import { Component } from '../../lib/vues6/vues6.js' import { action_service } from '../service/Action.service.js' import { message_service } from '../service/Message.service.js' import { resource_service } from '../service/Resource.service.js' const template = `

{{ access_msg }}

{{ resource_class.plural }}

# {{ }}
{{ index + 1 }} {{ col.renderer(row[col.field]) }} {{ row[col.field] ? 'Yes' : 'No' }} {{ col.field in row ? row[col.field] : '-' }}
` export default class ListingComponent extends Component { static get selector() { return 'cobalt-listing' } static get template() { return template } static get props() { return ['resource'] } definition = {} data = [] resource_class = {} access_msg = '' can_access = false async vue_on_create() { // Load the resource this.resource_class = await resource_service.get(this.resource) // Make sure we have permission if ( !(await this.resource_class.can('list')) ) { this.access_msg = 'Sorry, you do not have permission to view this resource.' this.can_access = false return } else { this.access_msg = '' this.can_access = true } await this.load() } async load() { this.definition = this.resource_class.listing_definition = await this.resource_class.list() } async perform($event, action, row = undefined) { if ( action.confirm ) { message_service.modal({ title: 'Are you sure?', message: `You are about to ${action.action}${row ? ' this '+this.resource_class.item : ''}. Do you want to continue?`, buttons: [ { text: 'Cancel', type: 'close', }, { text: 'Continue', class: ['btn', 'btn-primary'], type: 'close', on_click: async () => { await action_service.perform({...action, resource: this.resource, ...(row ? {id:} : {})}) await this.load() }, }, ], }) } else { await action_service.perform({...action, resource: this.resource, ...(row ? {id:} : {})}) await this.load() } } }