 let _done_O=(${_progress_O}*4)/10 let _left_O=40-$_done_O # Build progressbar string lengths _fill_O=$(printf "%${_done_O}s") _empty_O=$(printf "%${_left_O}s") # 1.2 Build progressbar strings and print the ProgressBar line # 1.2.1 Output example: # Progress : [########################################] 100% printf "\rProgress : [${ORANGE}${_fill_O// /\#}${COLORLESS}${_empty_O// /-}] ${_progress_O}%%" } function ProgressBar_YELLOW { # Process data let _progress_Y=(${1}*100/${2}*100)/100 let _done_Y=(${_progress_Y}*4)/10 let _left_Y=40-$_done_Y # Build progressbar string lengths _fill_Y=$(printf "%${_done_Y}s") _empty_Y=$(printf "%${_left_Y}s") # 1.2 Build progressbar strings and print the ProgressBar line # 1.2.1 Output example: # Progress : [########################################] 100% printf "\rProgress : [${YELLOW}${_fill_Y// /\#}${COLORLESS}${_empty_Y// /-}] ${_progress_Y}%%" } function ProgressBar_GREEN { # Process data let _progress_G=(${1}*100/${2}*100)/100 let _done_G=(${_progress_G}*4)/10 let _left_G=40-$_done_G # Build progressbar string lengths _fill_G=$(printf "%${_done_G}s") _empty_G=$(printf "%${_left_G}s") # 1.2 Build progressbar strings and print the ProgressBar line # 1.2.1 Output example: # Progress : [########################################] 100% printf "\rProgress : [${GREEN}${_fill_G// /\#}${COLORLESS}${_empty_G// /-}] ${_progress_G}%%" } function ProgressBar_BLUE { # Process data let _progress_B=(${1}*100/${2}*100)/100 let _done_B=(${_progress_B}*4)/10 let _left_B=40-$_done_B # Build progressbar string lengths _fill_B=$(printf "%${_done_B}s") _empty_B=$(printf "%${_left_B}s") # 1.2 Build progressbar strings and print the ProgressBar line # 1.2.1 Output example: # Progress : [########################################] 100% printf "\rProgress : [${BLUE}${_fill_B// /\#}${COLORLESS}${_empty_B// /-}] ${_progress_B}%%" } function ProgressBar_PURPLE { # Process data let _progress_P=(${1}*100/${2}*100)/100 let _done_P=(${_progress_P}*4)/10 let _left_P=40-$_done_P # Build progressbar string lengths _fill_P=$(printf "%${_done_P}s") _empty_P=$(printf "%${_left_P}s") # 1.2 Build progressbar strings and print the ProgressBar line # 1.2.1 Output example: # Progress : [########################################] 100% printf "\rProgress : [${PURPLE}${_fill_P// /\#}${COLORLESS}${_empty_P// /-}] ${_progress_P}%%" }