import {collect, Maybe, ParameterizedCallback, Pipeline} from '../../util' import {FieldType} from '../types' import {EscapeValue, QuerySafeValue, raw} from '../dialect/SQLDialect' /** * Base class with shared logic for the various schema * builders (table, column, index). */ export abstract class SchemaBuilderBase { /** * Whether or not the schema item should be dropped. * - `exists` - drop if exists * @protected */ protected shouldDrop: 'yes'|'no'|'exists' = 'no' /** * The name the schema item should have if renaming. * @protected */ protected shouldRenameTo?: string /** * If true, apply IF NOT EXISTS syntax. * @protected */ protected shouldSkipIfExists = false /** True if the schema has been modified since created/loaded. */ protected dirty = false /** True if this resource exists, in some form, in the schema. */ protected existsInSchema = false /** If the resource exists in the schema, the unaltered values it has. */ public originalFromSchema?: this constructor( /** The name of the schema item. */ public readonly name: string, ) { } /** * Clone the properties of this resource to a different instance. * @param newBuilder */ public cloneTo(newBuilder: this): this { newBuilder.shouldDrop = this.shouldDrop newBuilder.shouldRenameTo = this.shouldRenameTo newBuilder.shouldSkipIfExists = this.shouldSkipIfExists newBuilder.dirty = this.dirty newBuilder.existsInSchema = this.existsInSchema return newBuilder } /** True if this resource should be dropped. */ public isDropping(): boolean { return this.shouldDrop === 'yes' } /** True if this resource should be dropped with IF EXISTS syntax. */ public isDroppingIfExists(): boolean { return this.shouldDrop === 'exists' } /** True if this resource should be created with IF NOT EXISTS syntax. */ public isSkippedIfExisting(): boolean { return this.shouldSkipIfExists } /** True if the resource already exists in some form in the schema. */ public isExisting(): boolean { return this.existsInSchema } /** True if the resource has been modified since created/loaded. */ public isDirty(): boolean { return this.dirty } /** * Get the name this resource should be renamed to, if it exists. */ public getRename(): Maybe { return this.shouldRenameTo } /** Mark the resource to be removed. */ public drop(): this { this.dirty = true this.shouldDrop = 'yes' return this } /** Mark the resource to be removed, if it exists. */ public dropIfExists(): this { this.dirty = true this.shouldDrop = 'exists' return this } /** * Rename the resource to a different name. * @param to */ public rename(to: string): this { this.dirty = true this.shouldRenameTo = to return this } /** * Mark the resource to use IF NOT EXISTS syntax. */ public ifNotExists(): this { this.shouldSkipIfExists = true return this } /** * Used internally. * Mark that the resource exists in the schema in some form, * and reset the `dirty` flag. */ public flagAsExistingInSchema(): this { this.existsInSchema = true this.dirty = false this.originalFromSchema = this.cloneTo(this.cloneInstance()) return this } /** Build and apply a pipeline. */ pipe(builder: (pipeline: Pipeline) => Pipeline): TOut { return builder( } tap(op: (x: this) => unknown): this { op(this) return this } /** * Get a new instance of the concrete implementation of this class. * @protected */ protected abstract cloneInstance(): this } /** * Builder to specify the schema of a table column. */ export class ColumnBuilder extends SchemaBuilderBase { /** The data type of the column. */ protected targetType?: FieldType /** True if the column should allow NULL values. */ protected shouldBeNullable = false /** The default value of the column, if one should exist. */ protected defaultValue?: EscapeValue /** The data length of this column, if set */ protected targetLength?: number /** True if this is a primary key constraint. */ protected shouldBePrimary = false /** True if this column should contain distinct values. */ protected shouldBeUnique = false constructor( name: string, /** The table this column belongs to. */ public readonly parent: TableBuilder, ) { super(name) } public cloneTo(newBuilder: this): this { super.cloneTo(newBuilder) newBuilder.targetType = this.targetType newBuilder.shouldBeNullable = this.shouldBeNullable newBuilder.defaultValue = this.defaultValue newBuilder.targetLength = this.targetLength newBuilder.shouldBePrimary = this.shouldBePrimary newBuilder.shouldBeUnique = this.shouldBeUnique return newBuilder } /** Get the field type of the column, if it exists. */ public getType(): Maybe { return this.targetType } /** Get the data-type length of the column, if it exists. */ public getLength(): Maybe { return this.targetLength } /** Get the default value of the column, if it exists. */ public getDefaultValue(): Maybe { return this.defaultValue } /** True if the column should allow NULL values. */ public isNullable(): boolean { return this.shouldBeNullable } /** True if the column is a primary key. */ public isPrimary(): boolean { return this.shouldBePrimary } /** True if the column should require unique values. */ public isUnique(): boolean { return this.shouldBeUnique } /** * Specify the data type of the column. * @param type */ public type(type: FieldType): this { if ( this.targetType === type ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.targetType = type return this } /** * Make the column nullable. */ public nullable(): this { if ( this.shouldBeNullable ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.shouldBeNullable = true return this } /** * Make the column non-nullable. */ public required(): this { if ( !this.shouldBeNullable ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.shouldBeNullable = false return this } /** * Specify the default value of the column. * @param value */ public default(value: EscapeValue): this { if ( this.defaultValue === value ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.defaultValue = value return this } /** * Set the length of this column's data type. * @param value */ public length(value: number): this { if ( this.targetLength === value ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.targetLength = value return this } /** * Make this a primary-key column. */ primary(): this { if ( this.shouldBePrimary ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.shouldBePrimary = true return this } /** * Make this column require distinct values. */ unique(): this { if ( this.shouldBeUnique ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.shouldBeUnique = true return this } protected cloneInstance(): this { return new ColumnBuilder(, this.parent) as this } } /** Valid constraint types. */ export enum ConstraintType { Unique = 'un', Check = 'ck', } /** * Builder to specify the schema of a table constraint. */ export class ConstraintBuilder extends SchemaBuilderBase { /** The fields included in this constraint. */ protected fields: Set = new Set() /** The type of this constraint. */ protected constraintType: ConstraintType = ConstraintType.Unique /** The expression defining this constraint, if applicable. */ protected constraintExpression?: QuerySafeValue constructor( name: string, /** The table this constraint belongs to. */ public readonly parent: TableBuilder, ) { super(name) } /** Get the type of this constraint. */ public getType(): ConstraintType { return this.constraintType } /** Get the fields included in this constraint. */ public getFields(): string[] { return [...this.fields] } /** Get the expression used to evaluate this constraint, if it exists. */ public getExpression(): Maybe { return this.constraintExpression } public cloneTo(newBuilder: this): this { super.cloneTo(newBuilder) newBuilder.fields = new Set([...this.fields]) newBuilder.constraintType = this.constraintType return newBuilder } protected cloneInstance(): this { return new ConstraintBuilder(, this.parent) as this } /** Add a field to this constraint. */ public field(name: string): this { if ( this.fields.has(name) ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.fields.add(name) return this } /** Remove a field from this constraint. */ public removeField(name: string): this { if ( !this.fields.has(name) ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.fields.delete(name) return this } /** Specify the type of this constraint. */ public type(type: ConstraintType): this { if ( this.constraintType === type ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.constraintType = type return this } /** Specify the expression used to evaluate this constraint, if applicable. */ public expression(sql: string | QuerySafeValue): this { if ( String(this.constraintExpression) === String(sql) ) { return this } this.dirty = true if ( sql instanceof QuerySafeValue ) { this.constraintExpression = sql } this.constraintExpression = raw(sql) return this } } /** * Builder to specify the schema of a table index. */ export class IndexBuilder extends SchemaBuilderBase { /** The fields included in the index. */ protected fields: Set = new Set() /** Fields to remove from the index. */ protected removedFields: Set = new Set() /** True if this is a unique index. */ protected shouldBeUnique = false /** True if this is a primary key index. */ protected shouldBePrimary = false constructor( name: string, /** The table this index belongs to. */ public readonly parent: TableBuilder, ) { super(name) } public cloneTo(newBuilder: this): this { super.cloneTo(newBuilder) newBuilder.fields = new Set([...this.fields]) newBuilder.removedFields = new Set([...this.removedFields]) newBuilder.shouldBeUnique = this.shouldBeUnique newBuilder.shouldBePrimary = this.shouldBePrimary return newBuilder } /** Get the fields in this index. */ public getFields(): string[] { return [...this.fields] } /** True if this index is a unique index. */ public isUnique(): boolean { return this.shouldBeUnique } /** True if this index is the primary key index. */ public isPrimary(): boolean { return this.shouldBePrimary } /** * Add the given field to this index. * @param name */ public field(name: string): this { if ( this.fields.has(name) ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.fields.add(name) return this } /** * Remove the given field from this index. * @param name * @protected */ protected removeField(name: string): this { if ( !this.fields.has(name) ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.removedFields.add(name) this.fields.delete(name) return this } /** * Make this a primary-key index. */ primary(): this { if ( this.shouldBePrimary ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.shouldBePrimary = true return this } /** * Make this a unique index. */ unique(): this { if ( this.shouldBeUnique ) { return this } this.dirty = true this.shouldBeUnique = true return this } protected cloneInstance(): this { return new IndexBuilder(, this.parent) as this } } /** * Builder to specify the schema of a table. */ export class TableBuilder extends SchemaBuilderBase { /** * Mapping of column name to column schemata. * @protected */ protected columns: {[key: string]: ColumnBuilder} = {} /** * Mapping of index name to index schemata. * @protected */ protected indexes: {[key: string]: IndexBuilder} = {} /** * Mapping of constraint name to constraint schemata. * @protected */ protected constraints: {[key: string]: ConstraintBuilder} = {} public cloneTo(newBuilder: this): this { super.cloneTo(newBuilder) newBuilder.columns = {...this.columns} newBuilder.indexes = {...this.indexes} newBuilder.constraints = {...this.constraints} return newBuilder } /** * Get the columns defined on this table. */ public getColumns(): {[key: string]: ColumnBuilder} { return { ...this.columns, } } /** * Get the indices defined on this table. */ public getIndexes(): {[key: string]: IndexBuilder} { return { ...this.indexes, } } /** * Get the constraints defined on this table. */ public getConstraints(): {[key: string]: ConstraintBuilder} { return { ...this.constraints, } } /** * Mark a column to be dropped. * @param name */ public dropColumn(name: string): this { this.dirty = true this.column(name).drop() return this } /** * Mark a column to be renamed. * @param from * @param to */ public renameColumn(from: string, to: string): this { this.column(from).rename(to) return this } /** * Mark an index to be dropped. * @param name */ public dropIndex(name: string): this { this.dirty = true this.index(name).drop() return this } /** * Mark an index to be renamed. * @param from * @param to */ public renameIndex(from: string, to: string): this { this.index(from).rename(to) return this } /** * Add a column to this table. * @param name * @param callback */ public column(name: string, callback?: ParameterizedCallback): ColumnBuilder { if ( !this.columns[name] ) { this.dirty = true this.columns[name] = new ColumnBuilder(name, this) } if ( callback ) { callback(this.columns[name]) } return this.columns[name] } /** * Add an index to this table. * @param name * @param callback */ public index(name: string, callback?: ParameterizedCallback): IndexBuilder { if ( !this.indexes[name] ) { this.dirty = true this.indexes[name] = new IndexBuilder(name, this) } if ( callback ) { callback(this.indexes[name]) } return this.indexes[name] } /** * Add a constraint to this table. * @param name * @param callback */ public constraint(name: string, callback?: ParameterizedCallback): ConstraintBuilder { if ( !this.constraints[name] ) { this.dirty = true this.constraints[name] = new ConstraintBuilder(name, this) } if ( callback ) { callback(this.constraints[name]) } return this.constraints[name] } /** * Generate a programmatically-incrementing constraint name. * @param suffix * @protected */ protected getNextAvailableConstraintName(suffix: ConstraintType): string { let current = 1 let name = `${}_${current}_${suffix}` while ( this.constraints[name] ) { current += 1 name = `${}_${current}_${suffix}` } return name } /** * Add a new check constraint with the given expression. * @param expression */ public check(expression: string | QuerySafeValue): this { const name = this.getNextAvailableConstraintName(ConstraintType.Check) this.constraint(name) .type(ConstraintType.Check) .expression(expression) return this } /** * Add a new unique constraint for the given fields. * @param fields */ public unique(...fields: string[]): this { // First, check if an existing constraint exists with these fields for ( const key in this.constraints ) { if ( !, key) ) { continue } if ( this.constraints[key].getType() !== ConstraintType.Unique ) { continue } const existingFields = collect(this.constraints[key].getFields()) const intersection = existingFields.intersect(fields) if ( existingFields.length === fields.length && intersection.length === fields.length ) { return this } } // If an existing constraint can't satisfy this, create a new one const name = this.getNextAvailableConstraintName(ConstraintType.Unique) this.constraint(name) .type(ConstraintType.Unique) .tap(constraint => { fields.forEach(field => constraint.field(field)) }) return this } /** * Add a primary key (column & index) to this table. * @param name * @param type */ public primaryKey(name: string, type: FieldType = FieldType.serial): ColumnBuilder { this.dirty = true return this.column(name) .type(type) .primary() } protected cloneInstance(): this { return new TableBuilder( as this } }