You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import {Model} from './Model'
import {AbstractBuilder} from '../builder/AbstractBuilder'
import {AbstractResultIterable} from '../builder/result/AbstractResultIterable'
import {Instantiable, StaticClass} from '../../di'
import {ModelResultIterable} from './ModelResultIterable'
import {Collection} from '../../util'
import {ConstraintOperator, ModelKey, ModelKeys} from '../types'
import {EscapeValue} from '../dialect/SQLDialect'
import {Scope, ScopeClosure} from './scope/Scope'
* Implementation of the abstract builder whose results yield instances of a given Model, `T`.
export class ModelBuilder<T extends Model<T>> extends AbstractBuilder<T> {
protected eagerLoadRelations: (keyof T)[] = []
protected appliedScopes: Collection<{ accessor: string | Instantiable<Scope>, scope: ScopeClosure }> = new Collection<{accessor: string | Instantiable<Scope>; scope: ScopeClosure}>()
/** The model class that is created for results of this query. */
protected readonly ModelClass: StaticClass<T, typeof Model> & Instantiable<T>,
) {
public withScopes(scopes: Collection<{ accessor: string | Instantiable<Scope>, scope: ScopeClosure }>): this {
this.appliedScopes = scopes.clone()
return this
public getNewInstance(): AbstractBuilder<T> {
return<ModelBuilder<T>>(ModelBuilder, this.ModelClass)
public getResultIterable(): AbstractResultIterable<T> {
return<ModelResultIterable<T>>(ModelResultIterable, this.finalize(), this.registeredConnection, this.ModelClass)
* Get a copy of this builder with all of its values finalized.
* @override to apply scopes
public finalize(): AbstractBuilder<T> {
const inst = super.finalize()
this.appliedScopes.each(rec => rec.scope(inst))
return inst
* Apply a WHERE...IN... constraint on the primary key of the model.
* @param keys
public whereKey(keys: ModelKeys): this {
return this.whereIn(
* Apply a where constraint on the column corresponding the the specified
* property on the model.
* @param propertyName
* @param operator
* @param operand
public whereProperty(propertyName: string, operator: ConstraintOperator, operand?: EscapeValue): this {
return this.where(
* Mark a relation to be eager-loaded.
* @param relationName
public with(relationName: keyof T): this {
if ( !this.eagerLoadRelations.includes(relationName) ) {
// Try to load the Relation, so we fail if the name is invalid
return this
* Prevent a relation from being eager-loaded.
* @param relationName
public without(relationName: keyof T): this {
this.eagerLoadRelations = this.eagerLoadRelations.filter(name => name !== relationName)
return this
* Remove all global scopes from this query.
public withoutGlobalScopes(): this {
this.appliedScopes = new Collection<{accessor: string | Instantiable<Scope>; scope: ScopeClosure}>()
return this
* Remove a specific scope from this query by its identifier.
* @param name
public withoutGlobalScope(name: string | Instantiable<Scope>): this {
this.appliedScopes = this.appliedScopes.where('accessor', '=', name)
return this
/** Get the list of relations to eager-load. */
public getEagerLoadedRelations(): (keyof T)[] {
return [...this.eagerLoadRelations]
* Given some format of keys of the model, try to normalize them to a flat array.
* @param keys
* @protected
protected normalizeModelKeys(keys: ModelKeys): ModelKey[] {
if ( Array.isArray(keys) ) {
return keys
} else if ( keys instanceof Collection ) {
return keys.all()
return [keys]
* Create a copy of this builder.
* @override to add implementation-specific pass-alongs.
public clone(): ModelBuilder<T> {
const inst = super.clone() as ModelBuilder<T>
inst.eagerLoadRelations = [...this.eagerLoadRelations]
inst.appliedScopes = this.appliedScopes.clone()
return inst