import { UDPServer } from './server/UDPServer'; import { RadiusService } from './radius/RadiusService'; import * as config from '../config'; import { Authentication } from './auth'; import { IAuthentication } from './types/Authentication'; import { startTLSServer } from './tls/crypt'; /* test node version */ const testSocket = startTLSServer(); if (typeof (testSocket.tls as any).exportKeyingMaterial !== 'function') { console.error(`UNSUPPORTED NODE VERSION (${process.version}) FOUND!!`); console.log('run "sudo npx n nightly" to get nightly build of node js.'); process.exit(-1); } console.log(`Listener Port: ${config.port || 1812}`); console.log(`RADIUS Secret: ${config.secret}`); console.log(`Auth Mode: ${config.authentication}`); (async () => { /* configure auth mechansim */ let auth: IAuthentication; try { const AuthMechanismus = (await import(`./auth/${config.authentication}`))[ config.authentication ]; auth = new AuthMechanismus(config.authenticationOptions); } catch (err) { console.error('cannot load auth mechanismus', config.authentication); throw err; } // start radius server const authentication = new Authentication(auth); const server = new UDPServer(config.port); const radiusService = new RadiusService(config.secret, authentication); server.on('message', async (msg, rinfo) => { const response = await radiusService.handleMessage(msg); if (response) { server.sendToClient(, rinfo.port, rinfo.address, (err, _bytes) => { if (err) { console.log('Error sending response to ', rinfo); } }, response.expectAcknowledgment ); } }); // start server await server.start(); })();