import * as NodeCache from 'node-cache'; import * as events from 'events'; import * as tls from 'tls'; import { createSecureContext } from 'tls'; import * as fs from 'fs'; import * as crypto from 'crypto'; import * as DuplexPair from 'native-duplexpair'; import { makeid } from '../helpers'; // const tlsOptions = { cert: fs.readFileSync('./ssl/public-cert.pem'), key: fs.readFileSync('./ssl/private-key.pem'), ecdhCurve: 'auto' }; const secureContext = createSecureContext(tlsOptions); export const openTLSSockets = new NodeCache({ useClones: false, stdTTL: 3600 }); // keep sockets for about one hour export function startTLSServer(): events.EventEmitter { const duplexpair = new DuplexPair(); const emitter = new events.EventEmitter(); const cleartext = new tls.TLSSocket(duplexpair.socket1, { secureContext, isServer: true }); const encrypted = duplexpair.socket2; emitter.on('send', (data: Buffer) => { encrypted.write(data); // encrypted.sync(); }); encrypted.on('data', (data: Buffer) => { // console.log('encrypted data', data, data.toString()); emitter.emit('response', data); }); cleartext.on('secure', () => { const cipher = cleartext.getCipher(); /* console.log('Authorized', cleartext.authorized); console.log('getTLSTicket', cleartext.getTLSTicket()); console.log('getEphemeralKeyInfo', cleartext.getEphemeralKeyInfo()); console.log('getPeerCertificate', cleartext.getPeerCertificate()); console.log('getSharedSigalgs', cleartext.getSharedSigalgs()); console.log('getCertificate', cleartext.getCertificate()); console.log('getSession', cleartext.getSession()); */ if (cipher) { console.log(`TLS negotiated (${}, ${cipher.version})`); } cleartext.on('data', (data: Buffer) => { // console.log('cleartext data', data, data.toString()); emitter.emit('incoming', data); }); cleartext.once('close', (data: Buffer) => { console.log('cleartext close'); emitter.emit('end'); }); cleartext.on('keylog', line => { console.log('############ KEYLOG #############', line); // cleartext.getTicketKeys() }); console.log('*********** new client connection established / secured ********'); // this.emit('secure', securePair.cleartext); // this.encryptAllFutureTraffic(); }); cleartext.on('error', (err?: Error) => { console.log('cleartext error', err); encrypted.destroy(); cleartext.destroy(err); emitter.emit('end'); }); return emitter; } function md5Hex(buffer: Buffer): Buffer { const hasher = crypto.createHash('md5'); hasher.update(buffer); return hasher.digest(); // new Buffer(hasher.digest("binary"), "binary"); } export function encodeTunnelPW(key: Buffer, authenticator: Buffer, secret: string): Buffer { // see freeradius TTLS implementation how to obtain "key"...... // key should be: // // // but not available in NODE JS console.log('KEY', key); console.log('authenticator', authenticator); console.log('secret', secret); // /** * Salt The Salt field is two octets in length and is used to ensure the uniqueness of the keys used to encrypt each of the encrypted attributes occurring in a given Access-Accept packet. The most significant bit (leftmost) of the Salt field MUST be set (1). The contents of each Salt field in a given Access-Accept packet MUST be unique. */ const salt = Buffer.concat([ // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise Buffer.from((Number(makeid(1)) & 0b10000000).toString()), // ensure left most bit is set (1) Buffer.from(makeid(1)) ]); console.log('salt', salt); // ensure left most bit is set to 1 /* String The plaintext String field consists of three logical sub-fields: the Key-Length and Key sub-fields (both of which are required), and the optional Padding sub-field. The Key-Length sub-field is one octet in length and contains the length of the unencrypted Key sub-field. The Key sub-field contains the actual encryption key. If the combined length (in octets) of the unencrypted Key-Length and Key sub-fields is not an even multiple of 16, then the Padding sub-field MUST be present. If it is present, the length of the Padding sub-field is variable, between 1 and 15 octets. The String field MUST be encrypted as follows, prior to transmission: Construct a plaintext version of the String field by concate- nating the Key-Length and Key sub-fields. If necessary, pad the resulting string until its length (in octets) is an even multiple of 16. It is recommended that zero octets (0x00) be used for padding. Call this plaintext P. */ console.log('key', key.length, key); let P = Buffer.concat([new Uint8Array([key.length]), key]); // + key + padding; // fill up with 0x00 till we have % 16 while (P.length % 16 !== 0) { P = Buffer.concat([P, Buffer.from([0x00])]); } // console.log('PLAINTEXT', P.length, P); /* Call the shared secret S, the pseudo-random 128-bit Request Authenticator (from the corresponding Access-Request packet) R, and the contents of the Salt field A. Break P into 16 octet chunks p(1), p(2)...p(i), where i = len(P)/16. Call the ciphertext blocks c(1), c(2)...c(i) and the final ciphertext C. Intermediate values b(1), b(2)...c(i) are required. Encryption is performed in the following manner ('+' indicates concatenation): */ const p: Buffer[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < P.length; i += 16) { p.push(P.slice(i, i + 16)); } const S = secret; const R = authenticator; const A = salt; // console.log('S', S); // console.log('R', R); // console.log('A', A); // const P = Buffer.alloc(16); let C; const c: { [key: number]: Buffer } = {}; const b: { [key: number]: Buffer } = {}; // console.log('S + R + A', S + R + A); for (let i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { // one octet is 8.. therefore +=2 means next 16 if (!i) { b[i] = md5Hex(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(S), R, A])); } else { b[i] = md5Hex(Buffer.concat([Buffer.from(S), c[i - 1]])); } c[i] = Buffer.alloc(16); // ''; //p[i]; for (let n = 0; n < p[i].length; n++) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-bitwise c[i][n] = p[i][n] ^ b[i][n]; } // console.log('c['+i+']', c[i]); // console.log('b['+i+']', b[i]); C = C ? Buffer.concat([C, c[i]]) : c[i]; } const bufferC = Buffer.from(C); console.log('BUFFER C', bufferC.length, bufferC); return Buffer.concat([salt, bufferC]); /* Zorn Informational [Page 21] RFC 2548 Microsoft Vendor-specific RADIUS Attributes March 1999 b(1) = MD5(S + R + A) c(1) = p(1) xor b(1) C = c(1) b(2) = MD5(S + c(1)) c(2) = p(2) xor b(2) C = C + c(2) . . . . . . b(i) = MD5(S + c(i-1)) c(i) = p(i) xor b(i) C = C + c(i) The resulting encrypted String field will contain c(1)+c(2)+...+c(i). */ }