const LDAPController = require('./LDAPController') const LDAP = require('ldapjs') class UsersController extends LDAPController { static get services() { return [, 'output', 'ldap_server', 'models'] } async search_people(req, res, next) { global.ireq = req } async bind(req, res, next) { const auth_dn = this.ldap_server.auth_dn() // Make sure the DN is valid if ( !req.dn.childOf(auth_dn) ) { return next(new LDAP.InvalidCredentialsError()) } // Get the user const user = await this.get_user_from_dn(req.dn) if ( !user ) { return next(new LDAP.InvalidCredentialsError()) } // Make sure the password matches the user record if ( !await user.check_password(req.credentials) ) { return next(new LDAP.InvalidCredentialsError()) } // Make sure the user has permission to bind if ( !user.can('ldap:bind') ) { return next(new LDAP.InsufficientAccessRightsError()) } this.output.success(`Successfully bound user ${user.uid} as DN: ${req.dn.format({skipSpace: true})}.`) return res.end() } get_uid_from_dn(dn) { const uid_field = this.ldap_server.config.schema.auth.user_id try { if ( typeof dn === 'string' ) dn = LDAP.parseDN(dn) return dn.rdns[0].attrs[uid_field].value } catch (e) {} } async get_user_from_dn(dn) { const uid = this.get_uid_from_dn(dn) if ( uid ) { const User = this.models.get('auth:User') return User.findOne({uid}) } } } module.exports = exports = UsersController