extends ./theme/public/base block append style link(rel='stylesheet' href='/style-asset/welcome.css') block masthead h1.font-weight-light #{_app && _app.name || 'Starship CoreID'} p.lead Centralized, self-hosted, modern identity services. block append content section.py-5#about .container h2.font-weight-light What is #{_app && _app.name || 'Starship CoreID'}? p | #{_app && _app.name || 'CoreID'} is a self-hosted, open-source identity server designed for | people who self-host various applications. With its built-in OAuth2, LDAP, and SAML servers | and self-service password & admin panel, #{_app && _app.name || 'CoreID'} gives you the ability | to easily integrate a single-sign-on solution into your self-hosting infrastructure without | jumping through hoops to make it work. You can learn more here.