module.exports = exports = { application_not_found: 'Application not found with that ID.', application_already_exists: 'An Application with that identifier already exists.', group_not_found: 'Group not found with that ID.', group_already_exists: 'A group with that name already exists.', user_not_found: 'User not found with that ID.', invalid_ldap_client_id: 'Invalid ldap_client_id:', invalid_oauth_client_id: 'Invalid oauth_client_id:', invalid_saml_service_provider_id: 'Invalid saml_service_provider_id:', insufficient_permissions: 'Insufficient permissions.', missing_field: { one: 'Missing required field:', many: 'Missing one or more required fields:', }, improper_field: 'Improperly formatted field:', alphanum_underscores: '(alphanumeric/underscores)', provide_one: 'Please provide one of:', must_one: 'Must be one of:', }