import {HTTPKernelModule} from "../HTTPKernelModule" import {HTTPKernel} from "../HTTPKernel" import * as Busboy from "busboy" import {Request} from "../../lifecycle/Request" import {infer, uuid_v4} from "@extollo/util" import {Files} from "../../../service/Files" import {Config} from "../../../service/Config" import {Logging} from "../../../service/Logging" import {Injectable, Inject, Container} from "@extollo/di" @Injectable() export class ParseIncomingBodyHTTPModule extends HTTPKernelModule { static register(kernel: HTTPKernel) { const files = Container.getContainer().make(Files) const logging = Container.getContainer().make(Logging) if ( !files.hasFilesystem() ) { logging.warn(`No default filesystem is configured. This means request files will not be uploaded.`) } kernel.register(this).first() } @Inject() protected readonly files!: Files @Inject() protected readonly config!: Config @Inject() protected readonly logging!: Logging public async apply(request: Request): Promise { if ( !request.getHeader('content-type') ) return request const config = this.config.get('server.uploads', {}) await new Promise((res, rej) => { const busboy = new Busboy({ headers: request.toNative().headers, }) busboy.on('field', (field, val) => { request.parsedInput[field] = infer(val) }) busboy.on('file', async (field, file, filename, encoding, mimetype) => { if ( !this.files.hasFilesystem() ) return if ( !config?.enable ) { this.logging.warn(`Skipping uploaded file '${filename}' because uploading is disabled. Set the server.uploads.enable config to allow uploads.`) file.resume() return } if ( config?.filter?.mimetype ) { const rex = new RegExp(config.filter.mimetype) if ( !rex.test(mimetype) ) { this.logging.debug(`Skipping uploaded file '${filename}' because the mimetype does not match the configured filter: (${config.filter.mimetype} -> ${mimetype})`) file.resume() return } } if ( config?.filter?.filename ) { const rex = new RegExp(config.filter.filename) if ( !rex.test(filename) ) { this.logging.debug(`Skipping uploaded file '${filename}' because the file name does not match the configured filter: (${config.filter.filename} -> ${filename})`) file.resume() return } } const fs = this.files.getFilesystem() const storePath = `${config.filesystemPrefix ? config.filesystemPrefix : ''}${(config.filesystemPrefix && !config.filesystemPrefix.endsWith('/')) ? '/' : ''}${field}-${uuid_v4()}` this.logging.verbose(`Uploading file in field ${field} to ${fs.getPrefix()}${storePath}`) file.pipe(await fs.putStoreFileAsStream({ storePath })) // FIXME might need to revisit this to ensure we don't res() before pipe finishes request.uploadedFiles[field] = request.parsedInput[field] = fs.getPath(storePath) }) busboy.on('finish', () => { this.logging.debug(`Parsed body input: ${JSON.stringify(request.parsedInput)}`) res() }) busboy.on('error', rej) request.toNative().pipe(busboy) }) return request } }