import { expect } from 'chai' import * as sinon from 'sinon' import { withTimeout } from '../../../lib' const timeoutPromise = (timeout: number) => new Promise(res => { setTimeout(res, timeout) }) describe('util -> support -> timeout -> withTimeout', () => { it('should call the on-time subscriber when promise resolves', async () => { const onTimeSpy = sinon.spy() const lateSpy = sinon.spy() const timeoutSpy = sinon.spy() await withTimeout(100, timeoutPromise(50)) .onTime(onTimeSpy) .late(lateSpy) .timeout(timeoutSpy) .run() await timeoutPromise(100) expect(onTimeSpy.callCount).to.equal(1) expect(timeoutSpy.callCount).to.equal(0) expect(lateSpy.callCount).to.equal(0) }) it('should call the late and timeout subscribers when promise resolves late', async () => { const onTimeSpy = sinon.spy() const lateSpy = sinon.spy() const timeoutSpy = sinon.spy() await withTimeout(50, timeoutPromise(100)) .onTime(onTimeSpy) .late(lateSpy) .timeout(timeoutSpy) .run() await timeoutPromise(100) expect(onTimeSpy.callCount).to.equal(0) expect(timeoutSpy.callCount).to.equal(1) expect(lateSpy.callCount).to.equal(1) }) it('should resolve the run() promise when the promise completes', async () => { const runSpy = sinon.spy() await withTimeout(50, timeoutPromise(10)) .run() .then(runSpy) await timeoutPromise(100) expect(runSpy.callCount) }) })