import {Connection, ConnectionNotReadyError} from './Connection' import {Client} from 'pg' import {Inject} from '../../di' import {QueryResult} from '../types' import {Awaitable, collect} from '../../util' import {SQLDialect} from '../dialect/SQLDialect' import {PostgreSQLDialect} from '../dialect/PostgreSQLDialect' import {Logging} from '../../service/Logging' import {Schema} from '../schema/Schema' import {PostgresSchema} from '../schema/PostgresSchema' /** * Type interface representing the config for a PostgreSQL connection. */ export interface PostgresConnectionConfig { user: string, host: string, database: string, password?: string, port?: string, } /** * An implementation of a database Connection for dealing with PostgreSQL servers. */ export class PostgresConnection extends Connection { @Inject() protected readonly logging!: Logging /** The `pg` database client. */ protected client?: Client public dialect(): SQLDialect { return } public async init(): Promise { this.logging.debug(`Initializing PostgreSQL connection ${}...`) this.client = new Client(this.config) await this.client.connect() } public async close(): Promise { this.logging.debug(`Closing PostgreSQL connection ${}...`) if ( this.client ) { await this.client.end() } } public async query(query: string): Promise { if ( !this.client ) { throw new ConnectionNotReadyError(, { config: JSON.stringify(this.config) }) } this.logging.verbose(`Executing query in connection ${}: \n${query.split('\n').map(x => ' ' + x) .join('\n')}`) try { const result = await this.client.query(query) await this.queryExecuted(query) return { rows: collect(result.rows), rowCount: result.rowCount, } } catch (e) { throw, { query, connection:, }) } } public async asTransaction(closure: () => Awaitable): Promise { if ( !this.client ) { throw new ConnectionNotReadyError(, { config: JSON.stringify(this.config) }) } await this.client.query('BEGIN') const result = await closure() await this.client.query('COMMIT') return result } public schema(name?: string): Schema { return new PostgresSchema(this, name) } }