import { Component } from '../../../lib/vues6/vues6.js' import { session } from '../../service/Session.service.js' import { password_service } from '../../service/Password.service.js' import { auth_api } from '../../service/AuthApi.service.js' import { location_service } from '../../service/Location.service.js' import { message_service } from '../../service/Message.service.js' import { utility } from '../../service/Utility.service.js' import { profile_service } from '../../service/Profile.service.js' const template = `
Profile Image

{{ profile_first }} {{ profile_last }}

{{ profile_tagline }}
` export default class EditProfileComponent extends Component { static get selector() { return 'coreid-profile-edit' } static get template() { return template } static get props() { return ['user_id'] } profile_first = '' profile_last = '' profile_email = '' profile_tagline = '' last_reset = '' mfa_enable_date = '' form_message = 'No changes.' has_mfa = false ready = false app_passwords = [] on_key_up = ($event) => {} vue_on_create() { this.app_name = session.get('') this.load().then(() => { this.ready = true }) const save = utility.debounce(this.save_form.bind(this)) this.on_key_up = () => { this.form_message = 'Saving...' save() } } get_submit_data() { return { first_name: this.profile_first, last_name: this.profile_last, email: this.profile_email, tagline: this.profile_tagline, user_id: this.user_id || 'me', } } on_profile_change_click() { this.$ } async on_profile_photo_upload() { this.$refs.profile_photo_uploader.close() let src = this.$ if ( src.indexOf('?') > 0 ) src = src.split('?')[0] this.$ = `${src}?i=${(new Date).getTime()}` } valid_email() { return this.$refs.email_input.validity.valid } async save_form($event) { const submit_data = this.get_submit_data() try { if ( !this.valid_email() ) { this.form_message = 'Invalid e-mail address.' } else { await profile_service.update_profile(submit_data) this.form_message = 'All changes saved.' } } catch(e) { this.form_message = 'Unknown error occurred while saving.' } } populate_from_session() { this.profile_first = session.get('user.first_name') this.profile_last = session.get('user.last_name') this.profile_email = session.get('') this.profile_tagline = session.get('user.tagline') } async load() { const result = await profile_service.get_profile(this.user_id || 'me') if ( !result ) throw new Error('Unable to load profile!') this.profile_first = result.first_name this.profile_last = result.last_name this.profile_email = this.profile_tagline = result.tagline if ( !this.user_id || this.user_id === 'me' ) { const reset = (await password_service.get_resets()).reverse()[0] if (reset && reset.reset_on) { this.last_reset = (new Date(reset.reset_on)).toLocaleDateString() } const mfa = await auth_api.has_mfa() this.has_mfa = mfa && mfa.mfa_enabled if (this.has_mfa) this.mfa_enable_date = (new Date(mfa.mfa_enable_date)).toLocaleDateString() await this.load_app_passwords() } } async load_app_passwords() { let app_pws = await auth_api.app_passwords() if ( !Array.isArray(app_pws) ) app_pws = [] this.app_passwords = => { if ( x.expires ) x.expires = (new Date(x.expires)).toLocaleDateString() if ( x.created ) x.created = (new Date(x.created)).toLocaleDateString() return x }) } disable_mfa() { location_service.redirect('/auth/mfa/disable') } enable_mfa() { location_service.redirect('/auth/mfa/setup') } change_password() { location_service.redirect('/password/reset') } on_click_generate_app_password() { this.$refs.app_password_modal.trigger() } async deactivate_app_password($event, pw) { message_service.modal({ title: 'Deactivate app password?', message: `You are about to deactivate the app password for ${}. If you do this, ${} will no longer be able to sign-in on your behalf. Continue?`, buttons: [ { text: 'Cancel', type: 'close', }, { text: 'Deactivate', type: 'close', class: ['btn', 'btn-danger'], on_click: async () => { await auth_api.delete_app_password(pw.uuid) await this.load_app_passwords() }, }, ], }) } }